Re: Survey .. how many domains do you host?

2001-11-02 Thread James Beam

Wouldn't something like this totaly depend on the hardware resources and
general config/maintenance of the server?

I can tell you that one of my servers running an older copy of qmail/vchkpw
is running over 800 domains with lots of steam to spare (each domain is
minimal traffic). Hardware is a PIII733 w256MB ram and 30GIG EIDE drives
(promise mirror)

- Original Message -
From: alexus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: Survey .. how many domains do you host?

 um.. m'key..

 you should've state that before so no one would get wrong thoughts (like i

 - Original Message -
 From: Steve Fulton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 1:58 AM
 Subject: Re: Survey .. how many domains do you host?

   and who are you to do such a survey?
Down boy!  Down!  LOL!
No need to snap, I'm doing this because a PROGRAM I AM WRITING has
  VARIABLES that need to be defined to a certain array size, as they will
  FQDN's.  In order to make this program universally useful, I would like
  know the maximum number of domains that has been (realistically) hosted
  one server.
  -- Steve

SQL Server

2001-08-02 Thread James Beam

In order to keep the system clean from 'garbage' in 
RAM (meaning left-over crap from queries), I have instructed the SQL server to 
'Stop' and 'Restart' itself every morning at 3:00am - this should ensure the 
overall health of the server.
James BeamNetwork OperationsBiznizWEB, 
Inc. / Touch Plchttp://www.biznizweb.com

"If it ain't broke, then fix it 'till it 


2001-06-18 Thread James Beam

OK - Got the tool, now could someone please tell me how I am supposed to get
the smtp and pop3 logs to not be placed in the messages logfile in /var/log?

All I need is an example


Re: small cgi to add users with needed

2001-06-15 Thread James Beam

Here is a little script I use: adduser.cgi

# CGI Utility for adding users via Dynaportal/TSI
# Created by: James Beam - BiznizWEB, Inc.  08/20/2000

read STDIN

USER=`echo $QUERY_STRING | cut -d -f1 | cut -d= -f2`
PASSWORD=`echo $QUERY_STRING | cut -d -f2 | cut -d= -f2`

/mail/bin/vadduser $USER $PASSWORD

exit 0

I run that apache virtual as vpopmail.vchkpw and it works like a charm.

To delete a user: deluser.cgi

# CGI Utility for deleting users via Dynaportal/TSI
# Created by: James Beam - BiznizWEB, Inc.  08/20/2000

read STDIN

USER=`echo $QUERY_STRING | cut -d -f1 | cut -d= -f2`

/mail/bin/vdeluser $USER

exit 0

To change a user password: password.cgi

# CGI Utility for changing passwords via Dynaportal/TSI
# Created by: James Beam - BiznizWEB, Inc.  08/20/2000

read STDIN

USER=`echo $QUERY_STRING | cut -d -f1 | cut -d= -f2`
PASSWORD=`echo $QUERY_STRING | cut -d -f2 | cut -d= -f2`

/mail/bin/vpasswd $USER $PASSWORD

exit 0

Hope this helps!

James Beam
ASP/Network Operations
BiznizWEB, Inc. / Touch PLc

- Original Message -
From: Kim Andersson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 8:49 AM
Subject: small cgi to add users with needed


 I need a cgi script that could be called from an other program or script
 that would work like this;

 and the cgi would then pass on the arguments to vadduser and create the

 Is this possible already with vqsignup or the kind or is it difficult to
 for a non programmer?



Re: user@domain

2001-05-09 Thread James Beam

I have seen the user:domain before, but it is not used with vpopmail that I
know of - it is used with vmailmgr...another QMail add-on similar to
vpopmail (but we all know which one is better).


James Beam
Network/ASP Operations
BiznizWEB, Inc./Touch PLc

- Original Message -
From: Bill Shupp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: user@domain

 on 5/9/01 12:05 PM, Ed Henderson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake:

  According to the FAQ vpopmail requires the POP3 client to use account
name in
  the form of user:domain for virtual domain email.  Is it possible to
  configure it to use the form user@domain?  This is much more intuitive

 I don't know where you got user:domain, as I don't see that anywhere in
 the FAQ.

 You can use user@domain with many modern clients, including Outlook.  Some
 older clients, and all Netscape Messenger versions (to my knowledge) choke
 on the @, so you need the % instead, i.e.: user%domain.

 When setting up new customers, I tell them to use the @.  I also include
 foot note that if they are using Netscape Messenger, or their login fails,
 try a % sign, and I include some examples to make it clear, and usually
 there's no confusion.

 Hope this helps.

 -Bill Shupp


2001-04-08 Thread James Beam

Never mind, I found a site that had it...(that will 
teach me to look harder before I ask).

Sorry for the bother folks.
James BeamNetwork/ASP 
OperationsBiznizWEB, Inc./Touch PLc


Clearing out the Que...

2001-04-05 Thread James Beam

My que is getting rather cluttered up (I am running 
Qmail MRTG (, and 
it shows a constant 12 - 16 message back-log in the que). How can I either force 
the que to re-process, or clear it out altogether? 

