Hi Guys,

I'm attempting to use Wicket 6.5 with Websphere AS 8. This works fine, but
the problems occur when I add CDI into the mix. To do this I'm using the
wicket-cdi library.

Even with a basic class injection I get the following errors:

[19-2-13 16:29:54:405 CET] 0000002e AnnotatedType W
AnnotatedTypeBeanCreatorImpl defineConstructor No suitable constructor
found for injection target class : [class
org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebSession]. produce() method does not work!

[19-2-13 16:29:54:405 CET] 0000002e AnnotatedType W
AnnotatedTypeBeanCreatorImpl defineConstructor No suitable constructor
found for injection target class : [class com.mycompany.HomePage].
produce() method does not work!

[19-2-13 16:29:54:483 CET] 0000002e AnnotatedType W
AnnotatedTypeBeanCreatorImpl defineConstructor No suitable constructor
found for injection target class : [class
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label]. produce() method does not work!

[19-2-13 16:29:54:811 CET] 0000002e AnnotatedType W
AnnotatedTypeBeanCreatorImpl defineConstructor No suitable constructor
found for injection target class : [class
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.internal.HtmlHeaderContainer]. produce()
method does not work!

[19-2-13 16:29:54:873 CET] 0000002e AnnotatedType W
AnnotatedTypeBeanCreatorImpl defineConstructor No suitable constructor
found for injection target class : [class
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.TransparentWebMarkupContainer]. produce()
method does not work!

I've seen the errors on the web a few times, but no suitable answers
really, so I thought I'd ask here. So if you have any ideas as to why this
gives me errors I would like to hear them. Bear in mind that Websphere uses
Apache OpenWebBeans.

With kind regards,

Edwin Bosveld

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