hi, basically i cannot access my tomcat manager thus my ant build.xml
script is failing when it comes to install/remove a .war archive of my
servlet with my tomcat manager. i can access the examples shipped with
Tomcat visiting the URI http://localhost:8080/servlets-examples/ but when
i visit http://localhost:8080/manager/ it gives a 404 error. I have added
a user to tomcat-users.xml with a manager role and manager.xml was already
in "apache-tomcat-5.5.15\conf\Catalina\localhost" when I downloaded it.
>From my understanding of the documentation once a user is defined with a
manager role and manager.xml is in
"apache-tomcat-5.5.15\conf\Catalina\localhost" visiting
http://localhost:8080/manager/ should work? Any help would be much
appreciated. Regards.

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