Any way to check the client abruptly close the connection?

2007-07-08 Thread aaime74

I'm fighting a relatively nasty issue. I've implemented a WMS service (Web
Map Server), which basically
returns a geographic map in response to a request stating which data to use,
which area to display, which style to apply to the map, and so on.

The main trouble is that building the map can take anywhere from 100ms to
minutes, depending on
how much data is needed, and during the map building time the output stream
is not touched (the map is drawn on a buffered image, which is encoded to
png/gif/jpeg only when completely drawn).
It happens quite often that the client closes the connection because the map
is taking too much time to be generated, and I would like to be informed
about this right away to avoid wasting precious resources.

Is there any way to know?

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Re: Any way to check the client abruptly close the connection?

2007-07-09 Thread aaime74

Johnny Kewl wrote:
 This is an interesting question, and I'm going to guess...
 If you in a JSP page, I dont think the error can be trapped.
 If you in a servlet, yes I think a try catch will detect it, but only if
 actually write something.

Which I can't do. The WMS is an international standard, I cannot bend it
to my will, since the point of the application is to be fully conformant to

This is a pity, I mean, the webapp container should have a way to check
the socket is gone bye bye without writing on it, no?

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How to check if the client dropped the connection

2009-09-28 Thread aaime74

I'm working on the development of an open source application, GeoServer,
implementing the Web Map Service specification.
The specification allows a client to request maps using simple GET
requests like:,40.69808217724622,-73.99567744140603,40.72526393994153

and the client gets back a PNG with a map of the request area.
No asynchronism is allowed, the protocol is standardized
( and I have no
controls over the clients (there are tens of them around, both open source
and proprietary) which are free to make as many request as they like, in
whatever order the like.

By spec we're forced to use a plain request and response approach, but
we're experiencing a problem with clients making lots of request as the
user zooms/pans around: basically a request is made, but the user keeps
on moving, the client drops the older requests (closing the connection in
face of
the server) and makes others.
Unfortunately in the meantime the older requests are still running, drawing
a map takes
time and a lot of memory, for example the above request, which is a
small one btw, allocates a BufferedImage of 700KB. The memory is
consumed up until the image is encoded out to the stream, which is also
the moment we finally figure out the client dropped the connection
(since writing to the servlet output stream fails).

This is very sub-optimal. Servers like Apache with cgi do kill the cgi
process the moment the connection is dropped, significantly reducing the
server load both in terms of CPU and memory consumption.

Is there any way to check if the client connection is still open using
only the standard servlet API?
If not, is there any Tomcat specific approach that might work instead?

If there is no solution that can be applied at the general servlet
api level, do you know of any Tomcat specific approach one could use?
e.g., casting the HttpServletResponse to some Tomcat specific class
and get some connection information status there?

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Re: How to check if the client dropped the connection

2009-09-28 Thread aaime74

jasonb wrote:
 Hi Andrea.
 When the client disconnects, and your servlet tries to write to the output
 stream, Tomcat will throw a ClientAbortException (you may have already
 Tomcat appears to only throw this exception when you either write some
 to the output stream or when you flush the output stream, and the client
 already closed its end of the connection.  It appears that you could
 periodically try flushing the output stream and see if doing so throws
 exception. You can flush after writing any number of bytes, including zero
 bytes.  The first time you call flush, it will send the HTTP response
 headers to the client, so you would need to first set the headers before
 flushing.  That sounds difficult for you to do because you're writing an
 image, and one of the headers would be Content-Length, which you probably
 don't know until your image is generated.

We actually don't send the content length out, we used chunked transfer
instead (that is, stream out the result of the png compression as made by
Image I/O) but unfortunately we cannot do that either, as the protocols
mandates that any error occurring during rendering be returned as XML.

So I actually know the final content type only when the image is fully
which is when I start writing out bytes anyways.


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Re: How to check if the client dropped the connection

2009-09-28 Thread aaime74

Markus Meyer wrote:
 Jason Brittain schrieb:
 The first time you call flush, it will send the HTTP response
 headers to the client, so you would need to first set the headers before
 flushing.  That sounds difficult for you to do because you're writing an
 image, and one of the headers would be Content-Length, which you probably
 don't know until your image is generated.
 Actually, Content-Length is optional as per the HTTP-1.1 spec:
 However, my take on the OP is that a better optimization strategy in 
 this case would be to just cache a larger image on the server rather 
 than generating every image on-demand. That is, when the user is moving 
 around in the image, the server, on the first request, would calculate 
 the image for a much larger portion of the map than requested and stores 
 it on disk in temporary storage (or in some cache area in RAM, if 
 feasible, after all RAM is cheap these days and 64-bit machines can have 
 lots of RAM). Storage of the images would not be done all at once but in 
 tiles. When then user then moves around in the client, the requests just 
 reads the tiles of the created image from disk, puts them together and 
 clips the borders, then compresses the image and sends it to the client. 
 It is possible that PNG even has some support for compressing parts of 
 an image so the tiles itself could be already stored in compressed 
 format, but it's been a while since I read the PNG spec last time. The 
 same could be done for zooming by storing images in a pyramidal 
 structure, like it is done in pattern recognition. While the user is 
 moving, a background thread associated with the client could try to 
 anticipate where the user is likely to be moving to and calculate the 
 given tiles in advance. Actually, this sounds like an interesting 
 project for several Ph.D. theses...

