Re: Tomcat and Apache Deny rules

2007-12-06 Thread fredk2


Any reasons as to why not set the directives in the httpd.conf instead of
.htaccess ?
.htaccess only matters to requests for the directory it is in.


Aaron Brown-5 wrote:
 I've been trying to block the litefinder malicious bot which scours our
 every day and tries to access pages with the incorrect case, thus causing
 crazy amounts of errors to get thrown.
 We have an Apache 2.2.4 front end using mod_jk to load balance against 9
 Tomcat instances on 6 separate machines.
 I have an .htaccess file that blocks based on user agent along with some
 known ip addresses for the bot.  This works correctly for all static
 content.  That is, when I change my browser's user agent to litefinder,
 and access the site, I am denied all gif, jpg, css, js, etc files. 
 all the dynamic content is passed on to Tomcat without honoring the rules
 .htaccess, thus not solving my problem.
 My question is basically, how do I/can I make Apache enforce my deny rules
 even for JkMount'ed data?  If you need more info, I'm happy to provide.
 Here is the .htaccess file in my webroot:
 #block litefinder malicious crawler
 SetEnvIfNoCase User-Agent LiteFinder stayout=1
 Order Allow,deny
 Allow from all
 Deny from env=stayout
 Deny from
 Deny from
 Deny from
 Deny from
 Deny from
 Deny from
 Deny from
 Deny from
 Deny from
 Deny from
 Deny from
 Deny from
 Deny from
 Deny from
 Deny from
 Deny from
 Deny from
 Deny from
 Deny from
 Deny from
 Deny from
 Deny from
 Deny from
 Deny from
 Here is the relevant section from my httpd.conf
 VirtualHost :80
 ServerName *
 JkMount /jkstatus/* status
 JkMount /* v3lb
 JkMount /captcha/Captcha.jpg v3lb
 JkUnMount /member/bzzmap/*.xml v3lb
 JkUnMount /member/bzzmap/*.swf v3lb
 JkUnMount /manager/* v3lb
 JkUnMount /images/* v3lb
 JkUnMount /awstats/* v3lb
 JkUnMount /img/* v3lb
 JkUnMount /js/* v3lb
 JkUnMount /*.gif v3lb
 JkUnMount /*.png v3lb
 JkUnMount /*.pdf v3lb
 JkMount /captcha/* v3lb
 JkUnMount /member/campaigns/*.jpg v3lb
 JkUnMount /*.css v3lb
 JkUnMount /*.html v3lb
 JkUnMount /*.mov v3lb
 JkUnMount /*.wmv v3lb
 JkUnMount /*.rm v3lb
 JkUnMount /*.ram v3lb
 #JkUnMount /*.swf v3lb
 JkUnMount /*.mpeg v3lb
 JkUnMount /*.mpg v3lb
 JkUnMount /*.mp3 v3lb
 JkUnMount /*.xml v3lb
 JkMount /dwr v3lb
 ErrorLog logs/www.error_log
 CustomLog logs/www.access_log combined
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Re: JkRequestLogFormat Options

2008-02-28 Thread fredk2


btw, in your log format line you have %{JK_REQUEST_DURATON}n instead of
%{JK_REQUEST_DURATION}n see the missing I.

I am using 1.2.25 and i get times alike 0.0275 when using Apache 2.2

Rgds, Fred

Ahmed Musa wrote:
 I am logging the mod_jk Output through the Apache access_log - as written
 in the reference found under
 Because i want to get clearness about what exactly is going on in our
 system i use the following LogFormat:
 LogFormat %h %l %u %t \%r\ %s %b \%{Referer}i\ \%{User-Agent}i\
 \%{Cookie}i\ \%{Set-Cookie}o\ %{pid}P %{tid}P%T 
 %{JK_LB_FIRST_STATE}n %{JK_LB_LAST_NAME}n mod_jk_log
 ...everthing works fine except the Options responsible for the Request
 Mostly neither %T nor %{JK_REQUEST_DURATON}n have a Value (%T mostly is 0
 an the other Parameter is -).
 At some Requests i found the %T has a value like for example 2 or 3.. -
 or %T is 0 and JK_REQUEST_DURATION has an value like 2 or 3 ...
 First - why are there not values at each request ?
 Second -i think both Options are measuring the same Value - why they are
 not the same ?
 Third - why they are not showing seconds.microseconds as written in the
 reference but only (I think so) rounded seconds.
 We use mod_jk 1.2.26
 Thanks for help
 Psst! Geheimtipp: Online Games kostenlos spielen bei den GMX Free Games!
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Does logging with swallowOutput=true buffer the output ?

2008-02-28 Thread fredk2


I have a servlet that loops and writes normally to catalina.out with 
I can tail -f catalina.out and see the iterations as they happen.

The problem is that after configuring the applications as
shown below and set the application context xml with the attribute
swallowOutput=true, I do not see the iterations until the very last one.

I am a bit puzzled as to what is happening and where that behavior should be
corrected. Any ideas ?

Tx - Fred

$ cat
handlers = org.apache.juli.FileHandler
org.apache.juli.FileHandler.level = FINEST = ${catalina.base}/logs
org.apache.juli.FileHandler.prefix = myapp.
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Can we use output/extras/tomcat-juli.jar by default?

2007-08-17 Thread fredk2


To use log4j the documentation
suggest that we need to:

1. Replace $CATALINA_HOME/bin/tomcat-juli.jar with the

2. Place output/extras/tomcat-juli-adapters.jar in $CATALINA_HOME/lib.

What do these file do?  why are they extras and why not have them in the
default build?

In my quick basic tests I did not observe any difference in the logging
behaviors when compared to the original tomcat-juli.jar. Can anyone explain
how or when this would become a problem?

Many Thanks - Fred
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Re: Can we use output/extras/tomcat-juli.jar by default?

2007-08-20 Thread fredk2


If I understand Filip's answer correctly... the difference between the
default tomcat-juli.jar and the output/extras/tomcat-juli.jar is that the
first one is some glue code that hardcodes commons-logging to  work only
with java.util.logging and the second supports the complete
commons-logging - therefore also log4j.

So am I correct to think that it does not hurt to have the extras
tomcat-juli.jar and tomcat-juli-adapters.jar in the ${catalina.home}/lib,
without log4j.jar, and still successfully log by configuring a j.u.l 
${catalina.base}/conf/ ?

Bill's comment is an interesting one. I remember seeing somewhere (tomcat
docs?) a warning against app reloading; that doing so was a memory leak soon
or later.

Many Thanks - Fred

fredk2 wrote:

 To use log4j the documentation
 suggest that we need to:

 1. Replace $CATALINA_HOME/bin/tomcat-juli.jar with the

 2. Place output/extras/tomcat-juli-adapters.jar in $CATALINA_HOME/lib.

 What do these file do?  why are they extras and why not have them in the
 default build?
they enable you to plug in commons-logging if you want to use that 
instead of java.util.logging

 In my quick basic tests I did not observe any difference in the logging
 behaviors when compared to the original tomcat-juli.jar. Can anyone
 how or when this would become a problem?

 Many Thanks - Fred

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Tomcat 6 and log4j for a web application

2007-08-24 Thread fredk2


still reading :-)

I have setup log4j as above, but with a little twist.
If you permission $CATALINA_HOME as read only and you want to customize the then you need to install the log4j1.2.14.jar and in $CATALINA_BASE/lib.
You also need to adjust the common.loader 


The tomcat logging works well. However, I have 2 questions related to
installing log4j for a web application:

1.  why does the documentation say to add log4j1.2.x.jar to the WEB-INF/lib, 
isn't it already loaded by the common.loader at this point?

