SV: Location of API

2007-12-13 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
 Then that import on
import COM.claymoresystems.ptls.SSLSocket;

should give error, but that is not giving any error.

No, it just means the library is available at compile-time. Try checking
your IDE for the jar file that contains the classes, and see why they
aren't included in the deployment.

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Re: Help needed to Configure PHP 5.2.5 on Tomcat 6.0

2007-12-02 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver

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SV: Thread-safety servlet testing

2007-11-30 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
 How to test servlet on thread-safety?

Use jMeter with a multitude of different users and test the returned
data that you do not get the data for another user.

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SV: additional ROOT folder

2007-11-27 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
 Is it possible that I have more than one root folder?

Yes, in the senses that 

* the same Tomcat install can be used to run multiple, separate
instances on different ports, using different catalina.base folders

* a Context in an instance can declare its own docBase folder elsewhere
on the machine, instead of being under the automatic location like

But a particular URL needs to map to one resource, so you cannot have
two web applications both be the default/root web application.

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SV: Enqueuing users requests

2007-11-20 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
 I noticed that users are able to click several times at times and
their actions are queued. But I'd prefer if the server drops any new
request if the first one is not completed. Do you know if it is possible
to configure the system to behave this way ?

A common way to do this is using a token pattern where you generate a
token value in the form, and map it to a state you keep in e.g. a static
Map. You test on the token the first thing after submit; if it is new
you change state to in use and continue processing, otherwise you
either cancel the earlier processing in some manner, or you ignore the
new one. The problem is that unless you use Keep-alive connections that
first processing run will not be able to return anything to the browser
since the first connection has been closed on that second submit.

I haven't used Spring web Flow myself but it could be they already have
a solution to this built in... try looking there first.

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SV: Running tomcat as a service on 64 bit windows

2007-11-19 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
 My service gets installed, however when i try to start the service it
does not get started.

AFAIK the 64-bit versions of Windows will not start 32-bit apps as
services. (I ran into the same problem trying to use Vista-64 under Boot
Camp on a Mac: Apple's drivers only support 32-bit Windows versions so
the auto-installer failed at trying to start the two services it tries
at the end of the setup.) 

So you probably need to be sure you get a 64-bit JVM in order to run it
as a service using srvany or the like, or a 64-bit exe for Tomcat when
using those binaries for the service.

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SV: Invoke JSP on tomcat startup

2007-11-16 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
 Exists some automatic way to invoke a JSP when tomcat starts?

In the sense that a JSP can be declared as load-on-startup, yes; put
the code you want to invoke in e.g.


static {
   // Stuff to do once

However, you really should look into solving the real problem you want
to use this for in some other way, e.g. a listener. JSPs are meant for
request processing, and there are no requets present at startup.

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6.0.14, Defaultservlet and 400 errors

2007-11-15 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
We are running multiple Catalina homes from one install, and ordinary
webapps deployed under them work fine. However, whenever static content
(in our case PDFs) is requested, Tomcat responds with

HTTP 1/1 400 No Host matches server hostname

- Running under Linux (Red Hat Enterprise) on JDK 1.5.0_03 as the same
user that owns the directory tree; uploading files to the folders under
the appBase works fine.
- There is only one Host defined in each server.xml (localhost), but
the server name is defined as an Alias; other Tomcat (5.5.x)
installations (on Windows) where the PDF download worked well did not
show this problem, and had not even any Alias entries for the machine
- appBase for the Host is declared relative. Should this perhaps be
absolute? But other apps are easily found...
- We also tried adding directories for the aliases under conf/Catalina
with no more success
- One of the Tomcats sits behind an Apache using the AJP connector, but
the only effect is that the 400-errors are forwarded when the request
matches one of the forwarded apps.

I googled a bit but it seemed that most other occurences of this problem
also affected other webapps under the appBase, while in our case these
run fine, including JSP compilation. It's just the static content
delivered by DefaultServlet that gives the error response...

Anyone have any ideas? Can it be caused by a change from 5.5 to 6.0
which would be remedied if we changed the Linux installation to 5.5.x?

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SV: FORM login, would like error page same as login page

2007-11-15 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
 So, I created login.html, with username and password fields, and if
parameter err=1 is passed, then the error message is displayed.

How do you pick up the parameter in the HTML? Using JavaScript? Remember
*.html resources are usually not parsed server-side in any way.

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Re: FORM login, would like error page same as login page

2007-11-15 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
 I beleive that JavaSrcipt it is okay, because when I try the page
alone (/login.html?err=1), it works just fine.

Thinking more about it, the form-error-page reference is just used
server-side via internal include or forward to obtain content returned
for a different URL: Since the page reference uses a WEB-INF path, it
cannot be part of an URL that is sent to the browser (since Tomcat would
never serve content from there directly). Try adding 

script language=text/javascript

to see what the real URL is when you expect it to use the error page;
most likely that will be the URL of the resource that triggered the
authentication in the first place.

I guess the best solution would be to use .jsp extension instead, and
pick up the parameter value from the request in Java code instead of

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SV: multiple tomcat processes running on linux

2007-11-15 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
 When I give ps -ef | grep tomcat, it shows multiple processes running
 all of them grabbing majority of the available memory

That's covered in the Linux section of the FAQ: Linux ps reports
multiple threads as separate processes. Try adjusting the number of
threads in server.xml.

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