I like short stories, thanks!!! Why they still bother to document it
in 5.5is just I suppose the last attempt to get someone interested in
the missing bits... not me however, I'll just declare my realm straight and
move to other things!

Thanks again,

On 20/03/06, Bill Barker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yeah, well, UserDatabase didn't really attract many followers :).  It's a
> nice concept, with a really s*cky implementation (esp. how it works with
> /admin :).  At one point, there was an attempt at a JDBC UserDatabase, but
> it fizzled.
> Short story:  You're not missing anything.  UserDatabase is currently the
> unloved orphaned child of Tomcat ;-).
> "Nic Daniau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I'm trying to configure Tomcat (5.5) with a DataSource realm the "proper"
> way. Configuring a DataSourceRealm directly is fine
>       <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.DataSourceRealm"
> dataSourceName="jdbc/default" etc.
> but that's not what I want to do.
> I want to configure a realm that points to a UserDatabase and let this
> UserDatabase point to my DataSource resource. Why? well, in order to be
> able
> to use /manager/roles as pointed out in the
> FM<
> http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.5-doc/manager-howto.html#List%20Available%20Security%20Roles
> >.
> But also to conform with the sample server.xml given at install, which
> configures a MemoryUserDatabase first and then point the realm to this
> UserDatabse, which seams to make sense in the J2EE kind of approach.
> Anyway, in order to do this you need some sort of UserDatabase factory.
> But
> when you look in the API in org.apache.catalina.users, o deception! the
> only
> factory you can find is MemoryUserDatabaseFactory... no
> DataSourceUserDatabaseFactory or even JDBCUserDatabaseFactory as you would
> logically expect?...
> As we know MemoryRealm (and MemoryUserDatabase) is fairly useless in a
> production environment, so why would they have been to all the trouble of
> coming up with this UserDatabase thing if no corresponding implementation
> exists for the other realm types? That's when I say: I must be missing
> something reeeally obvious here...
> Any help welcome!
> Cheers,
> Nic
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