I am looking for a good pattern/methodology to use when coding services in small Wicket webapps. I want to use the services from Wicket but it will also be exposed via RMI and SOAP/REST. For example, a service for Houses and Inhabitants might have methods like this:

// Returns the houses matching the filter (but not yet the inhabitants)
  List<House> findHouses(House filter);

  // Returns the inhabitants of the given house
  List<Inhabitant> getInhabitants(int houseId);

The class House exposes an id (for use in the getInhabitants() method) and some data (address, etc.). It does not provide the list of inhabitants because this list might be huge, might not be needed by the caller at all, etc. The service returns lists because this comes in handy with Wicket components.

My question: Should the above service return objects (HouseImpl, InhabitantImpl) from the persistence layer? Or do you introduce another set of public (DTO) classes for exposure in the service?

Ideally, I want to keep things simple and manageable, with little code.

For instance, for the above service one could use a Hibernate mapping like

  public class HouseImpl

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "house", fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    private final Collection<InhabitantImpl> inhabitants;


  public class InhabitantImpl

    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    @JoinColumn(nullable = false, updatable = false)
    private HouesImpl house;

and the service can directly return instances of these classes. I have used this approach in a project and we have seen these problems:

- There's some code used to properly detach the objects and load all exposed data in order to avoid LazyInitializationException's. For instance, if House has a list of caretakers and you want them to be exposed in the service's House, you may need to tell Hibernate to load them first. This code is cumbersome to maintain.

- I am not sure whether this would work with RMI, for example. I suppose the Hibernate proxies that exist for some of the members would get transmitted and would have to exist at the client end, too...

Therefore: How do you design your services? Is anybody using some method in which the service objects are generated (semi-)automatically from the persistence layer objects?

Many thanks for your input!

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