Re: Wicket AJAX vs Echo AJAX

2007-10-13 Thread Igor Vaynberg
wicket's ajax requirements are somewhat unique, thus we have our own ajax

there is a dojo integration in wicket-stuff if you want to use dojo
components, but beware it is not supported by the wicket core team.


On 10/12/07, Chris Colman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Short answer : You do not have to write a single line of
  to use wicket ajax behaviors. This is already done for you.


  Regarding browser differences, I belive they are handled(by
  wicket-ajax). AFAIK in beta 4 even safari works:)

 Another question: How does Dojo fit into Wicket? Is it an optional extra
 or does Wicket 'employ' it to implement AJAX?

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Re: HOWTO - update models in chain (push or pull)

2007-10-13 Thread Per Newgro
Ahh. Ok. I can set the personpnel its model by calling
orderpage extends webpage {
  public orderpage(IModel order) {
add(new personpanel(shipto, new propertymodel(order,shipto));
invoicepage extends webpage {
  public invoicepage(IModel invoice) {
add(new personpanel(billto, new propertymodel(invoice,billto));

So reusing of person component is save.

Lets assume the order contains a person which contains an adress.
I can access it with order.getShipTo().getAdress(). 
I add the model for adesspanel the same way as for personpanel above. 

My question is if the order will be exchanged, will the subsequent 
adress-model be refreshed to? Isn't this model referencing the old adress in 
old order-model?

Thanks having so much patience for me

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Re: No WebApplicationContext found: no ContextLoaderListener registered?

2007-10-13 Thread Nino Saturnino Martinez Vazquez Wael
Then just wait til you want to integrate with jpa / hibernate. Then 
messages are equally poor. And at 5am nothing makes sense:)

Tauren Mills wrote:

Disregard this message.  It turns out my war was missing some jar
files.  It was an issue of I'm just stupid because I'm still working
at 5am and can't think straight.  To bad the error message wasn't
more intuitive.  Oh well.


On 10/12/07, Tauren Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This may not be specifically wicket related, but I'm stuck and am
hoping someone else has dealt with this before.  I'm not even sure
what these errors mean.

I've got a wicket/spring app that runs just fine within Eclipse using Jetty.
But I'm attempting to deploy its war to Resin 3.1.0, it doesn't run.  I get this

java.lang.IllegalStateException: No WebApplicationContext found: no

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Re: HOWTO - update models in chain (push or pull)

2007-10-13 Thread Per Newgro
Maybe im a bit swing-oriented. There we don't create always new page and panel 
instances. Instead we reuse the created view instances and exchange simply 
the model / models. So if (as an example) i change the order (while 
navigating thru all orders) the related adress will change to.
So i could always create the whole page for the new order again or exchange 
the model.


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Re: How do I change the label/text for the wizard buttons?

2007-10-13 Thread lizz

Thanks :-) 

Kent Tong wrote:
 lizz wrote:
 How do I change the label on the previous, next and finish buttons in the
 I would like to change the label of the FinishButton to save.
 In your .properties file, add:
 org.apache.wicket.extensions.wizard.previous=Go back

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Re: HOWTO - update models in chain (push or pull)

2007-10-13 Thread Per Newgro
I tried the code below. Personpanel / model looks similar to orderpanel / 
model. OrderFactory2 creates another order with other data (quick and dirty). 
But the display of order is not changing. Why is this not working, if i share 
the model?

public HomePage(final PageParameters parameters) {
  OrderModel m = OrderModelFactory.create();
  IModel model = new CompoundPropertyModel(m);
  Panel pnlOrder = new OrderPanel(pnlOrder, m.getOrder());
  Panel pnlShipTo = new PersonPanel(pnlShipTo, m.getShipTo());
  add(new AjaxLink(lnkNext) {
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
  OrderModel m2 = OrderModelFactory2.create();

public class OrderPanel extends Panel {

   * Constructor of OrderPanel.
  public OrderPanel(String id, Order m) {
add(new Label(orderId, new PropertyModel(m, orderId)));
add(new Label(orderDate, new PropertyModel(m, orderDate)));

public class OrderModel implements Serializable {

  private Order order = null;

  public Order getOrder() {
return order;

  public void setOrder(Order pOrder) {
order = pOrder;

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Re: Server cannot find /app url after migration to 1.3 filter

2007-10-13 Thread smallufo
Hi ,
I had a strong suspicion that WicketFilter (from 1.3 b3)  not compatible
with Resin ( I tried 2.1.17 and latest 3.0.24 )
I can install a very simple filter , just doing this :

public void doFilter (...)
System.out.println(before doFilter);
chain.doFilter(req, res);
System.out.println(after doFilter);

And mount this test filter to /* , it works.
That means it can intercept; , and print the

But WicketFilter just cannot work correctly with Resin_with_apache.
I have to manually assign to port 8080 to make the filter work.
Anybody successfully install WicketFilter with Resin_with_Apache
(  ? (not standalone resin)

2007/10/3, smallufo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 2007/10/3, David Bernard [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   Have you try:
   * to set port to 80 instead of 8080
   Port 80 is listened by apache httpd.
   I need apache httpd to serve  large amount of static contents.
  Yes, and resin.conf isn't run as part of Apache?
  Apache (port 80) - srun(6802)

 Resin is a module of apache httpd , through this module :
 Through this module , resin will try to intercept  matched  URL and
 redirect to resin.

 Sorry , no other idea, except may be create an dummyServlet mapped to /app
  in web.xml.
  Have you the same problem with resin 3.x ?

