Hello, I am new to wicket framework. What would be a good place to place
user authentication? I am creating a website where the session must be
protected by username, password authentication.

I was thinking of creating a base class (derived from the WebPage) in
which I redirect the browser to the logon page if the session doesn't
have the User-object yet. The logic would be something like

  if (requiresAuthentication() && getUser() == null)

requiresAuthentication() is a method which can be overrided by actual
page implementations. For example the login page itself would return
false from the requiresAuthentication() -function. The default
implementation returns true.

When the user have logged in successfully with his password he should be
redirected to the page of the original request.

Is this a good way to do this? Where should I put this logic? How should
the redirection be done? 

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