Re: hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1 as a result!

2007-05-22 Thread David Delbecq
En l'instant précis du 22/05/07 05:21, Peter s'exprimait en ces termes:
 hi all;
 only get problem when put 0 into the list, put 1 or any number is ok, put
 new Integer(0) is ok as well;
Ide not recompiling or tomcat not reloading class, while you think you
are running the 0 case, you are in fact running the 1 case. did you try
successfully storing 3 then switch back to 0. If It does not compile at
0, your test case will still show 3.

 i think it may be a bug.
 does anyone has a idea?

 On 5/21/07, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hi all,

 I have come into a very wired problem.

 here it is.
 my project using JBuilder 2006 and tomcat 5.5.20.
 when i put a 0 into a list and get 1 as a result.
 simple code for testing!

 List alist =new ArrayList();
 alist.add(0); put 0 into it
 alist.get(0); get 1 as result.

 it occurs when i using JBuilder2006 to complie it and run under tomcat
 i choose Jbuilder 2006 builder property: language features ( java 2 SDK
 V5.0 generic enable) ; target VM java 2 SDK V5.0 and later

 but if i choose target VM target VM java 2 SDK V1.4 and later it
 works fine, put 0 get 0.
 and if i donot run under the tomcat it still fine

 so i create another small project, in a jsp only doing List alist =new
 alist.add(0); alist.get(0);
 and it works fine as well under the same tomcat.

 i wonder what happens here?
 my project using many other jar file , i wonder if there is something
 wrong there.
 does anyone has a idea?

 thanks in advanced!

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RE: Re: hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1 as a result!

2007-05-22 Thread David Short
Do a clean and build in your IDE.  Run the test case in the IDE if possible.

-Original Message-
From: David Delbecq [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 2:35 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: [Norton AntiSpam] Re: hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1
as a result!

En l'instant précis du 22/05/07 05:21, Peter s'exprimait en ces termes:
 hi all;
 only get problem when put 0 into the list, put 1 or any number is ok, 
 put new Integer(0) is ok as well;
Ide not recompiling or tomcat not reloading class, while you think you are
running the 0 case, you are in fact running the 1 case. did you try
successfully storing 3 then switch back to 0. If It does not compile at 0,
your test case will still show 3.

 i think it may be a bug.
 does anyone has a idea?

 On 5/21/07, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hi all,

 I have come into a very wired problem.

 here it is.
 my project using JBuilder 2006 and tomcat 5.5.20.
 when i put a 0 into a list and get 1 as a result.
 simple code for testing!

 List alist =new ArrayList();
 alist.add(0); put 0 into it
 alist.get(0); get 1 as result.

 it occurs when i using JBuilder2006 to complie it and run under 
 tomcat 5.5.20.
 i choose Jbuilder 2006 builder property: language features ( java 2 
 SDK V5.0 generic enable) ; target VM java 2 SDK V5.0 and later

 but if i choose target VM target VM java 2 SDK V1.4 and later it 
 works fine, put 0 get 0.
 and if i donot run under the tomcat it still fine

 so i create another small project, in a jsp only doing List alist 
 =new ArrayList(); alist.add(0); alist.get(0); and it works fine as 
 well under the same tomcat.

 i wonder what happens here?
 my project using many other jar file , i wonder if there is something 
 wrong there.
 does anyone has a idea?

 thanks in advanced!

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Re: hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1 as a result!

2007-05-21 Thread Leon Rosenberg

On 5/21/07, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

hi all,

I have come into a very wired problem.

here it is.
my project using JBuilder 2006 and tomcat 5.5.20.
when i put a 0 into a list and get 1 as a result.
simple code for testing!