 That's OK , I can set up a reverse-proxy to solve this problem , won't
 expose port 8080 ...

 As to resin 3.x , I have a lot of webapps , and I am afraid there will be
 some incompatibilities.
 This will be a big task I'll try it in the future , not sure..

Re: Server cannot find /app url after migration to 1.3 filter

2007-10-13 Thread smallufo
2007/10/13, smallufo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi ,
 I had a strong suspicion that WicketFilter (from 1.3 b3)  not compatible
 with Resin ( I tried 2.1.17 and latest 3.0.24 )

I just grabbed the latest 1.3 b4 , the problem remains.

I also found that the following filter-mapping works :
  filter filter-name=test
  filter-mapping filter-name=test url-pattern=/* /

while the following doesn't work  :

  filter filter-name=wicket filter-class=
init-param configuration=DEVELOPMENT/
  filter-mapping filter-name=wicket url-pattern=/app/*/
When I try to connect to , it throws :

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Error initializing WicketFilter - you
have no filter-mapping element with a url-pattern that uses filter: wicket

It seems that WicketFilter cannot parse @filter-name and @url-pattern of
filter-mapping tag.
(But it can correctly parse @filter-name , @filter-class of filter tag.)
I have to change it to :


But 1.3b4 's filter still cannot intercept /app at port 80.

Re: Is Wicket suitable for my CMS?

2007-10-13 Thread pierobo

Nino.Martinez wrote:
 Hi pierobo
 I think you need to take a look at listview.. I know you want to let the 
 user just plainly design the page but what if you gave them a more 
 graphical editor. That way you could have a general page that had a 
 listview and added all the components the user selected on his editor
 Problem really are that theres a one to one mapping between html and 
 wicket components. This also is the case with listview, but in your 
 listview you can have one or more placeholders that will be populated 
 runtime.. If you do this in conjuction with giving the user the 
 posibility for uploading special stylesheets then it should be the same 
 i guess? What do you say?
 regards Nino

Thanks for your reply, Nino, but the main features of my CMS are:
1) A structured content capability, with an editor to define the model
2) The freedom of layout

In these times of Ajax and CSS, people love to do their layout. This is the
advantages I would provide, else there is no reason to do the (n+1)-th

Surely there are valid reasons for the actual Wicket structure, but I think
that a runtime-inspectable html page not bound to a Java counterpart would
be very useful.

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Re: HOWTO - update models in chain (push or pull)

2007-10-13 Thread Per Newgro
Sorry for my stupidity. I think i got it now. I have to provide an accessor 
chain based on the page model assigned. So i don't have to get the objects 
in the model. Instead i have to specify the path to object'.

Code below is working now.
 public HomePage(final PageParameters parameters) {
   OrderModel m = OrderModelFactory.create();
   IModel model = new CompoundPropertyModel(m);

   Panel pnlOrder = new OrderPanel(pnlOrder, 
   new PropertyModel(model, order));

   Panel pnlShipTo = new PersonPanel(pnlShipTo, 
 new PropertyModel(model, shipTo));

   add(new AjaxLink(lnkNext) {
 public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
   OrderModel m2 = OrderModelFactory2.create();

 public class OrderPanel extends Panel {

* Constructor of OrderPanel.
   public OrderPanel(String id, IModel m) {
 add(new Label(orderId, new PropertyModel(m, orderId)));
 add(new Label(orderDate, new PropertyModel(m, orderDate)));

 public class OrderModel implements Serializable {

   private Order order = null;

   public Order getOrder() {
 return order;

   public void setOrder(Order pOrder) {
 order = pOrder;

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RFE: DataTable colgroup

2007-10-13 Thread Jan Kriesten



I want to suggest an enhancement for the DataTable extension.

Right now it's only possible to style columns (width, alignment, color etc.) via
stylesheets. This has some not so nice implications IMHO:

- You have to extend the IStyledColumn to return the proper CSS class.
- You have to add a bunch of CSS classes to get the proper styles.
- You have redundancy in HTML output - which isn't necessary.

This is actually what colgroupcol/colgroup is meant to solve.

My suggestion:

Adding a 'addColGroup( ColGroup cg )'-feature, which actually lets you add x
ColGroups with n Cols on which you can use AttributeModifiers to have your
styles/classes/width-Attributes added.

A quick implementation would be this:

import java.util.List;

import org.apache.wicket.behavior.IBehavior;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebMarkupContainer;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.RepeatingView;

public class ColGroup
extends AbstractToolbar
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

  private int numCols;
  private Col[] cols;

  public ColGroup( DataTable datatable, int numCols )
super( datatable );
this.numCols = numCols;

  public void onBeforeRender()
if( !hasBeenRendered() )
  WebMarkupContainer colgroup = new WebMarkupContainer( colgroup );
  for( IBehavior b : (ListIBehavior) getBehaviors() )
colgroup.add( b );
  setRenderBodyOnly( true );
  add( colgroup );

  RepeatingView colgroupCols = new RepeatingView( elements );
  colgroup.add( colgroupCols );

  for( Col column : getCols() )
WebMarkupContainer item = new WebMarkupContainer(
colgroupCols.newChildId() );
colgroupCols.add( item );
item.add( column );


  public final Col[] getCols( )
if( cols == null )
  cols = new Col[numCols];
  for( int i = 0; i  numCols; i++ )
cols[i] = new Col();

  public final class Col
  extends WebMarkupContainer
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

private Col()
  super( col );


colgroup wicket:id=colgroup
  wicket:container wicket:id=elementscol


ColGroup colgroup = new ColGroup( datatable, 4 );
colgroup.add( new SimpleAttributeModifier( style, border: solid 1px green; 
) );
Col[] cols = colgroup.getCols();
cols[0].add( new SimpleAttributeModifier( width, 10% ) );
cols[1].add( new SimpleAttributeModifier( width, 35% ) );
cols[2].add( new SimpleAttributeModifier( width, 45% ) );
cols[3].add( new SimpleAttributeModifier( width, 10% ) );
datatable.addColGroup( colgroup );

Any thoughts?

