tomcat5.5 Debian Startup Script

2007-11-12 Thread mljv

i have some problems with the debian (4.0) startup script and after googeling 
a day about named pipes and so on, i hope some guru can help me with it. I 
know its not directly tomcat related, but as it relates to tomcat5.5 debian 
package i hope i am allowed to ask on this list.

this is part of the standard debian script:

su -p -s /bin/sh $TOMCAT5_USER \
  -c $ROTATELOGS \$CATALINA_BASE/logs/catalina_%F.log\ 86400 \

su -p -s /bin/sh $TOMCAT5_USER \
  -c \$DAEMON\ start $STARTUP_OPTS  $CATALINA_BASE/logs/catalina.out 

now i want to start my tomcat5.5 instance via ssh like this:

  ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] /etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 start

i get this output:
Starting Tomcat servlet engine: tomcat5.5.

After this output the command does not return and hangs forever. Only if i 
stop tomcat, this command returns. I can hit Ctrl-C and tomcat keeps on 
running, but as i want to use it in an ant script its quite annoying.

i tried adding nohup in front and adding stdout and stderr redirection to the 
first command to no avail.

nohup su -p -s /bin/sh $TOMCAT5_USER \
  -c $ROTATELOGS \$CATALINA_BASE/logs/catalina_%F.log\ 86400 \
   $CATALINA_BASE/logs/catalina.out 21 /dev/null 

nohup su -p -s /bin/sh $TOMCAT5_USER \
  -c \$DAEMON\ start $STARTUP_OPTS   \
  $CATALINA_BASE/logs/catalina.out   21

it seems to me that this named pipe catalina.out causes the trouble.
But as it seems nobody else on debian got this problem. Can somebody please 
help me? I hope i gave you enough information for helping me

kind regards,

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Re: tomcat5.5 Debian Startup Script

2007-11-12 Thread Gregor Schneider
Hi Janning,

we've downloaded Tomcat from the Apache website, un-tarred it and ran it
using the original scripts - it works quite smooth.

Consider this solution as a workaround in case you're not able to solve the

I know that there have been some issues with the Debian packages in the
German Debian mailinglist, but I can't recall exactly what the problems

Therefore my suggestion:

Get rid of the Debian package, write your own sweet little /etc/init.d -
startup-script, use the original Tomcat-installation and have fun.

If you need assistance writing your /etc/init.d/tomcat or face problems with
the original, let me know.

If you really want to drill down your problem, try the following:

start your script with

bash -x [your_startup-script_here] and see if you find some more
information: bash -x makes the output of the shell a bit more talkative.


what's puzzlin' you, is the nature of my game
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