2.  is there a way to add a WEB-INF/classes/ to log to
myapp1.log and capture all the logs related to the web application ?  Why
would'nt the following create a myapp1.log?

myapp1/WEB-INF/classes/ -


# test logger,myapp1

# Log rotation
# Print the date in ISO 8601 format
log4j.appender.myapp1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n

Any hints - suggestions are appreciated,
Many Thanks - Fred
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Re: Tomcat 6 and log4j for a web application

2007-08-24 Thread fredk2

I would like both one common/lib/ for the main Tomcat
container logging and another log4j for each web apps - where you set its
log filename and rotation etc...

The tomcat logging would be of interest to an admin and the web app logs to
the developer.

Do I make sense?

Tx - Fred

Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:
 if you want to use log4j in your application only,
 then forget everything you read on logging.html
 all you need to do is log4j.jar in WEB-INF/lib in WEB-INF/classes
 the steps you are outlining, are converting tomcat from using 
 java.util.logging to log4j for the container. and you don't need those 
 steps if all you want is log4j for a webapp
 fredk2 wrote:

 still reading :-)

 I have setup log4j as above, but with a little twist.
 If you permission $CATALINA_HOME as read only and you want to customize
 the then you need to install the log4j1.2.14.jar and in $CATALINA_BASE/lib.
 You also need to adjust the common.loader 


 The tomcat logging works well. However, I have 2 questions related to
 installing log4j for a web application:

 1.  why does the documentation say to add log4j1.2.x.jar to the
 isn't it already loaded by the common.loader at this point?

 2.  is there a way to add a WEB-INF/classes/ to log to
 myapp1.log and capture all the logs related to the web application ?  Why
 would'nt the following create a myapp1.log?

 myapp1/WEB-INF/classes/ -


 # test logger,myapp1

 # Log rotation
 # Print the date in ISO 8601 format
 log4j.appender.myapp1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n

 Any hints - suggestions are appreciated,
 Many Thanks - Fred
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RE: POST data lost when switching URL using mod_rewrite and mod_jk

2007-09-06 Thread fredk2

The mod_rewrites encoding can be changed with option 
'noescape|NE' (no URI escaping of output) 

This flag keeps mod_rewrite from applying the usual URI escaping rules to
the result of a rewrite. Ordinarily, special characters (such as '%', '$',
';', and so on) will be escaped into their hexcode equivalents ('%25',
'%24', and '%3B', respectively); this flag prevents this from being done.
This allows percent symbols to appear in the output, as in 

RewriteRule /foo/(.*) /bar?arg=P1\%3d$1 [R,NE] 

Rgds, Fred

Michael Böckling wrote:
 why aren't you 
 switching to https before it gets complicated, i.e. when a simple request 
 is coming in, like for the form page itself?
 Unfortunately, that is not an option.
 - is the Location header apache httpd sends back for the 
 redirect still 
 OK? You can check with a commandline client like e.g. curl.
 No, here's where the trouble starts. It seems like mod_rewrite can't
 handle UTF-8 URLs. I used the LiveHTTPHeaders plugin for Firefox, and
 here's the output:
 Original (correct request):
 GET /lucene/target.jsp?test=%C3%BCberraschung HTTP/1.1
 Flawed redirect:
 As you can see, the % have been encoded again.
 What can I do about it?
 - if so, is the second request as decoded by apache OK? The 
 access log 
 might give an idea about that
 - if so, is the forwarded request from mod_jk to Tomcat OK 
 debug shows a line ...service... which containes the forwarded URL at 
 the end)
 Michael Böckling wrote:
  Ok, that makes it clear to me.
  Thanks for the exhaustive reply!
  Btw., I didn't configure the servers, I'm just trying to 
 get my forms data through and understand as much as possible. :-)
  So I switched to GET, but again, I ran into issues, this 
 time it is character-encoding related.
  The Tomcats all have URIEncoding=UTF-8 set, and it works 
 whithout the rewrite-induced redirect.
  But when redirect is used, the following happens:
  The parameter führung becomes f%C3%BChrung in my JSPs. 
 I did AddDefaultEncoding UTF-8 in my Apache config, that 
 doesn't help. Is there a configuration option for mod_rewrite 
 or mod_jk that I have to set to make it work? I tried the 
 ForwardURIxxx options on my mod_jk, but they didn't help. Any Ideas?
  Thanks a lot for the help so far!
  -Original Message-
  From: Rainer Jung [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 4:35 PM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: Re: POST data lost when switching URL using 
 mod_rewrite and
  Example from
  10.3.2 301 Moved Permanently
  The requested resource has been assigned a new permanent 
 URI and any 
  future references to this resource SHOULD use one of the 
  returned URIs. 
  Clients with link editing capabilities ought to 
 automatically re-link 
  references to the Request-URI to one or more of the new references 
  returned by the server, where possible. This response is cacheable 
  unless indicated otherwise.
  The new permanent URI SHOULD be given by the Location field in the 
  response. Unless the request method was HEAD, the entity of 
  the response 
  SHOULD contain a short hypertext note with a hyperlink to the 
  new URI(s).
  If the 301 status code is received in response to a request 
  other than 
  GET or HEAD, the user agent MUST NOT automatically redirect 
  the request 
  unless it can be confirmed by the user, since this might 
 change the 
  conditions under which the request was issued.
 Note: When automatically redirecting a POST request after
 receiving a 301 status code, some existing HTTP/1.0 
 user agents
 will erroneously change it into a GET request.
  So if you are using HTTp Redirect, check your Apache 
 access log. It's 
  likely you will notice, that the browser switched from a POST 
  to a GET 
  during the redirect and the POST Body isn't send by the 
  Browser. Nothing 
  we could do in this case on the server side.
  You should try to identify a GET which sits before the 
 POST in your 
  clickstream and do the redirect already there (like e.g. when the 
  browser tries to retrieve the empty form before it tries 
 to send the 
  Michael Böckling wrote:
  Hi folks!
  I Have the following setup:
  mod_rewrite (?)
  Apache Tomcat 5.5.23
  Browser == Apache + mod_rewrite == mod_jk == Tomcat
  This is a Linux machine, and mod_rewrite is used to switch 
  to SSL on certain URLs.
  Problem: the POST data is lost whenever a form on a http 
  page sends data to a page that gets its URL rewritten to https.
  This goes as folllows:
  http page = form post to http url = rewrite url to https, 

mod_jk --enable-prefork

2007-09-10 Thread fredk2


The documentation for  mod_jk (eg. version 1.2.25) about --enable-prefork 

In case you build mod_jk for a multi-threaded Apache httpd 2.0/2.2 MPM
(Multi-Processing Module), some areas of mod_jk code need to be synchronized
to make it thread-safe. Because configure can not easily detect, whether
your are using a multi-threaded MPM, mod_jk by default is always build
thread-safe for Apache httpd 2.0/2.2. If you are sure, that your MPM is not
multi-threaded, you can use --enable-prefork to force the removal of the
synchronization code (thus increasing performance a bit). For instance, the
prefork MPM is not multi-threaded. For Apache httpd 1.3 this flag will be
set automatically.

If you specify apxs, doesn't it require a which has a value
pair MPM_NAME = prefork  and thus configure could know that prefork was
Alternatively assuming that apxs is in the same directory then 'httpd -V'
could tell that 
Server MPM: Prefork

The question I have: if the Apache httpd v2.2 is prefork and the mod_jk is
compiled default threaded, are there any potential instabilities? (on
Solaris and Linux)

Many thanks - Fred
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when does use mod_jk and jni?

