
I was browsing through the wicket forums, for one of the problems I am
having using Wicket wizard in ModalWindow.


Wondering if anyone could help me with any possible solutions. Greatly
appreciate you time and response.


I have changed the WizardButtons to use Ajax buttons. The following is
the behavior:

In the wizard Ajax button I added the following:


protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {





1. I have added 3 IWizardStep to the model 

2. Added the wizard to a panel, and then added this panel to the

3. Lauched the modalwindow, 

            a. Observed the right behavior (button enabled state) of the
buttons at launch

            b. Now Clicked on "Next" button - traverses to the next

            c. Now clicked on the "Previous" button - instead of going
to Previous - I got the annoying alert message. 

            d. added the javascript (Wicket.windo.unloadConfirmatoin =

            e. Adding the above scrip was just suppressing the alert
message, and just closes the wizard window without going to the previous


Not really sure where I am going wrong. Have been trying to Debug, but
since the previous button doesn't get the onClick() due to closing,
could not even debug this issue.


Can you please let me know about your experience in solving this issue,
and also if you feel that I am doing any mistake, please let me know.

Thanks & Best Regards


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