I'm working with a set of webapps running on Tomcat 6.0.20 that use
java.util.logging (aka JDK1.4 Logging) for legacy reasons.  Since the
webapps each have their own logging configuration, I followed the
instructions on the Tomcat logging page (
http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/logging.html) and started using
ClassLoaderLogManager.  Things work great at startup, but we have some code
that modifies the logging.properties file for a webapp and then calls
LogManager.getLogManager().readConfiguration(), expecting that to reload the
file.  Neither that method nor the readConfiguration(InputStream) version
seem to have any effect, but the changes to the file work if I restart
Tomcat.  Any suggestions?  Does it sound like I'm doing something wrong or
missing a step?

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