Re: [Vala] Genie and extra '\n' in some strings

2012-01-06 Thread Piotr Borkowski
> Since Genie imitates Python perhaps it does it because Python does it in
> most cases. See this page:

Yes, you're right, Steven.

I replaced the 'print' expression with 'stdout.printf' and now C
programs are identical.

So, it looks like, that the 'print' is treated differently by Genie,
more Python-like.
vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] Genie and extra '\n' in some strings

2012-01-06 Thread Steven Oliver
Since Genie imitates Python perhaps it does it because Python does it in
most cases. See this page:

Steven N. Oliver

On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 8:30 AM, Piotr Borkowski  wrote:

> Thank you for your reply, Abderrahim.
> > As you can see, in both cases the newline is added to a print'ed string,
> > so I guess it is intentional.
> I think this is intentional, but I do not understand why it has been
> applied. This seems unnecessary.
> After compiling the functional equivalent of that program in Vala,
> such additions do not occur.
> Programs in C are the same except those strange extras in Genie version.
> // hello.vala
> public static void main (string[] args)
> {
>   var caption = "Hello World!\n";
>   var hello = new HelloWorld ();
>   var message = hello.say (caption);
>   print ("Message: %s\n", message);
> }
> class HelloWorld : Object
> {
>   public string say (string greeting)
>   {
>   print (greeting);
>   return "OK";
>   }
> }
> // hello.c - vala version
> ...
> void _vala_main (gchar** args, int args_length1) {
>   gchar* _tmp0_;
>   gchar* caption;
>   HelloWorld* _tmp1_;
>   HelloWorld* hello;
>   gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
>   gchar* message;
>   _tmp0_ = g_strdup ("Hello World!\n");
>   caption = _tmp0_;
>   _tmp1_ = hello_world_new ();
>   hello = _tmp1_;
>   _tmp2_ = hello_world_say (hello, caption);
>   message = _tmp2_;
>g_print ("Message: %s\n", message);
>_g_free0 (message);
>   _g_object_unref0 (hello);
>   _g_free0 (caption);
> }
> ...
> gchar* hello_world_say (HelloWorld* self, const gchar* greeting) {
>   gchar* result = NULL;
>   const gchar* _tmp0_;
>   gchar* _tmp1_;
>g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
>   g_return_val_if_fail (greeting != NULL, NULL);
>   _tmp0_ = greeting;
>g_print ("%s", _tmp0_);
>   _tmp1_ = g_strdup ("OK");
>   result = _tmp1_;
>   return result;
> }
> ...
> ___
> vala-list mailing list
vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] Genie and extra '\n' in some strings

2012-01-06 Thread Piotr Borkowski
Thank you for your reply, Abderrahim.

> As you can see, in both cases the newline is added to a print'ed string,
> so I guess it is intentional.

I think this is intentional, but I do not understand why it has been
applied. This seems unnecessary.

After compiling the functional equivalent of that program in Vala,
such additions do not occur.

Programs in C are the same except those strange extras in Genie version.

// hello.vala
public static void main (string[] args)
   var caption = "Hello World!\n";
   var hello = new HelloWorld ();
   var message = hello.say (caption);
   print ("Message: %s\n", message);

class HelloWorld : Object
   public string say (string greeting)
   print (greeting);
   return "OK";

// hello.c - vala version


void _vala_main (gchar** args, int args_length1) {
   gchar* _tmp0_;
   gchar* caption;
   HelloWorld* _tmp1_;
   HelloWorld* hello;
   gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
   gchar* message;
   _tmp0_ = g_strdup ("Hello World!\n");
   caption = _tmp0_;
   _tmp1_ = hello_world_new ();
   hello = _tmp1_;
   _tmp2_ = hello_world_say (hello, caption);
   message = _tmp2_;
   g_print ("Message: %s\n", message);
   _g_free0 (message);
   _g_object_unref0 (hello);
   _g_free0 (caption);


gchar* hello_world_say (HelloWorld* self, const gchar* greeting) {
   gchar* result = NULL;
   const gchar* _tmp0_;
   gchar* _tmp1_;
   g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
   g_return_val_if_fail (greeting != NULL, NULL);
   _tmp0_ = greeting;
   g_print ("%s", _tmp0_);
   _tmp1_ = g_strdup ("OK");
   result = _tmp1_;
   return result;

vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] Genie and extra '\n' in some strings

2012-01-06 Thread Abderrahim Kitouni

 في خ، 05-01-2012 عند 18:54 +0100 ، كتب Piotr Borkowski:
> Hi. I was playing around with Vala and Genie and I noticed that in the
> case of Genie, the compiler adds an extra '\ n' sequence at the end of
> some strings. Is that supposed to be?

As you can see, in both cases the newline is added to a print'ed string,
so I guess it is intentional.

btw, print in genie is a statement (like in python 2), see


vala-list mailing list

[Vala] Genie and extra '\n' in some strings

2012-01-05 Thread Piotr Borkowski
Hi. I was playing around with Vala and Genie and I noticed that in the
case of Genie, the compiler adds an extra '\ n' sequence at the end of
some strings. Is that supposed to be?

