Re: GoDaddy SSL certificate not working with Tomcat9

2023-03-21 Thread Ralph Grove
Follow-up to this thread: 

I found the problem, which was my own mistake. I failed to enter the correct 
domain name when creating the keystone. After going back through the entire 
process again, with the correct domain name, the server is up and running 
again. Thanks, nevertheless, for the help.


> On Mar 21, 2023, at 6:38 AM, Ralph Grove  wrote:
>>> I set up the server last year and installed the SSL certificate with no 
>>> problem. This year, after the original certificate expired, I downloaded 
>>> the new certificate provided by GoDaddy, removed the old certificate files 
>>> from the keystore, and installed the new ones. Now Tomcat is throwing a 
>>> " jsse.alias_no_key_entry" exception when it tries to 
>>> open the HTTPS connector. I also tried rebuilding the keystore from scratch 
>>> and requesting a new certificate, but am getting the same exception with 
>>> that certificate.
>>> These are the commands I used to obtain and install the certificate:
>>> sudo keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore keystore.jks
>>> sudo keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -file certreq.csr -keystore 
>>> keystore.jks
>>> (--request and obtain certificate files from GoDaddy--)
>> Did you run the commands below on the same keystore file you created in the 
>> first command above?
> Yes - it was the same file. I went through the commands twice, just to be 
> sure.
>>> sudo keytool -import -alias root -keystore keystore.jks -trustcacerts -file 
>>> gdcerts/gdroot-g2.crt
>>> sudo keytool -import -alias inter -keystore keystore.jks -trustcacerts 
>>> -file gdcerts/gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt
>>> sudo keytool -import -alias tomcat -keystore keystore.jks -file 
>>> gdcerts/.crt
>> What is the output of:
>> keytool -list -v -keystore keystore.jks
> > sudo keytool -list -v -keystore keystore.jks...

Re: GoDaddy SSL certificate not working with Tomcat9

2023-03-21 Thread Ralph Grove

> On Mar 21, 2023, at 4:25 AM, Mark Thomas  wrote:
> On 21/03/2023 01:09, Ralph Grove wrote:
>> I'm having a problem installing a new SSL certificate on a GoDaddy-hosted 
>> server running Tomcat. Any suggestions for resolving it would be appreciated.
>> I set up the server last year and installed the SSL certificate with no 
>> problem. This year, after the original certificate expired, I downloaded the 
>> new certificate provided by GoDaddy, removed the old certificate files from 
>> the keystore, and installed the new ones. Now Tomcat is throwing a 
>> " jsse.alias_no_key_entry" exception when it tries to 
>> open the HTTPS connector. I also tried rebuilding the keystore from scratch 
>> and requesting a new certificate, but am getting the same exception with 
>> that certificate.
>> These are the commands I used to obtain and install the certificate:
>> sudo keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore keystore.jks
>> sudo keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -file certreq.csr -keystore 
>> keystore.jks
>> (--request and obtain certificate files from GoDaddy--)
> Did you run the commands below on the same keystore file you created in the 
> first command above?

Yes - it was the same file. I went through the commands twice, just to be sure.
>> sudo keytool -import -alias root -keystore keystore.jks -trustcacerts -file 
>> gdcerts/gdroot-g2.crt
>> sudo keytool -import -alias inter -keystore keystore.jks -trustcacerts -file 
>> gdcerts/gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt
>> sudo keytool -import -alias tomcat -keystore keystore.jks -file 
>> gdcerts/.crt
> What is the output of:
> keytool -list -v -keystore keystore.jks

> sudo keytool -list -v -keystore keystore.jks
Enter keystore password:  
Keystore type: PKCS12
Keystore provider: SUN

Your keystore contains 3 entries

Alias name: inter
Creation date: Mar 21, 2023
Entry type: trustedCertEntry

Owner: CN=Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2, 
OU=, O=", Inc.", L=Scottsdale, 
ST=Arizona, C=US
Issuer: CN=Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2, O=", Inc.", 
L=Scottsdale, ST=Arizona, C=US
Serial number: 7
Valid from: Tue May 03 03:00:00 EDT 2011 until: Sat May 03 03:00:00 EDT 2031
Certificate fingerprints:
 SHA1: 27:AC:93:69:FA:F2:52:07:BB:26:27:CE:FA:CC:BE:4E:F9:C3:19:B8
Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
Subject Public Key Algorithm: 2048-bit RSA key
Version: 3


#1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
AuthorityInfoAccess [
   accessMethod: ocsp
   accessLocation: URIName:

#2: ObjectId: Criticality=false
AuthorityKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
: 3A 9A 85 07 10 67 28 B6   EF F6 BD 05 41 6E 20 C1  :g(.An .
0010: 94 DA 0F DE

#3: ObjectId: Criticality=true

#4: ObjectId: Criticality=false
CRLDistributionPoints [

#5: ObjectId: Criticality=false
CertificatePolicies [
  [CertificatePolicyId: []
[PolicyQualifierInfo: [
  qualifier: : 16 25 68 74 74 70 73 3A   2F 2F 63 65 72 74 73 2E  
0010: 67 6F 64 61 64 64 79 2E   63 6F 6D 2F 72 65 70 6F
0020: 73 69 74 6F 72 79 2F   sitory/

]]  ]

#6: ObjectId: Criticality=true
KeyUsage [

#7: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
: 40 C2 BD 27 8E CC 34 83   30 A2 33 D7 FB 6C B3 F0  @..'..4.0.3..l..
0010: B4 2C 80 CE.,..


Alias name: root
Creation date: Mar 21, 2023
Entry type: trustedCertEntry

Owner: CN=Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2, O=", Inc.", 
L=Scottsdale, ST=Arizona, C=US
Issuer: CN=Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2, O=", Inc.", 
L=Scottsdale, ST=Arizona, C=US
Serial number: 0
Valid from: Mon Aug 31 20:00:00 EDT 2009 until: Thu Dec 31 18:59:59 EST 2037
Certificate fingerprints:
 SHA1: 47:BE:AB:C9:22:EA:E8:0E:78:78:34:62:A7:9F:45:C2:54:FD:E6:8B
Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
Subject Public Key Algorithm: 2048-bit RSA key
Version: 3


#1: ObjectId: Criticality=true

GoDaddy SSL certificate not working with Tomcat9

2023-03-20 Thread Ralph Grove
I'm having a problem installing a new SSL certificate on a GoDaddy-hosted 
server running Tomcat. Any suggestions for resolving it would be appreciated.

I set up the server last year and installed the SSL certificate with no 
problem. This year, after the original certificate expired, I downloaded the 
new certificate provided by GoDaddy, removed the old certificate files from the 
keystore, and installed the new ones. Now Tomcat is throwing a 
" jsse.alias_no_key_entry" exception when it tries to open 
the HTTPS connector. I also tried rebuilding the keystore from scratch and 
requesting a new certificate, but am getting the same exception with that 

These are the commands I used to obtain and install the certificate:

sudo keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore keystore.jks

sudo keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -file certreq.csr -keystore 

(--request and obtain certificate files from GoDaddy--)

sudo keytool -import -alias root -keystore keystore.jks -trustcacerts -file 

sudo keytool -import -alias inter -keystore keystore.jks -trustcacerts -file 

sudo keytool -import -alias tomcat -keystore keystore.jks -file 


And this is the Tomcat configuration for the connector:







RE: allowHostHeaderMismatch option only works if the Host Header has an http or https prefix

2022-05-27 Thread Ralph Atallah
Hi Chris,

I suspect that if we were to take the time to set up a proxy, according to 
RFC7230, we would be able to get the absolute-form to reach the Tomcat code and 
in that case, based on reading the AbostractHttp11Processor class, I suspect 
the allowHostHeaderMismatch will kick in and will behave correctly.  So I doubt 
that there is a bug to report at this stage, at least not from my observation.

However, I wonder what all of this means.  Could it be that the Host header 
injection or Host header attack issue can only occur when absolute-form is 
used, i.e. mostly when proxies are set up?  Both you and Mark stated that with 
origin-form there is nothing to compare the Host header to, which makes sense.  
Any thoughts on this assessment?


-Original Message-
From: Christopher Schultz  
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2022 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: allowHostHeaderMismatch option only works if the Host Header has 
an http or https prefix

WARNING: This email originated from outside of CallMiner. Do not click any 
links or open any attachments unless you recognize the sender and know that the 
content is safe. Please report suspicious emails to: 


On 5/27/22 3:13 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
> On 27/05/2022 02:00, Ralph Atallah wrote:
>> Hi Mark,
>> Thanks again for the prompt response.
>> You wrote below:  "If the original request only has a Host header, 
>> then allowHostHeaderMismatch="false" isn't going to do anything 
>> because there is no mismatch.".  I am not clear on what this means.
>> What should the match be between?  I thought the comparison for the 
>> match was between the URL's hostname, i.e. "" in the 
>> URL, and the Host header value which is 
>> "".  If that understanding is incorrect, please point me 
>> in the right direction of what it should be.
> The check is that the host in the request URI (if present) is 
> consistent with the Host header. Nothing more, nothing less.
> HTTP requests may or may not include the host in the request URI.
> The host named in the the headers of an HTTP request is completely 
> independent of the host name used to establish the connection to the 
> web server.
>> The AbstractHttp11Processor class does not get to the 
>> allowHostHeaderMismatch detection code because the uriBC (URI
>> ByteChunk) that it reads is expecting an absolute URL 
>> (, but instead, it is getting a relative one 
>> /myapp.  The reason I say the code expects an absolute URL is because 
>> it checks for and "http" string at the beginning.  This makes me 
>> wonder whether there is a setting that controls that URI format, 
>> absolute or relative.
> Your understanding of the HTTP protocol is flawed. You may wish to 
> read RFC 7230. Specifically:
> and
> Requests with the URI in origin-form do not include a host in the URI.
> The purpose of allowHostHeaderMismatch is to ensure that when the 
> request URI is in absolute-form that the request URI is consistent 
> with the Host header.
>> Regarding the addition of a filter that you propose, we have an 
>> existing one in our application, but by the time it is reached, the 
>> URL that we see is already, i.e. already 
>> "redirected".
> There has been no redirect. The URI reported is a combination of the 
> Host header and request URI received.
>>  Technically we could check there against a whitelist, but this would 
>> make the solution less out-of-the box, and more needy of user 
>> configuration in our app.  We prefer an out-of-the-box secure solution.
>> Any thoughts on the above?
> What you want isn't possible.

Actually, I think what Ralph is requesting is exactly what Tomcat is providing 
in the form of allowHostHeaderMismatch (when set to false).

The only problem is that Ralph is saying it's not working because the URI in 
the request doesn't contain a hostname *at all* (because it's optional). So 
there is nothing to check. Browsers don't bother to send the optional 
protocol/hostname/port/etc and instead send the relative URI -- relative to the 
Host header (no coincidentally).

If you (Ralph) can reproduce this with wc or telnet where you can force the URI 
to be absolute *and* provide a conflicting Host header, then I think you have 
grounds for a bug report.

