Ip on the diferent apps on Tomcat

2006-06-15 Thread Julio Rios

Hello I have one machine with this release:

Información de Servidor
Versión de Tomcat: Apache Tomcat/5.5.17
Versión JVM: 1.4.2_01-b06
Vendedor JVM: Sun Microsystems Inc.
Nombre de SO: Windows XP
Versión de SO: 5.1
Arquitectura de SO: x86

In this server I have two application and one web server using axis.

I want to restrict by Ip the apps and web service. It is possible?


App1, I want that only the net / 24 can access it

App2, I want that only the next nets / 24 and / 24

Webservice, I want that only the next Ip can access it ( / 32 and / 32)

Best regards, Julio.

Only a Ip's set in application TOMCAT

2006-06-09 Thread Julio Rios

Hello, I have a Tomcat with these releases:

Versión de Tomcat: Apache Tomcat/5.5.17
Versión JVM: 1.4.2_01-b06
Nombre de SO: Windows XP

I have two applications and one web services (axis)

I like to do the tomcat filter by Ip in my applications and my web service.

For example:

App1 only can acces from and
App2 can acces from and the next Ip
WebService can access only from and

It is possible?

Do you any idea where I have to change the Tomcat conf?

Best regrads, Julio.