Ok, first email in this listserv so please forgive me if I forget anything.

Problem: Everything works perfectly when accessing through localhost. However, when I try to go through the net (domain name), instead of displaying the website created in .jsp it simply displays the code.

Background: I ran the tomcat server by itself for quite some time without any problems, but now I need the functionality of a full-fledged http server so I'm adding apache and connecting them together with mod_jk. Only things changed in the tomcat setup is what the guide asked to be added.
Guide used: http://mpcon.org/apacheguide/jsp.php

System: Windows 2003
Apache 2.0.55
Tomcat 5.5.9
mod_jk 1.2.15

If the files themselves are needed (although they are pretty much whats on the guide) let me know. Please help.


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