2007-09-10 Thread fredk2


Reading the documentation for mod_jk (1.2.25   --enable-jni), I am curious
about something.
In what case do you use mod_jk jni ?

Thank you - Fred
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Re: mod_jk --enable-prefork

2007-09-10 Thread fredk2

Many thanks for your reply.
Is it always implied that if an apache module is deemed 'thread safe' it
also implies that it will work in prefork environment maybe at the cost of
raw performance ?

Thanks again - Fred

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 fredk2 wrote:
 The documentation for  mod_jk (eg. version 1.2.25) about --enable-prefork 
 In case you build mod_jk for a multi-threaded Apache httpd 2.0/2.2 MPM
 (Multi-Processing Module), some areas of mod_jk code need to be
 to make it thread-safe. Because configure can not easily detect, whether
 your are using a multi-threaded MPM, mod_jk by default is always build
 thread-safe for Apache httpd 2.0/2.2. If you are sure, that your MPM is
 multi-threaded, you can use --enable-prefork to force the removal of
 synchronization code (thus increasing performance a bit). For instance,
 prefork MPM is not multi-threaded. For Apache httpd 1.3 this flag will be
 set automatically.
 If you specify apxs, doesn't it require a which has a
 pair MPM_NAME = prefork  and thus configure could know that prefork was
 Alternatively assuming that apxs is in the same directory then 'httpd -V'
 could tell that 
 Server MPM: Prefork
 You are right: apxs -q MPM_NAME would do the trick. I didn't find that 
 one, thanks. On the other hand, we would still need to manage a list of 
 MPMs (which MPM on which platform is single-threaded) and there is some 
 danger, that people have more than one mpm installed (like on many linux 
 distros) and compile against prefork, later use against worker. All in 
 all I'm still in favor of building thread safe by default and only when 
 explicitely requested removing the thread synchronization.
 The question I have: if the Apache httpd v2.2 is prefork and the mod_jk
 compiled default threaded, are there any potential instabilities? (on
 Solaris and Linux)
 No, not that we aware of any. On both platforms, the default was 
 building thread safe for a long time. We use pthread mutexes and no 
 problems have been reported with those.
 Many thanks - Fred
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Re: when does use mod_jk and jni?

2007-09-11 Thread fredk2

thank you very much -  that explains the scant references I found out there

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 Adding to Bill: it was used to embed the backend process into the Apache 
 httpd process space. It's not maintained any longer and we should add 
 appropriate wording to the docs: Don't use it..
 fredk2 wrote:
 Reading the documentation for mod_jk (1.2.25   --enable-jni), I am
 about something.
 In what case do you use mod_jk jni ?
 Thank you - Fred
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Re: Logformat for mod_jk logs

2007-09-11 Thread fredk2


I have not used it in long while but i think it required:

JkRequestLogFormat %w %V %U %s %T %B %H %m

Rgds - Fred

Gerhardus.Geldenhuis wrote:
 Does anyone know if the script requires a specific
 JkRequestLogFormat string.
 Doing a search through the list archives on my local machine I found the
 following two settings being used:
 JkRequestLogFormat %b %w %V %T %r
 JkRequestLogFormat %w %V %T
 But I am not sure what this script that comes with mod_jk actually
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Re: mod_jk --enable-prefork

2007-09-11 Thread fredk2

So in this case reading some of your past responses (and your source
knowledge), we do not have to worry about threaded mod_jk misbehaving in a
prefork apache - on linux and solaris that is :-)

Rgds - Fred

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 Hi Fred,
 mostly yes, but you could write modules, that break this assumption. An 
 indication is mod_cgi, which exists as mod_cgi and mod_cgid. Another 
 hint into this direction is, that httpd doesn't provide a clean way of 
 exchanging MPMs after compilation.
 In general it is better to compile the module against the MPM you want 
 to use unless you know the code of the module good enough to judge about 
 its MPM independancy.
 fredk2 wrote:
 Many thanks for your reply.
 Is it always implied that if an apache module is deemed 'thread safe' it
 also implies that it will work in prefork environment maybe at the cost
 raw performance ?
 Thanks again - Fred
 Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 fredk2 wrote:

 The documentation for  mod_jk (eg. version 1.2.25) about

 In case you build mod_jk for a multi-threaded Apache httpd 2.0/2.2 MPM
 (Multi-Processing Module), some areas of mod_jk code need to be
 to make it thread-safe. Because configure can not easily detect,
 your are using a multi-threaded MPM, mod_jk by default is always build
 thread-safe for Apache httpd 2.0/2.2. If you are sure, that your MPM is
 multi-threaded, you can use --enable-prefork to force the removal of
 synchronization code (thus increasing performance a bit). For instance,
 prefork MPM is not multi-threaded. For Apache httpd 1.3 this flag will
 set automatically.

 If you specify apxs, doesn't it require a which has a
 pair MPM_NAME = prefork  and thus configure could know that prefork was
 Alternatively assuming that apxs is in the same directory then 'httpd
 could tell that 
 Server MPM: Prefork
 You are right: apxs -q MPM_NAME would do the trick. I didn't find that 
 one, thanks. On the other hand, we would still need to manage a list of 
 MPMs (which MPM on which platform is single-threaded) and there is some 
 danger, that people have more than one mpm installed (like on many linux 
 distros) and compile against prefork, later use against worker. All in 
 all I'm still in favor of building thread safe by default and only when 
 explicitely requested removing the thread synchronization.

 The question I have: if the Apache httpd v2.2 is prefork and the mod_jk
 compiled default threaded, are there any potential instabilities? (on
 Solaris and Linux)
 No, not that we aware of any. On both platforms, the default was 
 building thread safe for a long time. We use pthread mutexes and no 
 problems have been reported with those.

 Many thanks - Fred

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mod_jk --enable-flock documentation question

2007-09-11 Thread fredk2


Reading the mod_jk (1.2.25) compilation documentation for --enable-flock it

In case the operating system supports flock system call use this flag to
enable this faster locks that are implemented as system call instead
emulated by GNU C library.
However those locks does not work on NFS mounted volumes, so you can use
--enable-flock during compile time to force the flocks() calls.

+ this text seems to say to use --enable-flock to tell mod_jk to use the
flock system call - if supported.
Then it says that NFS does not support the flock system call.  Thus it seems
to me that correct sentence whould be:
However those locks do not work on NFS mounted volumes, hence do not set 
--enable-flock during compile time.

./configure says:
Linux   - checking for flock... yes
Solaris - checking for flock... no

So i guess this is a non-issue for Solaris.

+ Is it correct that --enable-flock only affects the handling of JkShmFile?
thus you would mitigate the potential issue(s) if you move this file to a
local disk /tmp while the apache and logfiles can remain on the NFS mount.

Many thanks - Fred
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When is mod_jk 1.2.27 expected to be stable?

2008-03-25 Thread fredk2


When is mod_jk 1.2.27 expected to be stable?

I just stumbled accross the change log for the jk connector which shows an
interesting feature: the ability to configure a reply_timeout not only per
worker, but instead per mapping.

If I go to the main connector site (or via Tomcat 6) I do not see 1.2.27

Kind Rgds - Fred
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Re: When is mod_jk 1.2.27 expected to be stable?

2008-03-31 Thread fredk2

Many thanks - so far it does not break anything (Linux/Solaris), but I do not
have a good (application/)test to confirm the reply_timout feature.

