After migrating from wicket-1.2.6 to wicket-1.3.0-beta2 I had the following

The problem with the type Validation  and Requried one .

I have a scenario where i have Component inside another component . and i
have to validate inside component.
Wicket - 1-2.6 was good in that , as it's goes two level up , but wicket
i.3.0 doesn't goes two level up ..

it's goes only one level up .. 
String message = localizer.getString(resource, formComponent.getParent(),

Can any1 suggest me how to solve this Issue.

I am getting this sort of error -  ( validation field that it should be
numeric ) 

Could not locate error message for error:
[org.apache.wicket.validation.ValidationError message=[null],
keys=[IConverter.BigDecimal, IConverter],
Cannot parse 'qqqqq' using format
[EMAIL PROTECTED],[type=BigDecimal]]]

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