MultiFileUploadField: Filter file types

2009-06-04 Thread Marco Santos
Hello there.
I'm am developing a web application where is possible to the user upload
some photos. I would like to filter the files the user can choose. the user
can choose up to 10 photos, but if some file is not a photo, i don't want to
loose all the files, once after the submit, all the files selected are lost.

Thank you ever one

Marco Santos

DropDownChoices: How to force a selection.

2009-05-29 Thread Marco Santos
Hello There.
Im creating a page where the user can either create or update a registry. I
have a few DropDownChoices, and i am trying, on the case o updating a
registry, to set the a specific value of the choices of the dropdownchoice.
Does any one know how? I have tryed to set a value on the PropertyModel that
i use on the creation of the DDC.

Here is the creation of the DDC:

private void buildDistritosComboBox() {
DistritosModel distritosModel = new DistritosModel();
SelectedChoice selectedDistrito = new SelectedChoice();//A class
with a variable selectedChoice and it getter and setter
DropDownChoice distritosDDC = new DropDownChoice(distritos, new
PropertyModel(selectedDistrito, selectedChoice), distritosModel);

Thanks a lot
Marco Santos

Re: CompoundPropertyModel and Combobox

2009-05-28 Thread Marco Santos

Thanx for the tip. It work on some cases. I found a pattern. For instance, if
a component (be it a textfield or a DropDownChoice) has it self a Model, for
instance a PropertyModel, the instance variables of the class that is used
on the form model (CompoundPropertyModel) are not filled.


the form:

public class ImovelHabitacionalForm extends Form {

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;private final ImovelHabitacionalInput
imovelHabitacionalInput = new ImovelHabitacionalInput();


nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;public ImovelHabitacionalForm() {





nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;/*The components creations */

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;private void buildForm() {

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;/*TRANSACTION TYPES*/

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;List transactionTypes =

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;transactionType = new
DropDownChoice(transactionType, transactionTypes);


distritosModel = new DistritosModel();

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;selectedDistrito = new
SelectedChoice(); /*class with a instance variable selectedChoice and
getter and setter*/

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;distritosDDC = new
DropDownChoice(distritos, new PropertyModel(selectedDistrito,
selectedChoice), distritosModel);


nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;priceTextField = new


nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;/*Class with a variable name
area and a getter and a setter*/

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;private TextFieldAreaModel
areaModel = new TextFieldAreaModel();

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;areaTextField = new
TextField(area, new PropertyModel(areaModel, area));



/*Part of the user input class used on the form model*/

private class ImovelHabitacionalInput implements IClusterable {

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;private String district= ;
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;private String transactionType= ;

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;private String price= ;

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;private String area = ;

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;/*GETTERS AND SETTERS*/


When the form is submited happens that the transactionType and the price
variables on the class ImovelHabitacionalInput are filled with the values
inserted by the user, but the district and the area dont. the diferences
between the textfields and the dropdownchoices is that the transactionType
and the price doesn't have a model itself. 

Does any one knows why if a model is supllyed to a form model, the
respective instance variables are not filled, even more, those getters and
setters are not called (in debug mode i noticed that too).

Thanks a lot everyone


Marcin Palka wrote:
 The code below works just fine for me. Instead of using complex type as a
 model object for a drop down I use an instance of IChoiceRenderer to
 control what's used for an id and what's displayed as a value. 
 User user = ;
 setModel(new CompoundPropertyModel(user));
 add(new DropDownChoice(usrRole, SystemRole.asStringList(),
 new IChoiceRenderer() {
 public String getDisplayValue(Object object) {
 return Enum.valueOf(SystemRole.class,
 public String getIdValue(Object object, int index) {
 if (index == -1) {
 return SystemRole.SALESMAN.toString();
 return SystemRole.asStringList().get(index);
 The combo items are populated from Enum values:
 public enum SystemRole {
 SYS_ADMIN(Administrator systemu),
 NETWORK_ADMIN(Administrator sieci),
 SALESMAN(Pracownik punktu),
 ANY(Bez roli);
 private final String roleName;
 SystemRole(String roleName) {
 this.roleName = roleName;
 public String getRoleName() {
 return roleName;
 private static List stringList;
 public static List asStringList() {
 if (stringList == null) {
 stringList = new ArrayList();
 for (SystemRole sr : values()) {
 return stringList;
 And this is how model object looks like:
 public class User {
 private Integer usrId;
 private String usrLogin

MultiFileUploadField: How to filter file types

2009-05-26 Thread Marco Santos
Hello there.
Im using the MultiFileUploadField but i would like that the user could just
see/choose some type of files. for instance, he could only select jpeg
or/and png files. I notice that is possible to specify the max size of a
file. Is possible to specify the type files that the user can select?