Test program in Genie

       var caption = "Hello World!\n"
       var hello = new HelloWorld ()
       var message = hello.say (caption)
       print ("Message: %s\n", message)

class HelloWorld : Object

       def say (greeting : string) : string

               print (greeting)
               return "OK"

Some fragments of a program in C

// hello.c


void _vala_main (gchar** args, int args_length1) {
       gchar* _tmp0_;
       gchar* caption;
       HelloWorld* _tmp1_;
       HelloWorld* hello;
       gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
       gchar* message;
       _tmp0_ = g_strdup ("Hello World!\n");
       caption = _tmp0_;
       _tmp1_ = hello_world_new ();
       hello = _tmp1_;
       _tmp2_ = hello_world_say (hello, caption);
       message = _tmp2_;
       g_print ("Message: %s\n\n", message); // <-- an extra '\n' here
       _g_free0 (message);
       _g_object_unref0 (hello);
       _g_free0 (caption);


gchar* hello_world_say (HelloWorld* self, const gchar* greeting) {
       gchar* result = NULL;
       const gchar* _tmp0_;
       gchar* _tmp1_;
       gchar* _tmp2_;
       gchar* _tmp3_;
       g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
       g_return_val_if_fail (greeting != NULL, NULL);
       _tmp0_ = greeting;
       _tmp1_ = g_strconcat (_tmp0_, "\n", NULL); // <-- an extra '\n' here
       _tmp2_ = _tmp1_;
       g_print ("%s", _tmp2_);
       _g_free0 (_tmp2_);
       _tmp3_ = g_strdup ("OK");
       result = _tmp3_;
       return result;

/* hello.c generated by valac 0.14.0, the Vala compiler
 * generated from, do not modify */


#define TYPE_HELLO_WORLD (hello_world_get_type ())
#define HELLO_WORLD_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), TYPE_HELLO_WORLD, HelloWorldClass))

typedef struct _HelloWorld HelloWorld;
typedef struct _HelloWorldClass HelloWorldClass;
#define _g_free0(var) (var = (g_free (var), NULL))
#define _g_object_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_object_unref (var), NULL)))
typedef struct _HelloWorldPrivate HelloWorldPrivate;

struct _HelloWorld {
	GObject parent_instance;
	HelloWorldPrivate * priv;

struct _HelloWorldClass {
	GObjectClass parent_class;

static gpointer hello_world_parent_class = NULL;

void _vala_main (gchar** args, int args_length1);
HelloWorld* hello_world_new (void);
HelloWorld* hello_world_construct (GType object_type);
GType hello_world_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
gchar* hello_world_say (HelloWorld* self, const gchar* greeting);
enum  {

void _vala_main (gchar** args, int args_length1) {
	gchar* _tmp0_;
	gchar* caption;
	HelloWorld* _tmp1_;
	HelloWorld* hello;
	gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
	gchar* message;
	_tmp0_ = g_strdup ("Hello World!\n");
	caption = _tmp0_;
	_tmp1_ = hello_world_new ();
	hello = _tmp1_;
	_tmp2_ = hello_world_say (hello, caption);
	message = _tmp2_;
	g_print ("Message: %s\n\n", message);
	_g_free0 (message);
	_g_object_unref0 (hello);
	_g_free0 (caption);

int main (int argc, char ** argv) {
	g_type_init ();
	_vala_main (argv, argc);
	return 0;

gchar* hello_world_say (HelloWorld* self, const gchar* greeting) {
	gchar* result = NULL;
	const gchar* _tmp0_;
	gchar* _tmp1_;
	gchar* _tmp2_;
	gchar* _tmp3_;
	g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
	g_return_val_if_fail (greeting != NULL, NULL);
	_tmp0_ = greeting;
	_tmp1_ = g_strconcat (_tmp0_, "\n", NULL);
	_tmp2_ = _tmp1_;
	g_print ("%s", _tmp2_);
	_g_free0 (_tmp2_);
	_tmp3_ = g_strdup ("OK");
	result = _tmp3_;
	return result;

HelloWorld* hello_world_construct (GType object_type) {
	HelloWorld * self = NULL;
	self = (HelloWorld*) g_object_new (object_type, NULL);
	return self;

HelloWorld* hello_world_new (void) {
	return hello_world_construct (TYPE_HELLO_WORLD);

static void hello_world_class_init (HelloWorldClass * klass) {
	hello_world_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

static void hello_world_instance_init (HelloWorld * self) {

GType hello_world_get_type (void) {
	static volatile gsize hello_world_type_id__volatile = 0;
	if (g_once_init_enter (&hello_world_type_id__volatile)) {
		static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (HelloWorldClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) hello_world_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (HelloWorld), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) hello_world_instance_init, NULL };
		GType he