Re: META-INF/context.xml and deploy issue (web.xml removed?)

2014-12-04 Thread

Is anyone can help me to find out what I am missing ?

Le 02/12/2014 10:36, a écrit :

 I'm facing an issue with tomcat 6. In order to setup a JDNI, we
 added a context.xml file to our application (XWiki) in the
 already-deployed folder webapps/xwiki/META-INF/ and configured the
 existing webapps/xwiki/WEB-INF/web.xml accordingly.

 update of web.xml triggered the app reload which is expected.

 At this point I wanted to adjust the database configuration, ie by
 modifying webapps/xwiki/META-INF/context.xml. When I do this the
 changes are not taken into account because the file
 Catalina/localhost/xwiki.xml is not overwritten by Tomcat.

 The solution that came into my mind has been to force Tomcat to
 update the file bt deleting Catalina/localhost/xwiki.xml - which
 has indeed make Tomcat undeploy and deploy the app again.

 Here are my questions: 1) As there is no war file involved, what
 does undeploy and deploy means ? What is being done exactly ?

 2) Why is the file webapps/xwiki/WEB-INF/web.xml is missing, after
 I remove xwiki.xml and the app is redeployed ? (no web.xml = no
 deployment so at the moment I have to manually restore a backup of
 this file)

 Thanks !


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META-INF/context.xml and deploy issue

2014-12-02 Thread

I'm facing an issue with tomcat 6. In order to setup a JDNI, we added a
context.xml file to our application (XWiki) in the already-deployed
folder webapps/xwiki/META-INF/ and configured the existing
webapps/xwiki/WEB-INF/web.xml accordingly.

update of web.xml triggered the app reload which is expected.

At this point I wanted to adjust the database configuration, ie by
modifying webapps/xwiki/META-INF/context.xml. When I do this the changes
are not taken into account because the file Catalina/localhost/xwiki.xml
is not overwritten by Tomcat.

The solution that came into my mind has been to force Tomcat to update
the file bt deleting Catalina/localhost/xwiki.xml - which has indeed
make Tomcat undeploy and deploy the app again.

Here are my questions:
1) As there is no war file involved, what does undeploy and deploy
means ? What is being done exactly ?

2) Why is the file webapps/xwiki/WEB-INF/web.xml is missing, after I
remove xwiki.xml and the app is redeployed ? (no web.xml = no deployment
so at the moment I have to manually restore a backup of this file)

Thanks !


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Re: Static class across multiple tomcats?

2007-03-31 Thread org
I think sharing a common class across servlets can get tricky... I've never 
tried it using Tomcats intrinsic technology, but I think if you if you want 
to go this way then read up on
the ServletContextListener. Lets you look at what other servlets are up to, 
so you could make something that looks at servlet 1 and if it hasnt made the 
common resource then, servlet 2 will make it... then when servlet 1 starts 
it checks servlet 2, see's its already running and uses that mm I 
dont like it, think code could get very messy.

What I do for for this kind stuff is use Harbor

So I would make the shared class, dump it in the Harbor servlet and then 
call it from other servlets... Harbor is a very lite application server. I 
wrote Harbor and I'm keen to test it on this sort of application, so if you 
care to give me the test code of your shared object, I make 2 servlets and 
show you how to share the object across all your servlets even if they 
run on different machines. If you interested have a look at


- Original Message - 
From: James Sherwood [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 4:19 PM
Subject: Static class across multiple tomcats?


What I am trying to do is to have a thread running to check a database for 
something at a certian time.

All is well but when we launch both tomcats, there are 2 threads running 
and I cannot figure out how to have only 1 thread running as it seams 
static classes are unique to each tomcat.

Any ideas?

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Re: Virtual Memory or Mem usage monitoring

2007-03-30 Thread org
I also do this, if I have threads and opening and closing db connections 
etc nice way to watch the thing running.
I find memory is not the thing to watch other than telling you in general 
that the machine doesnt have enough.
Watch the HANDLES those things should be go up and come down quickly or 
stabalize at some value.
If you have a problem with dB connections or you not releasing memory 
the handles will just keep climbing and then eventually windows will go 
snail on you and everything gets very very slow.

Internally Windows uses handles for everything whether its on the heap or 
memory mapped or access to a port, if they stable life is good.
If you then find a problem... netbeans has a profiler which should help you 
find where you not releasing memory.


- Original Message - 
From: Jayson Enriquez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 7:17 PM
Subject: Virtual Memory or Mem usage monitoring

Hi all, (another memory question)

I am currently running Tomcat 5.5 on Windows server 2003 (2gb). Tomcat
memory resources are monitored in Windows Task Manager. Should I be more
concerned with Mem Usage or VM usage? Is Virtual Memory the actual
memory usage? Will gc release memory after it hits -Xmx 256? What
will/should mem drop down to after release?

-Djava.library.path=C:\Program Files\Documentum\shared -Xms256m
-Xmx256m -verbose:gc

Thank you

Jayson Enriquez CHDP

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Re: Is it possible to have more than one submit button in a JSP file?

2007-03-29 Thread org

Something like this

In Form
input type=submit value=START name=start
input type=submit value=STOP name=stop

In servlet
String sValueStart = request.getParameter(start); //The one clicked will 
have a value
String sValueStop = request.getParameter(stop); //The one clicked will 
have a value

Write reponse to Text Area etc...

