I recently encountered the wicketstuff-annotation project, and now mount all
my pages via annotations.  Thank you for this project!  Gets a lot of Page
configuration out of the Application subclass and back to where it should

After seeing the mount scanner, I was very pleased to note that the same
approach would solve another issue I have.  In my Application subclass I
always have a list of annotated Hibernate classes that need to be added to
the AnnotationConfiguration.  While in heavy development, I'm adding new
domain objects all the time, and frequently forget to add them to this list,
adding up to lots of minor frustrations.  But not any more - using the
MatchingResources class from wicketstuff-annotations, seven lines of code
solved that one for good:

        MatchingResources resources = new
        List<Class<? extends Annotation>> hibernateClasses = new
ArrayList<Class<? extends Annotation>>();
        for(Class<? extends Annotation> hibernateClass : hibernateClasses) {
            for(Class<?> c : resources.getAnnotatedMatches(hibernateClass))



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