Rgds - Fred

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 Hi Fred,
 fredk2 schrieb:
 When is mod_jk 1.2.27 expected to be stable?
 I just stumbled accross the change log for the jk connector which shows
 interesting feature: the ability to configure a reply_timeout not only
 worker, but instead per mapping.
 Ouups, didn't realize that we bundle a dev snapshot of JK documentation 
 with TC 4.1. It would be better to link to the offically released docs.
 Yes, I hope that will be a very useful feature, because often long 
 running requests are expected for very few known URLs (reporting etc).
 If I go to the main connector site (or via Tomcat 6) I do not see 1.2.27
 Kind Rgds - Fred
 1.2.27 is not released yet. There is a very interesting feature for the 
 IIS plugin pending (supporting chunked encoding). I expect, that we'll 
 cut a release candidate around ApacheCon (second week of april) either 
 with or without the IIS feature and that the official release should be 
 available about 2 weeks later.
 I use a current dev snapshot in some customer installations and it seems 
 to run fine, no problems there. So if you really have a good use case, 
 you could consider using a dev snapshot of 1.2.27, at least on pre 
 production systems. You can find a dev snapshot under
 Let us know your findings.
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Re: Problem in running Tomcat

2008-04-01 Thread fredk2


Delete WEB-INF/lib/servlet.jar.

I always wonder: why do some applications have the servlet.jar in
WEB-INF/lib when the 'curent' one is already in the ./common/lib ?

- jar not loaded. See Servlet Spec 2.3, section 9.7.2. Offending class:

Rgds - Fred
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Apache fails to start when .host does not resolve.

2008-04-01 Thread fredk2


when you set a load balancer (mod_jk v1.2.26) with 2 workers:
worker.myWorker.balance_workers=tc1Worker, tc2Worker

and one of the worker's host cannot be resolved:

Then Apache will not start.

- since the other worker is 'good', should'nt we let apache start with a
nice error message informing you that one worker could not resolved (done
today) and jk will disable the worker and let apache start anyway?

- Adding a disable does not fix the issue it seems.  Only removing the
worker from the list does.

The idea is that if DNS fails to resolve a host (some admin mistake) and
Apache was restarted automatically for unrelated reasons, it would fail to
come back online without a manual intervention - editing a configuration
file (which might be a challenge).

Rgds - Fred
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Re: Tomcat 5.5.x or 6.x: ROOT limitation removed?

2008-04-08 Thread fredk2


i do not think so, but what I did is to set an contex ROOT.xml  (not sure
the upper case is needed - i would think it is) and then set the docBase
(relative to webapps or fully qualified) to your app eg.


Context docBase=${catalina.base}/mydir/myapp
 privileged=true antiResourceLocking=false


Francis Galiegue wrote:
 Hello list,
 I use Tomcat 5.0.30 as a bare bones, no fuss webapp container, with a
 very, very simple server.xml:
 Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN
   Service name=Catalina
 Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 enableLookups=false
   URIEncoding=UTF-8 maxProcessors=0/
 Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost
   Host name=localhost appBase=external-webapps autoDeploy=false
 deployXML=false unpackWARs=false
 Context docBase=/var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/one2team path=
   !-- plus two loggers --
 We use mod_jk at the Apache level to communicate with the webapp.
 Unfortunately, this configuration is a hack:
 * the appBase in Host points to a non existing directory within
 * the docBase of the only Context is an absolute path to the webapp
 The problem is, we do _NOT_ want the webapp directory to be named
 ROOT, we want it to remain one2team. And this is the only solution
 I've found...
 Ideally, I'd have liked to not lie to Host and have a ROOT.xml in
 Catalina/localhost saying that no, my webapp root directory is not
 named ROOT, it's one2team, thank you very much. But no, this doesn't
 As you can see, I also had to set autoDeploy to false, otherwise the
 webapp was deployed twice: once under /, which is what we want, and
 another time under /one2team, which we don't want either...
 Does tomcat5.5 remove this limitation? Or even tomcat 6.x?
 Thanks in advance,
 One2team - 42 Av. Raymond Poincaré - 75116 PARIS
 When it comes to performance, weight is everything - Tiff Needell
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Re: Apache fails to start when .host does not resolve.

2008-04-08 Thread fredk2

Thank you for your reply - as alway I appreciate. 
I can understand your point very well and I did dismiss the original
complaint as such - a one-off, a minor issue.
There is one silly anecdote: assume that you have a heavily shared Apache
with a bunch of workers... one day one of the friendly *sharee* decides that
he does not need one of his hosts anymore and forgets to tell the server
admin. A later restart affects all the services hosted because of this to say it... oversight:-).  To get apache up again you probably need
to logging physically to the server and vi the config file (some pain).


Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 fredk2 schrieb:
 when you set a load balancer (mod_jk v1.2.26) with 2 workers:
 worker.myWorker.balance_workers=tc1Worker, tc2Worker
 and one of the worker's host cannot be resolved:
 Then Apache will not start.
 - since the other worker is 'good', should'nt we let apache start with a
 nice error message informing you that one worker could not resolved (done
 today) and jk will disable the worker and let apache start anyway?
 - Adding a disable does not fix the issue it seems.  Only removing the
 worker from the list does.
 Yes that's the way it was implemented intentionally.
 The idea is that if DNS fails to resolve a host (some admin mistake) and
 Apache was restarted automatically for unrelated reasons, it would fail
 come back online without a manual intervention - editing a configuration
 file (which might be a challenge).
 In general I think it's better to not start, if a worker is completely 
 broken. Yes, in your case it would provide a problem with regular 
 restarts, but we could argue, that if your DNS is not rock solid, but 
 your production systems depend on IP address resolution, then you should 
 either use the IPs in the workers host attribute, or add the few systems 
 you need to contact from your httpd to your hosts file. Of course that 
 contradicts the major goals of DNS, but if you want to stick to those 
 you really need a rock solid DNS (which is not that hard). Admin 
 failures when managing critical DNS data are really major incidents.
 If we allow unresolvable host names, it's very likely that users will 
 not notice the resulting error messages during startup. And I think it's 
 much more likely that people simply put typos into the host names than 
 the occurence of local DNS failures.
 This seems to be grey area, where there's no obviously best solution.
 Rgds - Fred
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Re: jsvc creates pid file owned by root

2008-04-10 Thread fredk2


can you set the umask before you run jsvc ?


Gunnar Boström wrote:
 I can start and stop Tomcat 5.5 with the jsvc program but the problem is
 that the pid file is created with permissions 600 and owned by root.
 I want to be able to read the pid file to check if the Tomcat process is
 up and running 
 and also for other purposes.
 Is it possible to make the pid file be owned by the user that runs Tomcat
 or have the permissions to be set to 666?

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Can Tomcat set its pid in a file?

2008-04-10 Thread fredk2


Currently the pid file is set when you run (unix/linux)

  if [ ! -z $CATALINA_PID ]; then
echo $!  $CATALINA_PID

In some situation (when using sudo, su, catalina.out piped to a log rotation
program) it is harder and possibly prone to error to get the right pid - $!
might not be the pid of the JVM.

Apache httpd sets the pid file and cleans it up  Is there a simple
way/sample to have Tomcat set the pid file during its bootstrap and not the
startup shell script ? 

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Re: Can Tomcat set its pid in a file?

2008-04-10 Thread fredk2

Interestingly I cannot use jsvc. We are using a Java 5 jvm option -javaagent
which is not supported by jsvc.  I was looking at jws which does a little
bit more (although missing the cool -user option), but that seems to have
become a commercial venture.


