Hi Jan,

You should definitely not use HSQLDB for anything other than demo  
purpose. You should use a real production database such as MySQL. You  
can export from HSQLDB and reimport in MySQL.


On Nov 18, 2008, at 3:02 PM, Jan-Sebastian Winckelmann wrote:

> Hello,
> we run a small XWiki Enterprise (now V1.6.1) in the out-of-the-box  
> HSQL /
> jetty version. Actually it's not so small anymore and the HSQL  
> database
> file grew to a size of 1,4 GB. This size doesn't represent the  
> actual size
> of the attachments stored in the XWiki, it's much, much bigger. So I  
> guess
> there is a lot of space wasted by old versions and other unwanted  
> stuff
> maybe left  there as the results of several XWiki version upgrades.
> Is there any safe way to clean-up the database? Which tables could be
> emptied? I can live with losing all the versioned attachments and  
> pages.
> Due to limited Java heap size we already get OutOfMemory exceptions  
> when
> trying to delete bigger attachments or export some bigger pages. And  
> the
> heap size is 1500 MB at the moment which is almost the maximum size
> available.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks!
> Bye,
> Jan
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