List alist =new ArrayList();
alist.add(0);  put 0 into it
alist.get(0);   get 1 as result.

it occurs when i using JBuilder2006 to complie it and run under tomcat
i choose Jbuilder 2006 builder property: language features ( java 2
SDK V5.0generic enable) ; target VM  java 2 SDK
V5.0 and later

hmm, do you use this code in a jsp? Could you possible check the
source code generated by tomcat for this jsp and inspect it / send it
to us? Sounds like your jsp compiler is buggy.


 but if i choose target VM   target VM  java 2 SDK V1.4 and later   it works
fine, put 0 get 0.
and if i donot run under the tomcat it still fine

so i create another small  project, in a jsp only doing  List alist =new
alist.add(0);  alist.get(0);
and it works fine as well under the same tomcat.

i wonder what happens here?
 my project using many other jar file , i wonder if there is  something
wrong there.
does anyone has a idea?

thanks in advanced!

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Re: hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1 as a result!

2007-05-21 Thread David Delbecq
Never heard of such problem. Check your code. Either you add 1 to list,
not 0, either you badly display result, either it's not the same list.
Peter a écrit :
 hi all,

 I have come into a very wired problem.

 here it is.
 my project using JBuilder 2006 and tomcat 5.5.20.
 when i put a 0 into a list and get 1 as a result.
 simple code for testing!

 List alist =new ArrayList();
 alist.add(0); put 0 into it
 alist.get(0); get 1 as result.

 it occurs when i using JBuilder2006 to complie it and run under tomcat
 i choose Jbuilder 2006 builder property: language features ( java 2
 SDK V5.0generic enable) ; target VM java 2 SDK
 V5.0 and later

 but if i choose target VM target VM java 2 SDK V1.4 and later it works
 fine, put 0 get 0.
 and if i donot run under the tomcat it still fine

 so i create another small project, in a jsp only doing List alist =new
 alist.add(0); alist.get(0);
 and it works fine as well under the same tomcat.

 i wonder what happens here?
 my project using many other jar file , i wonder if there is something
 wrong there.
 does anyone has a idea?

 thanks in advanced!

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Re: hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1 as a result!

2007-05-21 Thread Peter

hi all
i put it in the jsp, and here is the code generate by  tomcat
i did not see if there is any wrong there.

package org.apache.jsp;

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
import java.util.*;

public final class jsp1_jsp extends org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase
   implements org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspSourceDependent {

 private static java.util.List _jspx_dependants;

 public Object getDependants() {
   return _jspx_dependants;

 public void _jspService(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
   throws, ServletException {

   JspFactory _jspxFactory = null;
   PageContext pageContext = null;
   HttpSession session = null;
   ServletContext application = null;
   ServletConfig config = null;
   JspWriter out = null;
   Object page = this;
   JspWriter _jspx_out = null;
   PageContext _jspx_page_context = null;

   try {
 _jspxFactory = JspFactory.getDefaultFactory();
 response.setContentType(text/html; charset=GB2312);
 pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, response,
null, true, 8192, true);
 _jspx_page_context = pageContext;
 application = pageContext.getServletContext();
 config = pageContext.getServletConfig();
 session = pageContext.getSession();
 out = pageContext.getOut();
 _jspx_out = out;

 out.write(body bgcolor=\#ff\\r\n);
 out.write(JBuilder Generated JSP\r\n);

List alist =new ArrayList();
//Gentest gt=new Gentest();

 out.write(form method=\post\ action=\jsp1.jsp\\r\n);
 out.write(input type=\submit\ name=\Submit\
 out.write(input type=\reset\ value=\Reset\\r\n);
   } catch (Throwable t) {
 if (!(t instanceof SkipPageException)){
   out = _jspx_out;
   if (out != null  out.getBufferSize() != 0)
   if (_jspx_page_context != null)
   } finally {
 if (_jspxFactory != null)

On 5/21/07, Leon Rosenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 5/21/07, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi all,

 I have come into a very wired problem.

 here it is.
 my project using JBuilder 2006 and tomcat 5.5.20.
 when i put a 0 into a list and get 1 as a result.
 simple code for testing!

