Hi all,
I am fairly a newbie in wicket and would appreciate your help!

have a wicket application which are used on Live by more than 500
users. Now the problem which has arisen is - say User A logs on - he is
able to view details of User B. It has happened for different users and
I am trying to dig the real reason.

Here is my code details -
1) I use Hibernate to fetch 'Account' objects from backend passing on the 

2) I use 
MyAppSession extends WebSession
private Account account;
    public InboundSession(Request request) 

    public void setAccount(Account account)
        this.account = account;
    public Account getAccount()
        return account;

public boolean isUserLoggedIn()
return account !=null;

effectively I check if the Account object in session is null or not and
accordingly decide whether a user is logged in or not.

2) In Login class I pass on the username/password to HibernateAccountDao and 
fetch the Account object.
Account account = accountDao.getAccount(username, password)
MyAppSession session = (MyAppSession )getSession();

So effectively I fetch the accout object using hibernate and store it in wicket 
But I am not sure how these account objects are getting mixed up between users.

Please can someone lead me to the route cause of the issue?

Thanks in advance!

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