In our class we have a computed field

It shows a Date and two numbers

- the date represents a observation date calculated based on the two numbers 
and date of birth.

- The two numbers are

-- 1 Years since birth

-- Months

- Together they represent Years + Months that a person reaches a certain 

(example: The child started to grab objects at age 0 years and 6 months, the 
child started walking at age 4 years and 5 months)

We would like to see the following in our sheet:

View mode: the date as a non-editable value and the two numbers with their 

Edit mode: only the two numbers with labels

Preferably we would like to use in our sheet $objectDoc.Display('computed 

But when we use the values in Velocity as class.attribute.value.years

and class.attribute.value.months

But it looks like the requirement for $doc.display('') forces us to write html 
code in our computed field that we need to strip away when using the 

Any suggestions...

Gerritjan Koekkoek
Vader van Rai Koekkoek (cdls) en voorzitter vereniging CdLS
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