 List alist =new ArrayList();
 alist.add(0);  put 0 into it
 alist.get(0);   get 1 as result.

 it occurs when i using JBuilder2006 to complie it and run under tomcat
 i choose Jbuilder 2006 builder property: language features ( java 2
 SDK V5.0generic enable) ; target VM  java 2 SDK
 V5.0 and later

hmm, do you use this code in a jsp? Could you possible check the
source code generated by tomcat for this jsp and inspect it / send it
to us? Sounds like your jsp compiler is buggy.


  but if i choose target VM   target VM  java 2 SDK V1.4 and later   it
 fine, put 0 get 0.
 and if i donot run under the tomcat it still fine

 so i create another small  project, in a jsp only doing  List alist =new
 alist.add(0);  alist.get(0);
 and it works fine as well under the same tomcat.

 i wonder what happens here?
  my project using many other jar file , i wonder if there is  something
 wrong there.
 does anyone has a idea?

 thanks in advanced!

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Re: hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1 as a result!

2007-05-21 Thread Peter

in the mail before, i put 0 in a list and get 1 as result.

On 5/21/07, Leon Rosenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 5/21/07, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi all,

 I have come into a very wired problem.

 here it is.
 my project using JBuilder 2006 and tomcat 5.5.20.
 when i put a 0 into a list and get 1 as a result.
 simple code for testing!

 List alist =new ArrayList();
 alist.add(0);  put 0 into it
 alist.get(0);   get 1 as result.

 it occurs when i using JBuilder2006 to complie it and run under tomcat
 i choose Jbuilder 2006 builder property: language features ( java 2
 SDK V5.0generic enable) ; target VM  java 2 SDK
 V5.0 and later

hmm, do you use this code in a jsp? Could you possible check the
source code generated by tomcat for this jsp and inspect it / send it
to us? Sounds like your jsp compiler is buggy.


  but if i choose target VM   target VM  java 2 SDK V1.4 and later   it
 fine, put 0 get 0.
 and if i donot run under the tomcat it still fine

 so i create another small  project, in a jsp only doing  List alist =new
 alist.add(0);  alist.get(0);
 and it works fine as well under the same tomcat.

 i wonder what happens here?
  my project using many other jar file , i wonder if there is  something
 wrong there.
 does anyone has a idea?

 thanks in advanced!

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Re: hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1 as a result!

2007-05-21 Thread Peter


i am sure that i put 0 in to a list and i am not badly display result and it
is the same list
and it is only occur in this project.
thanks for any idea

On 5/21/07, David Delbecq [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Never heard of such problem. Check your code. Either you add 1 to list,
not 0, either you badly display result, either it's not the same list.
Peter a écrit :
 hi all,

 I have come into a very wired problem.

 here it is.
 my project using JBuilder 2006 and tomcat 5.5.20.
 when i put a 0 into a list and get 1 as a result.
 simple code for testing!

 List alist =new ArrayList();
 alist.add(0); put 0 into it
 alist.get(0); get 1 as result.

 it occurs when i using JBuilder2006 to complie it and run under tomcat
 i choose Jbuilder 2006 builder property: language features ( java 2
 SDK V5.0generic enable) ; target VM java 2 SDK
 V5.0 and later

 but if i choose target VM target VM java 2 SDK V1.4 and later it works
 fine, put 0 get 0.
 and if i donot run under the tomcat it still fine

 so i create another small project, in a jsp only doing List alist =new
 alist.add(0); alist.get(0);
 and it works fine as well under the same tomcat.

 i wonder what happens here?
 my project using many other jar file , i wonder if there is something
 wrong there.
 does anyone has a idea?

 thanks in advanced!

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Re: hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1 as a result!

2007-05-21 Thread Peter

hi all
i try to do like

List alist =new ArrayList();
and it is fine. donot know why?

On 5/21/07, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

hi all,

I have come into a very wired problem.

here it is.
my project using JBuilder 2006 and tomcat 5.5.20.
when i put a 0 into a list and get 1 as a result.
simple code for testing!

List alist =new ArrayList();
alist.add(0);  put 0 into it
alist.get(0);   get 1 as result.

it occurs when i using JBuilder2006 to complie it and run under tomcat
i choose Jbuilder 2006 builder property: language features ( java 2 SDK
V5.0 generic enable) ; target VM  java 2 SDK V5.0 and later

 but if i choose target VM   target VM  java 2 SDK V1.4 and later   it
works fine, put 0 get 0.
and if i donot run under the tomcat it still fine

so i create another small  project, in a jsp only doing  List alist =new
alist.add(0);  alist.get(0);
and it works fine as well under the same tomcat.

i wonder what happens here?
 my project using many other jar file , i wonder if there is  something
wrong there.
does anyone has a idea?

thanks in advanced!