> If you want request

RE: allowHostHeaderMismatch option only works if the Host Header has an http or https prefix

2022-05-27 Thread Ralph Atallah
Hi Mark,

Thank you for your help.  It took some digging to fully understand the nuances 
in your answers below.  Here are some pointers to anyone who experiences the 
same issue in the future and to whom these pointers might be helpful.

1. Although I had previously visited the link to the RFC7230 page re-reading more 
closely and with Mark's emphasis on it highlighted the fact that most of the 
time, the request line will be of the origin-form, while the absolute-form will 
be mainly observed when proxies are used.  This was a very important 
explanation of why we never saw the absolute-form reach the 
AbstractHttp11Processor code in our test environment.

2. "The approach requiring the minimal input from the app and where the 
container does most of the work is the one where you define a Host element in 
server.xml with the name and optional aliases for the host names that are 
acceptable and configure the default host (that handles all requests to other 
hosts) to reject all other requests."   This statement was key to the solution:

Our server.xml looked like this:


We simply had to change the defaultHost value to something else than 
"localhost", i.e. a value that will be rejected  (e.g. "defaulthost").   The 
Host's name as well as any Aliases defined within that tag would be the only 
hosts accepted, whether in the URL request or in the Host header request.   The 
rejection would respond with a 404 Not Found error.


-Original Message-
From: Mark Thomas  
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2022 3:13 AM
Subject: Re: allowHostHeaderMismatch option only works if the Host Header has 
an http or https prefix

WARNING: This email originated from outside of CallMiner. Do not click any 
links or open any attachments unless you recognize the sender and know that the 
content is safe. Please report suspicious emails to: 

On 27/05/2022 02:00, Ralph Atallah wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> Thanks again for the prompt response.
> You wrote below:  "If the original request only has a Host header, then 
> allowHostHeaderMismatch="false" isn't going to do anything because there is 
> no mismatch.".  I am not clear on what this means.  What should the match be 
> between?  I thought the comparison for the match was between the URL's 
> hostname, i.e. "" in the URL, and the 
> Host header value which is "".  If that understanding is 
> incorrect, please point me in the right direction of what it should be.

The check is that the host in the request URI (if present) is consistent with 
the Host header. Nothing more, nothing less.

HTTP requests may or may not include the host in the request URI.

The host named in the the headers of an HTTP request is completely independent 
of the host name used to establish the connection to the web server.

> The AbstractHttp11Processor class does not get to the allowHostHeaderMismatch 
> detection code because the uriBC (URI ByteChunk) that it reads is expecting 
> an absolute URL (, but instead, it is getting a 
> relative one /myapp.  The reason I say the code expects an absolute URL is 
> because it checks for and "http" string at the beginning.  This makes me 
> wonder whether there is a setting that controls that URI format, absolute or 
> relative.

Your understanding of the HTTP protocol is flawed. You may wish to read RFC 
7230. Specifically:

Requests with the URI in origin-form do not include a host in the URI.

The purpose of allowHostHeaderMismatch is to ensure that when the request URI 
is in absolute-form that the request URI is consistent with the Host header.

> Regarding the addition of a filter that you propose, we have an existing one 
> in our application, but by the time it is reached, the URL that we see is 
> already, i.e. already "redirected".

There has been no redirect. The URI reported is a combination of the Host 
header and request URI received.

>  Technically we could check there against a whitelist, but this would make 
> the solution less out-of-the box, and more needy of user configuration in our 
> app.  We prefer an out-of-the-box secure solution.
> Any thoughts on the above?

What you want isn't possible. If you want requests to be rejected unless the 
Host header is on a user defined allow list (presumably the set of DNS names 
defined for the host), then you are going to have to provide a means for the 
user to provide that configuration.

RE: allowHostHeaderMismatch option only works if the Host Header has an http or https prefix

2022-05-26 Thread Ralph Atallah
Hi Mark,

Thanks again for the prompt response. 

You wrote below:  "If the original request only has a Host header, then 
allowHostHeaderMismatch="false" isn't going to do anything because there is no 
mismatch.".  I am not clear on what this means.  What should the match be 
between?  I thought the comparison for the match was between the URL's 
hostname, i.e. "" in the URL, and the Host 
header value which is "".  If that understanding is incorrect, 
please point me in the right direction of what it should be.

The AbstractHttp11Processor class does not get to the allowHostHeaderMismatch 
detection code because the uriBC (URI ByteChunk) that it reads is expecting an 
absolute URL (, but instead, it is getting a relative 
one /myapp.  The reason I say the code expects an absolute URL is because it 
checks for and "http" string at the beginning.  This makes me wonder whether 
there is a setting that controls that URI format, absolute or relative.

Regarding the addition of a filter that you propose, we have an existing one in 
our application, but by the time it is reached, the URL that we see is already, i.e. already "redirected".  Technically we could 
check there against a whitelist, but this would make the solution less 
out-of-the box, and more needy of user configuration in our app.  We prefer an 
out-of-the-box secure solution.

Any thoughts on the above?


-Original Message-
From: Mark Thomas  
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2022 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: allowHostHeaderMismatch option only works if the Host Header has 
an http or https prefix

WARNING: This email originated from outside of CallMiner. Do not click any 
links or open any attachments unless you recognize the sender and know that the 
content is safe. Please report suspicious emails to: 

On 26/05/2022 14:29, Ralph Atallah wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> What we are trying to do is to prevent Host header attacks by ensuring that 
> the host name in the http request URL always matches the "Host" header in the 
> request.  If it does not, we are supposed refuse the request and respond with 
> 400 Bad Request as per OWASP recommendations.   Here are some examples:
> Normal request
> Host:
> Expected response:  200 OK
> Request with a host header attack
> Host:
> Expected response:  400 Bad Request
> The class seems to be doing exactly that in the 
> code snippet below:
> if (allowHostHeaderMismatch) {
>   // The requirements of RFC 2616 are being
>   // applied. If the host header and the request
>   // line do not agree, the request line takes
>   // precedence
>   hostValueMB = headers.setValue("host");
>   hostValueMB.setBytes(uriB, uriBCStart + pos, slashPos - pos);
>   } else {
>// The requirements of RFC 7230 are being
>// applied. If the host header and the request
>// line do not agree, trigger a 400 response.
>   }
> However, this portion of the code is never reached for the reason mentioned 
> in the previous email.
> By the time the request reaches our application, the 
> HttpServletRequest.getRequestURL() returns instead 
> of
> We have enabled the AccessLogValve in server.xml in the hope to see the URL 
> that reaches tomcat, but it seems that we only get the relative URL there, 
> never the absolute one, i.e. we only see /myapp when we print %u for example.
> Any tips in this area would be much appreciated.

If the original request only has a Host header, then
allowHostHeaderMismatch="false" isn't going to do anything because there
is no mismatch.

If you want to reject requests that have a Host header that isn't one
you recognize then there are multiple options:

- write a Filter
- write a Valve
- configure a Host (or several) for the requests you want to allow and
   deploy an ROOT to the default host that rejects everything else.


> Ralph
> -Original Message-
> From: Mark Thomas 
> Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2022 3:24 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: allowHostHeaderMismatch option only works if the Host Header has 
> an http or https prefix
> WARNING: This email originated from outside of CallMiner. Do not click any 
> lin

RE: allowHostHeaderMismatch option only works if the Host Header has an http or https prefix

2022-05-26 Thread Ralph Atallah
Hi Mark,

What we are trying to do is to prevent Host header attacks by ensuring that the 
host name in the http request URL always matches the "Host" header in the 
request.  If it does not, we are supposed refuse the request and respond with 
400 Bad Request as per OWASP recommendations.   Here are some examples:

Normal request
   Expected response:  200 OK 

Request with a host header attack
   Expected response:  400 Bad Request

The class seems to be doing exactly that in the 
code snippet below:

   if (allowHostHeaderMismatch) {
 // The requirements of RFC 2616 are being
 // applied. If the host header and the request
 // line do not agree, the request line takes
 // precedence
 hostValueMB = headers.setValue("host");
 hostValueMB.setBytes(uriB, uriBCStart + pos, slashPos - pos);
 } else {
  // The requirements of RFC 7230 are being
  // applied. If the host header and the request
  // line do not agree, trigger a 400 response.

However, this portion of the code is never reached for the reason mentioned in 
the previous email.

By the time the request reaches our application, the 
HttpServletRequest.getRequestURL() returns instead 
We have enabled the AccessLogValve in server.xml in the hope to see the URL 
that reaches tomcat, but it seems that we only get the relative URL there, 
never the absolute one, i.e. we only see /myapp when we print %u for example.  

Any tips in this area would be much appreciated.

-Original Message-
From: Mark Thomas  
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2022 3:24 AM
Subject: Re: allowHostHeaderMismatch option only works if the Host Header has 
an http or https prefix

WARNING: This email originated from outside of CallMiner. Do not click any 
links or open any attachments unless you recognize the sender and know that the 
content is safe. Please report suspicious emails to: 

On 26/05/2022 02:20, Ralph Atallah wrote:
> Hi,
> We use Tomcat 7.0.109 and Tomcat 8.5 in our Tomcat based webapp deployments 
> and we have a new requirement to prevent Host Header injection.  The 
> allowHostHeaderMismatch option seems the perfect answer to this issue.  
> However, configuring it in our environment, i.e. in the server.xml connector 
> tag still does not seem to make it work.
> Debugging the code, we see that the check for this setting is never even 
> reached in the 
> org.apache.coyote.http11.AbstractHttp11Processor.prepareRequest() method.  
> The reason is in the code snippet below:
>   ByteChunk uriBC = request.requestURI().getByteChunk();
>   byte[] uriB = uriBC.getBytes();
>   if (uriBC.startsWithIgnoreCase("http", 0)) {
> ...
>  if (allowHostHeaderMismatch) {
> ...
>  }
> }
> uriBC does not contain the full URL such as http://localhost:8080/myapp, but 
> rather only the /myapp path, so that if (uriBC.startsWithIgnoreCase("http", 
> 0)) condition is never met.
> We are probably missing something very basic, and would really appreciate 
> some guidance.

I suspect that allowHostHeaderMismatch doesn't do what you think it does.

Exactly what problem are you trying to solve when so say you want to prevent 
"Host header injection"?


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allowHostHeaderMismatch option only works if the Host Header has an http or https prefix

2022-05-25 Thread Ralph Atallah

We use Tomcat 7.0.109 and Tomcat 8.5 in our Tomcat based webapp deployments and 
we have a new requirement to prevent Host Header injection.  The 
allowHostHeaderMismatch option seems the perfect answer to this issue.  
However, configuring it in our environment, i.e. in the server.xml connector 
tag still does not seem to make it work.