David Smith-2 wrote:
 You could use jsvc instead of the shell scripts.
 fredk2 wrote:

Currently the pid file is set when you run (unix/linux)

  if [ ! -z $CATALINA_PID ]; then
echo $!  $CATALINA_PID

In some situation (when using sudo, su, catalina.out piped to a log
program) it is harder and possibly prone to error to get the right pid -
might not be the pid of the JVM.

Apache httpd sets the pid file and cleans it up  Is there a simple
way/sample to have Tomcat set the pid file during its bootstrap and not
startup shell script ? 


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Re: Is this possibe? mod_jk ==SSL== AJP/1.3

2006-12-07 Thread fredk2


As far as have seen there is no SSL support for AJP/1.3 - the trafic is in
clear between the Apache and tomcat using mod_jk.

I guess with apache 2 you can use mod_proxy and ssl to a tomcat using the
http connector with ssl.

If you have apache and tomcat on separate servers you might have to look at
stunnel to encrypt the traffic.


Martin Gainty wrote:
 unless of course the Cert is self-signed with keytool
 I would remove all the certs from classpath and start with a 'True
 Certificate' signed by Verisign or Thawte
 - Original Message - 
 From: dfelicia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 2:46 PM
 Subject: Is this possibe? mod_jk ==SSL== AJP/1.3
 Can traffic between mod_jk and Tomcat's AJP connector be encrypted
 using ssh/stunnel)?
 I see SSL mentioned in the doc for AJP, but it's clear as mud:
 So, in Apache, I am using SSL and mod_jk.  I set these parameters per the
 mod_jk doc:
 # JkOptions indicate to send SSL KEY SIZE,
 JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories
 JkExtractSSL On
 # What is the indicator for SSL (default is HTTPS)
 # What is the indicator for SSL session (default is SSL_SESSION_ID)
 # What is the indicator for client SSL cipher suit (default is
 # What is the indicator for the client SSL certificated (default is
 In Tomcat's server.xml, I have define an AJP/1.3 connector like so:
 Connector port=8202 protocol=AJP/1.3 URIEncoding=UTF-8
   scheme=https secure=true clientAuth=false
 (mod_jk worker uses this connection)
 It works whether I set scheme and secure or not.  Is the communication
 encrypted?  (If so, I'd wonder how since Tomcat knows nothing of my CA's
 public key or my keystore.)
 What am I missing?
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Re: Is this possibe? mod_jk ==SSL== AJP/1.3

2006-12-08 Thread fredk2


although I have not tested this personally, but I was told that mod_proxy
(_ajp)  does not have the Auto Flush option that you can set with mod_jk and
thus creates problem for streaming applications.

I wonder if others came accross this problem ?

Rgds - Fred

Hassan Schroeder-2 wrote:
 On 12/7/06, dfelicia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 mod_proxy is ...  It also doesn't offer
 Not true; see
 I've used this recently (with mod_proxy_ajp) and it worked fine. :-)
 Hassan Schroeder  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Is this possibe? mod_jk ==SSL== AJP/1.3

2006-12-08 Thread fredk2

ooops - I need to spend more time reading the fine manual :-)

tx for the reminder :)

Hassan Schroeder-2 wrote:
 On 12/8/06, fredk2 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 although I have not tested this personally, but I was told that mod_proxy
 (_ajp)  does not have the Auto Flush option that you can set with mod_jk
 thus creates problem for streaming applications.
 You might want to look at the flushpackets parameter to the ProxyPass
 directive :-)
 Hassan Schroeder  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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When do you think mod_jk 1.2.29 will be available?

2009-11-23 Thread fredk2


I am working on a project for a customer and before i put the final dot i'd
like to know if 1.2.29 is a couple weeks off or sometime next year sometime.

many thanks - Fred
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Re: When do you think mod_jk 1.2.29 will be available?

2009-11-23 Thread fredk2

good to know the rythm :) thanks - fred

Mladen Turk-3 wrote:
 On 11/23/2009 05:22 PM, fredk2 wrote:


 I am working on a project for a customer and before i put the final dot
 like to know if 1.2.29 is a couple weeks off or sometime next year

 Should be by the end of this year so that we keep two releases/year rythm
 There are few bugs to get solved, so it depends on that.
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Re: Forward request from apache to specific web application

2009-01-24 Thread fredk2


in your tomcat server's webapp directory create a directory ./ROOT (in caps)
and copy your application in there. Then restart tomcat.

In the set the JkMount /*


Alternatively you can set the context xml file mapping to / or add a
ROOT.xml, see

Btw,with mod_jk 1.2.26 you can use replace:
JkMount /mywebapp ajp13
JkMount /mywebapp/* ajp13
with on line:  JkMount /mywebapp|/* ajp13

If you need to keep the tomcat uri /mywebapp, then you need to set a
ProxyPass directive in apache (see the mod_proxy doc).

Rgrds, Fred

Salalam wrote:
 I think my problem is very common, but I didn't find a solution.
 I have Tomcat 5.5 with a web application. Let's say this application is
 deployed in the context 'mywebapp'. I can call the application with the
 But now i want to call the application via apache directly, e.g. with port
 80 so that the url is just
 I already configured mod_jk a little bit but my problem is: How do I
 forward the requests from apache to a specific webapplication in tomcat?
 My has the following content:
 In httpd.conf I have the following entries:
 JkMount /mywebapp ajp13
 JkMount /mywebapp/* ajp13
 This works fine with the url; but I want to
 use the url; and every request to this url should be
 forwarded to the mywebapp-application in tomcat.
 What is missing?

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Deadlock situation detected/avoided with jk_log_lock

2009-02-06 Thread fredk2


I was doing some stress test (with apache ab, 100 users, 100K requests) to
compare an Apache prefork and worker mpm.  The test url is a simple hello
servlet on Tomcat 6.0.x via mod_jk. On my Sparc Solaris 10 server with only
the Apache set to worker mpm I see following error messages in my jk log: 

Apache/2.2.11 (Unix) with mod_jk/1.2.26 on Solaris 10. 
. . . 
[Thu Jan 08 11:42:28 2009] [error] (45)Deadlock situation detected/avoided:
apr_global_mutex_lock(jk_log_lock) failed 
. . .
[Thu Jan 08 11:42:29 2009] [emerg] (45)Deadlock situation detected/avoided:
apr_proc_mutex_lock failed. Attempting to shutdown process gracefully. 
[Thu Jan 08 11:42:29 2009] [error] (45)Deadlock situation detected/avoided:
apr_global_mutex_lock(jk_log_lock) failed 
. . . 

these errors do not appear to impact the test results and the jk log file
seems complete. 

I can suppress the errors by choosing another Mutex in the Apache directive
AcceptMutex, such as sysvsem or pthread.  For Solaris 10 the default mutex
for worker MPM is fcntl.  Setting the Mutex sysvsem (also the default on
Linux) marginally improves the request time. 

Can someone explain what exactly these errors means? when does it occur? 
I would have almost expect a detected/avoided to be a [warn] instead of an

I have seen the trail but I'd
like to hear updated experiences that people have with sysvsem mutexes on
Solaris 10 - what is the better mutex?  sysvsme, posixsem, pthread **?  

any comment will be appreciated. 

Many thanks, Fredk 
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Re: mod_jk

2009-02-06 Thread fredk2

Hi Rainer,

your comment about the watchdog sounds interesting.  When you load balance
it would seem useful to get feedback from Tomcat itself about its load so
that the module can adjust dynamically its load (lbfactor) based on the
Tomcat's performance rather than a session/socket count. One can wonder if
such added complexity would be detrimental to the mod_jk stability.

