The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise 1.7.2.
This is a bugfix release following XE 1.7.1.

Go grab it at

Important bugs fixed

 * XWIKI-3119: URLFactory does not work properly with an invalid
request in the context
 * XWIKI-3208: getSpaceDocsName does not work with postgresql

Syntax and WYSIWYG 2.0 Bugs fixed

 * XWIKI-3114: Backspace is ignored at the beginning of a list item if
the previous list item is on a lower level
 * XWIKI-2734: Cannot edit the outer list item
 * XWIKI-3112: Cannot indent a list item after undo step
 * XWIKI-3089: Cannot move cursor after table
 * XWIKI-3090: Cannot move cursor before table
 * XWIKI-3110: Cannot unbold a bold word selected with double-click
 * XWIKI-3170: Custom parameter ending syntax characters are not
escaped inside xwiki/2.0 custom parameter values
 * XWIKI-3104: Erroneous rendering of links to page anchors
 * XWIKI-3109: Headers generated from wiki syntax look and behave differently
 * XWIKI-3071: Hitting enter at the end of the paragraph moves the
cursor at the beginning of the next unit in IE
 * XWIKI-3098: If a macro throw a NullPointerException it breaks the
whole rendering process
 * XWIKI-3122: If macro contains format block the macro is printed in
XWiki syntax with empty custom parameters before it
 * XWIKI-2993: Insert horizontal line on a selection of unordered list.
 * XWIKI-3113: New list item is on the same line after undo step
 * XWIKI-3096: NullPointerException when using toc macro without any section
 * XWIKI-3061: Overwrite the default list support
 * XWIKI-3115: Pressing Tab in the last table cell should generate a
new table row
 * XWIKI-3143: Quotes are not escaped inside xwiki/2.0 custom parameter values
 * XWIKI-3072: Special characters in tables are not escaped by XWIKI renderer
 * XWIKI-3105: Use the same Range implementation for all browsers
 * XWIKI-3159: WYSIWYG 2.0 Editor Stylesheet Problem
 * XWIKI-3138: WYSIWYG 2.0 Preview Error
 * XWIKI-3053: When a HR is inserted at the beginning of a paragraph
an extra empty paragraph is generated before that HR
 * XWIKI-3103: XHTML parser does not support macro with parameters but
without content
 * XWIKI-3195: underscores in links not recognized in new wysiwyg editor

For more information see the Release notes at:

-The XWiki dev team
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