Debugging the code, we see that the check for this setting is never even 
reached in the 
org.apache.coyote.http11.AbstractHttp11Processor.prepareRequest() method.  The 
reason is in the code snippet below:

 ByteChunk uriBC = request.requestURI().getByteChunk();
 byte[] uriB = uriBC.getBytes();
 if (uriBC.startsWithIgnoreCase("http", 0)) {
if (allowHostHeaderMismatch) {

uriBC does not contain the full URL such as http://localhost:8080/myapp, but 
rather only the /myapp path, so that if (uriBC.startsWithIgnoreCase("http", 0)) 
condition is never met.

We are probably missing something very basic, and would really appreciate some 

Ralph Atallah

Re: Tomcat 9 & Port 80

2019-07-15 Thread Arbelo, Ralph
Sure. Here's what worked for me. As I mentioned in my original post, this is an 
Ubuntu 16.04 server with OpenJDK 11 installed and the Apache Tomcat 9.0.21 
binary installation. I compiled the JSVC and created a file with some 
environmental  variables. Tested starting Tomcat with and it came up 
on 8080. Now to get it to work on port 80: 

Install authbind and configure it
o   sudo apt install authbind
o   sudo touch /etc/authbind/byport/80
o   sudo chmod 500 /etc/authbind/byport/80
o   sudo chown tomcat /etc/authbind/byport/80 (this assumes you're running 
Tomcat as user tomcat)

Edit server.xml to change the connector port from 8080 to 80 (make sure Tomcat 
isn’t running before editing)

Now you should be able to start Tomcat with authbind as the tomcat user
o   sudo su - tomcat
o   authbind -deep /usr/local/apache-tomcat-9.0.21/bin/ start 
(note your path will vary depending on version of Tomcat and where you 
installed it)

If you're using a systemd script to manage the service, edit the ExecStart 
command to include authbind. This is the simple script I use, but there are 
others out there:

Description=Apache Tomcat Web Application Container


ExecStart=/usr/bin/authbind --deep 
/usr/local/apache-tomcat-9.0.21/bin/ start



If you want to run Tomcat via HTTPS you can do the same thing, just touch the 
file 443 in /etc/authbind/byport. 


On 7/12/19, 4:40 PM, "Christopher Schultz"  

Hash: SHA256

André and Ralph,

On 7/12/19 05:59, André Warnier (tomcat) wrote:
> On 11.07.2019 21:37, Arbelo, Ralph wrote:
>> Thank you for your reply, André.
>> Unfortunately, the Tomcat 9 Ubuntu package is only available on
>> Ubuntu 18 and 19 (at least that I could find). I'm on 16 at the
>> moment (though I did think about upgrading) which is why I'm
>> using the binary distribution from
>> The good news is I was able to get authbind to work. If anyone
>> is interested in the steps I used, please let me know.
> Yes, of course. The fact of posting this to the mailing list, may
> help someone else later resolve a similar issue more quickly. .. if
> they search the mailing list archive first, of course.

Sounds like a good thing to add to the Wiki, too.

- -chris

>> Thanks again, Ralph
>> On 7/10/19, 5:29 AM, "André Warnier (tomcat)" 
>> wrote:
>> Hi. Apologies for breaking conventions of this list and
>> top-posting..
>> It seems that the issue below is more of a question for the 
>> Ubuntu list, than Tomcat's.
>> The standard /etc/init.d/tomcat9 startup script included in the 
>> Ubuntu tomcat9 package, should allow starting tomcat 9 on port 80
>> without any changes to the tomcat configuration or scripts (other
>> than setting the Connector to port 80 in server.xml). If "it
>> doesn't work", you should consult the Ubuntu user's support list,
>> where you are more likely to find appropriate answers. See here
>> : 
At another level : below, you mention trying authbind (which is
>> what the standard Ubuntu startup script does), but "I could not
>> get it to work". Did you check that the settings of authbind are
>> correct, for port 80 ? See : 
- -ylp1u0rXLaw8PuIu2iihe8t9J5yoRDho4_9flKXd4&s=GXIhb1mYfUXA5OiXdNRVVG3HqNX
On 09.07.2019 15:49, Arbelo, Ralph wrote:
>>> Hello,

Re: Tomcat 9 & Port 80

2019-07-11 Thread Arbelo, Ralph
Thank you for your reply, André.

Unfortunately, the Tomcat 9 Ubuntu package is only available on Ubuntu 18 and 
19 (at least that I could find). I'm on 16 at the moment (though I did think 
about upgrading) which is why I'm using the binary distribution from 

The good news is I was able to get authbind to work. If anyone is interested in 
the steps I used, please let me know. 

Thanks again,

On 7/10/19, 5:29 AM, "André Warnier (tomcat)"  wrote:

Apologies for breaking conventions of this list and top-posting..

It seems that the issue below is more of a question for the Ubuntu list, 
than Tomcat's.

The standard /etc/init.d/tomcat9 startup script included in the Ubuntu 
tomcat9 package, 
should allow starting tomcat 9 on port 80 without any changes to the tomcat 
or scripts (other than setting the Connector to port 80 in server.xml).
If "it doesn't work", you should consult the Ubuntu user's support list, 
where you are 
more likely to find appropriate answers.
See here :

At another level : below, you mention trying authbind (which is what the 
standard Ubuntu 
startup script does), but "I could not get it to work".
Did you check that the settings of authbind are correct, for port 80 ?
See :

On 09.07.2019 15:49, Arbelo, Ralph wrote:
> Hello,
> I have Tomcat 9.0.21 installed (binary distribution) on an Ubuntu 16.04 
server. My Java version is OpenJDK 11.0.4. I have the JSVC built and run the script to start and stop Tomcat via a systemd script. Everything 
works great, but now I need to run it on port 80 & 443. On our old server we 
have a script we use, but it doesn’t work upon startup (due to the needing to 
use sudo to get privileges to bind to port 80). For this new build, I was 
hoping to streamline the process and have Tomcat start upon boot. I’ve been 
doing a lot of Google searching on binding port 80 on Tomcat, but most of what 
I found was for older versions. Here’s what I found:
>*   Use iptables to redirect 8080 to 80
>*   Proxy with NGINX or Apache
>*   Use authbind
> I’d rather not use iptables to redirect as (from what I understand) you 
still have to allow direct access to port 8080.
> I tried using authbind, but I could not get it to work. All the 
procedures I found were for older versions of Tomcat, so I don’t know if 
authbind will even work with Tomcat 9.
> Finally my questions-
>1.  Has anyone successfully used authbind with Tomcat 9?
>2.  Anything I’m missing with getting Tomcat to bind with port 80? 
Should I just bite the bullet and use an HTTP proxy?
> Thank you!
> Ralph
> Ralph Arbelo
> Library IT Services - River Campus Libraries
> University of Rochester
> 121B Rush Rhees Library, Rochester, NY 14627
> o: 585.275.3449 - f: 585.275.1032

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Tomcat 9 & Port 80

2019-07-09 Thread Arbelo, Ralph

I have Tomcat 9.0.21 installed (binary distribution) on an Ubuntu 16.04 server. 
My Java version is OpenJDK 11.0.4. I have the JSVC built and run the 
script to start and stop Tomcat via a systemd script. Everything works great, 
but now I need to run it on port 80 & 443. On our old server we have a script 
we use, but it doesn’t work upon startup (due to the needing to use sudo to get 
privileges to bind to port 80). For this new build, I was hoping to streamline 
the process and have Tomcat start upon boot. I’ve been doing a lot of Google 
searching on binding port 80 on Tomcat, but most of what I found was for older 
versions. Here’s what I found:

  *   Use iptables to redirect 8080 to 80
  *   Proxy with NGINX or Apache
  *   Use authbind

I’d rather not use iptables to redirect as (from what I understand) you still 
have to allow direct access to port 8080.

I tried using authbind, but I could not get it to work. All the procedures I 
found were for older versions of Tomcat, so I don’t know if authbind will even 
work with Tomcat 9.

Finally my questions-

  1.  Has anyone successfully used authbind with Tomcat 9?
  2.  Anything I’m missing with getting Tomcat to bind with port 80? Should I 
just bite the bullet and use an HTTP proxy?

Thank you!

Ralph Arbelo
Library IT Services - River Campus Libraries
University of Rochester
121B Rush Rhees Library, Rochester, NY 14627
o: 585.275.3449 - f: 585.275.1032

Re: Websocket classes in tomcat-embed-core-7.0.52.jar

2014-02-20 Thread Ralph Schaer
Thanks a lot. Was not aware that this is now in a separate package.

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 9:20 AM, Jacopo Cappellato <> wrote:

> On Feb 20, 2014, at 9:10 AM, Ralph Schaer  wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > The embedded core jar 7.0.52 no longer contains the websocket classes.
> > It only contains an empty org.apache.tomcat.websocket package
> >
> > Version 7.0.50 of the embedded core contains all the websocket classes.
> >
> > Is this a intentional change or maybe a bug in the build process?
> This is true, however the embedded distribution now has a separate jar
> with the websockets implementation:
> tomcat7-embed-websocket.jar
> Jacopo
> >
> > Ralph
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Websocket classes in tomcat-embed-core-7.0.52.jar

2014-02-20 Thread Ralph Schaer

The embedded core jar 7.0.52 no longer contains the websocket classes.
It only contains an empty org.apache.tomcat.websocket package

Version 7.0.50 of the embedded core contains all the websocket classes.

Is this a intentional change or maybe a bug in the build process?


FileNotFoundException: JAR entry META-INF/spring.tld not found

2013-09-25 Thread Ralph Schaer

I'm fiddling with the latest Tomcat 8.0.0-RC3 and get the following WARNING
log message. This happens on Windows and on Linux.
I created a simple maven project: that
demonstrates the problem.

Clone it, create a war with mvn package and copy the war into the webapps
directory. Open conf/server.xml and change unpackWARs to false.


Then start Tomcat and the following warning message appears in the logs.
This only happens with unpackWARs="false". When this option is true the
warning does not appear.
It also only happens with 8.0.0-RC3. The previous alpha version (8.0.0-RC1)
does not show this warning. Anybody noticed a similar problem?

25-Sep-2013 18:01:52.617 WARNING [localhost-startStop-1]
 Failed to scan JAR
from /WEB-INF/lib JAR entry META-INF/spring.tld not found in
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner.scan(

Re: Tomcat web application stops automatically

2013-04-15 Thread Ralph Plawetzki
Am 15.04.2013 14:22, schrieb Rishad Ali:
> I think I mentioned this in the question that I am using
> ScheduledExecutorService to start threads every minute. This is not the
> application running every minute, these are the threads I create. 
> And as I said It works fine for some time then it stops. 
> Yes I checked the log but there is no sign of stopping application or
> nothing about Too many database connections.
Please don't top-post.

When your application(s) stopped: take a thread dump and post it here.


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Re: Tomcat web application stops automatically

2013-04-15 Thread Ralph Plawetzki
Am 15.04.2013 11:31, schrieb Rishad Ali:
> I have a dedicated server running CentOS 5.9, Apache-Tomcat 5.5.36. I
> have written a JAVA web applications which runs every minute to collect
> the data from multiple sensors. I am using ScheduledExecutorService to
> execute the threads. (one thread for each sensor every minute and there
> can be more than hundred sensors) The flow of the thread is
A web application can be deployed to tomcat and when it is deployed it
can be running or not. It can't run every minute.