- Original Message - 
From: Teh Noranis Mohd Aris [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 4:23 AM
Subject: Is it possible to have more than one submit button in a JSP file?

Dear All,

 I hope all of you can still remember me. I had the problem of writing the 
file content from an applet to a servlet. Now, I'm using JSP and it works. 
However, from JSP code examples, I always see only one submit button to 
the server. I would like my system to have several submit buttons that is 
connected to the server, for example a button for displaying a file from 
the server and a button for saving a file to the server. The file to 
display and the file to save should use the same textarea. How should it 
be done? If there are any source code examples, can anyone please post it 
to me? Please help! Thank you.

 Yours Sincerely,

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Re: FileUpload to different machine

2007-03-28 Thread org
A long time now since I played with Debian, but if I remember correctly just 
make your java program be able to write to a linux folder /etc/whatever, 
then get SAMBA, it allows you to map linux drives to windows and visa versa, 
then you will simply map a windows share to a lnked drive on linux, you 
write to the linux drive, it goes to the windows share.

Or you could write to the linux box and just map that as a drive on windows, 
to the windows user it will feel like its on their machne SAMBA.


- Original Message - 
To:; Tomcat Users List

Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 8:00 AM
Subject: FileUpload to different machine

Web application using JSF deployed on JBoss runing on Linux. Another 
server machine is Windows 2003. For file upload, all the file need to be 
stored in the windows machine. Questions:

 how to access the windows' file system from Linux?
 For file upload, can the file be uploaded directly into the windows 
machine even though the JBoss is running on the Linux machine?


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Re: Basic Auth without web.xml security-constraint not working

2007-03-28 Thread org

Ha ha... sounds like you looking for a magic function, which reminds me of 
my first computer program... got to tell you :)
A million years ago in my 1st year I was walking past the varsity main 
frame, I'd heard all sorts of things about this amazing beast... so I walked 
in, watched someone using a punch card, after they left, I typed draw 
nude girl... stuck it in the machine and was hell-of-a-disappointed when I 
got syntax error ha ha.

No, I think you expecting too much the Tomcat guys have let people who 
want to develop a quick servlet, define the DOORWAY to the role in web.xml 
and then quickly add users to the role in tomcat-users.xml and have 
provided a few simple functions like isUserInRole, which for the simplest of 
web sites are not even needed.
Its simple, easy, and probably good enough for most things a tomcat 
developer needs... very nice of them.

I was hoping that for what you need it would be possible to piggyback on 
that simple framework, even if it meant parsing the tomcat-users.xml to gray 
menu's, but it seems you have to work outside of that frame-work.

If you are writing code like the stuff below forget about the simple 
security framework tomcat provides, you dont need the Doorway in web.xml, 
and likewise tomcat-users.xml is not going to do a thing it only wakes 
up if you do the web.xml stuff. So if you define the URL and the restraining 
role in web.xml, then tomcat wakes up and looks at tomcat-users.xml. If not, 
it doesnt know you doing security, and even if you write security code, it 
only between you and the browser, Tomcat will just send what you tell it to 
and get a browser response back.
If you writing code at this level forget about that config stuff. 
you on your own.

Cant quite see how you would use JAAS, but ok you going to use Ldap or 

No magic functions you have to do something like this...

Using your code below, you make a servlet, and map all the urls through it.
A request comes in
You grap the user name and password...
You call ldap or JAAS or whatever security system you using
It tells you User OK, or NOT
If OK you DISPATCH the request off to the JSP page and it displays.
If you want to control menu's you ask the LDAP system or whatever if user is 
allowed access to various menu items (which represents other roles).
You stick that in a Bean pass it to the JSP page, it enables or disables 
the menu's, and displays.

Not hard to do if you know tomcat
Somewhere and somehow you have to be able to tell the system all the users 
and roles...
Whether you get it from JAAS or LDAP or parse the tomcat-users.xml, 
somewhere someone has to be able to tell the system, USERA is in 

In fact I'm beginning to think that what you looking for is yet another 

So for example you may have a generic roles like, Visitors, Admin, Managers, 
New Employees, Company Visitors blah blah...

And then have another XML file that says
VISTORS -  Intro.jsp, Welcome.jsp,Instructions.jsp,How To Pay and access 
the good stuff.jsp

I still have a feeling all you really need is the generic tomcat security 
and someone to write a little XMLparsing code that gives you functions like


Then you have Two Maps to fill out User - Role (already standard in 
  Role -  Link (a 
new XML file)

MaybeAnyway I dont think you going to find the magic function you 
looking for, and I also dont think its an oversight by the tomcat 
developers, just think you looking for an additional mapping function. Maybe 
it would be nice if Tomcat had a function to enumerates user roles (has it?) 
but even then you'd still be making some additional mapping function...

If you need someone to write the framework for you, once you have decided 
what you want, call me.


- Original Message - 
From: Berglas, Anthony [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 3:26 AM
Subject: RE: Basic Auth without web.xml security-constraint not working

Thanks for your reply.

Getting the user name and password

String authorization = request.getHeader(Authorization);
if (authorization == null) return 0;

// Authorization headers looks like Basic blahblah,
// where blahblah is the base64 encoded username and
// password. We want the part after Basic .
String userInfo = authorization.substring(6).trim();
BASE64Decoder decoder = new BASE64Decoder();
String nameAndPassword = ;
nameAndPassword = new
}catch ( IOException e ){}
// Decoded part looks like username:password.
int index = 

Re: Is it possible somehow for Tomcat to serve ASP.NET pages?