Regards, --- Jan.

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Re: Is Wicket suitable for my CMS?

2007-10-13 Thread Shams Ali

I think u might consider using getVariation()of WebPage class and dynamically 
generated htmls along with some tricks in the java code :).

Hope it helps.


- Original Message 
From: pierobo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2007 12:26:11 PM
Subject: Re: Is Wicket suitable for my CMS?

Nino.Martinez wrote:
 Hi pierobo
 I think you need to take a look at listview.. I know you want to let
 user just plainly design the page but what if you gave them a more 
 graphical editor. That way you could have a general page that had a 
 listview and added all the components the user selected on his editor
 Problem really are that theres a one to one mapping between html and 
 wicket components. This also is the case with listview, but in your 
 listview you can have one or more placeholders that will be populated
 runtime.. If you do this in conjuction with giving the user the 
 posibility for uploading special stylesheets then it should be the
 i guess? What do you say?
 regards Nino

Thanks for your reply, Nino, but the main features of my CMS are:
1) A structured content capability, with an editor to define the model
2) The freedom of layout

In these times of Ajax and CSS, people love to do their layout. This is
advantages I would provide, else there is no reason to do the (n+1)-th

Surely there are valid reasons for the actual Wicket structure, but I
that a runtime-inspectable html page not bound to a Java counterpart
be very useful.

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Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell.

Re: Is Wicket suitable for my CMS?

2007-10-13 Thread Nino Saturnino Martinez Vazquez Wael
Yes, but I dont see how this is not possible done with the solution I 
suggest, unless you actually want the user to produce the html file 


pierobo wrote:

Nino.Martinez wrote:

Hi pierobo

I think you need to take a look at listview.. I know you want to let the 
user just plainly design the page but what if you gave them a more 
graphical editor. That way you could have a general page that had a 
listview and added all the components the user selected on his editor


Problem really are that theres a one to one mapping between html and 
wicket components. This also is the case with listview, but in your 
listview you can have one or more placeholders that will be populated 
runtime.. If you do this in conjuction with giving the user the 
posibility for uploading special stylesheets then it should be the same 
i guess? What do you say?

regards Nino

Thanks for your reply, Nino, but the main features of my CMS are:
1) A structured content capability, with an editor to define the model
2) The freedom of layout

In these times of Ajax and CSS, people love to do their layout. This is the
advantages I would provide, else there is no reason to do the (n+1)-th

Surely there are valid reasons for the actual Wicket structure, but I think
that a runtime-inspectable html page not bound to a Java counterpart would
be very useful.


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Re: Is Wicket suitable for my CMS?

2007-10-13 Thread pierobo

Nino.Martinez wrote:
 Yes, but I dont see how this is not possible done with the solution I 
 suggest, unless you actually want the user to produce the html file 
If you mean an editor I could write to manage authoring of user's pages, it
is not what I need. There are plenty of CMS that do that, much better then I

Yes, I would let the users (power users) write the pages themselves. And
then put wicket markup when they want to wire the structured data. This is
reasonable for an html designer, thanks to Wicket's simple syntax.
Yet, I could provide blocks of grouped data. E.g. for a ecommerce page, with
a model Order 1--N Product, I could provide a Wicket component that shows
the list of Products, wired with actual page's order.

For now, it's only brainstormig. I've the working persistence layer, and now
I'm evaluating a presentation framework. So, further ideas are welcome :-)

This is a possible approach with Wicket that came to my mind, but I'm a
newbie of it: HTML written by user take place in a given subdir. When a page
from this subdir is requested, the Wicket filter pass it to the parser, that
checks and manage the Wicket components found.

Don't know if this task is compatible with actual lifecycle of Wicket pages,
and/or its API.

Just digging... :working:

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Re: Is Wicket suitable for my CMS?

2007-10-13 Thread pierobo

Shams Ali-2 wrote:
 I think u might consider using getVariation()of WebPage class and
 dynamically generated htmls along with some tricks in the java code :).
 Hope it helps.
I need the opposite :-), static HTML pages and dynamic management...
If you want, give a look to my last reply to Nino.

Thanks for your help
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Re: Is Wicket suitable for my CMS?

2007-10-13 Thread Shams Imam
Then you could maintain a java class corresponding each html file the user
can create.
When the user saves his html you could store meta information for that html
file like what all wicket-panels it uses. Then inisde the java class you can
process this meta information and add corresponding panels to your page in
java :).


On 10/13/07, pierobo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Shams Ali-2 wrote:
  I think u might consider using getVariation()of WebPage class and
  dynamically generated htmls along with some tricks in the java code :).
  Hope it helps.
 I need the opposite :-), static HTML pages and dynamic management...
 If you want, give a look to my last reply to Nino.

 Thanks for your help
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Shams Mahmood

Re: Locale change on Image with Resource results in broken images

2007-10-13 Thread Kent Tong

Jonas-21 wrote:
 I think LocalizedImageResource.setSrcAttribute(...) shouldn't
 reset the resource field if locales (and styles) don't match, since
 Resource doesn't seem to be locale/style specific (unlike
 ResourceReference) and cannot be reloaded/recomputed
 as the commentary suggests if the
 Image(String id, Resource imageResource) constructor was

This indeed looks like a bug to me.

