Hi guys, I've received the news that our application could need portlet
We turned to wicket 1.4rc2 and OpenPortal portal-container which runs on
glassfish v3 (just to choose one portal, has netbeans support). With that we
started playing around with it, and get to know it.

After endless micro-troubles with configuration and other stuff, we got it
running but we are having an issue with a resource (some extra slash-bar / )

In this case on an ajax-call we get an error:

*       ERROR: *Received Ajax response with code: 404

from firebug,  we see  that the browser is unable to get:
MyWebApplication/MyWebApplication/MyWebApplication | MyWebApplication
| MyWebApplication.

as you can notice I've bolded out the double slashes in the url.

This is a behavior with a javascript that initializes a small div that
serves as a kind of tooltip for form components such as textfields and

The weird part is that it is being added on the onBeforeRender method of a
Panel. Could this be the problem?

   protected void onBeforeRender() {

      visitChildren(new IVisitor() {
         public Object component(Component component) {
               component.add(new MyHelpBehavior());



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