It is lagging other messages flowing through the 

Thanks in advance for any help 

(Also, up2date on RedHat 7 seemed to worked fine. 
Once I finaly got up3date to work correctly, everything went smooth - and all 
tests seemed to show a healthy system - only time will tell for sure - 
James BeamNetwork/ASP 
OperationsBiznizWEB, Inc./Touch PLc


Re: Additional domains.

2001-01-08 Thread James Beam

Have you tried using the ./vaddaliasdomain ? that
will solve your problem I think.

James Beam
Network/ASP Operations
BiznizWEB, Inc.

- Original Message -
From: "Brad Dameron" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2001 2:04 PM
Subject: Additional domains.

 First I am using Qmailadmin .39 and vpopmail 4.9.7. How can I
 setup qmail to accept mail to "" and
 "mail.checkoutislenet" for the same virtual? I am using MySql database
 with vpopmail. The domain works fine since I used
 vadddomain. But then I manually added to the
 /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts file and the virtualdomains file. Then I
 added it to the vpopmail database under the vpopmail table. So the
 testuser account is identical. Even after a reload of qmail it still
 bounce's the mail. The only other file I see that might need edited is the
 /var/qmail/users/assign file but I have no idea what change. Anyone else
 doing this? It should be part of the vpopmail package.

 Network Account Executive 877-663-4349
 TSCNet Online Services

Re: Restricting frequency of POP3 connects

2001-01-04 Thread James Beam

Why is easy: It keeps users from dominating all resources on a mail server
with excessive POP traffic (lets face it, POPing in every 1 or 2 minutes is
rather silly and a waste of resources. Every 5 minutes (minimum) is what I
tell my users - but I would like a way to enforce that rule).

Think of it this way - you have a sever with 1000 users, if every one of
them was POPing in every 1 minute or so, imagine the strain on your POP3
daemon (not to mention wasted bandwidth - it may only be 1 or 2kb, but that
adds up for those of us who co-locate our servers).

I would be interested in such a patch as well.

James Beam
Network/ASP Operations
BiznizWEB, Inc.

- Original Message -
To: "Prasenjeet Pati" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 9:57 AM
Subject: Re: Restricting frequency of POP3 connects

 One question...  Why in the world would you want to do this??

 Prasenjeet Pati writes:

  Hi All,
  I would like to restrict the frequency of POP3 check on my mail domain
in order to restrict users from checking for emails every 1 min or sometimes
even more frequently.
  Can someone please give me some reference to any such patch/ code
available that I can use with QMail + VPopmail.
  Thanks in advance.
  Warm regards
  Prasenjeet Pati

Re: --enable-ip-alias

2000-08-27 Thread James Beam

If your only planning on running virtual domains (all pointing to 1 IP
address), then you do not need to use the --enable-ip-alias switch. This
switch is for those who plan on running some or all of the domains the mail
server is hosting using unique IP address(s).

- Original Message -
From: "Dan Fairs" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2000 8:48 AM
Subject: --enable-ip-alias


 There've been a couple of mails on the list with regards to the above
 configure switch. I don't *believe* that I configured with this switch
 (though I may be wrong), and I intend to support multiple virtual domains
 on one IP - there is no PTR record for each of the domains. Should I have
 configured with this switch? I'm successfully running a 'virtual
 of my 'real' domain - ie. I've got as my 'real' domain,
 working virtual addresses of the form [EMAIL PROTECTED] Will this
 continue to work when I register unrelated domains?

 Incidentally, is there a way of finding out how a program was configured,
 ie. which switched were used on the command lines?

 Thanks for your help,

 System Administrator+44 (0) 7881 922949

Re: Different quotas for different virtual domains

2000-08-03 Thread James Beam

I agree with this one.

It would be nice to have a web based control over 
user/domain quotas.

Is there any way to show in the interface how much 
space(quota) a user is using? Perhaps even the number of messages he/she 
currently has on the server? (probably asking allot I know...)

Also, how is qmailadmin performing when there are a 
LOT of users in the list (by allot I mean over 25-1000+)? Does is blow up, or 
does it break them out into lots of 10 - 25 at a time (to keep the browser from 
timing out waiting for the list to show up)? I don't have a domain with more 
users than that at the moment, but I will next month and am just curious what to 
expect from qmailadmin. A search feature would be nice as well - I mean if you 
have a domain with a snarf load of users (1000+), wouldn't it be cool if you 
could search by username (just a thought)?

Also, for those of you who want it, My company has 
developed a ColdFusion based POP3 client (needs to run on NT/IIS with ODBC - 
will not work on CFLinux/CFSolaris). We designed it for use on our ASP model, 
but if anyone on this list wants a copy - send me a note and I will forward a 
zip copy of it (free). It only runs on CF versions 4.0.1 or 4.5.1 
Pro/Enterprise. Kind of a neat little app, but you will have to modify it a bit, 
as it is designed to be incorporated with our Portal product, but it does work 
stand alone (It pulls the messages off the server and stores them in a Access 
database (handles attachments as well). Does the same thing with sent Items. It 
has an addressbook. It was designed to send username as user@domain - but you 
can hack this as well if needed. I made it this way to help take the load off of 
the mail server). I would have done it in PHP, but I am not very good at that 
yet :(

Most of this was a wish list as you can see - thank 
you for indulging me :)


James Beam
BiznizWEB, Inc.

