I am trying to setup Tomcat with Cocoon for the purpose of enabling PDF
printing with Oracle APEX using FOP.

I'm using Linux 64bit, Tomcat 7.0.22, Cocoon 2.1.11, and JDK (build

Whenever, I attempt to hit the cocoon site (localhost:8080/cocoon/), I
receive the following error:
ResourceNotFoundException: No pipeline matched request: index.html"

I can see this error in the Tomcat log:

"SEVERE: The web application [/cocoon] appears to have started a thread
named [HSQLDB Timer @6b033450] but has failed to stop it. This is very
likely to create a memory leak."

Other than these errors, the Tomcat and Cocoon appear to be installed
properly and functioning properly.  However, I cannot get past these errors.

Please provide any insights you may have about using Cocoon with Tomcat.
Or, what else I can check to see why Cocoon isn't working with Tomcat.

Many Thanks, in advance, for your help

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