> thread. The applications work fine but after some time(24 Hour - 48
> Hours) the applications stop working. I can't find out what the problem
What does that mean? Did you take a look at the tomcat logfiles?


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ecj 4.2.2

2013-04-01 Thread Ralph Schaer
Just a quick note.
I saw on the changelog that Tomcat 7.0.40 is using ecj 4.2.2. So I created
a bundle for this ecj version (like I did for
 uploaded it to Sonatype and only a few hours later it got approved.
Ecj 4.2.2 is now already in the maven central repository and ready for use.


Re: Tomcat 7.0.34 and ecj 3.7.2/4.2.1

2013-01-31 Thread Ralph Schaer
The bundle got accepted. ecj 4.2.1 is now available from the maven central


On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 7:42 AM, Ralph Schaer  wrote:

> I started the process of uploading the ecj 4.2.1 artefacts to the maven
> central repository.
> I followed the description from Ian.
> According to this documentation
> the process is in the last stage "My Bundle is Uploaded. What Next?".
> So I have to wait for the sonatype people and see if they approve the
> bundle.
> The files are in this staging repository:
> Ralph
> On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 11:33 AM, Ralph Schaer wrote:
>> You find the ecj jar on this site:
>> Section:
>> JDT Core Batch Compiler
>> Ralph
>> On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 11:23 AM, Supun Malinga  wrote:
>>> Hi Guys,
>>> Where can I find the ecj  4.2.1 jar?, except from the tomcat
>>> distribution.
>>> thank you.
>>> On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 1:47 PM, Konstantin Kolinko
>>> wrote:
>>> > 2013/1/11 Ralph Schaer :
>>> > > Hi
>>> > >
>>> > > Tomcat 7.0.34 bumped ecj to version 4.2.1. But the pom file
>>> > > of tomcat-embed-jasper still points to version 3.7.2 of ecj.
>>> > > Is it safe to use ecj 3.7.2 with Tomcat 7.0.34?
>>> > > It's unfortunately not possible to override this, because I haven't
>>> found
>>> > > the 4.2.1 artifact in the central repository.
>>> > >
>>> >
>>> > 1. Thank you for reporting the issue. I fixed this in svn, but 7.0.35
>>> > has already been tagged several hours ago.
>>> >
>>> > 2. Absence of ecj 4.2.1 in central repository is not a stopper. It
>>> > happened before and is expected to happen in the future. You can
>>> > install it locally.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > 3. I personally would recommend to go with 4.2.1.
>>> >
>>> > It is known that Eclipse 3.7.2 fails to compile the current Tomcat
>>> > trunk sources (the compiler crashes), 4.2.1 works fine.
>>> >
>>> > There was report by Jess Holle on a crash with 4.2.1, but what causes
>>> > the crash is unknown and I have not observed anything like that.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Anyway, if you are in doubt, you may try to run precompilation for
>>> > your JSPs with JspC just to make sure that everything compiles nicely.
>>> > (I do not suggest to actually use the compiled classes. I mean just to
>>> > run a compilation to check that they are compilable).
>>> >
>>> > 4. The bump of ecj version included a change in one of java classes.
>>> >
>>> > @Override is a compile-time annotation. You should still be able to
>>> > run with 3.7.2.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Best regards,
>>> > Konstantin Kolinko
>>> >
>>> > -
>>> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>>> > For additional commands, e-mail:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> --
>>> Supun Malinga

Re: Tomcat 7.0.34 and ecj 3.7.2/4.2.1

2013-01-25 Thread Ralph Schaer
I started the process of uploading the ecj 4.2.1 artefacts to the maven
central repository.
I followed the description from Ian.

According to this documentation
the process is in the last stage "My Bundle is Uploaded. What Next?".
So I have to wait for the sonatype people and see if they approve the

The files are in this staging repository:


On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 11:33 AM, Ralph Schaer wrote:

> You find the ecj jar on this site:
> Section:
> JDT Core Batch Compiler
> Ralph
> On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 11:23 AM, Supun Malinga  wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>> Where can I find the ecj  4.2.1 jar?, except from the tomcat distribution.
>> thank you.
>> On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 1:47 PM, Konstantin Kolinko
>> wrote:
>> > 2013/1/11 Ralph Schaer :
>> > > Hi
>> > >
>> > > Tomcat 7.0.34 bumped ecj to version 4.2.1. But the pom file
>> > > of tomcat-embed-jasper still points to version 3.7.2 of ecj.
>> > > Is it safe to use ecj 3.7.2 with Tomcat 7.0.34?
>> > > It's unfortunately not possible to override this, because I haven't
>> found
>> > > the 4.2.1 artifact in the central repository.
>> > >
>> >
>> > 1. Thank you for reporting the issue. I fixed this in svn, but 7.0.35
>> > has already been tagged several hours ago.
>> >
>> > 2. Absence of ecj 4.2.1 in central repository is not a stopper. It
>> > happened before and is expected to happen in the future. You can
>> > install it locally.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > 3. I personally would recommend to go with 4.2.1.
>> >
>> > It is known that Eclipse 3.7.2 fails to compile the current Tomcat
>> > trunk sources (the compiler crashes), 4.2.1 works fine.
>> >
>> > There was report by Jess Holle on a crash with 4.2.1, but what causes
>> > the crash is unknown and I have not observed anything like that.
>> >
>> >
>> > Anyway, if you are in doubt, you may try to run precompilation for
>> > your JSPs with JspC just to make sure that everything compiles nicely.
>> > (I do not suggest to actually use the compiled classes. I mean just to
>> > run a compilation to check that they are compilable).
>> >
>> > 4. The bump of ecj version included a change in one of java classes.
>> >
>> > @Override is a compile-time annotation. You should still be able to
>> > run with 3.7.2.
>> >
>> >
>> > Best regards,
>> > Konstantin Kolinko
>> >
>> > -
>> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> > For additional commands, e-mail:
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Supun Malinga

Re: Tomcat 7.0.34 and ecj 3.7.2/4.2.1

2013-01-21 Thread Ralph Schaer
You find the ecj jar on this site:

JDT Core Batch Compiler


On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 11:23 AM, Supun Malinga  wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> Where can I find the ecj  4.2.1 jar?, except from the tomcat distribution.
> thank you.
> On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 1:47 PM, Konstantin Kolinko
> wrote:
> > 2013/1/11 Ralph Schaer :
> > > Hi
> > >
> > > Tomcat 7.0.34 bumped ecj to version 4.2.1. But the pom file
> > > of tomcat-embed-jasper still points to version 3.7.2 of ecj.
> > > Is it safe to use ecj 3.7.2 with Tomcat 7.0.34?
> > > It's unfortunately not possible to override this, because I haven't
> found
> > > the 4.2.1 artifact in the central repository.
> > >
> >
> > 1. Thank you for reporting the issue. I fixed this in svn, but 7.0.35
> > has already been tagged several hours ago.
> >
> > 2. Absence of ecj 4.2.1 in central repository is not a stopper. It
> > happened before and is expected to happen in the future. You can
> > install it locally.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 3. I personally would recommend to go with 4.2.1.
> >
> > It is known that Eclipse 3.7.2 fails to compile the current Tomcat
> > trunk sources (the compiler crashes), 4.2.1 works fine.
> >
> > There was report by Jess Holle on a crash with 4.2.1, but what causes
> > the crash is unknown and I have not observed anything like that.
> >
> >
> > Anyway, if you are in doubt, you may try to run precompilation for
> > your JSPs with JspC just to make sure that everything compiles nicely.
> > (I do not suggest to actually use the compiled classes. I mean just to
> > run a compilation to check that they are compilable).
> >
> > 4. The bump of ecj version included a change in one of java classes.
> >
> > @Override is a compile-time annotation. You should still be able to
> > run with 3.7.2.
> >
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Konstantin Kolinko
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> >
> >
> --
> Supun Malinga

Re: Problem with tomcat and JRE1.7

2012-11-19 Thread Ralph Grove
It seems that the war file that I was installing contains its own 
version of the servlet API, which evidently conflicts with the one 
Tomcat 7 is using. I'm not sure of the details yet, but it you're 
curious you can find the war file within this zip:


On 11/19/12 12:32 PM, André Warnier wrote:

Hi. Thanks for the update.

Ralph Grove wrote:
The problem turned out to be one of the war files that I'm loading 
into Tomcat. JSP's work fine until that particular war file is 
deployed, but afterwards JSP's will no longer compile correctly. 

So what does that mean ? compiling the JSP's in that .war somehow 
corrupts the compiler ?

Sounds interesting.

Only those JSP's that
were previously compiled continue to work correctly. Without that war 
file loaded, Tomcat is working normally with JRE 1.7, so the JRE 
version wasn't the problem.


On 11/17/12 9:39 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA1


On 11/16/12 3:15 PM, Ralph Grove wrote:

I stopped tomcat, deleted work and all of the application
directories that were derived from war files. Same problem after
restarting, though. It looks like all JSP's are failing.

Do you precompile any of your JSPs? I would expect something like this
to happen if you upgraded Tomcat itself, but the JRE shouldn't matter.

What happens if you downgrade the JRE?

- -chris


Ralph F Grove, Ph.D.
James Madison University Department of Computer Science

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Re: Problem with tomcat and JRE1.7

2012-11-19 Thread Ralph Grove
The problem turned out to be one of the war files that I'm loading into 
Tomcat. JSP's work fine until that particular war file is deployed, but 
afterwards JSP's will no longer compile correctly. Only those JSP's that 
were previously compiled continue to work correctly. Without that war 
file loaded, Tomcat is working normally with JRE 1.7, so the JRE version 
wasn't the problem.


On 11/17/12 9:39 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA1


On 11/16/12 3:15 PM, Ralph Grove wrote:

I stopped tomcat, deleted work and all of the application
directories that were derived from war files. Same problem after
restarting, though. It looks like all JSP's are failing.

Do you precompile any of your JSPs? I would expect something like this
to happen if you upgraded Tomcat itself, but the JRE shouldn't matter.

What happens if you downgrade the JRE?

- -chris

Ralph F Grove, Ph.D.
James Madison University Department of Computer Science

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Re: Problem with tomcat and JRE1.7

2012-11-16 Thread Ralph Grove
I stopped tomcat, deleted work and all of the application directories 
that were derived from war files. Same problem after restarting, though. 
It looks like all JSP's are failing.


On 11/16/12 3:01 PM, Daniel Mikusa wrote:

On Nov 16, 2012, at 2:06 PM, Ralph Grove wrote:

I just upgraded my JRE from 1.6 to 1.7, and the tomcat home page now throws an 
exception (below). The example apps, and my own apps are still working OK, 

Anyone else noticed this problem?

Have not seen this before.  Just a guess, but maybe try stopping Tomcat, 
clearing out the work directory and restarting Tomcat.