Kent Tong
Wicket tutorials freely available at
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Re: RFE: DataTable colgroup

2007-10-13 Thread Matej Knopp
I was thinking of implementing colgroup support, but I decided not to.
Colgroup as far as i can tell has serious styling limitation, which
only allows to specify very reduced subset of css to the colgroup.


On 10/13/07, Jan Kriesten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 I want to suggest an enhancement for the DataTable extension.

 Right now it's only possible to style columns (width, alignment, color etc.) 
 stylesheets. This has some not so nice implications IMHO:

 - You have to extend the IStyledColumn to return the proper CSS class.
 - You have to add a bunch of CSS classes to get the proper styles.
 - You have redundancy in HTML output - which isn't necessary.

 This is actually what colgroupcol/colgroup is meant to solve.

 My suggestion:

 Adding a 'addColGroup( ColGroup cg )'-feature, which actually lets you add x
 ColGroups with n Cols on which you can use AttributeModifiers to have your
 styles/classes/width-Attributes added.

 A quick implementation would be this:

 import java.util.List;

 import org.apache.wicket.behavior.IBehavior;
 import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebMarkupContainer;
 import org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.RepeatingView;

 public class ColGroup
 extends AbstractToolbar
   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

   private int numCols;
   private Col[] cols;

   public ColGroup( DataTable datatable, int numCols )
 super( datatable );
 this.numCols = numCols;

   public void onBeforeRender()
 if( !hasBeenRendered() )
   WebMarkupContainer colgroup = new WebMarkupContainer( colgroup );
   for( IBehavior b : (ListIBehavior) getBehaviors() )
 colgroup.add( b );
   setRenderBodyOnly( true );
   add( colgroup );

   RepeatingView colgroupCols = new RepeatingView( elements );
   colgroup.add( colgroupCols );

   for( Col column : getCols() )
 WebMarkupContainer item = new WebMarkupContainer(
 colgroupCols.newChildId() );
 colgroupCols.add( item );
 item.add( column );


   public final Col[] getCols( )
 if( cols == null )
   cols = new Col[numCols];
   for( int i = 0; i  numCols; i++ )
 cols[i] = new Col();

   public final class Col
   extends WebMarkupContainer
 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

 private Col()
   super( col );


 colgroup wicket:id=colgroup
   wicket:container wicket:id=elementscol


 ColGroup colgroup = new ColGroup( datatable, 4 );
 colgroup.add( new SimpleAttributeModifier( style, border: solid 1px 
 green; ) );
 Col[] cols = colgroup.getCols();
 cols[0].add( new SimpleAttributeModifier( width, 10% ) );
 cols[1].add( new SimpleAttributeModifier( width, 35% ) );
 cols[2].add( new SimpleAttributeModifier( width, 45% ) );
 cols[3].add( new SimpleAttributeModifier( width, 10% ) );
 datatable.addColGroup( colgroup );

 Any thoughts?

 Regards, --- Jan.

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Re: RFE: DataTable colgroup

2007-10-13 Thread Jan Kriesten

hi matej,

 I was thinking of implementing colgroup support, but I decided not to.
 Colgroup as far as i can tell has serious styling limitation, which
 only allows to specify very reduced subset of css to the colgroup.

might be, but it's a nice feature for just styling col-width and col-alignment.
actually, this would be an optional add-on, no replacement for IStyledColumn.

since it is pretty easy to implement, what are the pitfalls when have it added?

best regards, --- jan.

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Re: Is Wicket suitable for my CMS?

2007-10-13 Thread Igor Vaynberg
for what it is worth i will be creating a cms in the near future using
wicket. my idea is simple. the cms is a single wicket page. the users have a
special tag they use to define dynamic components like cms:component
type=foo param1=param2/. the page itself has a  single repeater, prior to
rendering it takes the markup and splits it into chunks of static and
component definitions. for a static piece the repeater gets a label, for a
component definition the repeater gets a new component instantiated. no need
for getvariation/java classes per page/ and all that funky stuff that is
made for regular applications.


On 10/13/07, pierobo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Nino.Martinez wrote:
  Hi pierobo
  I think you need to take a look at listview.. I know you want to let the
  user just plainly design the page but what if you gave them a more
  graphical editor. That way you could have a general page that had a
  listview and added all the components the user selected on his editor
  Problem really are that theres a one to one mapping between html and
  wicket components. This also is the case with listview, but in your
  listview you can have one or more placeholders that will be populated
  runtime.. If you do this in conjuction with giving the user the
  posibility for uploading special stylesheets then it should be the same
  i guess? What do you say?
  regards Nino

 Thanks for your reply, Nino, but the main features of my CMS are:
 1) A structured content capability, with an editor to define the model
 2) The freedom of layout

 In these times of Ajax and CSS, people love to do their layout. This is
 advantages I would provide, else there is no reason to do the (n+1)-th

 Surely there are valid reasons for the actual Wicket structure, but I
 that a runtime-inspectable html page not bound to a Java counterpart would
 be very useful.

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Re: Is Wicket suitable for my CMS?

