RE: How can i use a Image as Link?

2008-07-10 Thread Stefan Lindner
a class=myCssClass href=# wicket:id=myLinkimg
src=images/neu.gif alt=Klicken Sie hier um einen neuen
Therapiekatalog anzulegen.//a

Use css a.myCssClass:hover to modify mouse cursor on over.

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Re: How can i use a Image as Link?

2008-07-10 Thread Piller Sébastien

Try this

a wicket:id=linkimg wicket:id=img //a

add(new PageLink(link, MyPage.class).add(new Image(img, new 
ResourceReference(MyPage.class, img.png

For the hand cursor, use css cursor: whateveryouwant

HITECH79 a écrit :


how can i use a Image as Link and the mouse pointer is changing to a



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