Re: Unit testing a repeater or data table by mocking its data

2013-06-14 Thread Andreas Kuhtz
You can define a mock with the same bean id that will override the
original bean (e.g. in a applicationContext-test.xml). This is a
spring feature.
Then load the applicationContext-test.xml after the applicationContext.xml:
@ContextConfiguration(loader = SpringockitoContextLoader.class,
locations = {classpath:applicationContext.xml,

I think it should work even without the special loader in
@ContextConfiguration and Remove the @ReplaceWithMock, at least it
worked for me in the past. This is described at top of however the
configuration with the 2 locations is omitted (which is bad for
starters ...).
@ContextConfiguration(locations = {classpath:applicationContext.xml,

I think you can see that the bean is overriden if you lower the log
level to debug for org.springframework (... out of my head, don't
remember which package exactly ...).

Hope this helps.

2013/6/13 Paul Bors
 Okay, so what's the easiest way to replace a single bean with a mock?
 I tried Springockito's @ReplaceWithMock w/o any luck.

 My webapp in testing is configured as follows:
 public class BaseConsoleTest extends SpringTest {
   ConsoleApplication testConsoleApplication = new
 ConsoleApplication() {
 public ServletContext getServletContext() {
 ServletContext servletContext =
 XmlWebApplicationContext wctx = new

 return servletContext;
 protected void onDestroy() {
 if(tester != null) {
 tester = null;
 public Class? extends Page getHomePage() {
 Class? extends Page testHomePage =
 return (testHomePage == null) ? MyDummyPage.class :

 This class extended:
 @ContextConfiguration(loader = SpringockitoContextLoader.class, locations =
 @TransactionConfiguration(defaultRollback = true)
 public abstract class SpringTest extends
 AbstractTransactionalTestNGSpringContextTests {
   // Setup data sources

 Simply enough I just want to mock and inject the new mock by replacing a
 single DAO defined in my applicationContext.xml.

 The test I've tried:
 public class GroupingBaseTestPage extends BaseConsoleTest {
 private DictionaryGroupingDao dictionaryGroupingDao;

 Now each time I tried to define a mock for dictionaryGroupingDao the real
 bean is called instead:


 The above dictionaryGroupingDao.countAvaialbleItems() executes on the real
 bean as if @ReplaceWithMock never did its work.

 I've tried with regular Mockito via the @Mock and that mocks my bean but it
 doesn't inject it into my Wicket's app :(

 Right now I gave up on Springockito and resorted to simply using Mockito for
 the mocks I need with a ApplicationContextMock which is killing me as I have
 quite a lot of mocks to implement just to get the user logged in to the
 application and start a single page :(

 I don't yet want to use Spring's ProxyFactoryBean in conjunction with
 HotSwappableTargetSource as it would make a mess of my

 ~ Thank you,
   Paul Bors

 -Original Message-
 From: Andreas Kuhtz []
 Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 11:26 AM
 Subject: Re: Unit testing a repeater or data table by mocking its data

 Hi Paul,

 Not sure if I got you right but you might check out:

 Best regards

 2013/6/12 Paul Bors
 I like the simplicity of Mockito and got it working in my unit tests, but
 now I find myself mocking more services than I wanted.

 Wicket Page Teste allows you to inject your mocks on top of the
 SpringBeans, is that possible with Mockito?

 In other words I want to have my normal XML mapped beans context have some
 beans be overridden only for some tests (talk about being lazy).

 ~ Thank

Re: Unit testing a repeater or data table by mocking its data

2013-06-12 Thread Andreas Kuhtz
Hi Paul,

Not sure if I got you right but you might check out:

Best regards

2013/6/12 Paul Bors
 I like the simplicity of Mockito and got it working in my unit tests, but now 
 I find myself mocking more services than I wanted.

 Wicket Page Teste allows you to inject your mocks on top of the SpringBeans, 
 is that possible with Mockito?

 In other words I want to have my normal XML mapped beans context have some 
 beans be overridden only for some tests (talk about being lazy).

 ~ Thank you,
   Paul Bors

 -Original Message-
 From: heikki []
 Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 11:14 AM
 Subject: Re: Unit testing a repeater or data table by mocking its data

 dear Paul,

 I've recently used Mockito and am quite happy with it. You can easily mock 
 any class and make it behave as you need.

 Best regards
 Heikki Doeleman

 On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 5:08 PM, Paul Bors wrote:

 Up to recently we got away with running our unit tests fully
 integrated with the back end db by performing live queries via our

 Due to recent changes to our product schema we run into the inevitable
 high cost of having to spend too much time on maintain our mocked unit
 test data straight into the db. To cut down on that cost I would like
 to start mocking most of our DAOs that back-up the data tables in our
 product (gradually over time).

 Which brings me to my question, what's the recommended approach from
 Wicket's team (or users) on mocking the DAOs that are used by the data
 providers of your data tables?

 Our advantage is that we are using Spring and thus we could rely on
 spring-test, its ReflectionTestUtils but I also took a look at
 Mockito, EasyMock and such.

 I'm more curious as to what has been your experience in the past and
 what would you consider to be the best approach?

 ~ Thank you,

 Paul Bors

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Re: Wicket Atmosphere does not run in Firefox 17

2012-12-24 Thread Andreas Kuhtz

Have you configured a proxy in firefox? if so, you may enable the ws://*
to use the proxy, not only http and https.
Hope this helps.


2012/12/24 Noven

 Hi All,

 I just tried deploy the wicket-atmosphere-quickstart here at into tomcat v.7.0.32

 It's able run well on safari and chrome, but fail run on newest firefox

 By using the same tomcat version, I am able to run it on firefox v.17 in
 my localhost but failed at

 Did anybody know this issue before?

 Thank you.