Thank you for the feedback - I have been playing with passing custom
parameters, and have a few additional clarification questions.

It seems that I need to use pure wiki syntax if I want the TOC macro
to work right. I am currently relying on the {{html}} macro for two
things which I can't figure out how to replace with custom parameters:

1) Nested <ul>'s - I can only get the custom parameter to apply to one
line, and can't figure out how to nest another <ul>.

Something like this:
(% class="mktree" name="tree" %)
* $doc.display("Title", $obj)
  <velocity code, including an {{html}} block to create an <input> element>
**Additional parts of tree
***Additional parts of tree

Just returns two different <ul>'s, only the first one of which has the
custom parameter. Is this because the additional lines of code before
continuing the tree forces the rendering engine to close the first
<ul>? Any way to override that?

2) Table Sorter - Unfortunately, the whole set of object display code
is wrapped in an {{html}} macro because I am using the old Table
Sorter extension code. This is because I want to display multiple
properties from each object in a single table cell. Looking at the
Live Table macro, it seems that it only supports binding a table to a
class and then setting a column to display a single property - where I
need a single cell to include multiple properties displayed using
custom code.

Accomplishing this using the html syntax is simple - I can include an
arbitrary amount of code in each <td> tag.

To use wiki syntax for a sortable table, the XWiki Syntax document
says I should use this:

(% class="grid sortable filterable doOddEven" id="tableid" %)
(% class="sortHeader" %)|=Title 1|=Title 2
|Cell 11|Cell 12
|Cell 21|Cell 22

This creates the table fine - but I can't figure out how to include
additional multi-line code in a single cell. As soon as I put in a new
line, closes the table. Is there any way to accomplish this
using wiki syntax? Should I be trying to use LiveTable instead

If the above is confusing, here's what I'm really asking:

I want to use a sortable table to display multiple objects of the same
class on the same page. I would like that table to display multiple
properties of each object in certain cells in the row. Some of those
properties will contain wiki syntax - which I would like to be
readable by the TOC macro after the table has been rendered. Is there
a way to accomplish this?

Thank you,


On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 1:18 PM, Ashtar Communications
<> wrote:
> Interesting - I had missed the ability to pass custom parameters using
> wiki syntax. I will play with that and see if I can get it to output
> the same html I need.
> I am in fact using a series of nested <ul> within each <div>, that
> forms a collapsible javascript tree. The js is touchy about the exact
> formatting of the UL - if I can't get the tags to nest correctly using
> wiki syntax then I may be back with additional questions.
> A more accurate but simplified version of each object's display code is:
> <ul class="tree">
>  <li>
>  <h2>some content</h2>
>  <input />
>  <input />
>  </li>
>  <ul>
>      <li>Some velocity code, returns wiki syntax with headings</li>
>      <li>Some velocity code, returns wiki syntax with headings</li>
>      <li>Some velocity code, returns wiki syntax with headings</li>
>  </ul>
> </ul>
> Thanks much,
> aaron
> On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 12:52 PM, Thomas Mortagne
> <> wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 7:10 PM, Ashtar Communications
>> <> wrote:
>>> That makes sense, thank you for the clarification. Unfortunately, I am
>>> using the HTML macro to generate the final output - this is because I
>>> need to use <ul>'s with a javascript to make the div's into
>>> collapsible trees.
>>> Does that mean I'm out of luck?
>> <ul> ? I don't see much lists in your example, did you mean div ?
>> You can get div with custom parameters in pure wiki syntax the following way:
>> (% class="somecssclass" %)
>> (((
>> div content
>> )))
>> which produces
>> <div class="somecssclass">div content</div>
>> And if you really mean list, list most of the wiki elements list
>> support custom parameters too:
>> (% class="somecssclass" %)
>> * mylist element 1
>> * mylist element 2
>> which produces
>> <ul class="somecssclass">
>> <li>mylist element 1</li>
>> <li>mylist element 2</li>
>> </ul
>> You can put anything you want in custom parameters and html renderer
>> will print them as you provided them depending of the element.
>> Using the html macro should always be the last resort, usually when
>> you get some html you don't really have control on that you need to
>> display or when you need to display elements not supported by the wiki
>> syntax (yet) like <form> related stuff.
>>> On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 12:45 AM, Thomas Mortagne
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 8:02 AM, Ashtar Communications
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> One more tonight...
>>>>> It seems that I am unable to use the built-in TOC macro for wiki
>>>>> content which is generated dynamically from a Class Sheet {{include}}.
>>>>> I assume this is because the TOC macro is rendered before (or
>>>>> simultaneously with) the include macro which actually displays the
>>>>> objects on the page, so as far as the TOC macro knows, there are no
>>>>> wiki headings on the page (yet) to create an outline from.
>>>> Actually no, there is a concept of priority in macros and TOC macro
>>>> priority is very low specifically to support use case like that. But
>>>> TOC only support (generated or not) real wiki content which mean if
>>>> you have anything in a html macro it will not support it because html
>>>> macro produce a RawBlock which is a black box containing html syntax
>>>> for other macros.
>>>> So if you use case is just what you described it should work well.
>>>>> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to parse through the final
>>>>> rendered output of the wiki page to generate a table of contents for
>>>>> dynamically generated wiki content? If I'm missing something with the
>>>>> existing macro, that would be great...
>>>>> What I am looking to do is write some code (preferably in a panel, I
>>>>> think), which creates a TOC-style index of all the wiki-syntax
>>>>> headings contained on the fully rendered page, after the content has
>>>>> been generated from TextArea properties of a set of attached objects
>>>>> to the page.
>>>>> I have written custom display code that loops through every object of
>>>>> a custom class attached to a page and then displays some of that
>>>>> objects properties in a series of collapsible div's. Each object
>>>>> contains two TextArea properties - one for WYSIWYG data, and one for
>>>>> plain text, which would be formatted in wiki syntax. The result is a
>>>>> list of each objects name with an expandable <div> full of the
>>>>> wiki-rendered content contained in the TextArea properties. I would
>>>>> like to generate a TOC which "reads through" that content and comes up
>>>>> with a list of only the relevant headings under each displayed
>>>>> "object"
>>>>> For example, on a page with 3 objects, the custom display code in the
>>>>> Class Sheet results in this (the wiki syntax appears fully rendered,
>>>>> obviously):
>>>>> Object 1 Name - Click to expand
>>>>>    ******Hidden until clicked********
>>>>>    ==Heading 2==
>>>>>    ===Heading 3===
>>>>>    Normal text, etc...
>>>>> Object 2 Name - Click to expand
>>>>>    ******Hidden until clicked********
>>>>>    ==Heading 2==
>>>>>    ===Heading 3===
>>>>>    Normal text, etc...
>>>>> Object 3 Name - Click to expand
>>>>>    ******Hidden until clicked********
>>>>>    ==Heading 2==
>>>>>    ===Heading 3===
>>>>>    Normal text, etc...
>>>>> I would like the TOC to return:
>>>>> Object 1
>>>>>  Heading 2
>>>>>  Heading 3
>>>>> Object 2
>>>>>  Heading 2
>>>>>  Heading 3
>>>>> Object 3
>>>>>  Heading 2
>>>>>  Heading 3
>>>>> Even when all the div's are initially collapsed/hidden. It would be
>>>>> ideal if the TOC was clickable and went to the relevant anchor...
>>>> Are the divs done using html macro or using wiki syntax ?
>>>>> I can obviously use getValue() with each TextArea property to return a
>>>>> string with that objects wiki syntax - but I don't have an easy way to
>>>>> parse that string to only return the heading levels...
>>>>> Any guidance would be appreciated.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> aaron
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