2007-10-13 Thread pierobo

igor.vaynberg wrote:
 for what it is worth i will be creating a cms in the near future using
 wicket. my idea is simple. the cms is a single wicket page. the users have
 special tag they use to define dynamic components like cms:component
 type=foo param1=param2/. the page itself has a  single repeater, prior to
 rendering it takes the markup and splits it into chunks of static and
 component definitions. for a static piece the repeater gets a label, for a
 component definition the repeater gets a new component instantiated. no
 for getvariation/java classes per page/ and all that funky stuff that is
 made for regular applications.
So you can have multiple html pages managed only by one Java class? That's
could be what I need.
I all the examples I looked on Wicket site, I never found an example like

Should I look to components to do this?
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Re: Is Wicket suitable for my CMS?

2007-10-13 Thread pierobo

Shams Imam wrote:
 Then you could maintain a java class corresponding each html file the user
 can create.
 When the user saves his html you could store meta information for that
 file like what all wicket-panels it uses. Then inisde the java class you
 process this meta information and add corresponding panels to your page in
 java :).
 Shams Mahmood
Do you mean that I could inspect the pages at runtime and store all custom
tag as a metadata? This is interesting, but since that pages have not a
bound Java class, how could I manage these?
Sorry if these questions seem silly to you Wicket users :blush:
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Re: HOWTO - update models in chain (push or pull)

2007-10-13 Thread MattClark

I'm attempting to accomplish the same thing, and am actually maintaining the
model in the user's session.  When I need to have two panels on the page
which show a different piece of the same model, I actually pass in the same
model.  To handle Ajax updating of both panels, I call a method on the model
and pass in the component that initiated the change, and then walk the page
hierarchy looking for anyone who cares that the model changed so they can
add themselves to the AjaxRequestTarget.


The resulting programming model feels a lot like Swing, in that I can set
something in a high level at the model and have all related components
repaint, but it's still using the pull model of Wicket.  The code I posted
in the referenced thread basically accomplishes what is handled for you in
Swing, which is having the framework repaint the widgets for you without
having to explicitly look them up and say 'repaint yourself'.  Does anyone
have any thoughts on whether this will work long-term in Wicket?


Newgro wrote:
 Maybe im a bit swing-oriented. There we don't create always new page and
 instances. Instead we reuse the created view instances and exchange simply 
 the model / models. So if (as an example) i change the order (while 
 navigating thru all orders) the related adress will change to.
 So i could always create the whole page for the new order again or
 the model.
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Re: Is Wicket suitable for my CMS?

2007-10-13 Thread Igor Vaynberg
at its core all a cms does is display some user generated content. that can
be accomplished by simply doing this:

class cmspage extends webpage {
  public cmspage(pageparameters params) {
long pageid=params.getpageid();
string html=database.loadpage(pageid);
add(new label(content, html).setescapemarkupstrings(true));

htmlbody wicket:id=content/body/html

now that one page can display any html out of database


On 10/13/07, pierobo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 igor.vaynberg wrote:
  for what it is worth i will be creating a cms in the near future using
  wicket. my idea is simple. the cms is a single wicket page. the users
  special tag they use to define dynamic components like cms:component
  type=foo param1=param2/. the page itself has a  single repeater, prior
  rendering it takes the markup and splits it into chunks of static and
  component definitions. for a static piece the repeater gets a label, for
  component definition the repeater gets a new component instantiated. no
  for getvariation/java classes per page/ and all that funky stuff that is
  made for regular applications.
 So you can have multiple html pages managed only by one Java class? That's
 could be what I need.
 I all the examples I looked on Wicket site, I never found an example like

 Should I look to components to do this?
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Re: Updating distant (unrelated) components via Ajax when a shared model changes

2007-10-13 Thread MattClark

FWIW, I had to make an update to AjaxAwareModel and AjaxModelAware. 
AjaxModelAware now returns a boolean, which signifies whether the
AjaxAwareModel should continue to traverse deeper in the hierarchy.  If the
parent component intends to re-render or replace its children (such as in
the case where it contains a refreshingview which will recreate all
children), and therefore does not want its children to add themselves to the
ajaxrequesttarget, then it should return false to stop deeper traversal.

New visitor in AjaxAwareModel:
page.visitChildren(new IVisitor(){

public Object component(Component component) {
if( component instanceof AjaxModelAware 
log.debug(...Notifying:  + 
component.getClassRelativePath() );
AjaxAwareModel.this) )


New method signature in AjaxModelAware:
public boolean notifyModelChanged(AjaxRequestTarget target, AjaxAwareModel
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Custom Content

2007-10-13 Thread Jeremy Levy
I'm attempting to load the markup for a page based on values that are
available when the page is constructed.  For example, I want to be able to
pass a parameter into a page and then lookup the name of the content file in
my database based on this parameter and then have the page load and display
the appropriate content.

I've tried looking at the custom resource loading example in the examples
package but that seems to work by loading content based on the class name
and I didn't see a way to extend it.

I've tried overwriting the newMarkupResourceStream method, but it seems to
be called before the constructor is called as well as before the session is

Any suggestions?


Re: Custom Content

2007-10-13 Thread Igor Vaynberg
stick a content into a label and call label.setescapemodelstrings(false)


On 10/13/07, Jeremy Levy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm attempting to load the markup for a page based on values that are
 available when the page is constructed.  For example, I want to be able to
 pass a parameter into a page and then lookup the name of the content file
 my database based on this parameter and then have the page load and
 the appropriate content.

 I've tried looking at the custom resource loading example in the examples
 package but that seems to work by loading content based on the class name
 and I didn't see a way to extend it.

 I've tried overwriting the newMarkupResourceStream method, but it seems to
 be called before the constructor is called as well as before the session

 Any suggestions?