RE: hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1 as a result!

2007-05-21 Thread David Short
Try creating your List like this and see what happens.

Listint alist =new ArrayListint(); 

-Original Message-
From: Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 2:29 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1 as a result!


i am sure that i put 0 in to a list and i am not badly display result and it
is the same list and it is only occur in this project.
thanks for any idea

On 5/21/07, David Delbecq [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Never heard of such problem. Check your code. Either you add 1 to 
 list, not 0, either you badly display result, either it's not the same
 Peter a écrit :
  hi all,
  I have come into a very wired problem.
  here it is.
  my project using JBuilder 2006 and tomcat 5.5.20.
  when i put a 0 into a list and get 1 as a result.
  simple code for testing!
  List alist =new ArrayList();
  alist.add(0); put 0 into it
  alist.get(0); get 1 as result.
  it occurs when i using JBuilder2006 to complie it and run under 
  tomcat 5.5.20.
  i choose Jbuilder 2006 builder property: language features ( java 2 
  SDK V5.0generic enable) ; target VM java 2 SDK V5.0 and later
  but if i choose target VM target VM java 2 SDK V1.4 and later it 
  works fine, put 0 get 0.
  and if i donot run under the tomcat it still fine
  so i create another small project, in a jsp only doing List alist 
  =new ArrayList(); alist.add(0); alist.get(0); and it works fine as 
  well under the same tomcat.
  i wonder what happens here?
  my project using many other jar file , i wonder if there is 
  something wrong there.
  does anyone has a idea?
  thanks in advanced!

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Re: hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1 as a result!

2007-05-21 Thread Felix Schumacher
Am Montag, den 21.05.2007, 13:54 +0800 schrieb Peter:
 hi all,
 I have come into a very wired problem.
 here it is.
 my project using JBuilder 2006 and tomcat 5.5.20.
 when i put a 0 into a list and get 1 as a result.
 simple code for testing!
 List alist =new ArrayList();
 alist.add(0);  put 0 into it
 alist.get(0);   get 1 as result.
Have you tried to put an Object into ArrayList? 

I don't think it is possible to store an int into an ArrayList.


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RE: hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1 as a result!

2007-05-21 Thread David Short
Try creating your List like this and see what happens.

Listint alist =new ArrayListint(); 

-Original Message-
From: Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 2:29 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1 as a result!


i am sure that i put 0 in to a list and i am not badly display result and it
is the same list and it is only occur in this project.
thanks for any idea

On 5/21/07, David Delbecq [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Never heard of such problem. Check your code. Either you add 1 to 
 list, not 0, either you badly display result, either it's not the same
 Peter a écrit :
  hi all,
  I have come into a very wired problem.
  here it is.
  my project using JBuilder 2006 and tomcat 5.5.20.
  when i put a 0 into a list and get 1 as a result.
  simple code for testing!
  List alist =new ArrayList();
  alist.add(0); put 0 into it
  alist.get(0); get 1 as result.
  it occurs when i using JBuilder2006 to complie it and run under 
  tomcat 5.5.20.
  i choose Jbuilder 2006 builder property: language features ( java 2 
  SDK V5.0generic enable) ; target VM java 2 SDK V5.0 and later
  but if i choose target VM target VM java 2 SDK V1.4 and later it 
  works fine, put 0 get 0.
  and if i donot run under the tomcat it still fine
  so i create another small project, in a jsp only doing List alist 
  =new ArrayList(); alist.add(0); alist.get(0); and it works fine as 
  well under the same tomcat.
  i wonder what happens here?
  my project using many other jar file , i wonder if there is 
  something wrong there.
  does anyone has a idea?
  thanks in advanced!

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 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1 as a result!

2007-05-21 Thread Leon Rosenberg

On 5/21/07, David Short [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Try creating your List like this and see what happens.

