Re: Very high CPU Usage!!

2001-02-21 Thread Tamer Hassan

BCheck the list archive.  There was a thread on this a few weeks ago.  The
Bapparent cause was compiler shipped with RH7.0, I believe. 


Actually, I am not running RH7.0. I am running debian 2.2 r2(glibc21+egcs). 
Now I had to kill the processes manually. I have only seen this problem 
once. It has been four days since I killed the processes and the problem has 
not reoccured. I am not running tcpserver with the -p option (reverse dns) 
and the dns's in /etc/resolv.conf are ok (local djb dnscaches). The 
mysterious processes where a total of three, each consuming 33.3%. I am only 
running 10 domains on that box, and using cdb. Some hints, at the moment I 
ran top and saw these crazy processes, they were running under command 
"domainname" which was one of the 10 domains hosted on that box. This is 
also the only domain that has roaming users popping in. All other 9 domains' 
users access their mail through sqwebmail. One of my local dnscache's was 
down a while before I noticed this because of a power surge, if that could 
be related (maybe the user popped in at the moment the dns was down). But 
again, I do not have the -p option to tcpserver in my rc.pop init script. I 
just hope to unveil this mysterious behavior before it burns me a cpu. 


Very high CPU Usage!!

2001-02-18 Thread Tamer Hassan


I have been running vpopmail for a long while and it was very smooth. Now I 
recently upgraded to 4.9.8 (still using cdb) and i am hosting only 10 
domains on that box. After a while, I was logging on to the box and noticed 
it is slow (P-III 650 Mhz., 128MB PC133 Ram) so i wondered why! I ran top 
and I saw three vpopmail processes running, each consuming CPU 33.2%-33.3%. 
That is 99.9% cpu usage! Email in both directions works ok with no 
slowdowns, but I just wonder WHY vpopmail is consuming resources this high? 



2001-02-12 Thread Tamer Hassan

What are good approaches for setting up mail server replication? Which is 
more recommended in such environment: mysql or cdb? How stable is it with 
mysql? I read about an approach using NFS but also warned about MySQL file 
locking and NFS problems nuking the tables. Could this be avoided, i.e. Are 
there better alternatives than NFS? 


Re: virtual user quota

2001-02-08 Thread Tamer Hassan

Correction, .current_size is generated the user's home directory by the 
"deliverquota" program that is also bundled with sam varschak's sqwebmail. 
It is not associated with vdelivermail (vpopmail's vdelivermail) as I 
earlier said. But an example of current user qutota usage is already 
incorporated in vpopmail's vdelivermail.c. It calculates the mail size 
before delivering a message to the user's Maildir. The part where it 
calculates the mail could be used as an example in the new program that 
would parse that information to STDOUT -- CGI -- custom html template code 
 --- user's custom webmail.

mysql+vpopmail question

2001-01-25 Thread Tamer Hassan

Is it possible to get vpopmail/vchkpw (with mysql support) to store 
passwords in clear text? The reason why I am asking this is would like a 
"password retrieval feature" using a hint question (like in hotmail), using 
a php script I wrote (cracking the hashes would be silly).


Re: mysql+vpopmail question

2001-01-25 Thread Tamer Hassan

Daniel Hardaker writes:

 Is it possible to get vpopmail/vchkpw (with mysql support) to store
 passwords in clear text? The reason why I am asking this is would like a
 "password retrieval feature" using a hint question (like in hotmail),
 a php script I wrote (cracking the hashes would be silly).

Daniel Wrote: sure it is, but its extremely unsafe especially using

Why would it be exteremly unsafe if I am the only local user on that box. No 
one else has local access to the server and I limit access to the mysql 
server only from localhost. Besides, all the user's and passwords in the 
mysql database are virtual (Thanks to vpopmail.) 

surely it would be much better to have the hint question and then
 get your script to reset the password and allow the user to change it to
 whatever thet like?  Just my opinion.. :) 

Now, Your suggesstion is very good, except for the fact that "changing it" 
is not so easy because as far as I know the mysql encryption funtions are 
not compatible with unix crypt functions so I guess I cannot do it from php 
if the password has to be checked against a hash.
also discussed earlier on the list: 

Am I correct? Let me know! 



2001-01-22 Thread Tamer Hassan

Pedro Vega Wrote:
Hi all.
Is it possible to Apache handle the output of vqsignup.cgi as php instead of
html ?

Pedro Vega

Sure, not so difficult. Just edit vqsignup.conf and edit the paths to the 
default html's and change them to the path to your php scripts. Make sure 
that "submit" and action in your php scripts posts what is required 
(username, domain, and password) to the vqsignup.cgi binary. 

I know why you ask this, it is probably because most people want to archive 
stuff like "First" and "Last" name, etc. and save em in a mysql database. 

Good Luck,
Tamer Hassan

vpopmail quota suggestions

2001-01-22 Thread Tamer Hassan

Has anyone read about maildir++ ?
I would like to see that implemented in vpopmail but don't have the 
time/skill to do so. Sqwebmail has a neat feature integrated in it's 
interface that shows the user their current maildir++ quota usage (as in 
yahoo, etc.)
Mr.Sam has already written a temp hack "deliverquota" that would deliver 
mail to local Maildir with support for maildir++ and it works with his 
sqwebmail. However, this requires all system wide domains and accounts to 
use the same quota. (Instead of instructing your mail server to deliver the 
message to a maildir, you instruct the mail server to deliver the message to 
the deliverquota program, and specify the location of the maildir and its 
corresponding quota, as the arguments.) example:
deliverquota ./Maildir 200,500C
This delivers to ./Maildir with a quota set to 2MB or 500 messages, 
whichever comes first. THe message limit could also be ommited.
By the way, this works better than the HARDQUOTA feature in vpopmail, just a 
personal opinion. 

