Hello everybody,

I was not clear about my problem.
I would like to have an access to servlets-examples (or another web
application) in precising another port than 8080 so I did the following
Creating a new service within server.xml this way:
<Service name="Another_service">



    <Engine defaultHost="localhost" name="anything">

      <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JAASRealm"

          appBase="D:\Programmes\Tomcat 5.5.20\Test_Another_service"



Under "D:\Programmes\Tomcat 5.5.20\Test_Another_service" I've deployed
<servlets-examples> manually by copying the directory <servlets-examples>
from <webapps>; I can invoke with my browser the url:
"http://localhost:9090/servlets-examples"; and it works fine.

Now I would like to deploy, undeploy, start or stop the servlets-examples
context by using my browser and not manually, invoking
"http://localhost:9090"; as I do with "http://localhost:8080";. I've
duplicated the <manager> and <ROOT> entries below
$CATALINA_HOME/Test_Another_Service. I well reach the index but when I
click "The Tomcat Manager", it keeps on requiring me an identification; i
can't escape from it.

Any idea ?

Best Regards

Jean-Louis Matéo
Bull, Architect of an Open World TM
Bull SA - 53 r de l'Etang BP39 - 69578 LIMONEST
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BULL TELESERVICE : Support et conseil logiciels & progiciels multi-éditeurs
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                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                        
                      o.za>                    Pour :   "Tomcat Users List" 
                                               cc :                             
                      28/03/2007 19:30         Objet :  Re: A second 
administration port                                               
                      répondre à                                                
                      "Tomcat Users                                             

Here you go found some docs.... can check all settings 4 ure self

2. Configuring the Manager Web Application

The Manager web application lets you perform simple management tasks on
web applications through a more simplified web user interface than that of
the Admin web app.

The Manager web application is defined in the auto-deployment file

You must edit this file to ensure that the path specified in the docBase
attribute of the Context element is absolute; that is, the absolute path of


If you're using the default UserDatabaseRealm, you'll need to add a user
role to the CATALINA_BASE/conf/tomcat-users.xml file. For now, just edit
this file, and add a role named "manager" to your users database:
<role name="manager"/>

You must also have a user who is assigned the "manager" role. Add a user
line like this after the existing user entries (changing the password to
something a bit more secure):
<user name="manager" password="deep_dark_secret" roles="manager"/>

Then restart Tomcat and visit the URL http://localhost/manager/list to see
the plain-text manager interface, or http://localhost/manager/html/list for

the simple HTML manager interface. Either way, your Manager application
should now be working.

The Manager application lets you install new web applications on a
non-persistent basis, for testing. If we have a web application in
/home/user/hello and want to test it by installing it under the URI /hello,

we put "/hello" in the first text input field (for Path) and
"file:/home/user/hello" in the second text input field (for Config URL).

The Manager also allows you to stop, reload, remove, or undeploy a web
application. Stopping an application makes it unavailable until further
notice, but of course it can then be restarted. Users attempting to access
stopped application will receive an error message, such as 503 - This
application is not currently available.

Removing a web application removes it only from the running copy of
Tomcat -- if it was started from the configuration files, it will reappear
the next time you restart Tomcat (i.e., removal does not remove the web
application's content from disk).

----- Original Message -----
To: <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 8:59 AM
Subject: A second administration port

Tomcat : 5.5.20
Java  : BEA JRockit 1.5.0_08


I have configured a second address administration (9000): I have defined
within the server.xml a second service as:
<Connector port="9000" ...>, with an entry "Host" on which i've defined an
AppBase attribute different from <webapps>. All work fine.
Now I would like to administrate my web applications from the new port:
deploy, undeploy, start or stop
How can I do this ?


Best Regards

Jean-Louis Matéo

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