Ummm, one more thing on qmailadmin...

2000-08-03 Thread James Beam

Are there any plans to add a popbull function to 
qmailadmin so Domain admins can put a bulletin up for all users in a given 

I would try this myself, but when I hack code it 
ends up in a compost heap :(


James Beam
BiznizWEB, Inc.

Question about OS Type...

2000-08-03 Thread James Beam

I am stuck.

I have had a qmail/vpopmail(3-4-11) server running 
on Slackware for some time now and it is doing fine. Serving 118 Domains with 
about 8 Users average per domain (Hardware: PII400 w256M Ram and9gig SCSI 
- un-modified Slackware Install). It has been running without fail the whole 
time (save for routine HUPs etc).

I am in the process of setting up a new server that 
will have the potential of serving 3 or 4 dozen domains with 1000+ users 
(possibly much more). The hardware is PIII650 w384M Ram and Duel 30GIG 7200RPM 
EIDE Drives (Mirror).

My dilemma is this:

I am currently using SUSE 6.4 on several servers 
for web and like the way it works with the ReiserFS (very fast!). However, 
QMail/vpopmail seems to be working great on Slackware. But I want to take 
advantage of the ReiserFS for the speed (not to mention I am terrible at 
compiling a kernel so the install would stay default). Also, I am not sure if I 
need to use MySQL with an install like this or just stick with the default 
database that vpopmail creates.

Does anyone have any suggestions or insight into 
this? I am open to all comments or thoughts on the subject. 

Thanks in advance for your time.

James Beam
BiznizWEB, Inc.

Crypt Libraries...

2000-07-30 Thread James Beam

I noticed in the FAQ that the most recent versions 
of slackware have bad crypt libraries in the distro. That my be the reason that 
I cannot check ANY of my boxes via pop3 - yet IMAP is working fine.

Can anyone tell me which Crypt libraries I need to 
update to the correct versions so I can re-compile and get mail working 

It has been down for 30 hours now :(

thanks in advance.

James Beam

Upgrading from 3.4.11...

2000-07-29 Thread James Beam

Are there any issues I should know about when 
upgrading from vpopmail-3.4.11 to the latest version?

I have a server that has been running for about a 
year now on version 3.4.11. I would like to upgrade it to the latest version if 
for no other reason than to have it consistent with my new server. It has about 
3 dozen domains on it, and I do not want to interrupt mail service on those 
domains if at all possible.

I am thinking this is just a compile like I did the 
previous version and install it?

Thanks for any advice you folks can 

James Beam

Ack! HELP!

2000-07-29 Thread James Beam

I read the FAQ about upgrading, and just went ahead 
and did it.

I can send to all of the domains just fine, but I 
cannot pop in to check mail on any of them (even if I add a new test 

Here is what the log says:

Jul 29 09:43:24 host vpopmail[19301]: vchkpw: No 
user found [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
29 09:43:28 host vpopmail[19303]: vchkpw: No user found [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Anyone have any ideas or suggestions?

the domain exists and has not changed since the 
last version, and delivery works fine - heck, even my imap server is working 

Is something wrong with vchkpw that it is not 
seeing the users?

Is there a way that I can re-create the user cdb 

Thanks in advance for your time.

James Beam

I have a problem...

2000-07-27 Thread James Beam

I just finished installing vpopmail-4.8.6 on SUSE 
6.4 Linux. I have everything working, but I am noticing a serious delay when 
trying to check mail via POP3 - it takes almost 20 seconds before the server 
will respond. It does this on both SMTP and POP3. Now this server is running a 
PIII600 with 256meg RAM - and no live domains are currently running on 

You can see the delay by telneting to 
ports 110 and 25 - it will take 20 or so seconds before the server will even 

Qmail 1.03 w/DNS and Tarpit patch

That is what I am running.

Here is my POP3 start string:

/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -uXXX -gXXX 0 pop3 
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir 

All one line (in case your client wraps 

Please, if anyone can help or make a 

Thanks in advance,

James Beam
BiznizWEB, Inc.

Please help - something is strange

2000-07-26 Thread James Beam

I just finished installing vpopmail-4.8.6 on SUSE 
6.4 Linux. I have everything working, but I am noticing a serious delay when 
trying to check mail via POP3 - it takes almost 20 seconds before the server 
will respond. It does this on both SMTP and POP3. Now this server is running a 
PIII600 with 256meg RAM - and no live domains are currently running on 

You can see the delay by telneting to 
ports 110 and 25 - it will take 20 or so seconds before the server will even 

Qmail 1.03 w/DNS and Tarpit patch

That is what I am running.

Here is my POP3 start string:

/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -uXXX -gXXX 0 pop3 
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir 

All one line (in case your client wraps 

Please, if anyone can help or make a 

Thanks in advance,

James Beam