2007-03-28 Thread org

Easy to simulate, Add Thread.Sleep(1) and then print a blue screen 
ha ha, dont shoot me, just kidding.

No, I dont think it will ever happen, I think the problem will always be 
that programmers on .NET dig into the win32 system too much and use add-on 
stuff like MS transaction servers.
Would have to simulate just about all MS technologies, and that means Java 
programmers would have to fix it first dont want that... ok ok I cant 
help myself ha ha.

Closest I've seen is Grasshopper

It allows a developer developing on .net to target java byte code or classes 
that run on Tomcat, but its always going to have to be a carefully designed 

Sorry no but if you new to Tomcat and thinking about Java... Welcome!

- Original Message - 

To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 10:16 AM
Subject: Is it possible somehow for Tomcat to serve ASP.NET pages?



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Re: Basic Auth without web.xml security-constraint not working

2007-03-27 Thread org

Hi Tony,

Mmmm, kinda understand what you saying something like this, Tomcat wants 
to check the users at the FRONT DOOR, and either kick them back onto the 
street or let them in, but you want to let them ALL in and let some use the 
dining room and some use the kitchen you trying to be polite and put a 
NO ENTRY on the bathroom door before the user even tries. Interesting

To trigger the built in Authentication you have to make the users all part 
of a ComeInAndLookAround ROLE, but now everyone can get through any door, so 
you need to check the additional roles yourself to determine access that 
really defeats tomcats security, thus the problem I dont like this.

OR you need to leave the generic security alone, ie you have 
Page1AccessRole, Page2AccessRole, so that normal humans can administer the 
roles as Tomcat intended, and on each menu Item have 
IsUserAllowedToAccessPageX, if not grey it, else show it. In this case you 
would need to parse tomcat-users.xml which has the format like this user 
username=admin password= roles=admin,manager/ and it not difficult to 
find the roles for a user. Just some XML parsing I would go this way, 
because its in the expertise of the Tomcat Admin guy or girl.

OR you could do the above but with your own internal logic, so you protect 
access to pages with tomcat and then maybe have a separate file that lists 
users and menu access allowed... in which case you need to make your own 
config file, dB would work well. could be the right way depending on 
what you making.

OR you could decide FRONT DOOR checks are not for you and do it all 
yourself, in which case this code will get you going

Getting the user name and password

   String authorization = request.getHeader(Authorization);
   if (authorization == null) return 0;

   // Authorization headers looks like Basic blahblah,
   // where blahblah is the base64 encoded username and
   // password. We want the part after Basic .
   String userInfo = authorization.substring(6).trim();
   BASE64Decoder decoder = new BASE64Decoder();
   String nameAndPassword = ;
   nameAndPassword = new 

   }catch ( IOException e ){}
   // Decoded part looks like username:password.
   int index = nameAndPassword.indexOf(:);
   String user = nameAndPassword.substring(0, index);
   user = user.trim();
   if(user == null) return 0;
   String password = nameAndPassword.substring(index+1);
   password = password.trim();
   if(password == null) return 0;

To trigger the browser the headers look like this
   response.setHeader(WWW-Authenticate, BASIC 
realm=\User Check\);

The coding is a hassel, but you have a lot of control like Ok You Not 
Allowed In Here normally, but I'll let you in and grey all the menu's

I'm not sure what it is you trying to do, hope this gets you going...

- Original Message - 
From: Berglas, Anthony [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 2:22 AM
Subject: Basic Auth without web.xml security-constraint not working

Tomcat seems to only check the Authorization: headers if there is some
security-constraint explicitly declared in web.xml.  However, it
appears that the  optimization has been incorrectly implemented because
it does not then recheck the header if request.isUserInRole(...) etc.
are called.  So users cannot log into a system that uses

More specifically,
my simple application tests request.isUserInRole(...) and
request.getRemoteUser().  If the user lacks permissions the application
sends a 401, and the user is prompted for a name/password which is sent
back as a Authorization: Basic dGltOlBhc3N3b3JkMQ==

So far so good.  But Tomcat then ignores the Authorization: header which
is correctly sent by the browser.

The web.xml has
   realm-nameAgile UI: tim/Password1/realm-name
in it.

There is no security-constraint clause in the web.xml because I do not
want to declare them there.  (They are instead declared internally as
part of a menuing system, which calls request.isUserInRole().)

A hack to make Tomcat look at the Authorization: header is to add the
following to web.xml


In which case it works if one accepts the unwanted dummy query.

Is it possible to tell Tomcat to always check the Authorization:?

Alternatively, is it 

Re: Service instance serialization question

2007-03-26 Thread org

private String synchronization MyServletHardwareCallingRoutine(HttpRequest 


return INFO


SYNCHRONIZATION will allow only one thread at a time, so they will Q.
BUT so will the clients wait.

