Hi Sergiu and Jean-Vincent.

Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
> Ari wrote:
>> I've tried to figure out why the XWiki renders xwiki-headings as it
>> does. E.g "1 Title One" is rendered as '<h2 class="heading-1">Title
>> One</h2>'. I would like to change this to be h1-element instead of
>> h2-element.
> That was my decision, as in a document there is already a first-level 
> heading, the document title. 
> Having other elements as level 1 headings would mean that they have the same 
> significance as the 
> document title, which I think is wrong. Still, this should be configurable, 
> and since the heading 
> syntax is not yet finalized (http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-1247) it 
> can be changed.

I see your point. I agree that in general it is a good approach to have
only one H1-element in a web page. However, as I see it, wiki provided
pages should be handled in this viewpoint as individual pages. What I
mean is that if xwiki-framework provides some dynamic title, it should
not hinder the user-provided content to contain H1-element (with xwiki
syntax). E.g when I print a page from XWiki, the optimal result is that
the page looks as if it was printed through OpenOffice.org - IMHO the
containment (of a page) should not be restricted on the basis of what
lies "under the hood".

I'd like to point out that previous statement holds true in the
environment I am using the XWiki. Of course, if the feature could be
configurable, it would be a win-win situation (of course, the debate
would then concentrate on issue of default setting? ;-) )

>> PART 2
>> Another suggestion is that minor fix would be implemented in rendering.
>> An example text and the rendered result:
>> ------------------
>> this is text before list.
>> * this
>> * is
>> * list
>> this is text after list.
>> ------------------
>> <p>this is text before list.</p>
>> <ul class="star">
>>    <li>this</li>
>>    <li>is</li>
>>    <li>list</li>
>> </ul>this is text after list.
>> ------------------

> Radeox makes this extremely hard to do. Since it works with independent 
> regular expressions, and not 
> with grammars or state machines or something else that could know what a 
> paragraph is, you can't 
> write a regular expression that matches only the right things. The new 
> rendering engine could solve 
> this issue.

Ok. I just wait and see. The reason I'm asking this is that this
behaviour breaks the page structure (which leads to poor printing
result). Fortunately there is the "good-old-add-<span/>"-workaround.

> You are somehow wrong in your example, as the actual rendering is:
> <p/>this is text before list.
> <ul class="star"> ...
> Not even the first line of text is actually a paragraph, but because the page 
> is not sent as valid 
> XML, but html, the browser takes the freedom to actually put that line inside 
> the paragraph, because 
> it knows that an empty paragraph element is wrong and absurd.

Ah. I think you are correct: I just copy&pasted the result from firefox
source-viewer. In some time ago, it was Internet Exploder which did this
"fixing" - now it seems that everybody's doing it. :)

Thank you for your replies.

With Regards,
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