Re: Custom Content

2007-10-13 Thread MattClark

Jeremy Levy-2 wrote:
 I want to be able to pass a parameter into a page and then lookup the name
 of the content file in
 my database based on this parameter and then have the page load and
 the appropriate content.

What is the content file you want to display?  Is it just HTML?  If so,

String html = myBusinessMethodToGetContent(someParam);
add( new Label(customContent,html).setEscapeModelStrings(false) );
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Re: Is Wicket suitable for my CMS?

2007-10-13 Thread Shams Ali
Igor has already given a reply which is probably the best way to do it in 
wicket. I agree it is much simpler solution to what I was thinking. 

The reason I fell in love, and still am, with wicket was the ability to 
separate html and java. 
So i do not want to  be generating html from inside java aka raw servlet 
However if you still need to be able to support dynamic components (which will 
created by the user), here is what I was thinking:

Say I have a model called Customer { firstName, lastName, emailAddress}
which I am able to get a reference of in my page/panel/component.

Now if I am giving a user to determine the way he wants to display the 
information of this customer, she could choose many ways.
Two for example would be:

Name: lastName, firstName
Contact: emailAddress

a href=mailto:emailAddress;firstName/a

Now what I was suggesting is allow the user to input her html in,
 some manner and store meta information of the hierarchy of java 
contents, database could be a contender. The I could have a mechanism in
the java code to understand this meta info and add components appropriately 
in the java class.

I agree this could be a complicated way of doing things, but I am only stating 
what I was thinking. 


- Original Message 
From: pierobo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2007 6:32:35 PM
Subject: Re: Is Wicket suitable for my CMS?

Shams Imam wrote:
 Then you could maintain a java class corresponding each html file the
 can create.
 When the user saves his html you could store meta information for
 file like what all wicket-panels it uses. Then inisde the java class
 process this meta information and add corresponding panels to your
 page in
 java :).
 Shams Mahmood
Do you mean that I could inspect the pages at runtime and store all
tag as a metadata? This is interesting, but since that pages have not a
bound Java class, how could I manage these?
Sorry if these questions seem silly to you Wicket users :blush:
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Re: Custom Content

2007-10-13 Thread Jeremy Levy
Will that work if the content includes a form?

I would like to be able to have a page which includes a form but have a
couple of different versions of the HTML and be able to select the one I
want based on the param...

In otherwords the HTML will contain form elements with wicket:id attributes
which I want to be associated with elements I've added in the form class.
The reason is I want to have radically different layouts for a page/form
which I don't want to have to update any java code to enable, only add the
new HTML file and update my database.

Swapping in different style sheets which would seem to make the most sense
isn't going to work in this case..


On 10/13/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 stick a content into a label and call label.setescapemodelstrings(false)


 On 10/13/07, Jeremy Levy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm attempting to load the markup for a page based on values that are
  available when the page is constructed.  For example, I want to be able
  pass a parameter into a page and then lookup the name of the content
  my database based on this parameter and then have the page load and
  the appropriate content.
  I've tried looking at the custom resource loading example in the
  package but that seems to work by loading content based on the class
  and I didn't see a way to extend it.
  I've tried overwriting the newMarkupResourceStream method, but it seems
  be called before the constructor is called as well as before the session
  Any suggestions?

Re: Custom Content

2007-10-13 Thread Igor Vaynberg
see IMarkupResourceStreamProvider and IMarkupCacheKeyProvider. make that
page implement both and suck the markup in from the db.


On 10/13/07, Jeremy Levy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Will that work if the content includes a form?

 I would like to be able to have a page which includes a form but have a
 couple of different versions of the HTML and be able to select the one I
 want based on the param...

 In otherwords the HTML will contain form elements with wicket:id
 which I want to be associated with elements I've added in the form class.
 The reason is I want to have radically different layouts for a page/form
 which I don't want to have to update any java code to enable, only add the
 new HTML file and update my database.

 Swapping in different style sheets which would seem to make the most sense
 isn't going to work in this case..


 On 10/13/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  stick a content into a label and call label.setescapemodelstrings(false)
  On 10/13/07, Jeremy Levy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm attempting to load the markup for a page based on values that are
   available when the page is constructed.  For example, I want to be
   pass a parameter into a page and then lookup the name of the content
   my database based on this parameter and then have the page load and
   the appropriate content.
   I've tried looking at the custom resource loading example in the
   package but that seems to work by loading content based on the class
   and I didn't see a way to extend it.
   I've tried overwriting the newMarkupResourceStream method, but it
   be called before the constructor is called as well as before the
   Any suggestions?

Re: Custom Content

2007-10-13 Thread Jeremy Levy

I was afraid you were going to say that, we are still on 1.2.5 and I think
those are 1.3 features :(.  We aren't planning to upgrade until it's

Can you think of any alternatives?  I've divided the entry page and the form
page into two separate pages, the first page figures out which html file to
use, stores it in a static hastable somewhere else, using the sessionid as
the key and forwards to the page that loads the HTML file. ( I know thats
very unwickety, not to mention hacky).  I then load the value out of the
hashtable in newMarkupResourceStream and that works.  Only issue is that
newMarkupResourceStream is only called on the first time the page loads when
it's compiled with the HTML i suppose.  Is there any way to prevent that for
one class / page?


On 10/13/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 see IMarkupResourceStreamProvider and IMarkupCacheKeyProvider. make that
 page implement both and suck the markup in from the db.


