Re: Strange problem with tomcat Please help

2006-02-03 Thread Danny Lee
That obviously means, that the port 8080 is kind of closed in your local 
network, try to contact your admin, maybe he knows more.


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Re: Strange problem with tomcat Please help

2006-02-03 Thread Mike Sabroff
no route to host is a dns or network problem. it would not be in the 
catalina.out do a ps on will probably find that the default 
fedora setup (unless you did not set up web server on installation) is 
to install and run apache on boot-up which would be on port 80.


Hi all

I am a newbie to tomcat.

 I installed jarkarta tomcat 5.5.9 with  fedoracore3 OS. I already have
j2sdk1.5.2 installed on it.
I downloaded and configured tomcat from


After configuring tomcat, and i run http://localhost:8080/  from 
firefox in
my pc, it works fine and shows me the index.html in webapps directory. 

files like index.jsp, hello.jsp are working fine too.
However, when i access it from any other pc saying 
http://mypcname:8080/ it

gives me an error saying No route to host . However when i type
http://mypcname/  it works fine and is accessible. That is on port 80, it
works fine. Even other hosts like http://someotherhost:8080/ , my pc isnt
I dont understand my it is giving me the error saying No route to host
when accessing from other pc.
I am using the server.xml  from

The following seems to be running when i saw in ps -x
 9908 pts/1Sl 0:03 /usr/local/j2sdk1.4.2_10/bin /java -
Djava.util.logging.manager =3Dorg.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManage

I checked out catalina.out, but that didnt not contain any errors for No
route to host.
Please help


Mike Sabroff
Web Services

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