Re: [xwiki-users] Translation Volunteers needed

2009-03-03 Thread Guillaume Lerouge
Hi Helmut,

thanks for your time and effort :-)

Will translations in status review be in the new release. And is someone

else contributing to the german translation (would be good to know).

They'll be included in the new release if they're ready by the end of the

Made some translations and think there are some problems the way it is done
now. Missing the context it is somtimes hard to tell what is ment, or if

there should be a space at the end 

That's because of the way I handled some translations (I made some
beginner's mistakes). See the full

To find where any given transation string is used, you can browse XWiki's
source code using an IDE's search function, looking for the string name =
it will return the name of the document where the string is used, useful for

In the 'Latest Translations' part of the translation wiki theres a filter
funktion which would be great for the rest to. I think its really important
that there is a possibility to compare translations of similar words ...

Guillaume Lerouge wrote:

 Well, what we can for now is that you keep a list of terms you're not sure
 ho to translate. Once you have 10 or 20 of them, you post them here on the
 list with your suggestions and we work together to decide on a term. Once
 this is done you can input them in the transation tool.

Thats ok, also i think a space in the wiki where a page for questions for
each language, information who is working on the translation of the language
 would be more effective.

So some terms im not sure

Page and document seems to be used for the same thing
tdwimgdoc  XWiki Document
panelwizard . pagelayout   Page Layout
rightsmanager . documentrequireviewrights  (*) Some documents require
special rights to be view.

and sometimes not (office importer).
nodocstoimport No documents found in the selected archive

Is a Document always a attached File or imported Document?

Page is sometimes instead of XWiki Document

Document can be either XWiki Document or Office Document or Attached

I'd recommend using Page instead of XWiki Document, Document for Office
documents (word, excel, PDF...) and File for attached documents.

Somtimes specific terms are translated, i don't know, but for some terms its
quite hard to find a good translation and it would be better not to
translate them.

Space - Rubrik
Shedule Space - ?Aufgabensteuerungsrubrik?
Pool - ?Pool?
Job - ?Aufgabe?
Job type - ?Aufgabentyp?

Shedule - ?Aufgabensteuerung?

Technical terms do not necessarily need to be translated.Typically, the
terms you highlight above are used in the Scheduler, which will most likely
be used only by an admin and not by standard users. Thus you may not need to
translate it.

Another question is, should the translation be formal or informal?

We're aiming at enterprise use, thus probably formal.

Thanks to you :-)


Guillaume Lerouge
Product Manager - XWiki
Skype ID : wikibc
users mailing list

[xwiki-users] Translation Volunteers needed

2009-03-03 Thread Jose Javier Garcí­a Zornoza
I've been working with XWiki enterprise 1.8-rc-1 and I have an improved
version of the Spanish translation than the one that comes with the
Till Friday my connection to Internet must be with a GPRS modem with a
very deficient connection, I've tried to use the translation application
but with my actual connection is a pain. I have the, is this file of interest for
anyone?, is there anyone working on the Spanish translation?

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] Help us improve the website

2009-03-03 Thread Emilie Ogez
Hello, has to meet your expectations. We're looking forward listening 
what you have to say about our website and how we could improve it. We'd 
be dazzled if you agreed to take the time to answer the questions listed 

A summary of the answers will be posted on as soon as they 
have been processed.

Thanks for your time!


Emilie Ogez
Marketing  Communication Manager
users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] [ANN] XWiki Office 1.0 Milestone 1 Released!

2009-03-03 Thread Florin Ciubotaru
Hi Richard,

goldring, richard wrote:

 This looks good. Unfortunately a lot of companies such as mine use older
 versions of Word such as Word 2000 (because of the cost of upgrading).
 Would older versions of Word be supported in future? Or even Open Office



There are no current plans  of implementing XOffice for another version
of Microsoft Office. Yet, we can adapt the solution relatively easy only
to Office 2003, if this is going to be asked by the community.

