Re: Fwd: Advice please for Tomcat 8.5.53-dev with log4j2

2020-03-19 Thread Brian Burch

On 18/3/20 5:54 pm, Luis Rodríguez Fernández wrote:

Grande Brian, congrats!

Sorry, I've just read your message, a bit late to the party: time ago I had
cooked a tomcat9 container + log4j2 with a sample spring-boot app deployed.
You can have a look here [1]

Thanks very much, Luis. Although just too late to help me, I was pleased 
to discover it confirmed Mark's advice and my own experience.

I guess I missed it from my own searches because I was focussed on the 
major logging transition between tomcat 7 and the early tomcat 8 
version, but your post was prominently identified with tomcat 9.

I have a busy weekend with non-self-isolating(!) family and friends, but 
I have a strong intention to draft an update to the tc8 wiki next week 
to match the current facts. Probably it will prove trivial for someone 
to port my change to the tc9 pages.

Thanks again for your thoughts,





El mié., 18 mar. 2020 a las 8:44, Brian Burch ()

On 18/3/20 5:18 pm, Brian Burch wrote:

Could resist tinkering a bit more, but I'll be in trouble because I'm
late for dinner!!

Success! I have just created the catalina.log file formatted according
to my own log4j2.xml.

Yes, it was my stupid mistake, but I'll write tomorrow about what it did
to make it work.

Thanks for listening and advising. It really helped a lot and I wouldn't
have cracked it on my own.


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Re: Fwd: Advice please for Tomcat 8.5.53-dev with log4j2

2020-03-18 Thread Luis Rodríguez Fernández
Grande Brian, congrats!

Sorry, I've just read your message, a bit late to the party: time ago I had
cooked a tomcat9 container + log4j2 with a sample spring-boot app deployed.
You can have a look here [1]




El mié., 18 mar. 2020 a las 8:44, Brian Burch ()

> On 18/3/20 5:18 pm, Brian Burch wrote:
> > 
> Could resist tinkering a bit more, but I'll be in trouble because I'm
> late for dinner!!
> Success! I have just created the catalina.log file formatted according
> to my own log4j2.xml.
> Yes, it was my stupid mistake, but I'll write tomorrow about what it did
> to make it work.
> Thanks for listening and advising. It really helped a lot and I wouldn't
> have cracked it on my own.
> Brian
> -
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"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better."

- Samuel Beckett

Re: Fwd: Advice please for Tomcat 8.5.53-dev with log4j2

2020-03-18 Thread Brian Burch

On 18/3/20 5:18 pm, Brian Burch wrote:

Could resist tinkering a bit more, but I'll be in trouble because I'm 
late for dinner!!

Success! I have just created the catalina.log file formatted according 
to my own log4j2.xml.

Yes, it was my stupid mistake, but I'll write tomorrow about what it did 
to make it work.

Thanks for listening and advising. It really helped a lot and I wouldn't 
have cracked it on my own.


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Re: Fwd: Advice please for Tomcat 8.5.53-dev with log4j2

2020-03-18 Thread Brian Burch

On 18/3/20 2:57 pm, Brian Burch wrote:

I have done quite a lot of experiments, but I will stick to the case 
which appears to have produced the most encouraging(!) results.

I stumbled across

This short page has significant overlap with your suggestions, but there 
are differences too. I'll compare both before I say much more.

Your setenv puts log4j-api-2.13.1.jar on the classpath, but this file 
does not exist in my log4j2 binary download.

Following their advice, I first tried replacing it with 
log4j-appserver-2.13.1.jar, but startup failed with ClassNotFoundException.

Then I added (not replaced) log4j-1.2-api-2.13.1.jar, which seemed to be 
a good guess. That failed as follows:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
Caused by: org.apache.juli.logging.LogConfigurationException: 

at org.apache.juli.logging.LogFactory.getLog(

Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)

at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(

... 3 more
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 

at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(

at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(

... 8 more

However, I suspected my "current best effort" had disabled the internal 
tomcat logging (juli) but failed to enable log4j2. The message I quoted 
from catalina.out looked suspiciously like it had been handled by the 
jvm Logger, which is consistent with your suggestion

> I tried building log4j2 from source and gave up. It is a bit of a
nuisance that my development system uses both OpenJDK 8 and 11 because I 
keep forgetting which is required by my different projects. The log4j2 
toolchains requirement for java 9 was just too much to contemplate!

Clearly, adding log4j-1.2-api-2.13.1.jar did something significant, but 
I guess the jar is incompatible in some manner?

I recall the log4j2 pom.xml has a of 1.7, as well as its 
toolchain requirement for java 9. I'm doing my very best to build and 
run tomcat under java 8. Is this relevant, or just a red herring?

I downloaded the apache-log4j-2.13.1 binaries, so I will deploy those 
jars in my tests.

I needed to make some minor tweaks to your setenv.bat before I had a 
syntax-free Of course, I also replaced your ${CATALINA_BASE} 
with ${CATALINA_HOME} because that's where I'm currently putting the 
logging jars.

That bootstrap directory also has a copy of tomcat-juli from my java 8 
build from 5.8.53-dev source:-

-rw-r--r-- 1 tomcat8 tomcat8   51224 Mar  9 17:24 tomcat-juli.jar

I also noted from the web advice above that log4j2 looks for it's 
configuration file under the name log4j2-tomcat.xml, not log4j2.xml. I'm 
not keen on the advice to deploy the jars to new tomcat directories 
called catalina.home/log4j2/lib and ./log4j2/conf, so I favour your 
suggestion of using catalina.home/bin for my first tests.

Oh yes...

It didn't make any difference whether I called my configuration file 
conf/log4j2.xml or conf/log4j2-tomcat.xml.

I don't think it should matter that the default conf/ 
does not exist... wdyt?

I really appreciate your thoughtful advice. It would be useful for me to 
pare the advice down to its essentials and then update the tomcat 8 wiki 

So, to summarise, I've eliminated a lot of possible solutions and 
changed the failure 

Fwd: Advice please for Tomcat 8.5.53-dev with log4j2

2020-03-17 Thread Brian Burch

Thanks very much for your speedy and helpful reply, Mark.

Stupidly, I had forgotten to re-subscribe to the mailing list, so I 
found your reply in the archive and cannot reply to it in-line!

not really!

I stumbled across

This short page has significant overlap with your suggestions, but there 
are differences too. I'll compare both before I say much more.

However, I suspected my "current best effort" had disabled the internal 
tomcat logging (juli) but failed to enable log4j2. The message I quoted 
from catalina.out looked suspiciously like it had been handled by the 
jvm Logger, which is consistent with your suggestion.

I tried building log4j2 from source and gave up. It is a bit of a 
nuisance that my development system uses both OpenJDK 8 and 11 because I 
keep forgetting which is required by my different projects. The log4j2 
toolchains requirement for java 9 was just too much to contemplate!

I downloaded the apache-log4j-2.13.1 binaries, so I will deploy those 
jars in my tests.

I also noted from the web advice above that log4j2 looks for it's 
configuration file under the name log4j2-tomcat.xml, not log4j2.xml. I'm 
not keen on the advice to deploy the jars to new tomcat directories 
called catalina.home/log4j2/lib and ./log4j2/conf, so I favour your 
suggestion of using catalina.home/bin for my first tests.

I really appreciate your thoughtful advice. It would be useful for me to 
pare the advice down to its essentials and then update the tomcat 8 wiki 


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