Re: problem with https and apache+httpd+tomcat [SOLVED]

2007-09-19 Thread Rainer Jung

Hi Christian,

thanks for your feedback. Good to know the reason and that the theory 
works, at least if SSL is explicitely activated in the vhost.

mod_jk gets the ssl info froom an apache httpd internal environment 
variable. It looks like this wasn't set by your configuration. In case 
one offloads ssl to an appliance, one can still configure mod_jk inside 
Apache to think it's SSL.



Christian Andersson wrote:

Hi Rainer, and thanks for trying to help me.

I had been trying most of what you wrote, and it still looked like it 
was tomcat, but there was one thing that struck me while doing all 
these tests/changes

mod_jk transfers the knowledge of the hostname and port used in Apache 
htpd to the AJP connector, so that self referring URLs can be produced 

Comparing my virtualhost definition
VirtualHost *:443
   ServerName demo.mydomain
   JkMount /* worker1

with one provided with the installation for squirrelmail (php based)
I did some changes to my virtualhost
IfModule mod_ssl.c
VirtualHost *:443
   ServerName demo.mydomain
   JkMount /* worker1
   SSLEngine on
   SSLProtocol all -SSLv2
   SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt
   SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key

and Voila, now it works...
apparently https WAS working without all of this SSL parameters, but 
mod_jk sent the wrong information to the server.

so even if your suggestions on what to check did not leave me to an 
answer, your message still helped :-)

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Re: problem with https and apache+httpd+tomcat [SOLVED]

2007-09-18 Thread Christian Andersson

Hi Rainer, and thanks for trying to help me.

I had been trying most of what you wrote, and it still looked like it 
was tomcat, but there was one thing that struck me while doing all 
these tests/changes

mod_jk transfers the knowledge of the hostname and port used in Apache 
htpd to the AJP connector, so that self referring URLs can be produced 

Comparing my virtualhost definition
VirtualHost *:443
   ServerName demo.mydomain
   JkMount /* worker1

with one provided with the installation for squirrelmail (php based)
I did some changes to my virtualhost
IfModule mod_ssl.c
VirtualHost *:443
   ServerName demo.mydomain
   JkMount /* worker1
   SSLEngine on
   SSLProtocol all -SSLv2
   SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt
   SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key

and Voila, now it works...
apparently https WAS working without all of this SSL parameters, but 
mod_jk sent the wrong information to the server.

so even if your suggestions on what to check did not leave me to an 
answer, your message still helped :-)

Rainer Jung wrote:

Hi Christian,

with the combination of mod_jk and AJP connector, this should not 
happen. mod_jk transfers the knowledge of the hostname and port used 
in Apache htpd to the AJP connector, so that self referring URLs can 
be produced correctly. Even the attributes redirectPort and scheme 
should not be necessary. I would also remove the secure attribute. 
As far as I can remember, that one also gets set by mod_jk/AJP (true, 
if communication against apache httpd was encrypted). There is an 
attribute called proxyPort, but for the AJP connector this normally 
works automatically.

So I would expect, that if the redirect is really what comes back, 
this gets produced by some other component:

- proxy
- Apache httpd itself
- Some web framework used by your app

I would:

- check what is really coming back. You canuse a comandline client 
like e.g. curl, that exists in an ssl enabled version and is able to 
showyou the raw response

- check whether the requests was really handled by Tomcat, e.e. by 
adding an access log to Tomcat and checking if the request gets logged 

- check, whether the http to https redirect works for a simple hello 
world webapp.




Christian Andersson wrote:

Hi there I have a problem with tomcat, but first version information for
some of the applications used.

Apache/2.2.3 (Mandriva Linux/PREFORK-1.1.20060mlcs4)

Apache Tomcat/6.0.13

java version 1.6.0_01
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_01-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.6.0_01-b06, mixed mode)

I have setup apache httpd to only answer on port 443 using https
and I have several virtual hosts.
one of them I have setup to use mod_jk to connect to tomcat using this
VirtualHost *:443
ServerName demo.mydomain
JkMount /* worker1

in tomcat I have only configured this single connector
Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 secure=true scheme=https

now, everything works allright, I can surf to the server using the
following url..


and everything works.

HOWEVER, I have 2 problems with this setup and that is, IF I surf to the
same address but forgets to add that last /
(https://demo.mydomain/mywebapp) tomcat redirects the browser to surf to
the correct url (add the ending /) BUT the url it sends to the browser
is WRONG!!!  it is not sending https://demo.mydomain/mywebapp/ as one
could suppose, it is sending https://demo.mydomain:80/mywebapp/

(atleast that is what I suppose is happening.. sicne I cannot check what
is being sent on the Ethernet, since that is encrypted, however firefox
tries to connect to that url.)

I also got the same problem in my forms based login
when the browser is sending the login form, it gets a redirect from the
server with the port 80 instead of no port
if I remove the :80 in the url I get the real page, and I am logged in..

so somewhere (I think it is tomcat) the browser is told to go to port 80

can anyone help me with this?

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