[Valgrind-users] How to disable leak check from inside a program

2020-05-22 Thread Michael Widenius
I have searched documentation, internet and header files like
memcheck.h, but not found a solution:

When running the MariaDB test suite under valgrind, we sometimes may
get a core dump.  In this case, the leaked memory report can be very
long and will be totally useless.

What would help a lot is to have a VALGRIND request, like
VALGRIND_DO_CLIENT_REQUEST_STMT, that we could use in our signal
handler to turn off leak checking.

Is that possible and if not, is that something that could get
implemented in the future?
Is this something that anyone else has ever requested ?


Valgrind-users mailing list

Re: [Valgrind-users] Getting SIGKILL to work in MariaDB

2019-08-13 Thread Michael Widenius

On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 11:59 PM Philippe Waroquiers
> On Mon, 2019-08-12 at 13:49 +0100, Tom Hughes wrote:
> > On 12/08/2019 13:15, Michael Widenius wrote:
> >
> > > The request I would like you to consider is to do one of the following:
> > > - Ensure that sending a sigkill works and in this case there should
> > > not be any valgrind leak report.

> What version of Valgrind are you using ?

valgrind-3.15.0  (latest from download page)

> I recently fixed (10 of July) in the git repository a bug with an infinite 
> loop
> or a hang when a process sends a signal to itself.
> See bugs 409141 and 409367.

Sending SIGFPE works, but not SIGKILL.  I would prefer to use SIGKILL
as this used, at least in the past, to kill the process without any
leak reporting.

> So, you might test with a recent git version of Valgrind.

I can try that at once. Thanks.
hm.. It would be good to describe in README_DEVELOPERS how to generate the
autoconfigure scripts.  Now it says one to run 'make dist', which will
not work out of the box.
Same problem with README.solaris. Please add that one should run first
'autogen.sh' and then configure.

See more about this at end of email:

> > > - Add an api call where we could specify that we don't want any leak
> > > reports from now on.  If this would exist then I could call this when
> > > we are about to send the SIGFPE/SIGKILL signal to the server.
> A stackoverflow discussion led to a suggestion to have a
> monitor command/client request to load a new suppression file.
> This would allow to load a supp file suppressing all leaks.

Yes, could be useful but then the binary would need to know where the
suppression files are
, which is harder for dynamic test system that starts the mysqld
binary with different patch depending on configuration.

> Allowing to load a suppression file via a client request might be useful
> in other circumstances (the stackoverflow case was to avoid any leak
> search when a program fails between a fork and an exec, but it
> could be used to suppress flexibly whatever kind of errors and/or
> automatically load a supp file e.g. when loading a shared lib).

Yes, I agree that for many programs that would be useful. However for
any program that just need a way to kill itself 'hard' and not get any
more reports from valgrind that is a bit of

> Alternatively, the only reason why valgrind can do a leak search
> when your process calls "kill (me, 9);"
> is that valgrind is intercepting the syscall and does a leak
> search before really self-killing.

Currently the kill signal is never sent to the process and the process
continues to run.

> You can avoid this interception by instead doing something like
>system("kill -9 me");
> as no way valgrind will be able to intercept this.
> (of course, me has to be the pid of the calling process).

In this case the process, in this case mysqld, needs to know who it's
'father' process is.
This is a bit hard to provide to mysqld, as we only know the pid after
valgrind is started with mysqld as an option.  Another issue is that
mysqld doesn't know if it's run under valgrind or not and it should
only kill it's parent if it's valgrind.
(Assuming I understood correctly what you meant with  calling process;
I think you mean the 'valgrind' process in this case)

> > Please open a bug at https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=valgrind
> > and attach a minimal test case if at all possible.

Will try to create a test case, but it's not that easy as for simple
programs valgrind seams to pass KILL forwards.  Maybe this is only a
problem with threaded programs.

seams to highlight the same problem.

currently one can see this in MariaDB 10.4 from git by running:
mysql-test-run --valgrind innodb.alter_copy

which I am agree is not a simple test cases.  If I can't figure a good
workaround for MariaDB
I will try to create a simpler test case and report it properly.

> > Also the output of running valgrind with --trace-signals=yes would be
> > a good thing to provide.

I have now tested with 10.3.16.GIT from today and did run it with
In this case the SIGKILL is sent to the process and the process is
killed so it looks
like the bugs is fixed. Great!
However one problem still reminds. After the kill, we still get a
report of leaks which
is not that relevant when a process is killed hard.
Hope you will figure out a way to stop this report!


Valgrind-users mailing list

[Valgrind-users] Getting SIGKILL to work in MariaDB

2019-08-12 Thread Michael Widenius

I am the creator of MySQL and MariaDB and a valgrind user since a LONG
time!  valgrind has been used to verify the integrity of MySQL since
the very early times of valgrind!

I have a small request to solve a small problem with valgrind in MariaDB:

To be able to test recovery during testing, our test system takes down
the mysqld server process hard and schedules a restart of the server.

We used to do that by sending sigkill internally in the the server to
itself and then the test waits for the server to restart and then the
test continues.

I noticed recently that when running the server under valgrind, the
sigkill was ignored and thus the test stalled. (I think this worked
with some earlier version of valgrind, but I am not sure about this)

I have now fixed this by sending a SIGFPE signal instead and setting
an internal variable to mark that we shouldn't write to the log that
the server died (as the test system who examines the logs would think
something went wrong).

The problem is that when the server dies hard with SIGFPE, the memtool
writes out the leaks and the test system thinks something is wrong.

The request I would like you to consider is to do one of the following:
- Ensure that sending a sigkill works and in this case there should
not be any valgrind leak report.
- Add an api call where we could specify that we don't want any leak
reports from now on.  If this would exist then I could call this when
we are about to send the SIGFPE/SIGKILL signal to the server.

Something like the following would be very useful:


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