Is there any way to set up an application so that the auto-deployer will
place it at a context path containing more than one level?

For example, I want my application at /hr/policies.

I can setup the context like this in server.xml, but this is bad because
I would need a server restart to change anything. 

I can also set it up in conf/Catalina/localhost as hr#policies.xml,
which seems to work okay (hurrah for mailing lists archives, as this
feature seems to be entirely absent in the docs). However this means
server admin intervention is required whenever our developers come up
with a new app.

Does anyone know of a way to make the auto-deployer deploy to a
multi-level context path, via META-INF/context.xml, or by naming the
application directory in a certain way (hash trick doesn't work there as
far as I can tell), or is it simply impossible? 


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