Thanks a lot

Marco Santos

Re: MultiFileUploadField: How to filter file types

2009-05-26 Thread Marco Santos

I already thought about that, but like it implicates to change the original
javascript file, i was trying not to do it, but i already changed it a
little bit, i guess it would not make worse to change more a little bit. I
changed it to short the name of the selected file from the path to just the
name of the file.

Thanx a lot

igor.vaynberg wrote:
 even max size is checked serverside, you may be able to do the same
 for file types. alternatively you can hook in with a javascript by
 adding an onchange event and possibly rejecting a file.
 On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 3:46 AM, Marco Santos wrote:
 Hello there.
 Im using the MultiFileUploadField but i would like that the user could
 see/choose some type of files. for instance, he could only select jpeg
 or/and png files. I notice that is possible to specify the max size of a
 file. Is possible to specify the type files that the user can select?

 Thanks a lot

 Marco Santos

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CompoundPropertyModel and Combobox

2009-05-26 Thread Marco Santos
Hello there.
Im trying to submit a form, a simple one, that have some textfields,
checkboxes and some comboboxes (DropDownChoice class). The model of the form
is the CompoundPropertyModel which is setted like this:

setModel(new CompoundPropertyModel(userInput));

The userInput is an instance of a class that have getters and setters which
the names are the id's of the fields. When i submit the form, every field is
filled with the user input information except the fields to the comboboxes
which are empty. The dropdownchoices are instanciated like this:

selectedDistrito = new SelectedChoice();
distritos = new DropDownChoice(distritos, new
PropertyModel(selectedDistrito, selectedChoice), distritosModel);

public class SelectedChoice implements Serializable{
private String selectedChoice = null;

/** Creates a new instance of SelectedChoice */
public SelectedChoice() {

public String getSelectedChoice() {
return selectedChoice;

public void setSelectedChoice(String selectedChoice) {
this.selectedChoice = selectedChoice;


How can i in the CompoundPropertyModel fill the instance variables concerned
to the dropdownchoices?

Thank you very much

Marco Santos

Re: What's the simplest way to do Context-sensitive Authorization in Wicket?

2009-05-26 Thread Marco Santos

On the book Wicket in Action there is a chapter (12) that cover the
Authentication and the Authorization. It will be very useful to you, and is
very easy to understand and implement.

This book is very good and i advise you to have, so you can consult as you

Marco Santos

Ben Hutchison-2 wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am tech leading our first Wicket project, and I and my co-workers are 
 new to Wicket, but we have been having a good experience in the first 
 few weeks.
 We have come across an challenge relating to security authorization that 
 I would appreciate some advice regarding. Here are the simple business 
 - Site Users can create Listings
 - Users can View someone else's Listing
 - Users can Edit their own listing.
 So the authorization decision needs to examine some context (ie the 
 Listing), as well as the current user, to determine whether they have an 
 Edit or View role.
 A look at wicket-auth-roles suggested that it did not cater for 
 context-sensitive roles of this kind? Ie 
 IRoleCheckingStrategy.hasAnyRole(Roles roles) doesn't allow for any 
 context parameters on which the strategy might make the decision.
 What is the simplest way to address my challenge?
 *Ben Hutchison
 Senior Developer
 * Level 2 476 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004
 T 613 8807 5252 | F 613 8807 5203 | M 0423 879 534 |
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!! Wicket Authorization Problem !!

2009-03-03 Thread Marco Santos

Hello there. I'm having problems developing Authorization on my
webapplication. I have followed the steps of the chapter 12 of Wicket in
Action. When i try to access to a protected page, the page is renderend
instead of redirected to the Login page. Here is my code. I was wondering if
anyone knows what am i missing.

--Application Base class

public class NetCasasApplication extends WebApplication{

public NetCasasApplication() {
IComponentInstantiationListener() {

public void onInstantiation(Component component) {

public Class getHomePage() {
return Index.class;

public Session newSession(Request request, Response response) {
return new NetCasasSession(request);


-- The Protected page (NetCasas extends WebPage) each page that is suppose
to protected extends this class

import pt.msoftware.netcasas.wicket.NetCasasBasePage;

public class ProtectedPage extends NetCasasBasePage {


--The AuthorizationStrategy

public class NetCasasAuthorizationStrategy implements
IAuthorizationStrategy, IUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener {

public boolean isInstantiationAuthorized(Class componentClass) {
if(ProtectedPage.class.isAssignableFrom(componentClass)) {
return NetCasasSession.get().isAuthenticated();

return true;

public boolean isActionAuthorized(Component component, Action action) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(Not supported yet.);

public void onUnauthorizedInstantiation(Component component) {
throw new RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException(Login.class);


On the constructor of the Application Base class (NetCasasApplication) an
interceptor is registered. when i try to access a protected page, the method
onInstantiation is executed. Inside the call
getSecuritySettings().getAuthorizationStrategy() always return a
IAuthorizationStrategy, never a NetCasasAuthorizationStrategy. So the method
NetCasasAuthorizationStrategy.isInstantiationAuthorized is never executed.
So i guess something is missing. Someone knows what?

