Hey guys,
I'm back to using Wicket after a 3 year break! Anyway, if any of you can
help with this delightful pain I'd return the favor (eventually!).

- I have a DTO/VO that has a property that is a list of strings (e.g.
String[] propertyA)
- The lookup items (choices) for this property is a list of name/value pairs
(e.g. EnumerationValue class)  and the values  will be the ones that need to
be passed onto the DTO/VO property.

public class EnumerationValue  implements Serializable
    private String code;
    private String description;

    public String getCode()
        return code;

    public void setCode(String code)
        this.code = code;

    public String getDescription()
        return description;

    public void setDescription(String description)
        this.description = description;

I had setup a custom model to handle the translation between the collection
of EnumerationValues coming from the UI and into the DTO/VO object:

private IModel createFundInstrumentTypeCodeModel(final
List<EnumerationValue> choices) {
        return new IModel<List<EnumerationValue>>() {
            // this gets the value from the model object backing the form
            public List<EnumerationValue> getObject() {
                final List<String> codes=  wizard.getFundingInstrumentCodes
                                // loop through the 'choices' and compare
the code of each choice with the string list
                                // pick out all the matching items from the
                return CollectionHelper.get(choices, codes);

            // this sets the value from the form into the model object
backing the form
            public void setObject(List<EnumerationValue> object) {
              // convert the list into a string list and set the DTO/VO

            public void detach() {

This custom model was working fine when I was using CheckBoxMultipleChoice
but I changed to CheckGroup since I wanted more control over the HTML being
produced. CheckGroup doesn't call the setObject() everytime the form is
submitted; accoridng to the updateModel() method, it only gets called when
the backing model object is null.

            public void updateModel()
                Collection collection = getModelObject();
                if (collection == null)
                    collection = getConvertedInput();
                    setModelObject(collection); // TODO: Added this to allow
conversion of list of enumerated values into list of strings

I've added the TODO line in there so that correct trnslation between list of
strings and list of EnumerartionValue can occur. Am I doing this correctly
or am I on the wrong ttrack.

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