Re: Dynamic session cookie domain... possible?

2018-02-16 Thread Christopher Schultz
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On 2/14/18 6:50 PM, Philippe Busque wrote:
> I'm migrating from Tomcat 8.0.X to Tomcat 9.0.5 and I have a issue
> I've been dragging for too long that I wise to correct. I have been
> searching for a workaround and so far, I've found nothing so far
> that work out of the box.
> Here is the situation:
> We have a single webapp  that can handle multiple domains, some of
> which are sub-domains. Example:,
> As far as I know Tomcat only allows us to set define a domain
> through a sessionCookieDomain in the context. But this domain is
> fixed. If I set sessionCookieDomain="", this will
> break and vice-versa.
> If I leave sessionCookieDomain empty, I don't get sub-domain
> support as no domain is set and the browser fallback to the current
> domain serviced.
> All the manipulation of the session cookie  are managed in the 
> org.apache.catalina.connector.Response class and is not
> customizable.
> So far, when we were using Tomcat 8, we were able to do a
> workaround by overriding the method addSessionCookieInternal inside
> the Response class through a facade, but this is a dirty hack and I
> would rather not alter any of Tomcat's inner classes... And a proxy
> is out of the question, Response not being an interface.
> The other workaround I can think of is  splitting  *
> & into 2 separate tomcat instance or webapps, but that
> would only duplicate the resources required (ram + disk space) for
> as many different domains we decide to support.
> Is there therefor a better way to handle manipulating session
> cookies, or is it frozen and out of reach for multiple subdomain?
> A "SessionCookieProcessor", which would take the context & the
> cookie, would be most welcome for such  a case

This all comes down to how cookies actually work. The simply trust is
that the web browser isn't going to let you set a cookie for another

I'm not even sure how your "hack" even worked.

You said that you couldn't use a Proxy... I assume you mean
java.lang.reflect.Proxy, right? Well... what about a reverse-proxy (a
networking component) that serves all applications under a single
domain name? (e.g. Then all applications can appear
to be using the same shared domain name?

If you can't do that, and you really need to support multiple
hostnames, then you'll have to do something like trampolining:

1. Client makes a request to

2. Respond with 302 ; Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=foo ;

3. Client follows redirect to

4. Respond with 302 ; Set-Cookie JSESSIONID=bar ; Location:

5. Do whatever you need to do afterwards.

This is awkward, but it will work.

- -chris
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Dynamic session cookie domain... possible?

2018-02-14 Thread Philippe Busque


I'm migrating from Tomcat 8.0.X to Tomcat 9.0.5 and I have a issue I've been 
dragging for too long that I wise to correct.
I have been searching for a workaround and so far, I've found nothing so far 
that work out of the box.

Here is the situation:

We have a single webapp  that can handle multiple domains, some of which are 

As far as I know Tomcat only allows us to set define a domain through a 
sessionCookieDomain in the context. But this domain is fixed.
If I set sessionCookieDomain="", this will break 
and vice-versa.

If I leave sessionCookieDomain empty, I don't get sub-domain support as no 
domain is set and the browser fallback to the current domain serviced.

All the manipulation of the session cookie  are managed in the 
org.apache.catalina.connector.Response class and is not customizable.

So far, when we were using Tomcat 8, we were able to do a workaround by 
overriding the method addSessionCookieInternal inside the Response class 
through a facade, but this is a dirty hack and I would rather not alter any of 
Tomcat's inner classes... And a proxy is out of the question, Response not 
being an interface.

The other workaround I can think of is  splitting  * & into 2 separate tomcat instance or webapps, but that would only 
duplicate the resources required (ram + disk space) for as many different domains 
we decide to support.

Is there therefor a better way to handle manipulating session cookies, or is it 
frozen and out of reach for multiple subdomain?

A "SessionCookieProcessor", which would take the context & the cookie, would be 
most welcome for such  a case


*Philippe Busque*
, rue St-Charles Ouest,
Tour Est, bureau 255
Longueuil (Québec) Canada J4K 5G4
Tél. : 450-449-0102 ext. 3017
Télec. : 450-449-8725

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