 On 10/13/07, Jeremy Levy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Will that work if the content includes a form?
  I would like to be able to have a page which includes a form but have a
  couple of different versions of the HTML and be able to select the one I
  want based on the param...
  In otherwords the HTML will contain form elements with wicket:id
  which I want to be associated with elements I've added in the form
  The reason is I want to have radically different layouts for a page/form
  which I don't want to have to update any java code to enable, only add
  new HTML file and update my database.
  Swapping in different style sheets which would seem to make the most
  isn't going to work in this case..
  On 10/13/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   stick a content into a label and call label.setescapemodelstrings
   On 10/13/07, Jeremy Levy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm attempting to load the markup for a page based on values that
available when the page is constructed.  For example, I want to be
pass a parameter into a page and then lookup the name of the content
my database based on this parameter and then have the page load and
the appropriate content.
I've tried looking at the custom resource loading example in the
package but that seems to work by loading content based on the class
and I didn't see a way to extend it.
I've tried overwriting the newMarkupResourceStream method, but it
be called before the constructor is called as well as before the
Any suggestions?

Re: No Page found for component in AjaxRequestTarget.detach()

2007-10-13 Thread Matej Knopp
Please create a jira issue, looks like a wicket bug to me.


On 10/13/07, MattClark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,

 I'm running into an issue, and have described the problem below.  Am I doing
 something invalid?

 * Assume the following hierarchy:

  - Panel
- RefreshingView
  - ComponentA

 * ComponentA receives an Ajax event (onClick(AjaxRequestTarget))
 * ComponentA eventually adds Panel to the AjaxRequestTarget
 * Refreshing view is re-rendered as a part of the ajax request cycle,
 generating a ComponentA(prime).  Original ComponentA is now no longer a part
 of the page hierarchy.
 * During the detach phase, the following code in AjaxRequestTarget is
   // detach the page if it was updated
   if (markupIdToComponent.size()  0)
 final Component component =
 * The object which comes out of the list (iterator().next()) appears to be
 ComponentA, which is no longer in the page hierarchy.  Therefore
 component.getPage() fails with No page found for component

 I can't find anywhere where I explicitly add ComponentA to the request
 target.  Is it implicitly added somewhere in the ajax request cycle because
 it was the component which received the event?

 Is what I'm doing invalid?


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Re: Custom Content

2007-10-13 Thread Igor Vaynberg
On 10/13/07, Jeremy Levy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 newMarkupResourceStream is only called on the first time the page loads
 it's compiled with the HTML i suppose.  Is there any way to prevent that
 one class / page?

not as far as i know, this is why we added IMarkupCacheKeyProvider

what you can do is use your own markupresourcestreamprovider, but use it in
conjunection with getvariation(). so when you pull out that database id
return it from getvariation() and that way you will get one call to your
markupresourcestreamprovider for every database id instead of just a single



 On 10/13/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  see IMarkupResourceStreamProvider and IMarkupCacheKeyProvider. make that
  page implement both and suck the markup in from the db.
  On 10/13/07, Jeremy Levy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Will that work if the content includes a form?
   I would like to be able to have a page which includes a form but have
   couple of different versions of the HTML and be able to select the one
   want based on the param...
   In otherwords the HTML will contain form elements with wicket:id
   which I want to be associated with elements I've added in the form
   The reason is I want to have radically different layouts for a
   which I don't want to have to update any java code to enable, only add
   new HTML file and update my database.
   Swapping in different style sheets which would seem to make the most
   isn't going to work in this case..
   On 10/13/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
stick a content into a label and call label.setescapemodelstrings
On 10/13/07, Jeremy Levy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm attempting to load the markup for a page based on values that
 available when the page is constructed.  For example, I want to be
 pass a parameter into a page and then lookup the name of the
 my database based on this parameter and then have the page load
 the appropriate content.

 I've tried looking at the custom resource loading example in the
 package but that seems to work by loading content based on the
 and I didn't see a way to extend it.

 I've tried overwriting the newMarkupResourceStream method, but it
 be called before the constructor is called as well as before the

 Any suggestions?



Re: Stateless page creating session

2007-10-13 Thread John Patterson

There is now:

On 12 Oct 2007, at 11:28, John Patterson wrote:

Is there a JIRA issue for the broken stateless support so I know  
when to update my application?



On 11 Oct 2007, at 00:57, Matej Knopp wrote:

Yeah, it's a bug introduced by me recently. Will look at it ASAP.


On 10/11/07, John Patterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Also,  the example application stateless is doing the same.

When I go to this page


after restarting my browser I get this

a session exists for this client, with session id z4zov2z9j024
go to another stateless page
go to a stateful page (triggers session creation if not already  
done so)

Something is going on here.

On 10 Oct 2007, at 18:24, John Patterson wrote:


I have created a page and setStatelessHint(true) and made sure all
the child components are stateless but an http session is still
being created.  The method isPageStateless() returns true.

Here is the trace where the SEssion is created:


  at org.mortbay.jetty.Request.getSession(
  at org.apache.wicket.Session.bind(
  at org.apache.wicket.Component.beforeRender( 

This code in Component.beforeRenderlooks suspicious:

  // If any of the components on page is not stateless, we  
need to

bind the session
  // before we start rendering components, as then  
jsessionid won't

be appended
  // for links rendered before first stateful component
  if (isStateless()  getSession().isTemporary())



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Re: Custom Content

2007-10-13 Thread Jeremy Levy
Thanks.  I see, so if I were to return a random value with getVariation,
that would effectively defeat reusing the complied version.