System configuration:
MacOS 10.8.2
JRE 1.7.0_09
Tomcat 7.0.32
The server is at

Ralph Grove

*type* Exception report
*message* _java.lang.AbstractMethodError: 
*description* _The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from 
fulfilling this request._
javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: 
*root cause*
*note* _The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache 
Tomcat/7.0.32 logs.

full trace:
Nov 16, 2012 1:36:00 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke
SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet [jsp] in context with path [] threw 
exception [java.lang.AbstractMethodError: 
 with root cause
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.generateJava(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve.invoke(

Problem with tomcat and JRE1.7

2012-11-16 Thread Ralph Grove
I just upgraded my JRE from 1.6 to 1.7, and the tomcat home page now 
throws an exception (below). The example apps, and my own apps are still 
working OK, though.

Anyone else noticed this problem?

System configuration:
MacOS 10.8.2
JRE 1.7.0_09
Tomcat 7.0.32
The server is at

Ralph Grove

*type* Exception report
*message* _java.lang.AbstractMethodError: 
*description* _The server encountered an internal error that prevented 
it from fulfilling this request._

javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: 

*root cause*
*note* _The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the 
Apache Tomcat/7.0.32 logs.


full trace:
Nov 16, 2012 1:36:00 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke
SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet [jsp] in context with path [] 
threw exception [java.lang.AbstractMethodError: 
with root cause

at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.generateJava(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(

at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(


Re: Catalina.out log level

2012-10-20 Thread Ralph Plawetzki
Am 19.10.2012 21:32, schrieb
> Thanks ralph for responding
> Just only below line is enough??

You can find more info about logging with Tomcat here:


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Re: Catalina.out log level

2012-10-19 Thread Ralph Plawetzki
Am 19.10.2012 14:49, schrieb
> Hi All,
> Can you please suggest how to change the log level of tomcat catalina.out 
> file.
> I did change in the for all handlers to finest but still 
> catalina.out showing log levels with Info level only whereas all other log 
> files have finest log level set (e.g. Host-manager.log/manager.log)
> Kindly help
> Thanks,
> Vicky
Hi Vicky,

you need to add:


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Re: Authenticate requests from localhost using tomcat RemoteAddrFilter

2012-09-22 Thread Ralph Plawetzki

Am 23.09.2012 00:04, schrieb Jaikit Savla:
> Hello Users,
> I have some admin api's which I want to have restricted access - such that 
> only if the request originates from localhost - it will execute.
> For that I am using tomcat's RemoteAddrfilter
what exactly do you mean with admin api's?

>   Remote Address Filter
> org.apache.catalina.filters.RemoteAddrFilter
> allow
> 127\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+|::1|0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
>   Remote Address Filter
>   /*
„A filter dynamically intercepts requests and responses to transform or
use the information contained in the requests or responses.” So this Is
something that is part of a web application which is running on tomcat.

> Now when I execute the request from localhost - request fails with 403. 
> Reason being "REMOTE_ADDR" is set with actual ip of the machine and filter 
> does string comparison of ip. Hence it fails.
> Any clue on how to resolve this use case ?
> -bash-4.1$ curl -v http://localhost/ws/local/info
> * About to connect() to localhost port 80 (#0)
> *   Trying connected
> * Connected to localhost ( port 80 (#0)
>> GET /ws/local/vip/info HTTP/1.1
>> User-Agent: curl/7.21.7 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.21.7 
>> OpenSSL/0.9.8o zlib/1.2.3 libidn/1.18 libssh2/1.2.2
>> Host: localhost
>> Accept: */*
> < HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

I am guessing here: if you want to restrict access to your tomcat server
to certain clients, you could solve this by configuring your firewall


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Re: Fwd: Problems loading external jar in my app !

2012-09-13 Thread Ralph Plawetzki
Am 13.09.2012 07:42, schrieb joel badia escolà:
> Hello everyone, i have a problem with my jsp app for adding external
> jars. First of all I have tried the same code and app directory
> structure in netbeans ide "built-in" tomcat and works fine, but when i
> try to serve my app in my tomcat installation (installed using
> aptitude) it seems that it's impossible to locate the external jar.
On which OS did you install tomcat6?

> I tried to put weka.jar in all this directories my-app/WEB-INF/lib/ &
> /var/lib/tomcat6/common/ & /var/lib/tomcat6/server/ &
> /usr/share/tomcat6/lib/
If your OS would be Debian or Ubuntu, /usr/share/tomcat6/lib/ is the
place to make weka.jar available for all webapps on tomcat. After
dropping it in there, did you restart tomcat?

Have you checked the file permissions of weka.jar? It has to be readable
for the user tomcat6 is running with.


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RE: JNI error under tomcat: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError

2010-07-04 Thread Ralph Carlson
do you get this error upon first deployment or re-deploy? 
do you restart tomcat after you redeploy your jni app?

[] On Behalf Of 
Shay Rojansky []
Sent: Saturday, July 03, 2010 12:40 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: JNI error under tomcat: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError

Hi Dennis.

So do you see the "Load library successful" message?

Also, if I remember correctly, the code in is not a safe way to
load a native library. It's a very good idea to place the System.loadLibrary
in a static { } block, instead of in a method. The way your class is
written, it's possible for the run method to be executed more than once, in
which case loadLibrary will be called more than once (and so will the native
initModels). Not sure what the effects are and if it's related to your
problem but it's a good idea to avoid trouble by fixing it.


On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 3:46 AM, dennis ch  wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a java class ( that invokes a native method in an so file
> (, using SWIG 1.3.29 to generate JNI code/wrapper and compiled
> the library). I can use System.loadLibrary() to load the
> without
> any error (-Djava.library.path=/usr/lib), and the native method initModel()
> works fine as a standalone application.
> However, when I deploy it as a web service (tomcat 6.0.26 + axis2 1.5.1 +
> eclipse jee helios) to call the native method, I got the following error
> (the first line means the .so was successfully loaded):
> Load library successfully
> [ERROR] com.model.modelJNI.initModel()V
> java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
>at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
> org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCUtil.invokeServiceClass(
> org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCMessageReceiver.invokeBusinessLogic(
> org.apache.axis2.receivers.AbstractInOutMessageReceiver.invokeBusinessLogic(
> org.apache.axis2.receivers.AbstractMessageReceiver.receive(
>at org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.receive(
> org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPTransportUtils.processHTTPPostRequest(
> org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet.doPost(
>at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
> org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
> org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(
> org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(
> org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.process(
> Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.model.modelJNI.initModel()V
>at com.model.modelJNI.initModel(Native Method)
>at com.model.model.initModel(
>... 25 more
> Below is the body of
> import com.model.*;
> public class Eval {
>  static void loadModel() {
>try {
>System.out.println("Load library successfully");
>} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
>System.err.println("Native code library failed to load." + e);
>  }
>  public void run() {
>  }
> }
> Do I miss anything here?  Any input is appreciated!
> Dennis

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RE: Tomcat 5.5 creates 0 byte files

2010-07-02 Thread Ralph Carlson
you can also try the oreilly file upload api, I have used it in many projects 
without issue (download) (an example)

[] On Behalf Of 
Murat Birben []
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2010 6:01 AM
To: Tomcat Users List;
Subject: Re: Tomcat 5.5 creates 0 byte files

Yes 0 byte files are causing the disk to run out of space

@Andre Warnier
I'm not actually saving files on the server. I just tried to simplify my
problem and tried that simple code. Now i'll give a try to apache fileupload
api, thanks for advice

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 11:52 AM, Pid  wrote:

> On 02/07/2010 09:43, Murat Birben wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have a very simple file upload mechanism in java. I just take the file
> and
> > save it on the server. I'm testing this simple code with selenium and
> *when
> > a timeout occurs in the selenium test *tomcat creates 0 byte files under
> > tomcat_home/work/Catalina/localhost/uploadServlet/ directory as
> MultiPart*
> > files. It creates thousands of files, until there is no disk space left
> on
> > device. What may cause this problem? How can I solve this? Is there
> anyone
> > has an idea about this?
> Thousands of 0 byte files are causing the disk to run out of space?
> p
> > My environment is: Ubuntu - 8.04 server, apache tomcat - 5.5.29, sun java
> > 1.6
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Here is the code snippet that i use
> >
> > File fFile = null;
> > FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = null;
> > FileInputStream fileInputStream = null;
> > try {
> >
> > String strFileName = request.getParameter("FileName");
> > String strPath = request.getParameter("Path");
> > //String strMediaType = request.getParameter("MediaType");
> >
> > //String strDescription =
> request.getParameter("Description");
> > fFile = (File) request.getAttribute("Content");
> >
> > int index = strPath.length() - 1; //If the user forgets to
> > put the last / for the path... We put it for him/her
> >
> > if (strPath.charAt(index) != '/') {
> > strPath += "/";
> > }
> > if (!new File(strPath).exists()) {
> > new File(strPath).mkdirs();
> > }
> >
> > File file = new File(strPath + strFileName);
> > fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file);
> > fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(fFile);
> >
> > byte[] bBuf = new byte[1024];
> >
> > int iBufLen = 0;
> > int iReadLen = 1024;
> > int iTotelLen = 0;
> > /*read 1024 bytes at a time*/
> > while ((iBufLen = != -1) {
> >
> > fileOutputStream.write(bBuf);
> > fileOutputStream.flush();
> > iTotelLen += iBufLen;
> > if (fileInputStream.available() < iReadLen) {
> > iReadLen = fileInputStream.available();
> >
> > break;
> > }
> > }
> >
> > byte[] tempbBuf = new byte[iReadLen];
> >, 0, iReadLen);
> >
> > fileOutputStream.write(tempbBuf);
> >
> >
> > } catch (IOException ex) {
> > ex.printStackTrace();
> > } finally {
> > fileOutputStream.close();
> > fileInputStream.close();
> >
> > if (fFile.exists()) {
> >
> > fFile.delete();
> > }
> > }
> >
> >
> >

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RE: need help setting up tomcat with ssl client authentication

2010-07-01 Thread Ralph Carlson
I changed server.xml to:

and now it works with all clients, firefox, openssl s_client, and php client
thanks for you all your help, its much appreciated :)

[] On Behalf Of 
Christopher Schultz []
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 9:40 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: need help setting up tomcat with ssl client authentication

Hash: SHA1


On 6/30/2010 5:07 PM, Ralph Carlson wrote:
> (d) have client Authorization on - with it off tomcat ssl works just fine, 
> when its turned on I get this error
> so far I have been following the steps listed in this tomcat user group 
> message

Try something a bit more recent than 2003. I was able to get client
certs working with my own CA, and I was manually checking the client
cert instead of having Tomcat do it. However, if your code can do it, so
can Tomcat.

Try reading-through this thread:

> maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true"
>sslProtocol="TLS" />

I think you also need a truststoreFile and friends. Try re-reading the
 documentation at specifically
looking for "client cert".