If the clients do not need a reply from the hardware then

private void MyServletHardwareCallingRoutineAsBackGroundProcess(HttpRequest 

   new HardwareSrvr().asyncStartServer();


public class HardwareSrvr implements Runnable {
   private Thread runner;

   public HardwareSrvr () {

  public void asyncStartServer(){
   runner = new Thread(this);

  public void run() {




Free Software at

- Original Message - 
From: Tom Kobialka [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 7:38 AM
Subject: Service instance serialization question

 I have a web service which is running under the Tomcat container. Tomcat 
creates a new instance of
this web service with each incoming simultaneous connection. The problem I 
am having, is that my web service
calls a hardware device which can only handle one query at a time. If I 
have 5 instances of my web service
all querying it at the same time, it hangs. I need to implement some sort 
of serialization such that only one
request is processed from each instance at a time. Is it possible to 
serialize between service instances, which
have been created by tomcat? Is there some external library to tomcat 
shared memory object which will
allow me to do this? I have had a look around the web, but I'm not really 
sure where to start. I've come
across messaging solutions, but all these seem to be targeted towards 
serialization between services located

on completely different tomcat instances (JMS).


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Re: Running Java Apps From The Browser

2007-03-26 Thread org
A lot of guys asking me how to get java to automatically install if client does 
not have JRE.

This is not an all platform solution unfortunately, but nevertheless it works 
for IE users.
Place this is your web page


classid=clsid:5852F5ED-8BF4-11D4-A245-0080C6F74284 height=25 width=27 
id=Test border=1

param name=back value=false!-- Alternate non IE type HTML browsers which 
cannot instantiate the object -- 

a href=; Download Java 


If user does not have JRE, it gets it and installs it, then the links to 
applications will work.
Maybe someone knows of a better way I dont.



  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 6:50 PM
  Subject: Running Java Apps From The Browser

  Hi Teh Noranis Mohd Aris,

  Hope you read this.
  I remember you having problems with Applets, namely trying to get around 
security issues.

  Just want to tell you I made IGNITION, which you can get at

  You drop your applications into a folder on the servlet point a browser 
link at it it runs on user machine, with no security limitations.
  Normal applications work, doesnt have to be an applet or a web start special.

  I had a look at other technologies, and realized your problem is also a real 
  So the mighty Tomcat again came to the rescue  hope you and other guys 
find ignition useful.
  Its nice to be able to start java apps from a browser easily.


  From: Teh Noranis Mohd Aris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 5:10 AM
  Subject: Re: File Content Not Saved To Server

   Dear All,
I really need this program to work as soon as possible and need urgent 
   help! Mr. Christopher Schultz have given suggestions on how to solve the 
   problem and I've tried his suggestions. Thank you so much, as half of the 
   problem have been solved. I've created 3 files as suggested: 

Re: Question about lib folder of Webapps

2007-03-25 Thread org
Too much pain... get yourself Netbeans, doing everything by hand is near 
In netbeans you can drop in your libs, make your JSP, debug it and deploy it.
Good luck

  - Original Message - 
  From: Evrim Agha 
  To: Tomcat User 
  Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2007 9:09 AM
  Subject: Question about lib folder of Webapps

  Hi everyone

  I'd like to build a JSP to use and show results of using Sparql + Jena + 
Pellet libraries.

  I have set up a directory called MyFirstTestDir in [TomcatDir]\webapps.

  Inside MyFirstTestDir, I have created a folder called WEB-INF which
  has a folder called lib; So I have:


  inside lib, I have copied all the files in lib folder of jena download
  + pellet download.

  Extremely appreciate your help with these questions:

  Some of the Jena jar files and Sparql jar files share the same name; 
therefore I can not copy them directly to lib. 

  Could you please advise what should I do?

  I am using winxp and tomcat 6.

  Thank you in advance.


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Re: How do I get the http://localhost/jkstatus page to display/installed

2007-03-23 Thread org

Hi Robert,

Try get to it through the APACHE box

Below I MODIFIED some entries to make it look better...
I think you almost have it right...

regards Johnny 

- Original Message - 

Thanks, but I already have that added.  It appears that I don't have the
jkstatus files.  Are these delivered with a specific version of tomcat,
or how do I get the files?  Shouldn't I be able to directly hit each
tomcat jkstatus instance directly like http://node1/jkstatus or
http://node2/jkstatus, or is this dependent on apache and if so could I
hit apache with http://apachebox/jkstatus prior to setting up the files
below.  Just trying to deduce why it isn't visible.

This is what I have

Httpd.conf file**

LoadModule jk_module modules/

IfModule !mod_jk.c
 LoadModule jk_module PATH2APACHE/Apache2.2/modules/

JkWorkersFile   conf/
JkLogFile   logs/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel  warn
JkShmFile   logs/mod_jk.shm

JkMount /jkstatus jkstatus

JkMount /*  loadbalancer

** file*






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Running Java Apps From The Browser

2007-03-22 Thread org
Hi Teh Noranis Mohd Aris,

Hope you read this.
I remember you having problems with Applets, namely trying to get around 
security issues.

Just want to tell you I made IGNITION, which you can get at

You drop your applications into a folder on the servlet point a browser 
link at it it runs on user machine, with no security limitations.
 Normal applications work, doesnt have to be an applet or a web start special.

I had a look at other technologies, and realized your problem is also a real 
So the mighty Tomcat again came to the rescue  hope you and other guys find 
ignition useful.
Its nice to be able to start java apps from a browser easily.


From: Teh Noranis Mohd Aris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 5:10 AM
Subject: Re: File Content Not Saved To Server

 Dear All,

  I really need this program to work as soon as possible and need urgent 
 help! Mr. Christopher Schultz have given suggestions on how to solve the 
 problem and I've tried his suggestions. Thank you so much, as half of the 
 problem have been solved. I've created 3 files as suggested: 

Re: connection pool

2007-03-22 Thread org

I dont use Tomcats built in db pooling, use a different one, but I think the 
problem is not that it drops the connection, because any pool should simply 
reallocate a new one when needed.
I have a feeling you are exhausting all the available connections, and the 
pool cant give you a new one.