Rgds - Fred

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 On 06.02.2009 18:23, André Warnier wrote: wrote:
 1) As far as I know, no, mod_jk does not read
 2) Yes and no, it will not send a request unless communication has
 established with the worker, it may happen that the worker fails, or
 someone shut it down. Depending on how you configure the workers and
 number of workers, it can retry the request and/or try a different
 worker. Mod_jk will mark the worker on error when it does not respond,
 and it will try again after a configurable time -but it tries again
 an actual request-.

 It would be really nice if you could test availability of a node with a
 configurable request instead of a live production request... (hint,

 Isn't that what ping is about ?
 Ping tests, whether there is something able to still process AJP on the 
 other side of the connection. A configurable request would be able to 
 talk to the application, so one could detect, whether it is still 
 deployed, and if the request would be handled by an intelligent servlet 
 it could respond with some sort of application layer health status.
 Worth filing an enhancement request, since Mladen put the Watchdog 
 thread into 1.2.27, we can easily add more logic of that type.
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Re: Deadlock situation detected/avoided with jk_log_lock

2009-02-06 Thread fredk2

Thanks Rainer,

Do I understand you correctly that when Mr. Orton said to never use pthread
nor posixsem mutex ( that
is now obsolete news and that Solaris perfected pthread mutex support since.

You mention that mod_jk uses pthread is that the same as the httpd itself?

Some fellow at Covalent back in the early Apache 2.0 days, posted a white
paper about his various mutex testing, but it does not appear to be
available anymore. Would be interesting to know how it was tested and how it
would playout today.

Rgds - Fred

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 On 06.02.2009 18:13, fredk2 wrote:
 I was doing some stress test (with apache ab, 100 users, 100K requests)
 compare an Apache prefork and worker mpm.  The test url is a simple hello
 servlet on Tomcat 6.0.x via mod_jk. On my Sparc Solaris 10 server with
 the Apache set to worker mpm I see following error messages in my jk log:

 Apache/2.2.11 (Unix) with mod_jk/1.2.26 on Solaris 10.
 . . .
 [Thu Jan 08 11:42:28 2009] [error] (45)Deadlock situation
 apr_global_mutex_lock(jk_log_lock) failed
 . . .
 [Thu Jan 08 11:42:29 2009] [emerg] (45)Deadlock situation
 apr_proc_mutex_lock failed. Attempting to shutdown process gracefully.
 [Thu Jan 08 11:42:29 2009] [error] (45)Deadlock situation
 apr_global_mutex_lock(jk_log_lock) failed
 . . .

 these errors do not appear to impact the test results and the jk log file
 seems complete.

 I can suppress the errors by choosing another Mutex in the Apache
 AcceptMutex, such as sysvsem or pthread.  For Solaris 10 the default
 for worker MPM is fcntl.  Setting the Mutex sysvsem (also the default on
 Linux) marginally improves the request time.

 Can someone explain what exactly these errors means? when does it occur?
 I would have almost expect a detected/avoided to be a [warn] instead of

 I have seen the trail but
 like to hear updated experiences that people have with sysvsem mutexes on
 Solaris 10 - what is the better mutex?  sysvsme, posixsem, pthread **?

 any comment will be appreciated.
 I experienced this too a couple of times and once wrote a small C 
 program to reproduce the problem. On Solaris the algorithm to detect a 
 possible deadlock is very careful and returns EDEADLOCK even in 
 situations were you can mathematically prove, that a deadlock is not 
 possible. This happens in a multi-threaded environment when more than 
 one mutex is used.
 Apache httpd and mod_jk use such a mutex and SSL also (so you can 
 observe the same warnings without mod_jk only using SSL with httpd and 
 doing stress tests).
 In older JK versions this could lead to a hang, but we worked around 
 that a couple of versions ago. I generally recommend the pthread mutex 
 for Solaris which doesn't have the problem and seems to be robust 
 despite warnings about pthread mutexes in very old versions of Solaris.
 We even once had a discussion about changing the default httpd mutex on 
 Solaris once, but I think that discussion didn't come to an end.
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Re: Deadlock situation detected/avoided with jk_log_lock

2009-02-11 Thread fredk2

Many thanks for your detailed reply.
I looked further at the bug numbers you posted... a couple seem significant
and happen to be patched on my test server (137111-07).

In a couple of my test runs with AcceptMutex pthread trailed the tests
with sysvsem, but not conclusively. However, contrary to my earlier report,
I still get sporadic errors: 
[Wed Feb 11 14:40:32 2009] [error] (45)Deadlock situation detected/avoided:
apr_global_mutex_lock(jk_log_lock) failed

I also re-ran separate tests with mod_ssl + a plain index.html and observed
consistently that the apache set with mutex to sysvsem is a fraction faster
than posixsem which is a fraction faster than pthread. No Deadlocks, but
with fcntl.

Thanks again - Fred

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 On 06.02.2009 20:40, fredk2 wrote:
 Do I understand you correctly that when Mr. Orton said to never use
 nor posixsem mutex (
 is now obsolete news and that Solaris perfected pthread mutex support
 Joe Orton is always very careful with his statements, precise and 
 correct. My personal experience with pthread mutexes on Solaris was 
 fine, but I must confess, that I didn't do specialized tests to 
 determine behaviour in crash situations.
 I now did some searching and it turns out that the implementation of 
 pthread mutexes for Solaris 10 has very recently changed quite a bit. So 
 all speculations about improved pthread mutex behaviour (especially for 
 robust mutexes) in the last years might have become obsolete.
 The new implementation is contained in Solaris kernel patch 137137-09 
 and most likely also in Solaris 10 Update 6 (10/08). I didn't check, 
 whether that update simply contains the kernel patch or the fix is 
 included independently.
 Some detail is logged in Sunsolve under the bug IDs
 You mention that mod_jk uses pthread is that the same as the httpd
 mod_jk uses a global mutex provided by the apr libraries for access to 
 the log file. It gets a default mutex, i.e. it lets APR decide, which 
 type of mutex to use (APR_LOCK_DEFAULT, for Solaris it should be fcntl). 
 You can't configure like for httpd's accept or ssl mutex.
 mod_jk uses a couple of more locks, which are all not APR provided, but 
 instead directly coded to use pthreads. All of those mutexes are only 
 thread mutexes, so used locally in each process and not shared between 
 processes. They won't have a problem with crashing processes.
 They are:
 - one mutex for each AJP worker, synchronizing access to the connection 
 pool, which exists per process
 - one mutex for each lb worker
 - a mutex for access to the shared memory when changing or reading 
 configuration parameters. That might be a little unsafe, because it 
 actually should be a global mutex, not a process local, but those config 
 changes are only done due to interaction with the status worker, so 
 there's very little chance for unwanted concurrency here. All dynamic 
 runtime data are already marked as being volatile.
 - a mutex used during dynamic update of to 
 prevent concurrent updates. Updates are done per process.
 - a mutex to prevent concurrent execution of the process local internal 
 maintenance task
 Some fellow at Covalent back in the early Apache 2.0 days, posted a white
 paper about his various mutex testing, but it does not appear to be
 available anymore. Would be interesting to know how it was tested and how
 would playout today.
 Lots of the Covalent people are still around in various projects, like 
 William (Bill) A. Rowe and Jim Jagielski. You could post at apr-dev, 
 because Apache httpd uses the mutex implementations coming from the APR 
 Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 On 06.02.2009 18:13, fredk2 wrote:
 I was doing some stress test (with apache ab, 100 users, 100K requests)
 compare an Apache prefork and worker mpm.  The test url is a simple
 servlet on Tomcat 6.0.x via mod_jk. On my Sparc Solaris 10 server with
 the Apache set to worker mpm I see following error messages in my jk

 Apache/2.2.11 (Unix) with mod_jk/1.2.26 on Solaris 10.
 . . .
 [Thu Jan 08 11:42:28 2009] [error] (45)Deadlock situation
 apr_global_mutex_lock(jk_log_lock) failed
 . . .
 [Thu Jan 08 11:42:29 2009] [emerg] (45)Deadlock situation
 apr_proc_mutex_lock failed. Attempting to shutdown process gracefully.
 [Thu Jan 08 11:42:29 2009] [error] (45)Deadlock situation
 apr_global_mutex_lock(jk_log_lock) failed
 . . .

 these errors do not appear to impact the test results and the jk log
 seems complete.