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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RE: using Servlet Filter to rewrite domain of JSESSIONID cookie?

2010-06-30 Thread Ralph Carlson
can you extend org.apache.catalina.connector.Response adding the HttpResponse 
object and its getter/setter
and call that before valve.invoke()

also depending on what you are putting in your cookie and if the users are 
logging on or not (you could also use ipaddress but that is flaky is they are 
using proxies) I usually just put the custom user settings in a database now as 
most virus scanner and malware scanner keep removing my users cookies anyway

[] On Behalf Of 
Nikita Tovstoles []
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 6:20 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: using Servlet Filter to rewrite domain of JSESSIONID cookie?

I'd like to make session cookie domain-wide, and ignore subdomains - in
Tomcat 6. So for app reachable via and, I'd like to
have session cookie's domain be "". I thought of doing so using a
ServletResponseWrapper and a servlet Filter:

public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
FilterChain chain) throws IOException,
if (!(response instanceof
response = new
chain.doFilter(request, response);

and in wrapper:
public void addCookie(Cookie cookie)
if (cookie != null && SESSION_COOKIE_NAME.equals(cookie.getName()))
// update domain name to just the domain

However, JSESSIONID continues to be set to FQ host name ("").

Is it because Tomcat internals do not use HttpServletResponse.addCookie() to
set JSESSIONID or is that cookie set before filter chain gets executed?

If so, sounds like Filter is (sadly) not applicable for this case, and I
have to create a custom Valve? Any tips on how to
wrap org.apache.catalina.connector.Response - valve.invoke() does not take


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RE: need help setting up tomcat with ssl client authentication

2010-06-30 Thread Ralph Carlson
I am starting and stopping tomcat using startup.bat and shutdown.bat from the 
command line
I am not using the apr

I copied /server.ks into c:\tomcat folder in an attempt to get it working
if I change it to a fake name it throws an error so I think its reading it

the console looks like:
Jun 30, 2010 7:46:25 PM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init
INFO: The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performanc
e in production environments was not found on the java.library.path: C:\Program
C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Co
re-Static;C:\Program Files\Common Files\GTK\2.0\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5
Jun 30, 2010 7:46:25 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol init
INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080
Jun 30, 2010 7:46:27 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol init
INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-443
Jun 30, 2010 7:46:27 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
INFO: Initialization processed in 2248 ms
Jun 30, 2010 7:46:27 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start
INFO: Starting service Catalina
Jun 30, 2010 7:46:27 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start
INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.20
Jun 30, 2010 7:46:28 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start
INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080
Jun 30, 2010 7:46:28 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start
INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-443
Jun 30, 2010 7:46:28 PM org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket init
INFO: JK: ajp13 listening on /
Jun 30, 2010 7:46:28 PM org.apache.jk.server.JkMain start
INFO: Jk running ID=0 time=0/15  config=null
Jun 30, 2010 7:46:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 1274 ms

[] On Behalf Of 
Pid []
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 7:19 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: need help setting up tomcat with ssl client authentication

On 30/06/2010 23:45, Ralph Carlson wrote:
> the tomcats logs have no errors in them, they end after start up (I haven't 
> installed any apps yet, just trying to get to the tomcat manager with ssl)

Are you using APR?

This path:


doesn't appear to match this path:

> C:\ssl\server\server.ks

Are there any errors in the logs, or displayed on the console, when
Tomcat starts up?  (How are you starting the server, as a service, or
using startup.bat?)


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RE: need help setting up tomcat with ssl client authentication

2010-06-30 Thread Ralph Carlson
the tomcats logs have no errors in them, they end after start up (I haven't 
installed any apps yet, just trying to get to the tomcat manager with ssl)

I configured the tomcat keystore as follows (openssl commands included):

   [1] create folders c:\ssl\ca, c:\ssl\server and c:\ssl\client and 
with 02
   [2] openssl req -new -newkey rsa:1024 -nodes -out c:\ssl\ca\ca.csr -keyout 
c:\ssl\ca\ca.key -config "C:\ssl\openssl.cnf"
   [3] openssl x509 -trustout -signkey c:\ssl\ca\ca.key -days 365 -req -in 
c:\ssl\ca\ca.csr -out c:\ssl\ca\ca.pem
   [4] keytool -import -keystore "%JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/security/cacerts" -file 
C:\ssl\ca\ca.pem -alias my_ca
**[5] keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 -keystore 
C:\ssl\server\server.ks -storetype JKS
What is your first and last name?
What is the name of your organizational unit? mycompany
What is the name of your organization? mycompany
What is the name of your City or Locality? fishkill
What is the name of your State or Province? newyork
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?  US
**[6] keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -file C:\ssl\server\server.csr 
-keystore C:\ssl\server\server.ks
   [7] amend the text which reads "NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST" to "CERTIFICATE 
   [8] openssl x509 -CA C:\ssl\ca\ca.pem -CAkey C:\ssl\ca\ca.key -CAserial 
C:\ssl\ca\ -req -in C:\ssl\server\server.csr -out 
C:\ssl\server\server.crt -days 365
**[9] keytool -import -alias tomcat -keystore C:\ssl\server\server.ks 
-trustcacerts -file C:\ssl\server\server.crt
**[10] keytool -import -alias my_ca -keystore C:\ssl\server\server.ks 
-trustcacerts -file C:\ssl\ca\ca.pem
   [11] openssl req -new -newkey rsa:512 -nodes -out C:\ssl\client\client1.req 
-keyout C:\ssl\client\client1.key
Country Name ? US
State or Province Name ? newyork
Locality Name (eg, city) ? fishkill
Organization Name ? mycompany
Organizational Unit Name ? mycompany
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) ? localhost <-- this value is in 
Email Address ?
   [12] openssl x509 -CA C:\ssl\ca\ca.pem -CAkey C:\ssl\ca\ca.key 
-CAserial C:\ssl\ca\ -req -in C:\ssl\client\client1.req -out 
C:\ssl\client\client1.pem -days 365
   [13] openssl pkcs12 -export -clcerts -in C:\ssl\client\client1.pem 
-inkey C:\ssl\client\client1.key -out C:\ssl\client\client1.p12 -name 

I also tried importing the client.pem and apache.pem from below into the 
keystore (not change in error)
openssl pkcs12 -in c:\ssl\client\client1.p12 -out c:\ssl\client\apache.pem 
-nodes -passin pass:MC126801$

[] On Behalf Of 
Pid []
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 5:25 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: need help setting up tomcat with ssl client authentication

On 30/06/2010 22:07, Ralph Carlson wrote:
> tomcat version 6.0.20
> os: windows xp sp3 professional edition
> sun java jdk 1.5.11
> I am trying to do the following
> (a) create a certificate authority and self sign server and client 
> certificates using openssl and keytool
> (b) import the keytool keystore into tomcat
> (c) verify the certificate chaing using openssl verify (which does work and 
> returns ok for all 3 certificates)
> (d) have client Authorization on - with it off tomcat ssl works just fine, 
> when its turned on I get this error

Which error?  What is in the Tomcat logs when the problem occurs?

> so far I have been following the steps listed in this tomcat user group 
> message

How did you configure Tomcat to use the certificates in (b)?

What is your Tomcat Connector config in server.xml?


> but get this message from openssl s_client -cert c:\ssl\client\client.pem 
> -CAfile c:\ssl\ca\ca.pem -connect localhost:443
> 3772:error:14094416:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert certificate 
> unknown:.\ssl\s3_pkt.c:1061:SSL alert number 46
> 3772:error:140790E5:SSL routines:SSL23_WRITE:ssl handshake 
> failure:.\ssl\s23_lib.c:188:
> and these messages from firefox (after importing the certificate)
> initially 'sslv3 alert certificate unknown' , then just 'SSL peer was not 
> expecting a handshake message it received' after a few tries
> does anyone know how to do this or has anyone done this before,
> thanks for you help in advance

need help setting up tomcat with ssl client authentication

2010-06-30 Thread Ralph Carlson
tomcat version 6.0.20
os: windows xp sp3 professional edition
sun java jdk 1.5.11

I am trying to do the following
(a) create a certificate authority and self sign server and client certificates 
using openssl and keytool
(b) import the keytool keystore into tomcat
(c) verify the certificate chaing using openssl verify (which does work and 
returns ok for all 3 certificates)
(d) have client Authorization on - with it off tomcat ssl works just fine, when 
its turned on I get this error
so far I have been following the steps listed in this tomcat user group message

but get this message from openssl s_client -cert c:\ssl\client\client.pem 
-CAfile c:\ssl\ca\ca.pem -connect localhost:443

3772:error:14094416:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert certificate 
unknown:.\ssl\s3_pkt.c:1061:SSL alert number 46
3772:error:140790E5:SSL routines:SSL23_WRITE:ssl handshake 

and these messages from firefox (after importing the certificate)
initially 'sslv3 alert certificate unknown' , then just 'SSL peer was not 
expecting a handshake message it received' after a few tries

does anyone know how to do this or has anyone done this before,
thanks for you help in advance

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Re: relation between Tomcat and Apache Commons

2008-10-31 Thread Andrew Ralph Feller, afelle1

Are you executing JSVC as root or no?  If you aren't, then I can understand
why your non-root account cannot bind to 443.  The way JSVC works is by
starting up under the account that executed it and then spawning a child
process that is owned by the account specified in the -user option.


On 10/31/08 10:56 AM, "Petr Sumbera" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>>> From: Andrew Ralph Feller, afelle1 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Subject: Re: relation between Tomcat and Apache Commons
>>> it seems possible to run Tomcat on a non-privileged port with a
>>> non-root account and have requests for port 443 redirected to
>>> Tomcat's listening port.
>> Of course - but it requires additional configuration (e.g., iptables,
>> firewall).  Using jsvc may be simpler and avoid dependencies external to
>> Tomcat.
> What I have just found is that jsvc enables Tomcat to bind privileged port
> only on Linux (it's using capabilities).
> For example on Solaris one need to add net_privadd privilege for Tomcat
> user. This can be done by modifying /etc/user_attr.  In such case I believe
> there is no need for jsvc.
> grep tomcat /etc/user_attr
> tomcatdefaultpriv=basic,net_privaddr
> --
> Petr

Andrew R. Feller, Analyst
Information Technology Services
200 Fred Frey Building
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
(225) 578-3737 (Office)
(225) 578-6400 (Fax)

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Re: relation between Tomcat and Apache Commons

2008-10-31 Thread Andrew Ralph Feller, afelle1
That is a good point.

What is your preferred method of running Tomcat?  JSVC?  Startup / shutdown
scripts?  Front-end with Apache HTTP server?  Standalone?