Are you releasing the connections after each request???
If not you will quickly run out of dB connections..

- Original Message - 
From: Gioia, Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 4:01 PM
Subject: connection pool

Hi, I'm still having a problem with tomcat with keeping up the
connection to the database thru the connection pool.

Almost every weekend the database gets bumped and the java app that were
running needs to have tomcat restarted to reconnect to the database thru
the connection pool.  When we come in on Monday tomcat and the database
are up and running, but the app will not connect to the database.

I tried to use a batch file and have it run in scheduler to stop and
start the tomcat service, but it doesn't seem to work it the machine is
logged out.

Is there a way to reestablish the connection so our users don't have to
wait until we come in on Monday to restart tomcat?


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Re: Unable to compile class for JSP

2007-03-22 Thread org

Hi Peter,
I probably got the wrong end of the stick, missed the thread etc, but its 
seems like you going through a whole lot of pain so I was wondering.

If you have a servlet and a bunch of JSP pages, did you know that the JSP's 
will not compile when you Clean and Build in Netbeans.
If you right click on the project name and under the compile section ask it 
to--- then it will. Or if you compile each JSP file then it will to.
So its possible that its just an error in the JSP that goes undetected until 
the browser hit it.

Try set it up so that it compiles all the JSP's and I have a feeeling you 
will see it at design time.

Dont think its a bug in tomcat good luck.

- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 5:00 PM
Subject: AW: Unable to compile class for JSP

Hi everybody,
thanks for your help, which I really appreciate!
I still don't know exactly what it was, but I fixed it by doing the

- uninstall tomcat
- reinstall it, not having it run as a windows service
- installing it in a directory tomcat_4_1 rather then the suggested
tomcat 4.1 because I hade problems with spaces in path before. Now it


- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 12:21 PM
Subject: Unable to compile class for JSP


This might be a silly question, but it seems to be quite a common
problem (lots or links in google). But none of the offered solutions so
far worked.

So I am asking the people who probably know!

I installed tomcat 4.1.29 with JDK 1.4.2

Trying the JSP examples coming with it, I get the following message:

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented
it from fulfilling this request.


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP

An error occurred at line: -1 in the jsp file: null

Generated servlet error:
   [javac] Compiling 1 source file










   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(































Re: How do I get the http://localhost/jkstatus page to display/installed

2007-03-22 Thread org

# Add the jkstatus mount point
 JkMount /jkstatus jkstatus

- Original Message - 
From: Robert Young [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 11:56 PM
Subject: How do I get the http://localhost/jkstatus page to 


I have installed apache 2.2.4 with and 2 instances of tomcat

5.5.17 in a cluster.  As I read examples I see that I should be able to
access http://localhost/jkstatus/.  I have set up the in the
httpd.conf file and set up the file.  When I enter the
url for http://localhost/jkstatus/ http://%3capache%3e/jkstatus  I get
a not found error.

What do I need to do to get jkstatus working?  Is this a web-app that
should be installed in tomcat, and if so, where do I get it, or does
this belong in the apache http server?  The only thing I can see about
jkstatus is within the connector archive, and I have built that, but
still no jkstatus.  I see java files in the connector directory, but no
instructions on if I should copy these files to a specific location.

Can somebody give me some direction on setting this up?

Thanks for your help.

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Re: JSP page not updated on each request

2007-03-15 Thread org
Mmmm, dont know I think the browser should be picking up file changes, but 
if you want to make sure the browser doesnt cache, then if I remember 
correctly search for NO-CACHE and set the headers returned, the browser will 
reload every time. Note that headers are different for different browsers so 
you have to set a few headers... google will tell you.

Note that when you developing, I've noticed if you leave the browser open, 
it may still display previous page... but it doesnt happen once deployed.

Other thing that maybe catching you is that you changing something in the 
servlet INIT routine... and that somehow impacts on your JSP pages say thru 
a bean. That wont reflect until you stop and start tomcat..INIT runs once at 
start up.

good luck

- Original Message - 
From: pkumar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 9:39 AM
Subject: JSP page not updated on each request

Hello, The JSP pages in my project is not showing the updated one upon 

request..Its showing the old one and only when i press the refresh, its
showing the updated one...I believe this is the problem with Tomcat..Can
someone help.
Thanks in advance

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Re: how to configure the tomcat to automatically update class instances when a class file changed

2007-03-15 Thread org

In the servlet.xml config file you will see the
Host name=localhost appBase=webapps
unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true

The autoDeploy=true means the sevlet will reload if anything is changed 
under WEB-INF
So if you  drop another library class in, or say change web.xml, that 
servlet will restart WHEN IT IS IDLE.
If you have a thread running in a background process, then I dont think it 
will ever restart.

Its clever but it does mean Tomcat has to rev up all over again and on a 
busy server thats probably not a good thing.

Other alternative is to make a plugin, and load up the classes yourself... 
maybe able to find a standard one, if writing a classloader seems like too 
much work.
Or you can try my software HARBOR at  it allows 
you to control the reloading of classes.

Just out of curiosity, why is it that your beans need to change... why 
couldnt you just have them read from a dB or somthing?

- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 2:02 PM
Subject: how to configure the tomcat to automatically update class instances 
when a class file changed

my class files of beans regularly changes.
So,everytime i change a class file, i need to restart the tomcat server.
how can i configure Tomcat to watch the changes in the class files of 

Thanks in Advance,

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Re: How does one configure Plain host domain url to run web app?

2007-03-13 Thread org

Hi John,

Ok, I'm going to try show you how I think about this stuff... and I'm often 
wrong ;)

Dont use a redirect... it goes back to the browser and its not cool.

Firstly make a servlet and have a look at the CONTEXT.XML file under 

Change it to..
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
Context path=/

Now have a look at WEB.XML under WEB-INF

make sure the mapping is

OK now that servlet will run for any URI from the domain name up ie

You can play with the mapping if you dont want that... but let me show you 
how I do this sort of stuff, and then you can tweak it as you want.

Now in the servlet make this routine

   protected void displayPage(HttpServletRequest request, 
HttpServletResponse response, String thePage)

   throws ServletException, IOException {

   RequestDispatcher dispatch = 

   dispatch.forward(request, response);

Now when the servlet is called in
   protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, 
HttpServletResponse response)

do this

displayPage( request,  response,  index.jsp);

So all of a sudden you can direct any URL to any page without redirects 
can use the API to check the URL and use a case statement whatever.

OK... heres the final trick coz it looks like you trying to run behind 

put this in the servlet.xml file in Tomcat.conf

   Host appBase=webapps

   unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true

   xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

   !-- USE THIS FOR AUTO GEN OF JK MOD for Apache Forwarding to tomcat 

   Listener className=org.apache.jk.config.ApacheConfig append=true 
forwardAll=false modJk=D:/DEV/Apache2.2/modules/


Now when you start Tomcat it will create a folder under conf/auto it puts 
all the stuff apache needs in a mod_jk.file

looks like this but its AUTOMATICALLY generated when tomcat starts.

   # Static files
   Alias /jsp-examples D:/DEV/Tomcat 5.5/webapps/jsp-examples

   Directory D:/DEV/Tomcat 5.5/webapps/jsp-examples
   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
   DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.jsp

   # Deny direct access to WEB-INF and META-INF
   Location /jsp-examples/WEB-INF/*
   AllowOverride None
   deny from all

   Location /jsp-examples/META-INF/*
   AllowOverride None
   deny from all
   # Use Directory too. On Windows, Location doesn't work unless case 

   Directory D:/DEV/Tomcat 5.5/webapps/jsp-examples/WEB-INF/
   AllowOverride None
   deny from all

   Directory D:/DEV/Tomcat 5.5/webapps/jsp-examples/META-INF/
   AllowOverride None
   deny from all

   JkMount /jsp-examples/security/protected/j_security_check  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/forward/one.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/tagplugin/foreach.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/dates/date.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/jsp2/tagfiles/panel.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/xml/xml.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/jsp2/simpletag/repeat.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/CompressionTest  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/cal/cal2.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/sessions/carts.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/tagplugin/choose.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/jsptoserv/jsptoservlet.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/jsp2/misc/config.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/checkbox/checkresult.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/security/protected/login.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/jsp2/simpletag/book.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/forward/forward.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/jsp2/jspx/textRotate.jspx  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/simpletag/foo.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/security/protected/index.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/include/include.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/error/err.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/jsp2/el/basic-arithmetic.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/*.jspx  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/jsp2/jspx/basic.jspx  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/snp/snoop.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/error/errorpge.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/jsp2/jspattribute/jspattribute.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/include/foo.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/jsp2/el/functions.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/jsp2/tagfiles/products.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/jsp2/simpletag/hello.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/jsp2/el/basic-comparisons.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/colors/colrs.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/jsp2/jspattribute/shuffle.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/num/numguess.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/*.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/plugin/plugin.jsp  ajp13
   JkMount /jsp-examples/source.jsp  

Re: how to intimate the user when his session invalidation occurs in form based authentication

2007-03-12 Thread org

I also had no luck with using error page tags in tomcat, they dont work.
I really think you should have a separate login page, and then let the users 
navigate to frames etc.
The only way I could get an tailor made error page to display properly was 
by using programmitic security in a servlet.. good luck

- Original Message - 

Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 7:54 AM
Subject: how to intimate the user when his session invalidation occurs in 
form based authentication

*Scenario :*

I have developed a state full web application using form based Container
managed security of Tomcat 5.5.20. In this web application state of user 

maintained by container itself.

My web application consists of only JSP pages grouped into folder each
having index.jsp as default page and the access to it is protected by
Container using form based authentication. So when ever a request goes to
server, it sends a login page for the authentication.

The index page consists of two frames. One having the menu of this
application and other having the content of the menu item selected. Actual
problem occurs when the user clicks in the menu frame after session is
invalidated then the user is getting the login page in the content frame.

*How can I intimate the user about his session invalidation? *

And also

Some times I am getting *408 / 409(these two status code are coming in IE)
or connection reset (in Mozilla)* error when the login times out when he
enters the user id and password in the login page. I am handling status 
408 (login time out) error by using error page tag of web.xml. Then also 

is unable to send error handling page for some requests.

thanks in advance,



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Re: File Content Not Saved To Server

2007-03-12 Thread org

Its been a really long time since I played with Applets, but if I remember 
correctly I think you screwed. I dont think an applet container will let you 
access a local file system and send it to a server, it would create huge 
security holes. So even if you get the code right, browser will start 
outputtung security exceptions if I understand correctly, cant actually 
make out how you accessing the local file.