 I can suppress the errors by choosing another Mutex in the Apache
 AcceptMutex, such as sysvsem or pthread.  For Solaris 10 the default
 for worker MPM is fcntl.  Setting the Mutex sysvsem (also the default
 Linux) marginally

RE: redirection

2009-04-01 Thread fredk2

I would be better...The apache httpd web server is more versatile and its
vulnerabilities are better researched. You can also add mod_security and
other modules to further protect the Tomcat against common attacks (assuming
you do not use a WAF firewall).  Furthermore you can add more Tomcats and
balance when needed... also on unix if you do not use jsvc or iptable you
need to run tomcat as root for port 80 which is not a good idea...etc...

Rgds - Fred

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
 From: mateo-jl []
 Subject: re: redirection
 i think, the best way is to use the mod_jk module. So, in a firewall
 environment, you can have your web server (Apache) in the non-protected
 area and apache will redirect all requests (http:// :80 or nothing)
 at your Tomcat server (http:// :8080) within the protected one.
 In what way would that improve security?  Since all requests would be
 forwarded to Tomcat, adding httpd accomplishes nothing except additional
 overhead and complexity.  It's silly to place *anything* in a completely
 unprotected area; you would still have a firewall in place restricting
 access to just ports 80 and 443, even if httpd were handling those ports. 
 Might as well have Tomcat handle those ports directly.
  - Chuck
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Re: JK 1.2.28 - load balancer worker fails on startup with one worker down ?

2009-04-17 Thread fredk2


I understand that when it comes to security you do not want to start the
service eg. if the certificate is corrupted you do not want the ssl server
to start full stop or if Apache cannot bind to the hostname then it cannot
start, etc... .
However, in this case there can be a few reasons why a tomcat server dns
entry is removed or decommissionned or dropped.  Imagine one apache whith
many non-related workers (not just one lb)*.
So I understand that one does not want the service to fail during a restart
(nitely,automated or by an operator) while you investigate the problem ...
It seems to me more acceptable to have a potential performance degradation
vs a loss of the whole service.

so +1 on changing the fatal to non-fatal assuming the code change is one
line. I take scalability/stability over feature :-) 

Rgds - Fred

awarnier wrote:
 Rainer Jung wrote:
 What remains for me is your suggestion, that the error is not a fatal
 one, since there are other balanced workers left. We could include such
 a check in the startup code, although I'm not really convinced, that
 your problem is a good reason for this.
 I'm open to more argumntation and suggestions :)
 Argumentation #1 against a change in logic:
 The OP argues that one single unresolvable balanced worker should not 
 stop the other 4 from working, hence that the balancer should start 
 anyway, since 80% of the capacity is still available.  It sounds 
 reasonable in principle.
 But what if there are only 2 balanced workers in total, of which one is 
 unresolvable at start ? would it be normal to start with only one 
 balanced worker available anyway ?
 If not, then where's the limit of acceptable ?
 Argumentation #2 against a change in logic:
 Suppose the balancer would start, with the resolved workers only.
 Suppose the resolving problem comes from a typo, not the fact that the 
 given host is temporarily out of the DNS system, but a definite 
 non-existing host.  It will not be retried, so there will never be 
 another error/warning message. The host itself may be ok and respond to 
 pings etc.., it will just never be hit by Apache's mod_jk, so this would 
 be a very quiet error.
 How is the sysadmin going to figure out that there is, basically, a 
 problem ?
 Argumentation for a change in logging:
 It would be clearer if the error message stated explicitly that the 
 balancer worker was not started due to a /configuration/ error, see 
 above message(s).
 But then, if even I could figure it out from the existing error message, 
 then just about everyone should be able to.
 And what would be the use of the likes of me, if everything was clear ?
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RE: AJP connections just stop working

2009-05-22 Thread fredk2

I was about to say the same earlier, but when i verified with the version
(2.3.2) I have installed last month AJP is not listed anymore... 

Rgds - Fred

Anthony J. Biacco wrote:
 Fyi, you should be able to use jmeter to test AJP connections
 Manager, IT Operations
 Format Dynamics, Inc.
 -Original Message-
 From: Rainer Jung []
 Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 6:42 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: AJP connections just stop working
 On 22.05.2009 14:09, kvancamp wrote:
  One more question: With my HTTP port, I know I can always easily
  via my browser or scripted using wget.  Anybody know of a simple
  command-line utility like wget, that works with AJP?  I think this
 would be
  a good tool to have, to help diagnose AJP problems (and would allow
 me to
  easily set up some automated stress tests).
 Coud you please open an enhancement request in Bugzilla for this?
 is some code floating around, which we might be able to bundle with
 mod_jk source release. Not sure, how soon we would provide a windows
 binary, but at least we should offer what we already have lying
 It would definitely make sense to have an AJP commandline client to
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Re: application specific log4j configuration

2006-08-04 Thread fredk2

Hi Jan,

I believe you can put the into the
approot/WEB-INF/classes  and the log4j-version.jar and
commons-logging.jar into the related WEB-INF/lib


I tested with the following sample properties for test = DEBUG will generate
lot of log.

# Print the date in ISO 8601 format
log4j.appender.myapp1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n, myapp1

It would be interesting to know if there is a way to get this to work
without copying the jars into the lib dir and also what a typical should be to be helpful in a production environment.

Regards - Fred
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Problem compiling mod_jk 1.2.18 with Apache 1.3.27

2006-08-04 Thread fredk2


I can succesfully compile mod_jk 1.2.18 against Apache 2.2.2 (configure
--with-apxs and make), but when I compile against 1.3.27 and try to start
apache I get the following error:

Solaris 8:

Syntax error on line 8 of /test/site/conf/apache-tomcat_jk.conf:
Cannot load /test/apache_modules/ into server: /test/apache/bin/httpd: fatal: relocation error:
 file /test/apache_modules/
 symbol ap_popenf_ex: referenced symbol not found

Linux RHEL3:

Syntax error on line 12 of /test/site/conf/apache-tomcat_jk.conf:
Cannot load /test/apache_modules/ into server:
/test/apache_modules/ undefined symbol: ap_popenf_ex

There were no configure/make/compilation errors or failures.

As I am fairly novice to compilation, would someone have an idea or a way to
get more clues? Is this a configuration/compilation issue - missing some CC
or LFLAGS or is there an issue with the older apache 1.3.x and older gcc ?
I am using the same gcc version as used for the original apache compilation
(hoping to avoid such object linking errors :(

All replies will be very much appreciated... Thanks
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Re: Problem compiling mod_jk 1.2.18 with Apache 1.3.27

2006-08-07 Thread fredk2

Hi Rainer,

Wonderful, many many thanks - your patch worked beautifully.  I have no more
errors with 1.3.27 on Solaris 8 nor Linux.