On 10/30/08 3:49 PM, "Caldarale, Charles R" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> From: Andrew Ralph Feller, afelle1 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Subject: Re: relation between Tomcat and Apache Commons
>> it seems possible to run Tomcat on a non-privileged port with a
>> non-root account and have requests for port 443 redirected to
>> Tomcat's listening port.
> Of course - but it requires additional configuration (e.g., iptables,
> firewall).  Using jsvc may be simpler and avoid dependencies external to
> Tomcat.
>  - Chuck
> MATERIAL and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If you received
> this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its
> attachments from all computers.
> -
> To start a new topic, e-mail:
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Andrew R. Feller, Analyst
Information Technology Services
200 Fred Frey Building
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
(225) 578-3737 (Office)
(225) 578-6400 (Fax)

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Re: relation between Tomcat and Apache Commons

2008-10-30 Thread Andrew Ralph Feller, afelle1

I'm already following up on this on a different thread, however it seems
possible to run Tomcat on a non-privileged port with a non-root account and
have requests for port 443 redirected to Tomcat's listening port.  This way
Tomcat can run as non-root and no need to compile and use JSVC.  I haven't
done this yet, which is why I started the "JSVC vs startup / shutdown
scripts" thread.

Would love your $0.02,

On 10/30/08 1:56 PM, "Caldarale, Charles R" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> From: Petr Sumbera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Subject: Re: relation between Tomcat and Apache Commons
>> Btw I don't see any benefit using jsvc. Is somebody using it? Why?
> Judging from the comments on this list, many people are using it.  The primary
> reason is to avoid running Tomcat as root (principle of least privilege) when
> using ports 80 and 443.
>  - Chuck
> MATERIAL and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If you received
> this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its
> attachments from all computers.
> -
> To start a new topic, e-mail:
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Andrew R. Feller, Analyst
Information Technology Services
200 Fred Frey Building
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
(225) 578-3737 (Office)
(225) 578-6400 (Fax)

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Re: JSVC vs standard startup / shutdown scripts

2008-10-30 Thread Andrew Ralph Feller, afelle1
Thanks for the reply David!

If you startup jsvc and do "ps axu | grep jsvc", you will find two processes
with one being owned by root and the other by the non-root account.  The
non-root process will actually handle the incoming requests, however the
root process is needed to bind to port 443 since it is a privilege port.

On 10/30/08 1:55 PM, "David Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> I don't have any personal issue with moving to running Tomcat directly as
>> the non-privileged account meant for Tomcat ...
> Just to clarify, jsvc runs tomcat as an unprivileged user as well.  One
> advantage to jsvc is it allows tomcat to be run by itself without funky
> iptables rules or a front-end server.  It's a simpler setup and overall
> I'm a firm believer in simpler = better.
> --David
> Andrew Ralph Feller, afelle1 wrote:
>> Thanks for the response Torsten!
>> In our environment, the machines we have Tomcat running on strictly use
>> Tomcat 6, APR for SSL support, and we load balance applications through an
>> external load balancer.  We have been able to get by without brining HTTPD
>> for things like mod_rewrite or any of the PAMs, so I would like to keep it
>> as simple as possible.
>> I don't have any personal issue with moving to running Tomcat directly as
>> the non-privileged account meant for Tomcat, however I am curious about the
>> trade offs especially related to security.
>> Thanks!
>> On 10/30/08 12:37 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi Andrew,
>>> We let all our Tomcats run on a non-privileged port and use some init script
>>> using, and have an Apache httpd forwarding requests
>>> with AJP.
>>> We then use Apache httpd for things like terminating SSL, do RADIUS or LDAP
>>> authentication, load balancing several Tomcat instances and so on.
>>> I think it is a good and common setup like that.
>>> Torsten
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Andrew Feller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sent: 30. oktober 2008 18:16
>>> To:
>>> Cc: Brad Cupit
>>> Subject: JSVC vs standard startup / shutdown scripts
>>> QUESTION: What is the best practice for running Tomcat?  JSVC daemon or
>>> startup / shutdown scripts as a non-root user and forwarding HTTPS requests
>>> to a non-privileged port?
>>> While reading the Professional Apache Tomcat 6 (ISBN: 978-0-471-75361-2),
>>> they recommend running Tomcat to start it up using the startup script
>>> provided in the Tomcat binary and having your firewall forward requests from
>>> HTTPS to a non-privileged port.  This is very interesting for two reasons:
>>>1. The book never mentions JSVC, which the Tomcat documentation does
>>>2. We believed using JSVC was the only way to run as a non-root user,
>>>which doesn't seem to be the case now
>>> I would appreciate any feedback about the trade offs and why people choose
>>> one over the other.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Andrew
>>> -
>>> To start a new topic, e-mail:
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> -
> To start a new topic, e-mail:
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Andrew R. Feller, Analyst
Information Technology Services
200 Fred Frey Building
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
(225) 578-3737 (Office)
(225) 578-6400 (Fax)

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Re: Problem to install APR Tomcat Native Library

2008-10-30 Thread Andrew Ralph Feller, afelle1

What is your LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to?  Is it something like this:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/apr/lib

Are there world permissions for anyone to read this directory?

I know you mentioned that you front-end Tomcat with HTTPD and assumed your
use of APR is to free Tomcat from depending on HTTPD for HTTPS.

On 10/30/08 12:41 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

> Hi Martin,
> It is Solaris SPARC. Would it help to copy shared libs into the JRE bin
> folder? I symlinked them into $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/sparc but that didn't help
> either.
> Torsten 
> -Original Message-
> From: Martin Gainty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 30. oktober 2008 18:34
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: Problem to install APR Tomcat Native Library
> pls follow Andrew's advice..if windows its probably a dll? so you'll want to
> copy apr-1.lib to %JRE_HOME%\bin
> Martin 
> __
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>> Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2008 12:17:51 -0500
>> Subject: Re: Problem to install APR Tomcat Native Library
>> To:
>> Torsten,
>> Have you updated your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include APR lib?
>> A-
>> On 10/30/08 12:15 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I am trying to install the APR Tomcat Native Library on a Solaris SPARC
>>> server.
>>> Since it has only OpenSSL installed and no build system available, I
>>> compiled
>>> libapr 1.3.3 and libtcnative 1.1.14 on another machine with the same OS.
>>> I then copied the lib folders of both libs to the server, and added the
>>> paths
>>> to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and restarted Tomcat (6.0.18).
>>> The message "The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal
>>> performance in production environments was not found [...]" and I can see
>>> the
>>> paths to both libs in the java.library.path.
>>> I guess I have done something wrong. Any ideas? Can I change the logging
>>> level
>>> so I can get some more info in catalina.out?
>>> Torsten
>>> -
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>> -- 
>> Andrew R. Feller, Analyst
>> Information Technology Services
>> 200 Fred Frey Building
>> Louisiana State University
>> Baton Rouge, LA 70803
>> (225) 578-3737 (Office)
>> (225) 578-6400 (Fax)
>> -
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> _
> You live life beyond your PC. So now Windows goes beyond your PC.
> -
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Andrew R. Feller, Analyst
Information Technology Services
200 Fred Frey Building
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
(225) 578-3737 (Office)
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Re: JSVC vs standard startup / shutdown scripts

2008-10-30 Thread Andrew Ralph Feller, afelle1
Thanks for the response Torsten!

In our environment, the machines we have Tomcat running on strictly use
Tomcat 6, APR for SSL support, and we load balance applications through an
external load balancer.  We have been able to get by without brining HTTPD
for things like mod_rewrite or any of the PAMs, so I would like to keep it
as simple as possible.

I don't have any personal issue with moving to running Tomcat directly as
the non-privileged account meant for Tomcat, however I am curious about the
trade offs especially related to security.


On 10/30/08 12:37 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

> Hi Andrew,
> We let all our Tomcats run on a non-privileged port and use some init script
> using, and have an Apache httpd forwarding requests
> with AJP.
> We then use Apache httpd for things like terminating SSL, do RADIUS or LDAP
> authentication, load balancing several Tomcat instances and so on.
> I think it is a good and common setup like that.
> Torsten
> -Original Message-
> From: Andrew Feller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 30. oktober 2008 18:16
> To:
> Cc: Brad Cupit
> Subject: JSVC vs standard startup / shutdown scripts
> QUESTION: What is the best practice for running Tomcat?  JSVC daemon or
> startup / shutdown scripts as a non-root user and forwarding HTTPS requests
> to a non-privileged port?
> While reading the Professional Apache Tomcat 6 (ISBN: 978-0-471-75361-2),
> they recommend running Tomcat to start it up using the startup script
> provided in the Tomcat binary and having your firewall forward requests from
> HTTPS to a non-privileged port.  This is very interesting for two reasons:
>1. The book never mentions JSVC, which the Tomcat documentation does
>2. We believed using JSVC was the only way to run as a non-root user,
>which doesn't seem to be the case now
> I would appreciate any feedback about the trade offs and why people choose
> one over the other.
> Thanks,
> Andrew
> -
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Andrew R. Feller, Analyst
Information Technology Services
200 Fred Frey Building
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
(225) 578-3737 (Office)
(225) 578-6400 (Fax)

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Re: Problem to install APR Tomcat Native Library

2008-10-30 Thread Andrew Ralph Feller, afelle1

Have you updated your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include APR lib?


On 10/30/08 12:15 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

> I am trying to install the APR Tomcat Native Library on a Solaris SPARC
> server.
> Since it has only OpenSSL installed and no build system available, I compiled
> libapr 1.3.3 and libtcnative 1.1.14 on another machine with the same OS.
> I then copied the lib folders of both libs to the server, and added the paths
> to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and restarted Tomcat (6.0.18).
> The message "The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal
> performance in production environments was not found [...]" and I can see the
> paths to both libs in the java.library.path.
> I guess I have done something wrong. Any ideas? Can I change the logging level
> so I can get some more info in catalina.out?
> Torsten
> -
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Andrew R. Feller, Analyst
Information Technology Services
200 Fred Frey Building
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
(225) 578-3737 (Office)
(225) 578-6400 (Fax)

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Re: Possibility of JSVC daemon with APR reacting strangely to TCP health checks

2008-07-14 Thread Andrew Ralph Feller, afelle1
After stepping through the tcpdump, we determined that the health checks are
Layer 4 TCP health checks where the load balancer doesn't provide any HTTP
request information whatsoever and closes the connection as soon as it is
established.  Here is the play-by-play of tcpdump:

   Source  Destination
 DX  APPL001
Frame 1  -SYN-->
Frame 2  <--SYN,ACK-
Frame 3  -ACK-->
Frame 4  ---FIN,ACK>
Frame 5  

I am currently checking on how the load balancer's Layer 7 health checks
work, however it seems Tomcat with and without the JSVC daemon is reusing
garbage in the event of empty Layer 4 health checks.  Is this desired
behavior?  Is this necessarily a problem with Tomcat or could this be an
issue with the version of tomcat-native distributed with Tomcat 6?


On 7/14/08 12:08 PM, "Len Popp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The obvious question is, are these TCP health checks well-formed HTTP
> or not?

I guess it's hard to snoop the exact contents of the request
> since
it's sent via SSL, but maybe you could configure it to send the
> exact
same health checks to port 80 via plain HTTP. Then you could
> use
Wireshark to see the exact contents of the requests, and figure out if
> problem is in the requests or in Tomcat.

