Re: Monitoring production tomcat

2011-02-03 Thread M . H . G . Emmerig


Maybe Tcat from mulesoft is something to look into



 Adam Lipscombe
 adam.lipscombe@g  To 
 03-02-2011 10:57   cc
 Please respond to Monitoring production tomcat
   Tomcat Users   


We have a several production servers, each of which runs 1 instance of
tomcat. Within each instance of tomcat there are approximately 10
virtual websites. Each virtual website runs a copy of our web app.
Therefore each server hosts @ 10 instances of our web app

On a couple of the servers we are having problems with tomcat running
out of memory and sometimes dropping the JDBC link to the MYSQL database
We usually restart tomcat, which of course cures the issues. However
doing do affects every virtual site and therefore is not ideal from our
customer's perspective.

We have been looking at this problem for some time, however it is very
difficult to determine what is causing these problems. Very likely
something in out webapp.

What would help is some kind of management or monitoring facility
that allows us to see which virtual site is getting into trouble.
Ideally it should give enough information to help us track down what is
causing the issue. Memory usage per site, thread view etc.

Can anyone recommend anything that can do this? Commercial or free?

Many thanks - Adam

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tomcat shows intermittent error page and good page for jsp

2011-01-19 Thread M . H . G . Emmerig


We have the following situation on tomcat 6.0.29

First  we deploy a good jsp and tomcat shows it correctly.
Then we introduce an intentional error in the jsp to test the error page we
want to display.
What happens is the application shows the error page, but when we refresh
the page it shows the good jsp.
And does this a couple of times after which it shows a couple of times the
error page again and so on.
In the logfiles I can see that tomcat is not able to compile the defective
jsp as expected.

What is going on here?

greetz, Milko

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Re: tomcat shows intermittent error page and good page for jsp

2011-01-19 Thread M . H . G . Emmerig

But if it is caching why does it first show the error page as it should?
And then the previous version of the jsp again.

Could it be that the original jsp is still in memory and gets replaced only
when the new version is compiled correctly?


 Mark Thomas 
   Tomcat Users List   
 19-01-2011 14:58   
 Please respond to Subject
   Tomcat Users   Re: tomcat shows intermittent error
   List   page and good page for jsp  

On 19/01/2011 13:56, wrote:


 We have the following situation on tomcat 6.0.29

 First  we deploy a good jsp and tomcat shows it correctly.
 Then we introduce an intentional error in the jsp to test the error page
 want to display.
 What happens is the application shows the error page, but when we refresh
 the page it shows the good jsp.
 And does this a couple of times after which it shows a couple of times
 error page again and so on.
 In the logfiles I can see that tomcat is not able to compile the
 jsp as expected.

 What is going on here?



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problem with dynamic code in jsp

2011-01-19 Thread M . H . G . Emmerig


We are running tomcat 6.0.29 with tridion broker

We have a jsp with code inside that dynamically fetches data from a
When we put a changed jsp in place it gets compiled and shows the fetched
data from the database.
When we change the data in the database and refresh the page, the changed
data is not displayed.
Only a republish of the jsp or a restart of tomcat will display the changed
data from the database.

Could this be a caching problem with tomcat?
if so; how do we prevent this caching from happening?
if not, what could be the source of the problem then?

greetz, Milko

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Re: [OT] re : spam

2010-11-18 Thread M . H . G . Emmerig

It is not just you. I received some emails from ed as well.


 André Warnier   
 18-11-2010 12:04  Tomcat Users List   
 Please respond to 
   Tomcat Users   Subject
   List   [OT] re : spam  

I am starting to receive quite a bit of spam from a guy named Ed about
career moves etc..
Somehow it seems to originate from (or maybe simply mention) the tomcat
users list as a
reply-to.  I have also seen at least one message like that in the list
Anything that should/can be done about this ?  Does it mean that someone
harvested the
list of subscribers to the list, or worse ?

Or is it just me ?

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Re: Why an email list, and not a forum?

2010-09-23 Thread M . H . G . Emmerig

I agree. A forum would be more practical.
It is much easier reading all postings on a topic.
I find myself clearing my tomcat users list inbox every morning, while on
forums I visit I check out the new or updated topics.
The forums these days let you subscribe to topics or complete forums and
send you a notification when a new topic gets started or updated.

regards, Milko

 bbprefix-m...@ya   To   
 24-09-2010 02:19   cc
 Please respond to Why an email list, and not a forum?
   Tomcat Users   


Just a thought: Why is this support taking place in an email list, instead
aof a web based forum?

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