Listint alist =new ArrayListint();

and you get this compiled?

-Original Message-
From: Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 2:29 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1 as a result!


i am sure that i put 0 in to a list and i am not badly display result and it
is the same list and it is only occur in this project.
thanks for any idea

On 5/21/07, David Delbecq [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Never heard of such problem. Check your code. Either you add 1 to
 list, not 0, either you badly display result, either it's not the same
 Peter a écrit :
  hi all,
  I have come into a very wired problem.
  here it is.
  my project using JBuilder 2006 and tomcat 5.5.20.
  when i put a 0 into a list and get 1 as a result.
  simple code for testing!
  List alist =new ArrayList();
  alist.add(0); put 0 into it
  alist.get(0); get 1 as result.
  it occurs when i using JBuilder2006 to complie it and run under
  tomcat 5.5.20.
  i choose Jbuilder 2006 builder property: language features ( java 2
  SDK V5.0generic enable) ; target VM java 2 SDK V5.0 and later
  but if i choose target VM target VM java 2 SDK V1.4 and later it
  works fine, put 0 get 0.
  and if i donot run under the tomcat it still fine
  so i create another small project, in a jsp only doing List alist
  =new ArrayList(); alist.add(0); alist.get(0); and it works fine as
  well under the same tomcat.
  i wonder what happens here?
  my project using many other jar file , i wonder if there is
  something wrong there.
  does anyone has a idea?
  thanks in advanced!

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Re: hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1 as a result!

2007-05-21 Thread Leon Rosenberg

On 5/21/07, Felix Schumacher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Have you tried to put an Object into ArrayList?

I don't think it is possible to store an int into an ArrayList.

Autoboxing is the magic word here. The compiler generates
alist.add(new Integer(0)); if it sees alias.add(0);


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Re: hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1 as a result!

2007-05-21 Thread Pid

David Short wrote:

Try creating your List like this and see what happens.

Listint alist =new ArrayListint(); 

Won't work, you can't use primitives, instead do:

 ListInteger alist = new ArrayListInteger();

-Original Message-
From: Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 2:29 AM

To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1 as a result!


i am sure that i put 0 in to a list and i am not badly display result and it
is the same list and it is only occur in this project.
thanks for any idea

On 5/21/07, David Delbecq [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Never heard of such problem. Check your code. Either you add 1 to 
list, not 0, either you badly display result, either it's not the same


Peter a écrit :

hi all,

I have come into a very wired problem.

here it is.
my project using JBuilder 2006 and tomcat 5.5.20.
when i put a 0 into a list and get 1 as a result.
simple code for testing!

List alist =new ArrayList();
alist.add(0); put 0 into it
alist.get(0); get 1 as result.

it occurs when i using JBuilder2006 to complie it and run under 
tomcat 5.5.20.
i choose Jbuilder 2006 builder property: language features ( java 2 
SDK V5.0generic enable) ; target VM java 2 SDK V5.0 and later

but if i choose target VM target VM java 2 SDK V1.4 and later it 
works fine, put 0 get 0.

and if i donot run under the tomcat it still fine

so i create another small project, in a jsp only doing List alist 
=new ArrayList(); alist.add(0); alist.get(0); and it works fine as 
well under the same tomcat.

i wonder what happens here?
my project using many other jar file , i wonder if there is 
something wrong there.

does anyone has a idea?

thanks in advanced!

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Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

RE: hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1 as a result!

2007-05-21 Thread David Short
Yes.  It declares that the List is going to hold integers.  See 

-Original Message-
From: Leon Rosenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 1:10 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1 as a result!

On 5/21/07, Felix Schumacher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Have you tried to put an Object into ArrayList?

 I don't think it is possible to store an int into an ArrayList.

Autoboxing is the magic word here. The compiler generates alist.add(new
Integer(0)); if it sees alias.add(0); regards Leon


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Re: hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1 as a result!

2007-05-21 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


Felix Schumacher wrote:
 Am Montag, den 21.05.2007, 13:54 +0800 schrieb Peter:
 hi all,

 I have come into a very wired problem.

 here it is.
 my project using JBuilder 2006 and tomcat 5.5.20.
 when i put a 0 into a list and get 1 as a result.
 simple code for testing!