I think you gonna have to use a file uploader... theres one on the apache 
My general comment is that in general Java Applets are dead microsoft 
saw to that.

If the user has Java on their machine and you really really have to have a 
Swing type app then another way is to

maybe use
I have a free application server... easy to use, you can let them run the 
Swing application FROM the server.
I think they would still have to pull a very small App from the browser, but 
it will start very quick.
I think as soon as you try run any local disk access from an Applet you 
outta luck.

- Original Message - 
From: Teh Noranis Mohd Aris [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 5:10 AM
Subject: Re: File Content Not Saved To Server

Dear All,

 I really need this program to work as soon as possible and need urgent 
help! Mr. Christopher Schultz have given suggestions on how to solve the 
problem and I've tried his suggestions. Thank you so much, as half of the 
problem have been solved. I've created 3 files as suggested:, SaveFileApplet.html and This 
solves the problem of the creation of a null file by the system. Now, a 
file name that was input by the user was created BUT the problem is that, 
when I open the file, the word null was written to the file NOT the file 
content. The filename parameter was sent from the applet to the servlet 
BUT the file content parameter was not sent. This means that the file 
content parameter does not exist and the servlet did not receive the file 
content parameter! Did I pass the file content correctly from and did the SaveFileServlet receive the parameter 
using req.getParameter(teditor);? I'm attaching the 3 files
(errer-free) as I mentioned. I really really hope that anyone can help me 
solve this problem. Thank you so much.


 // C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.31\webapps\ROOT\

 import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.JApplet;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import java.util.*;

 public class SaveFileApplet extends JApplet implements ItemListener, 


JPanel panel1, panellabel, panelbutton, paneltext;
JTextField namefile;
JButton jbtSave;
JTextArea textEditor;
JLabel labelfile;
public void init()

 Container container = getContentPane();
 namefile = new JTextField(10);
 panel1 = new JPanel();
 panellabel = new JPanel();
 panelbutton = new JPanel();
 paneltext = new JPanel();

 labelfile = new JLabel(File Name);

 panellabel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT,50,0));

 panelbutton.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1));
 panelbutton.add(jbtSave = new JButton(Save));

 textEditor = new JTextArea(18,63);
 textEditor.setFont(new Font(monospaced,Font.PLAIN,12));
 JScrollPane scrollPane1 = new JScrollPane(textEditor);
 Linenumber linenumber1 = new Linenumber ( textEditor );


 jbtSave.addActionListener (
new ActionListener() {
 public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent en) {

   } // end init

 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)

 } // End action perform

 public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ie)

 } // End item state changed

 public void savefile()

   String filename = namefile.getText();
   String teditor = textEditor.getText();
 URL servletUrl = null;
   URLConnection con;

   String servletName = 

 servletUrl = new URL(servletName + ?filename= + filename);
 con = servletUrl.openConnection();

 ByteArrayOutputStream byteOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
 DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(byteOut);

 DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(con.getInputStream());

catch(Exception e)
 System.out.println(Exception caught...+e);
} // end savefile
 } // end class SaveFileApplet

 SECOND FILE: SaveFile Applet.html

titlesave file/title
div align=center
table WIDTH=70% align=center
tr align=center bgcolor=#CCC66Htd SAVE FILE 

Re: EJB 3.0 and Hibernate

2007-03-12 Thread org

Hi Scott,

Not sure what you mean by container managed service, tomcat on its own is a 
servlet container, not an application container, like JBoss, maybe you saw 
hibernate referenced in Spring which is a whole collection of frameworks 
built on top of servlet technology, it uses hibernate, and has an EJB 
container and everything else you can think of.  Spring competes with JBoss 
and the Sun spec. Some say the reason for EJB3 is because of Springs rapid 
growth and good idea's.

Personally I'm thankful Tomcat hasnt tried to become a Super Can... hope 
it never does.

I'm pretty certain that in the Hibernate manual on their site, I saw an 
example of how to persist in servlet technology, but remember its still not 
an application server, all they doing is allowing you to save a session bean 
to disk (dB).  Hibernate is amazing technology, didnt have time to find out 
exactly how they do it, but I think they use reflection to pick up the get 
and set methods and then, insert some method probably via BCEL into the java 
binary class constructor, so that when the class loads it gets the data from 
the dB and populates the properties but thats all it really does, its 
not a container on its own.

You can run Hibernate against any Java bean type class, doesnt have to be in 
Tomcat or anything, but I think if your code is something that was written 
for JBOSS and you trying to port it to another container... its going to be 
very very difficult. Probably uses all sorts of annotations that glue it to 

Anyway if you knew all this, ignore my lecture... and its not a stupid 
question, its seems there are pure application servers out there that 
consider servlet technology to be a component of the application server... 
think it stems from the Sun spec and JBOSS is one of them. Tomcat is just a 
component in JBOSS.
Then there is the Spring framework which seems to have grown off the top of 
Servlet technology, and then there is also RESIN, which most people call a 
very good servlet container, but it also has an EJB container built in. So I 
think its becoming a grey area... Servlet technology is so powerful, I think 
its a natural rival to any other container out there.

