Re: Problem when deploying to Tomcat

2008-07-25 Thread Tormod Øverlier

No, I hadn't tried that, but that actually solved the problem. :jumping:

igor.vaynberg wrote:
 it may very well be. have you tried setting up the context with
 anti-jar locking enabled?

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Problem when deploying to Tomcat

2008-07-24 Thread Tormod Øverlier

When I deploy a new version of a Wicket application without restarting
Tomcat, the new version is not fully used. Java changes are applied
immediately, but html changes are not applied before I restart Tomcat.

I have tried inserting getMarkupSettings().getMarkupCache().clear(); in the
init() method of the application, but with no luck. I've also tried stopping
the application, clearing the work directory in Tomcat and then starting the
application again, but still no luck.

I'm using Tomcat 5.5.26 and Wicket 1.3.4.

Why is html changes not applied unless I restart Tomcat? Could it have
something to do with Tomcat caching or class loading?
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Re: @SpringBean in init

2008-04-08 Thread Tormod Øverlier

You should do it in the init method before you use the @SpringBean

Mathias P.W Nilsson wrote:
 Where should I do that?
 I have done this right now and it worked
 setting )
 but it is not pretty!

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Re: @SpringBean in init

2008-04-08 Thread Tormod Øverlier

Try using InjectorHolder.getInjector().inject(this);

Mathias P.W Nilsson wrote:
 I have extended the SpringWebApplication and the init method looks like
 addComponentInstantiationListener(new SpringComponentInjector(this));
 I want to access my @SpringBean in the init method but it fails. How can I
 do this? I need to cache
 all users from a webservice in application startup.

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Re: Tomcat Problem

2008-04-08 Thread Tormod Øverlier

Did you find a solution to this problem? I've got the same problem.

Soniya wrote:
 yes I am running it development mode.

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2008-03-11 Thread Tormod Øverlier

I'm trying to use SSL on certain pages in my application by using the
description for Wicket 1.3 in the wiki. However, when I access a page with
SSL, I'm always redirected to the start page. I see that the respond-method
in my WebRequestCycleProcessor is called 3 times. The first time, it calls
webReponse.reponse() with a SSL enabled url, but without the
?wicket:interface stuff behind. The second and third time, it sets the url
to a non-SSL url pointing to the start page.

I have set the render strategy according to the description in the wiki.

1. Any suggestions to my specific problem?
2. Are there any plans to include a more direct support for SSL in future
versions of Wicket?

Thanks. Tormod.
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Re: Session scoped Spring bean

2008-02-03 Thread Tormod Øverlier

I'm sorry. My mistake... :-$

I was making wrong assumptions about the internal behavior of the
CGLIB-generated object. I assumed I could use the Eclipse debugger and look
at the internal variables of the object, but this is of course wrong, since
it's just a proxy and the data is stored elsewhere.

I inserted log-statements instead of using debug, and now it seems to be
working perfectly fine.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Daniel Stoch-2 wrote:
 You should check if you get always the same basket instance when
 creating BasketPanel. It looks like this bean behaves as a prototype
 scoped bean. Simple solution is to add a static int counter in your
 Basket class and increments it by one in Basket constructor call. Then
 you will be able to check on your BasketPanel if you got the basket
 with the same counter value each time you create this panel.
 I think aop:scoped-proxy/ is not necessary.
 PS. Have you defined RequestContextListener in your web.xml? It is
 required for request scope and session scope beans:

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Session scoped Spring bean

2008-02-01 Thread Tormod Øverlier

I'm injecting a Spring session scoped bean into a Wicket component. No error
messages, but it seems that the changes I make to the bean are not reflected
back to the actual session bean. This is what I do (just a test class):

private Basket basket;

public BasketPanel(String id) {

I have set a breakpoint to the line with the setter. I see that setOrderNo() 
is run on a CGLIB proxy to the actual bean. When I press Refresh in the
browser, the code is run again, but the orderNo is not set. I also see that
the second CGLIB proxy is not the same instance as the first time.

Any ideas?


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Re: Session scoped Spring bean

2008-02-01 Thread Tormod Øverlier

Thanks for the quick answer.

I already have aop:scoped-proxy/ in the bean. In fact, I get the exact
same result without this tag, because CGLIB is in the classpath.

Do you have any other suggestions?


Raffaele Cigni wrote:
 put this aop:scoped-proxy/ in your beans, like:
 bean id=bascket scope=session class=mypackage.Myclass
 Spring manages a proxy for you.

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