 List alist =new ArrayList();
 alist.add(0);  put 0 into it
 alist.get(0);   get 1 as result.
 Have you tried to put an Object into ArrayList? 
 I don't think it is possible to store an int into an ArrayList.

Generics + autoboxing ought to allow you to put ints into an ArrayList
(at least syntactically, though it's really just syntactic sugar).

- -chris

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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1 as a result!

2007-05-21 Thread Peter

hi all
thanks for the reply;
things getting a litter  clear.
when i remove the jar file 'antlr-2.7.5H3.jar' , it work fine, put 0 in and
get 0 out.
but when i put the jar file back, it still put 0 in and get 1 out.

the jar is in the \tomcat\webapps\'myproject'\WEB-INF\lib\

it seems like the there is something wrong in the jar file.this jar is
shipped with hibernate. And i try the newest jar file from the newest
hiberbate,but it is still has the same problem.

does anyone has a idea?

the test code in a jsp file in my project:

java.util.List alist =new java.util.ArrayListInteger();


On 5/22/07, Christopher Schultz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hash: SHA1


Felix Schumacher wrote:
 Am Montag, den 21.05.2007, 13:54 +0800 schrieb Peter:
 hi all,

 I have come into a very wired problem.

 here it is.
 my project using JBuilder 2006 and tomcat 5.5.20.
 when i put a 0 into a list and get 1 as a result.
 simple code for testing!

 List alist =new ArrayList();
 alist.add(0);  put 0 into it
 alist.get(0);   get 1 as result.
 Have you tried to put an Object into ArrayList?

 I don't think it is possible to store an int into an ArrayList.

Generics + autoboxing ought to allow you to put ints into an ArrayList
(at least syntactically, though it's really just syntactic sugar).

- -chris

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1 as a result!

2007-05-21 Thread Peter

hi all;
only get problem when put 0 into the list, put 1 or any number is ok, put
new Integer(0) is ok as well;

i think it may be a bug.
does anyone has a idea?

On 5/21/07, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

hi all,

I have come into a very wired problem.

here it is.
my project using JBuilder 2006 and tomcat 5.5.20.
when i put a 0 into a list and get 1 as a result.
simple code for testing!

List alist =new ArrayList();
alist.add(0);  put 0 into it
alist.get(0);   get 1 as result.

it occurs when i using JBuilder2006 to complie it and run under tomcat
i choose Jbuilder 2006 builder property: language features ( java 2 SDK
V5.0 generic enable) ; target VM  java 2 SDK V5.0 and later

 but if i choose target VM   target VM  java 2 SDK V1.4 and later   it
works fine, put 0 get 0.
and if i donot run under the tomcat it still fine

so i create another small  project, in a jsp only doing  List alist =new
alist.add(0);  alist.get(0);
and it works fine as well under the same tomcat.

i wonder what happens here?
 my project using many other jar file , i wonder if there is  something
wrong there.
does anyone has a idea?

thanks in advanced!

hi,wired problem? add 0 into alist but get 1 as a result!

2007-05-20 Thread Peter

hi all,

I have come into a very wired problem.

here it is.
my project using JBuilder 2006 and tomcat 5.5.20.
when i put a 0 into a list and get 1 as a result.
simple code for testing!

List alist =new ArrayList();
alist.add(0);  put 0 into it
alist.get(0);   get 1 as result.

it occurs when i using JBuilder2006 to complie it and run under tomcat
i choose Jbuilder 2006 builder property: language features ( java 2
SDK V5.0generic enable) ; target VM  java 2 SDK
V5.0 and later

but if i choose target VM   target VM  java 2 SDK V1.4 and later   it works
fine, put 0 get 0.
and if i donot run under the tomcat it still fine

so i create another small  project, in a jsp only doing  List alist =new
alist.add(0);  alist.get(0);
and it works fine as well under the same tomcat.

i wonder what happens here?
my project using many other jar file , i wonder if there is  something
wrong there.
does anyone has a idea?

thanks in advanced!