Just to prove the point... I wrote an Application server for Tomcat, but I 
must warn you that I dont like the complexity of the Super Cans, and its 
very very simple in comparison... means you will get it running in an hour, 
but if you want to use hibernate, you have to do it yourself, there are no 
annotations or xml glue.

Can get it at
Anyway its interesting... will the application server absorb the servlet, or 
will the servlet trample the stand alone application server into 
extinction... I think Servlets are winning and will win, which kinda creates 
all sorts of problems for the Sun Specs. Will probably end up as, if you 
want to run a bank... use JBOSS or the Sun equiv, but for everything else I 
think its going to be servlets.

So, dont know what you doing, but dont write off Tomcat or servlets... its 
an absolutely amazing technology... worth a good look.
If it is just a web application you trying to port, and its used some Super 
Can technology for persistance, I think its going to be easier to replace 

Think you'll find Tomcat a whole lot easier to learn than JBOSS.
Whew! I can waffel :)

- Original Message - 
From: Scott Purcell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 4:11 PM
Subject: EJB 3.0 and Hibernate


Looking at incorporating the Java Persistence API (EJB 3.0) and was 
wondering if Tomcat 5.5 supports this. It looks like we need container 
managed services and was wondering if we can use Tomcat instead of JBoss?


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Re: EJB 3.0 and Hibernate

2007-03-12 Thread org

Here you go
shows you how to use it in Tomcat

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RE: Tomcat and NetBeans IDE - THE BEST

2007-03-10 Thread org
Hi there,

I also only recently started using Tomcat and Netbeans and its a match made in 
I use Tomcat for EVERYTHING its fantastic, wonderful, best thing I ever 
discovered, and Netbeans is sizzling hot as well.

No, you dont have to use the embedded Tomcat server, and it wont be long before 
you get a later Tomcat and want to use that anyway...
So what you do is open TOOLS-SERVER MANAGER and point it to the Tomcat version 
you want to use... its that easy.

Now you do not have to worry about starting and stopping Tomcat(the new one) 
when developing, as soon as you start a servlet it will happen automatically. 
If you want to stop it, you do it from INSIDE Netbeans either in the 
Runtime Tag, or you will see you can do it from the Tomcat Tag in the OUTPUT 
section of netbeans so you develop as normal.

Now when you CLEAN and BUILD your project you will see that it creates a DIST 
folder with the WAR file... that you simply drop into the WEPAPPS folder of ANY 
TOMCAT and then start THAT tomcat as a standalone (without netbeans 
running) and its deployed you can also use the Tomcat manager from the web 
browser but I find this method easier.

Now just one thing that can be confusing when Netbeans does all its magic 
and lets your debug stuff... it actually creates a temporary BUILD folder and 
when you
testing that is the code that is ACTUALLY running in the TOMCAT you using. Now 
what happens alot is that you drop your WAR file into tomcat BUT its not 
actiully deployed because NETBEANS still has control of Tomcat and what is 
actually happening is that Tomcat is still running your servlet in the BUILD 
It doesnt pick the WAR file up. So what I do before checking a WAR in tomcat, 
is DELETE the projects BUILD folder. Now if Tomcat complains, thats good, 
because you know it was still looking at the devlopment environment. Just stop 
tomcat, put the WAR file in WEBAPPS and restart it, it will pick up on the new 

Dont give up, Netbeans and Tomcat are magic, best development environment I've 
ever used.

If you want to see some pretty cool stuff I've developed on Tomcat go to

a) A replication system for POSTGRESQL
b) A web site search engine based on LUCENE
c) An Application Server HARBOR, that lets you run normal java apps from 
anywhere if you also think, JBOSS, SPRING etc are too complex.


 Hi , I am new to tomcat and be grateful for your reply and explanation.
  I have downloaded NetBeans which is bundled with Tomcat server .  I use 
 tomcat from within
 the environment to test my pages.

Re: Specifying relative path for TOMCAT 5.5 ?

2007-03-10 Thread org

Hi Rajendra,

This also confused the hell out of me.

Here are some tips

If a url is relative, its relative to the page
So its going to depend on the page the user is viewing and go from there... 
just like normal HTML pages.

When you want it to go to an absolute relative page LOOK at the folders 
under you project name, or the folders under Web Pages in netbeans ONLY.

So in Netbeans if you have Details/SomePage.jsp under Web Pages and you want 
the link to go there, you would write it as


That little  / at the beginning makes it go to that page regardless of the 
page it is in.

Now when you want to get at your class files, you normally just use the 
class name, no paths.

jsp:useBean scope=request id=searchBean 
class=com.myco.searchResultBean /

BUT if you want to get at say the actual bytes then one way is to
   ServletContext context = getServletContext();
   sWebInfPath = context.getRealPath(/WEB-INF/);

This will give you that actual location on your file system and then you can 

use (new File) etc to get at the physical file in the sub folder.

A more advanced function is to go the same way as you would if you wanted to 
extract the bytes of a class from a Jar file

   in = getClass().getResourceAsStream(sPackageName);

it also works on Tomcat.

Hope that helps.

Heres some free software for you
All done on the amazing Tomcat

- Original Message - 

I am using TOMCAT 5.5.  I am creating a file in class that is called from a
JSP.  However, the relative path that I have specified in the class doesn't
seem to work.  The path that I have used is

Can someone please let me know, what is wrong with the relative path ?

thanks in advance,

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