Could you give me more details on markupresourcestreamprovider I couldn't
find anything like that in the api, what should I extend / implement and how
do I use it?


On 10/13/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 10/13/07, Jeremy Levy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  newMarkupResourceStream is only called on the first time the page loads
  it's compiled with the HTML i suppose.  Is there any way to prevent that
  one class / page?

 not as far as i know, this is why we added IMarkupCacheKeyProvider

 what you can do is use your own markupresourcestreamprovider, but use it
 conjunection with getvariation(). so when you pull out that database id
 return it from getvariation() and that way you will get one call to your
 markupresourcestreamprovider for every database id instead of just a


  On 10/13/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   see IMarkupResourceStreamProvider and IMarkupCacheKeyProvider. make
   page implement both and suck the markup in from the db.
   On 10/13/07, Jeremy Levy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Will that work if the content includes a form?
I would like to be able to have a page which includes a form but
couple of different versions of the HTML and be able to select the
want based on the param...
In otherwords the HTML will contain form elements with wicket:id
which I want to be associated with elements I've added in the form
The reason is I want to have radically different layouts for a
which I don't want to have to update any java code to enable, only
new HTML file and update my database.
Swapping in different style sheets which would seem to make the most
isn't going to work in this case..
On 10/13/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 stick a content into a label and call label.setescapemodelstrings


 On 10/13/07, Jeremy Levy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm attempting to load the markup for a page based on values
  available when the page is constructed.  For example, I want to
  pass a parameter into a page and then lookup the name of the
  my database based on this parameter and then have the page load
  the appropriate content.
  I've tried looking at the custom resource loading example in the
  package but that seems to work by loading content based on the
  and I didn't see a way to extend it.
  I've tried overwriting the newMarkupResourceStream method, but
  be called before the constructor is called as well as before the
  Any suggestions?


Re: Custom Content

2007-10-13 Thread Jeremy Levy
Okay, I think i figured it out. Using AbstractResourceStream which gets
content based on the ids.

Thank you.

On 10/13/07, Jeremy Levy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks.  I see, so if I were to return a random value with getVariation,
 that would effectively defeat reusing the complied version.

 Could you give me more details on markupresourcestreamprovider I couldn't
 find anything like that in the api, what should I extend / implement and how
 do I use it?


 On 10/13/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 10/13/07, Jeremy Levy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   newMarkupResourceStream is only called on the first time the page
   it's compiled with the HTML i suppose.  Is there any way to prevent
   one class / page?
  not as far as i know, this is why we added IMarkupCacheKeyProvider
  what you can do is use your own markupresourcestreamprovider, but use it
  conjunection with getvariation(). so when you pull out that database id
  return it from getvariation() and that way you will get one call to your
  markupresourcestreamprovider for every database id instead of just a
   On 10/13/07, Igor Vaynberg  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
see IMarkupResourceStreamProvider and IMarkupCacheKeyProvider. make
page implement both and suck the markup in from the db.
On 10/13/07, Jeremy Levy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Will that work if the content includes a form?

 I would like to be able to have a page which includes a form but
 couple of different versions of the HTML and be able to select the
 want based on the param...

 In otherwords the HTML will contain form elements with wicket:id
 which I want to be associated with elements I've added in the form
 The reason is I want to have radically different layouts for a
 which I don't want to have to update any java code to enable, only
 new HTML file and update my database.

 Swapping in different style sheets which would seem to make the
 isn't going to work in this case..


 On 10/13/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  stick a content into a label and call
  On 10/13/07, Jeremy Levy  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm attempting to load the markup for a page based on values
   available when the page is constructed.  For example, I want
  to be
   pass a parameter into a page and then lookup the name of the
   my database based on this parameter and then have the page
   the appropriate content.
   I've tried looking at the custom resource loading example in
   package but that seems to work by loading content based on the
   and I didn't see a way to extend it.
   I've tried overwriting the newMarkupResourceStream method, but
   be called before the constructor is called as well as before
   Any suggestions?


Re: Ajax paging navigation link exception

2007-10-13 Thread Kent Tong

kent lai wrote:
   Anyway I am using AjaxPagingNavigator, and wheneven i do a double  
 click(or however many times, my mouse *is* kinda faulty in that it  
 triggers multiple clicks sometimes), i get the following,
   WicketMessage: Unable to find AjaxPagingNavigator component in  
 hierarchy starting from [MarkupContainer [Component id = pageLink,  
 page = No Page, path = 0:pageLink.AjaxPagingNavigationLink]]

Are you using the latest v1.3?

Kent Tong
Wicket tutorials freely available at
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Re: Configuring DatePicker

2007-10-13 Thread Kent Tong

Christopher Gardner-2 wrote:
 Does anyone have any examples of configuring DatePicker?  I'd like to
 limit the minimal date, for example.  I subclassed it and overrode
 configure() to set what I thought the Yahoo documentation said to to
 specify the minimal date, but to no avail.

The code below works fine for me:

TextField d = new TextField(d);
d.add(new DatePicker() {
protected void configure(Map widgetProperties) {
widgetProperties.put(mindate, 10/3/2007);

Kent Tong
Wicket tutorials freely available at
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Re: RFE: DataTable colgroup

2007-10-13 Thread Kent Tong

Jan Kriesten wrote:
 might be, but it's a nice feature for just styling col-width and
 actually, this would be an optional add-on, no replacement for
 since it is pretty easy to implement, what are the pitfalls when have it

All mozilla-based browsers don't support it due to an alleged contradiction
HTML4 and CSS (see

Kent Tong
Wicket tutorials freely available at
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