Hi XWiki users,

I thought some of you might be interested by the new offering from  
XWiki SAS (http://xwiki.com) in term of hosting.

See http://www.xwiki.com/xwiki/bin/view/Services/Hosting for details.

The prices have been revised down and they are now very affordable for  
everyone I think:
- 600 euros/year (that's 50 euros/month) for companies
- 300 euros/year (that's 25 euros/month) for associations.

So if you want to have a ready to use wiki very quickly and you don't  
want to install it and maintain it yourself check it out.

Of course for non business and non critical hosting we still have our  
free farm on http://myxwiki.org


PS: Some of you know me from my work on the xwiki open source project.  
To know more about my relationship with XWiki SAS
see http://tinyurl.com/7c488p

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