Thanks for the help.

Os meus melhores cumprimenstos / Best Regards

Marco Santos

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Re: !! Wicket Authorization Problem !!

2009-03-03 Thread Marco Santos

I already discovery what was wrong. Thanks anyway.

on the Application Base class the AuthorizationStrategy and
UnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener must be registred like this:

protected void init() {
NetCasasAuthorizationStrategy authorizationStrategy = new

Once again, thanks

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Problems Refreshin a Image from AjaxLink

2007-12-22 Thread Marco Santos

Hello there!

I'm with problems refreshing an Image. On my web application i'm trying to
refresh or change an Image that is on a Panel. On the panel there is a Image
(it is rendered the first time) and a label. Outside the panel i have
AjaxLink's (that are images too) that refresh the panel, and consequently
the components on it, the image and the label. when the link is clicked, the
label e refreshed with the new text, but the image still the same. The code
is the following:

 *The Panel with the image to be refreshed:
 *(the label on the panel is freshed when the link is pressed.
public class PhotoPanel extends Panel {
/** Creates a new instance of PhotoPanel*/
public PhotoPanel(String id, byte[] photoData, int size, Integer index)

MyImage mainPhoto = new MyImage(mainPhoto, photoData,
size);//component that extends Image

Label label = new Label(index, MYLABEL:  + index.toString());


 * The AjaxLink's on a Parent panel that holds a panel with the links, and
the panel with the image
 * to be refreshed
private class PhotoSlideLink extends AjaxLink {
private byte[] photoSlideData = null;
Integer index = 0;
public PhotoSlideLink(String id, byte[] photoSlideData ) {
this.photoSlideData = photoSlideData ;

MyImage photoSlide = new MyImage(photoSlide, photoSlideData ,
add(photoSlide );

public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget ajaxRequestTarget) {
Panel newMainPhotoPanel = new PhotoPanel(mainPhotoPanel,
photoSlideData , MAIN_PHOTO_SIZE, index++);
newMainPhotoPanel .setOutputMarkupId(true);

/*the first PhotoPanel created when the page was loaded*/
mainPhotoPanel= newMainPhotoPanel ;


Does any one know why refreshing the panel, the label change, but not the
image? Am i forgetting to do something? 

Thanks a lot 
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Re: Problems Refreshin a Image from AjaxLink

2007-12-22 Thread Marco Santos

Thanks a lot! I worked!

Tell me, do you know a good book about wicket? I have red the 1st chapter o
Wicket in Action from manning and it seams nice, but it is not finished yet.

Thanks again!


Matej Knopp-2 wrote:
 Image doesn't change because it's being cached by the browser.
 To ensure that browser doesn't cache the image you need to append a
 string to url that changes on every refresh.
 Just like NonCachingImage does.
 On Dec 22, 2007 8:53 PM, Marco Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello there!

 I'm with problems refreshing an Image. On my web application i'm trying
 refresh or change an Image that is on a Panel. On the panel there is a
 (it is rendered the first time) and a label. Outside the panel i have
 AjaxLink's (that are images too) that refresh the panel, and consequently
 the components on it, the image and the label. when the link is clicked,
 label e refreshed with the new text, but the image still the same. The
 is the following:

  *The Panel with the image to be refreshed:
  *(the label on the panel is freshed when the link is pressed.
 public class PhotoPanel extends Panel {
 /** Creates a new instance of PhotoPanel*/
 public PhotoPanel(String id, byte[] photoData, int size, Integer

 MyImage mainPhoto = new MyImage(mainPhoto, photoData,
 size);//component that extends Image

 Label label = new Label(index, MYLABEL:  + index.toString());


  * The AjaxLink's on a Parent panel that holds a panel with the links,
 the panel with the image
  * to be refreshed
 private class PhotoSlideLink extends AjaxLink {
 private byte[] photoSlideData = null;
 Integer index = 0;
 public PhotoSlideLink(String id, byte[] photoSlideData ) {
 this.photoSlideData = photoSlideData ;

 MyImage photoSlide = new MyImage(photoSlide, photoSlideData
 add(photoSlide );

 public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget ajaxRequestTarget) {
 Panel newMainPhotoPanel = new PhotoPanel(mainPhotoPanel,
 photoSlideData , MAIN_PHOTO_SIZE, index++);
 newMainPhotoPanel .setOutputMarkupId(true);

 /*the first PhotoPanel created when the page was loaded*/
 mainPhotoPanel= newMainPhotoPanel ;


 Does any one know why refreshing the panel, the label change, but not the
 image? Am i forgetting to do something?

 Thanks a lot
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