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at
> 09:57, Andrew Feller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there any reason
> why Tomcat running under the JSVC daemon using the
> Apache Portable Runtime
> for SSL would act erratically to TCP health checks?
> We are using a Juniper
> DX for load balancing that uses TCP health checks to
> port 443 of a Tomcat
> instance in order to keep the machine in the forwarding
> cluster.  However,
> whenever the health check comes in, the logs generated by
> Tomcat's
> AccessLogValve show them to be malformed HTTP requests.  My
> networking
> colleagues and the Juniper engineer confirm that it is sending
> plain TCP
> health checks; nothing fancy.  As you can see in the logs below,
> Tomcat
> states the TCP health check is malformed HTTP request.  Any thoughts?
> Sincerely grateful for any assistance,
> Andrew
> Environment:
> RHEL 5 32-bit
>Tomcat: 6.0.14
>Connectors: Apache Portable Runtime
> distributed with Tomcat binaries
>Connector configuration:
>  protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol"
> maxThreads="150"
>SSLEnabled="true" scheme="https" secure="true"
> clientAuth="false"
> sslProtocol="TLS"
> SSLCertificateFile="/etc/pki/tls/certs/server.crt"
> SSLCertificateKeyFile="/etc/pki/tls/private/server.key"
> Excerpt from AccessLogValve output (with health check occurring every 9
> seconds):
> [07/Jul/2008:13:32:40 -0500] GET /serviceValidate
> 200 240 -
> 9 ?&someparam=1-f5dUkJr3KDo0VewDxeF7-
> [07/Jul/2008:13:32:40 -0500]
> H8f7UQt2SP-IeCHR0myAbQ0PyeXhTISx6ldp5RBOkd6GNkwfakOE6VGgFDyUr1wWWcVksPYbJSfD8B
> qxjFHze8M0jGWn5dqfb3o0-VOovBOlsANm_lvjg7ZUEfz9ZFfo3RPxtt-qqP2hZNlynme7Dr62iBCq
> 5K4DuryO4Dy3ne6uGizIIXkGIAf5OHU-sAMYnDnhi2IgB_IKIPwCqAA_DMwYfFRAuVwZ1X7GwcZZgP
> MB8DnyhAUyFtyyK1cIqkH7b2HIhqFquoQJP2IhZbq-IfztVAQ4xzfDfXiDimop2AGuGK8aKhYWNhRM
> uACscC7dKEKyUsJj9pFAzdZy8Rkl4MqqVbYyh-tsKhjgL2xEEofVw7WyADz5dwZvxX6CpewNhXxdks
> NH39Rg7BvcokYFt5baJ_1hZeAH0ynn7lPTL4VYID4KKFZAf1IlUFd6jNJSMtD7GzidasfIlLO4Ds4b
> 7Bg_leB4rX8biJBYPBB0_Fp8gBQLXyBpaIHHI47wgu-onISD6hGD-sbWumqSUvdikJUsrBCzuFuSWh
> li4JceBwCdZqR3dRy3dxPNnQy1RsVtdkM1If8D5cdFIhgU4F2c1yVUZkOTYXklQ3NZ53BSnLMYnMKx
> oRJ7P-1KYBjCZkMz8MynKcEMtUTFtq2AaMOsQ3qOnHjMvmxCiKv0N6tQRyHjrwgP8bfWE8Lk3z8x_q
> gXc_UsD4-MeBayyhqbwl-m23xXw2IGVJ7B4Ul4JVHIhuP_9fv4AHsgw4noAAAM5UwMR1lWT_Dupw22
> 8eFXpuelprJzB4ilwXt3ey8IweBaiD84uB_zwhS3TAgG_ZKQVuOC6YJFbsXIWi59UdBBXncbhoxbXh
> Rfn1DidZjHKvSyWXsuzaYsgaYSmDoWBKfn2Nyzq5dEi2ZwRwwQLyBQoJg8uj-9Q2ksayhmGbK8zWMc
> FrPwMi3PwgNeru8GMu1EWw3IdNiM4CFEswnmNi_VSK1lr2oZXHKO6zOt58wW5eoFeXyifW42n3qq4x
> pnOtAdx0NLYIcaVOfhcN8WRAxX_PGDwXrhqLM7HqaNyxl_V_SZ2U-DIsXTK9ds5dRzGD1NzFs6jTXH
> kmFv5041Aq3OzGjpKjoE-IcjOutD7bNfHXV9DiwGdFuS6ONBZHO-m5GtwjOFpoVDXVZNiQIvKnxaUd
> Fgeqgp1Yww15kHWrV7Z80jrPedydl6htlcSagGblsyzfJVVhBMrYx-3BQtC-JqKdkyQmahClMNlrOr
> slNGqs3PQ4Ye8AIivjw21RP8qqMJksPx96hyqiy1szTa3eZRMkCANzvj1NWODhfzRZ9by50pLFnYRt
> OM9XS0IdTB52NIdG4LRttvBnxE3GSGqNTTzkhXIDydZ5PuDF0rgzuhVAhHeKbuc3FgvPcaoBcKDJ4r
> jFfmtJ79--vKvbn_tVzJVthjuf3mM19HEt5eCwzzYQB0m_j0hltGjx5pu4P985QUvYdbTIFQFxLsHT
> 3174IqeVxNkMcjKZOYFVBT5ToLPx_4cWVv08mgygQ1zbbBm0Peuepm_0ZhpmPG3IJ4y_RAVBZXTWhV
> SZL4s-EwlpZAknGdL1UVyYUm8SnLgwvQRg5l61WeecYaJPLn_zfJDH8G9valeooxNU9BOnPBtJ3737
> xcfzLzv7S5wnjbKUhRMWROs_Sf4FCZNVYqe_GjnC-dbT232tioZ9h6WPv7Wt-6ePNH_dFOz90EBDd4
> Qx7OWxmW-MEtWMC9zmLFLlpgky1UTc3gQZCZjbMvx
> [07/Jul/2008:13:32:49 -0500] GET /serviceValidate 200 240 -
> serviceA.exampl

Re: Mapping JSP's to outside of the war or expanded folder

2008-02-21 Thread Ralph Goers

We put a proxy in front of Tomcat. It serves all the static content.

emerson cargnin wrote:

Well, I said at the beginning that I'm not a big fan of this approach,
but I understand the reasons behind it and the difficulties it would
have to change it.

Other reason for using this approach is when you have a great amount
of static content, like images. An update of the war would have to
include 1 or more giga of images and static html pages.

What about if you have different applications (wars) that share common
headers, footers, images, etc?
Now people usually do it using symlinks, which makes it difficult using windows.


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Re: Mapping JSP's to outside of the war or expanded folder

2008-02-19 Thread Ralph Goers


The only way access to your servers is "totally strict" is if they have 
no network connection and no human input devices connected. However, in 
the "spirit" in which you probably meant this, I will have to point out 
that if your web apps are running on the internet then what you are 
requesting violates any competent security audit. If they are running on 
your local intranet then yes, it might not be a big deal. But even then, 
if the server could be used to get at personnel records or payroll, etc. 
then this could be just as big an issue.


emerson cargnin wrote:

This is not really an issue for me, as the access to the servers are
totally strict

and... any idea on how to map to the jsp's outside?
Nobody ever need it? how do people migrate from resin then?


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Re: Mapping JSP's to outside of the war or expanded folder

2008-02-19 Thread Ralph Goers

emerson cargnin wrote:

We use windows on the dev workstatios and unix (SunOS 5.10
Generic_120011-14 sun4v sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-T200) on dev/qa/production
We use Java 5 and we are migrating to tomcat 5.5 or 6.

Ralph, why do you say it's dangerous? Even if it doesn't have java
code, it would have tagslibs. Actually  I don't really see any
advantage using Velocity than JSP here.

Since JSPs can contain any Java code, someone could put in code that 
does something completely unrelated to your application (send passwords 
or account information somewhere, etc).  This is pretty hard to do 
without being detected when the JSPs are inside of a War file. When you 
put them outside of the war the controls are necessarily loosened 
because, presumably, you actually want people to be able to change these 
from time to time - so you may never know when one was changed 
inappropriately.  With templates this can still happen, but since they 
can't add anything to a template that does more than change the view 
this isn't that dangerous. 


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Re: Mapping JSP's to outside of the war or expanded folder

2008-02-18 Thread Ralph Goers
We have a similar need. But doing this with JSPs is very dangerous since 
they can have java code within them. Instead, using a templating 
language like Velocity would seem to be a mucn better approach. 

emerson cargnin wrote:

The policy of our company is to deploy the jsp's separated from the
war file, to allow a finer grained control over deployment. I'm not
very fan of it, but it's something I won't be able to change. So I
need a way to point the following URL's to another place in the file


On 18/02/2008, David Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Once the .war is expanded why would you want to map to JSPs outside of the file 
system package?

emerson cargnin wrote ..

Hi there

We use resin here in my work. Resin allows in its web.xml an element like:



This can also be used in resin.conf, amking the war more portable.

Now we are starting a migration to tomcat. But as far as I know TC
doesnt not allow to have the JSP's out side of the war or the expanded
war. I did a research a couple of years ago. Did it changed? Is there
anyway now of mapping the jsp's of an app to an outside folder?

Emerson Cargnin

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unable to access Tomcat Admin

2007-11-20 Thread Ralph


I have a question about tomcat 5.5 admin pacakge.  I downloaded it and
installed it according to the instruction.

After starting the tomcat server, when I click on the Tomcat
Administration link, I got the following error message just like before

Tomcat's administration web application is no longer installed by
default.  Download and install the "admin" package to use it

I used the Manager and see the /admin was deployed and running. So
instead of  <http://localhost:8080/admin> http://localhost:8080/admin

I typed  <http://localhost:8080/admin/index.html>
http://localhost:8080/admin/index.html, which mysteriously brought up the
signon page for the Tomcat Web Server
Administration Tool with the background in purple.

I typed in the admin username and password and would get

HTTP Status 404 - /admin/index.htmltype Status report
message /admin/index.html
description The requested resource (/admin/index.html) is not

Now, after this, the link won't work anymore until the admin app is

I also added 


in the admin.xml (which the instruction didn't say) but it didn't help

Am I missing a step?



Re: Tomcat connections not closing.

2007-10-27 Thread Ralph Goers


Have you been able to make any progress with this? I'm very interested 
in the outcome as we experience the same problem.


Roark, Mike wrote:


Thanks for the help.

You were right about the default for disableUploadTimeout. I must have
been looking at 5.0 docs before, it looks like the default changed
between 5.0 and 5.5.

So I have now specified all three settings as you have them, and have
had no effect. It seems like the socket remains open for as long as I
feel like waiting. I have a perl script that will make a request and
then not read the response (just sleeps), and another that will open a
socket but not even write a GET line. Same result in both cases.

I said that I could see the reads timeout, but now I'm not even seeing
that. I would expect if I don't send a GET that the connectionTimeout
would definitely apply.



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