Well, something like that has actually been done already, it's called
tile caching, and works under the restrictive conditions that you
can force the client to make requests in predetermined sizes and tiles.
As for applying this to the general case, I invite you to have a look
at how big the raster surface is and how much space is required
to actually store on the disk a full map (only _one_ map, some GeoServer
installs do serve 500-1000 different layers) here:
(the site is describing the tile cache companion to GeoServer, called

So, it is somewhat doable, but only for a few backgrond layers that
do not change that often (once a month may be ok if you don't need
to zoom in too much).


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Re: How to check if the client dropped the connection

2009-09-29 Thread aaime74

awarnier wrote:
 aaime74 wrote:
 Kind of restarting from the beginning, I think that the first question 
 to ask is whether whatever method which actually does the rendering of 
 the maps, and which is heavy in terms of resources, is capable of 
 being interrupted cleanly in the middle.  Is it capable itself of 
 checking regularly if it should continue doing the work ? Or else, if 
 you shoot it down does it mop up after itself, or does it leave stuff 
 to clean up all over the place ?

I can cleanly stop the rendering process in almost any point of it.
The issue is not stopping it, it's detecting the client connection 
was dropped.

No matter what solution is adopted, one still depends on the ability
to detect the client has dropped the connection, something that no
one so far described how to check (I'm starting to wonder if there
is a way at all).

awarnier wrote:
 The (whenever possible) above refers to the fact that a number of 
 things outside of your control can come in the way of such detection : 
 proxies, firewalls and the like.  If the ultimate client breaks the 
 connection, it is not guaranteed that Tomcat itself would notice this 
 right away.

Ok, but let's say Tomcat is capable of that. How does one check from
within the servlet that the connection has been dropped without writing
out anything? What I've tried so far is trying to block on the input stream
provided by the Http request and hoping it would throw an exception if
the client drop the conntection, but that does not work, the input
stream just return -1 to any read operation no matter if the client
is still connected or not.

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Re: How to check if the client dropped the connection

2009-09-29 Thread aaime74

Markus Meyer wrote:
 I'm not saying you should store the whole map all at once. My approach 
 was to dynamically cache requests that the client may want to make in 
 advance. An easy example would be if a client makes a request for the 
 city center, you create the map for the city center plus the suburbs 
 around it and store it somewhere, then return the city center. If the 
 user then moves around a bit to see the suburbs, you already have the 
 whole map cached and just need to return it, no need to do any further 

Sorry, I've lost you there. How is drawing a bigger image going to solve
the problem, which in the end is both a CPU waste but also an OOM
due to too many images being generated at the same time because
of the user zooming in and out fast (most of them are actually not
wanted anymore by the client which in the meantime will drop the

If anything your suggestion seems to make the client wait longer and
the server OOM faster.

Markus Meyer wrote:
 If you then also compress the image on the fly while you are reading it 
 from disk (or from some memory cache), you will start writing to the 
 output stream very soon (also detecting the dropped connection very 
 soon) and the servlet will not need much RAM. Of course this does not 
 work if you just use Java's built-in PNG encoder.
 Obviously, caching always comes with the price that you will have the 
 occassional cache miss :-) That is, this does not work for every request 
 but may decrease load and RAM usage a lot for typical use cases.

WMS and tile systems are related, but they don't work the same way,
I cited tiling because it's the thing people know the most given the
Google maps popularity.

A desktop WMS client won't use any pre-defined tile structure, each
request will be different in terms of layer requested, zoom level, 
and area. The potential for caching is very, very low.

The tile system are on the other side setup to make caching possible
and efficient by imposing structure on the requests, but what I'm dealing
with here is pure WMS.

What I'm talking about here are the industry standard solutions for
WMS map rendering. We can discuss this at lenght and we could come
out with some interesting new way that was not tried before in the
field. But in the meatime I would really appreciate if anybody could
answer my first question: how does one detect the client connection
has been dropped? Is there any way? Does anybody know?

Markus Meyer wrote:
 In your OP you write: Unfortunately in the meantime the older requests 
 are still running, drawing a map takes time and a lot of memory, for 
 example the above request, which is a small one btw, allocates a 
 BufferedImage of 700KB. This indicates that you (1) seem to not use any 
 caching (drawing a map takes time - with caching the map would already 
 have been drawn) and (2) you use BufferedImage which of course does not 
 allow you to PNG-encode on the fly. Both problems would be solved with 
 the above suggestion.

The rendering subsystem actually takes a Graphics2D. If you can suggest
ways to draw lines, points and polygons on a raster image that is not
memory bound (like a buffered image) and has no sewing effects 
(like tiles, that do break labelling, long story, don't get me started on
I'm all ears.

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