(my apologies for the delay - I wasted time experimenting with the patch
command on Solaris and Linux :-(

I am opening another email thread about some strange behaviors in the

thanks again,
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mod_jk log level and logging issues

2006-08-08 Thread fredk2


These following issues are observed with mod_jk 1.2.18 on Linux and Solaris
8 with apache 1.3.27 and 2.2.2 (4 combinations).

issue 1:

With mod_jk 1.2.15 i set my jk log level:

JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log
#JkLogLevel info
JkRequestLogFormat %w %V %U %s %T %B %H %m

While switching to 1.2.18 I read in the fine manual that the default log
level is info so I removed the directive, and.oh my ! the default is now
debug :-) 

Not a big deal, but I do wonder a little bit if this is a problem in my
build only. Does anyone get the same result ?


issue 2:

When Tomcat is down I get the following mod_jk.log error mesg and
JkRequestLog entry:
. . .
[Tue Aug 08 14:34:33 2006] [23653:] [error] ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c
(1794): Error connecting to tomcat. Tomcat is probably not started or is
listening on the wrong port. worker=myWorker failed
[Tue Aug 08 14:34:33 2006] myWorker /myapp/jsp/hello 200
0.000378 0 HTTP/1.1 GET
. . .

The JkRequestLog entry shows a http status 200 whereas the browser (apache
httpd) reports properly 503.
Also any url that would normally show a status of 404 show 200 when
tomcat is down.
This is a bit unexpected but it appears that 1.2.15 is doing the same. 
Hence a broken tomcat can actually make a log stat look very good :)

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Re: Connector Problems -

2006-08-08 Thread fredk2

could it be that the loading of the module and the related configuration
?must? be outside of the virtualHost /VirtualHost section ?

LoadModule jk_module modules/ 
kWorkersFile conf/ 
JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log 
JkLogLevel debug 

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Re: mod_jk log level and logging issues

2006-08-09 Thread fredk2

Hi Rainer:

Many thanks for your answers (and fast!).

Why do you expect a 404 in case Tomcat is down? If the request matches 
mod_jk JkMount config, it should try to send to tomcat and the result 
would be some 50X? 

What I meant to say was that when previously you might have had a missing
jsp/html and thus a 404, when tomcat is down it says 200 which means,
according to the mod_jk.log, that it is working when in reality it is not
:-) .  Yes,  I would expect 50x.

thanks, Fred
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Re: Problem with Mod_JK 1.2.15 and 1.2.18

2006-09-01 Thread fredk2

i think you need this in your httpd.conf mod_jk related configuration

JkOptions +FlushPackets

Rgds, Fred

Marcio Camurati wrote:
 Hi everyone, 
 We have a application that run at the Tomcat container. This application
 was made at the Tomcat 4.1 using the Mod_jk 1.2.12 with this configuration
 the application run perfectly without any problem, at this days we want to
 make an upgrade at the servers to use the new Mod_Jk 1.2.15 or 1.2.18, but
 when we do this the application broken. The problem is that with this new
 Mod_jk the Exceptions was never call for example at this code:
  while (true)
   } catch(Exception ex) {}
 } catch(Exception ex) {
  try {
   BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new
   writer.write(Eror !);
   writer = null;
  } catch (IOException ioe) {
 When the brownser is closed the server never create the file
 (exception.txt) it will only create this file when the Tomcat is shuted
 down, with the older version 1.2.12 or oldest the server always call this
 exception beforer 1 or 2 seconds and create the file.
 We open at the Bugzila a report of this problem
 ( but didn't have
 any help to fix it.
 Marcio Camurati
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Re: [OT] General mappings in

2007-03-07 Thread fredk2

Hi, was used for mod_jk2.  This product is not maintained
anymore. Use mod_jk which is actively maintained by some cool developer(s)
:-)  It is much better documented and featured.


Rgds, FredK
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When webapps/ROOT does not exist the status code is 400 instead of 404, why?

2007-03-07 Thread fredk2


In Tomcat 5.5.16 - I forgot to define a context xml file for my application
and got status error code 400 which was puzzling.  After I added a ROOT
subdirectory to my webapps directory I got the status code 404, which was
less confusing.

- I checked the site but cannot find documentation
for ROOT. Is there any? 
- why code 400 and not 404 ?

Many thanks - Fred


Before ROOT was created:
bash$ telnet localhost 8080
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
GET /test HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

HTTP/1.1 400 No Host matches server name localhost
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2007 23:45:04 GMT
Connection: close

After ROOT was created:
bash-2.04$ telnet localhost 8080
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
GET /test HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

HTTP/1.1 404 /test
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 986
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2007 00:48:46 GMT

 error html from tomcat 

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tomcat response chunk size

2010-02-12 Thread fredk2


I have an old client that does not understand the Transfer-Encoding:
chunked.  My tomcat response is chunked with hex 2000 (8K and a little bit
less via AJP: 1FF8).

Is there a way to configure Tomcat's chunk size to e.g 100K or another
question where or why is it set to 8K?  Interestingly, in Tomcat4 there was
an attribute allowChunking=false.

Many thanks, Fred
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Re: tomcat response chunk size

2010-02-12 Thread fredk2

thanks for the reply.

I just remembered after i did my post that I can set in apache a
BrowserMatch downgrade-1.0 for this client - works like a charm.

out of curiosityany reason with 8K being a good number and where that
would be set?

Thanks again - Fred

Christopher Schultz-2 wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On 2/12/2010 2:48 PM, fredk2 wrote:
 I have an old client that does not understand the Transfer-Encoding:
 chunked.  My tomcat response is chunked with hex 2000 (8K and a little
 less via AJP: 1FF8).
 Do you mean that it's returned in chunks of 0x1FF8 bytes?
 Is there a way to configure Tomcat's chunk size to e.g 100K or another
 question where or why is it set to 8K?
 100k? That sounds like a lot.
 Interestingly, in Tomcat4 there was an attribute allowChunking=false.
 The client can indicate that it doesn't support chunking by specifying
 HTTP/1.0 in the request line, and Tomcat shouldn't do chunking.
 If you are forcing chunking in some way in your code, though, you'll
 need to change that, too.
 - -chris
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i have a quick jk trace question

2010-07-14 Thread fredk2


I am looking at a trace a friend made which raised my curiosity:

[Mon Jul 12 17:49:13.534 2010] [3370:4160136960] [trace]
ajp_read_into_msg_buff::jk_ajp_common.c (1188): enter
[Mon Jul 12 17:49:13.534 2010] [3370:4160136960] [trace]
ajp_read_fully_from_server::jk_ajp_common.c (1140): enter

- this is a 5 min gap (i think KeepAliveTimeout is set to 5 min for this
- is this waiting for data from Apache? why would it be hanging in this

[Mon Jul 12 17:54:13.539 2010] [3370:4160136960] [trace]
ajp_read_fully_from_server::jk_ajp_common.c (1172): exit
[Mon Jul 12 17:54:13.539 2010] [3370:4160136960] [trace]
ajp_read_into_msg_buff::jk_ajp_common.c (1226): exit
[Mon Jul 12 17:54:13.539 2010] [3370:4160136960] [trace]
ajp_connection_tcp_send_message::jk_ajp_common.c (928): enter

The source code for this jk version is:

any hint is appreciated

Many Thanks - Fred
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