Unfortunately Microsoft discontinued most extensibility technologies for
versions of office prior to 2003, because those were created in early
'90s and didn't fit the current market any more. The old technologies
that are still supported just aren't powerful enough and the support for
them will stop in the near future.
We choose VSTO as the technology to develop XOffice on top of, at the
cost of losing users that have older versions of Office, because it is
the only technology that is guaranteed to be in the next versions of
Office. Our tech roadmap mainly focuses on Office 2007 and the upcoming
Office 14.

Regarding Open Office, I see a very high probability of having a similar
solution for it, if XOffice will match the impact we expect it to have,
or the community will ask for Open Office integration.

Florin Ciubotaru

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] Problem with links in XWiki

2009-03-03 Thread Christian Dionne
Hi everybody,


We are using XWiki Enterprise and we are getting a strange problem with
one specific user.


When this user accesses a page that contains links, edits this page and
then saves it, all the links are modified and become invalid.


Let's give me an example:

-  I have a page that contains a link to another page.  The link
path is purely simple as: [BurlingtonBurlington]

-  After he saves, the link will become:


City in this example would be the name of the space where this page is
located.  This creates a problem because the link becomes invalid.

Strangely enough, if another user comes in and re-edit this page and
re-save the page, it will correct the links.


I tried to delete this specific user, the page and the space without


What could be creating this problem and how can I fix it?


Thanks in advance for your help.


Christian Dionne 
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users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Translation Volunteers needed

2009-03-03 Thread Ludovic Dubost

Hi JJ,

I've seen that you have actually finished updating the translations on You've beaten German to the finish line :)
This is great. Let us know if you have other updates. We could look into 
merging from your ApplicationResources file but this could be a bit 
Using the translation tool kind of requires using the web site as the 


Jose Javier Garcí­a Zornoza a écrit :
 I've been working with XWiki enterprise 1.8-rc-1 and I have an improved
 version of the Spanish translation than the one that comes with the
 Till Friday my connection to Internet must be with a GPRS modem with a
 very deficient connection, I've tried to use the translation application
 but with my actual connection is a pain. I have the, is this file of interest for
 anyone?, is there anyone working on the Spanish translation?

 users mailing list


Ludovic Dubost
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Translating shortcuts

2009-03-03 Thread Ludovic Dubost

We seem to have a slight problem with the cases of empty translations. 
The application will always consider them as new.
This is something that needs to be fixed in the application or the 
translations removed.

This is not critical for now.


Hernández Cuchí a écrit :
 Hello All,


 I've been translating a little, and I found that there are shortcuts to be 
 translated. I wanted to validate with no change, but they are still in the 
 list of empty translations. 


 Why do you want the shortcuts to be translated?

 Why Validate with no change do not work (or maybe I didn't understood the 


 The language is the Spanish one.





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 users mailing list


Ludovic Dubost
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Translation Volunteers needed

2009-03-03 Thread Ludovic Dubost
Henning Sprang a écrit :
 On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 12:02 PM, Guillaume Lerouge 
 A XWiki Glossar would be a good thing.

 Good idea ! ;)

 Also some place for discussion of terms would be good.

 Well, what we can for now is that you keep a list of terms you're not sure
 ho to translate. Once you have 10 or 20 of them, you post them here on the
 list with your suggestions and we work together to decide on a term. Once
 this is done you can input them in the transation tool.

 Would be some start.

 Having something in the real translation tool where a wiki page with
 discussions and comments from translaters can be listed and checked
 would be interesting, I think.
Well each language has a wiki page.

And comments can be used.. The big question is how to make people 
realize there are comments.

 And maybe also, in the same place, a link to a place in the wiki in
 the language of choice where the string is used, so it can be seen in
 context. Including the english version for comparison ;)

That would be nice but it's not so easy to know on which url the string 
is used.. We could find the template or wiki page and provide a URL to 
the source. But right now this is too much work for the translation tool 
developer (which happened to be me until now)


 users mailing list


Ludovic Dubost
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost

users mailing list