I'm trying to setup a site, and have apache serve up all of the static
content, and having tomcat server all of the dynamic content.  The
static content is found on an nfs mount, and has a minimal directory
sturcture where static content is found.  The jsp code is found on the
web server, and some of the directories that are not found on the nfs
mount.  And within those directories are jsp pages.

\_ nas
  \_ static ( Apache DocumentRoot)
    |_ images (direcotry containing .jpg files)
    |_ dir1 (directory contians css and xml files)
    |_ dir2 (directory contains css and xml files)

\_ abc
  \_ webapps (Tomcat appBase)
    \_ ROOT
     |_ dir1 (contains jsp pages)
     |_ dir2 (contains jsp pages)
     |_ dir3 (only contains jsp pages: dir3 not found on nas)

I'm having no problem serving pages that have directories found both
on the nfs mount (apache's document root) and the local webserver
(tomcats webapps/ROOT).  ie dir1 and dir2

The problem rises when the directories are only found in the
webapps/ROOT directory, and I'm trying to view a jsp page. ie dir3
All I get is a 404 page not found error because apache can't find the directory.

I tried to fix this by using the JkAutoAlias directive, but causes 404
errors on all the static files found on the nfs share.
I tried JkOptions +ForwardDirectoreis, but I have see no chage in
operation with that directive enabled.

I can fix this by creating empty directoires on the nfs mount, but
would perfer not to as people tend to delete empty directories.  I
also would not want to set up Alias or JkMount directives for each

Am I doing something wrong with the +ForwardDirectories option, do I
need to enable some other options?

Below you will find some of my config files, let me know if you need more info

Thanks in advance

David Isaacson

Apache config:
  ServerName www.abc.com
  ServerAlias abc.com
  DirectoryIndex index.jsp index.html
  DocumentRoot /mnt/nas/static

  JkMount /*.jsp abc
  JkMount /servlet/* abc
  JkMount /*.do abc



<Server port="8011" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
  <Service name="abc">
    <Connector port="8111"
               enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" protocol="AJP/1.3" />
    <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost">
      <Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps"
       unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true"
       xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false">
        <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"

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