Best Regards,
Tamer Hassan

RE: vpopmail lacks authentication security

2001-01-21 Thread Tamer Hassan

By itself, pretty much every piece of a security program is insecure.
Hrm, is that a joke? 

You claim
to be smart enough to make such a claim yet you don't know how to teach your
sytem to crypt using libraries other than the defaults.
My system uses MD5 (blowfish) and 3DES (Triple DES). Do not say that 
vpopmail would use DES by Default because 3DES is wrapped around DES, it 
sounds gay (And so do you). Now I really have a good reason to ignore your 
emails. Words like "Anal Retentive", "Little voices in your head" and "Lame" 
make you sound even more gay. "Lame", sounds like a word from the 80's or 
even 70's. Well, what do you expect from a fag who brags all about his 
mighty BSDI and criticizes "Linux IP Stack". Don't bother replying to me, if 
as you say I am: "a 19 year old child", unless you are "a 60 year old fag 
with nothing to do".
The O'Reilly sendmail book is now all I need to SMACK you. Shmuck! 

Re: HardQuota Bug in all Vpopmail versions

2001-01-19 Thread Tamer Hassan

 What bug in vdelivermail quotas?
 Can you prove that it doesn't work with the 4.9.8 release and
 show me how to replicate it on my machine? 
 Ken Jones

here is what I have done (on vpopmail 4.9.6 and 4.9.7): 

1. create a [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 5 meg quota (HAS TO BE 5 MEGS- If you 
want to duplicate the problem, do what I did. Quotas seemed to work when I 
set it very low, as low as 50 K)
2. Send an email with the Subject: test, and body message of "test" and 
attach a 1.5 meg file.
3. Send 3 emails, that sums up to 4.5 MB, when you send the fourth message, 
it should bounce back. However, I doubt it. Try even sending a fifth and a 
sixth. :/ 

Let me know what you get 

Best Regards
Tamer Hassan 

vpopmail lacks authentication security

2001-01-19 Thread Tamer Hassan

Sorry, I hate to do this.

I later posted to the list about the fact that vpopmail only uses DES. Matt 
Simerson said "it is silly to say that DES is insecure" and I disagreed. He 
then sent me a hashed password string betting me to crack it, and it turned 
out to be a BSD MD5 (what an iodiot).
Now, back to topic.
LIST. Excuse me! 

Matt, I know you are going to trip out again. But, you seriously lack 
security insight. You cannot protect a box by disallowing pings to it. 
Security by obscurity is old fashioned. Same thing with using an 8 character 
password for your postmaster accounts (assuming that you do use the full 8 
characters that DES allows you). 

Want more details, here is a very nice article about DES INSECURITIES by the 
FreeS/WAN Fellows: 

Please, stop talking about your great inventions ssh'ing your pop server 
connections. If you administered hotmail or yahoo, would you do that? 

Best Regards
Tamer Hassan 

The only secure computer is one that's unplugged, locked in a safe,
and buried 20 feet under the ground in a secret location... and i'm
not even too sure about that one"--Dennis Huges, FBI. 

RE: HardQuota Bug in all Vpopmail versions

2001-01-18 Thread Tamer Hassan

With all due respect, I did some of my own testing of vpopmail last  year
and found that then, the quota mechanism didn't work (I was able to send
more than the quota's worth of messages using small messages (and a perl
script to send it rapidly). 

With all due respect, this method sucks. You just overcome the "userless 
system" privelege of vpopmail. Secondly, linux filesystem quotas sucks (I 
know many may not agree with me) because:
1. You can only do UID/GID based quotas (You cannot do quotas on 
2. It is slow, Imagine having to do quotacheck every 30 minutes (if you 
have a big box hosting some hundreds of domains). 

I chose instead to use system quotas and
multiple UID's (one per domain) which is a VERY effective limiter but it has made a 
couple new bugs appear. 

As you may already know, you are now unfortunately doing quotas per entire 
domain, and not per user, which is what vpopmail should be doing correctly.
You missed the point. 

For example, when the system quota is reached and an admin attempts to add
users to the system, it can nuke the vpasswd.cdb file due to the write
error. :-(  I haven't worked around that one yet...

I have a better solution for you (that is if you don't want to use 
vpopmail's quota support): 

Say you wanted to limit each one domain to 200 megs quota:
1- make a data directory to serve our virtual domains quota files
mkdir /home/vpopmail/data
(don't forget to set appropriate uid and gid permissions)
2- create a 200 meg file as follows:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/vpopmail/data/domainfile bs=1MB count=200
3- make a filesystem inside the file
mke2fs -F /home/vpopmail/data/domainfile
4- Mount it under the appropriate domain directory (make sure it is empty)
mount -o loop ~vpopmail/data/domainfile ~vpopmail/domains/
(also set appropriate uid and gid permissions on directory) 

now proceed with ./vadddomain and so
Would also be nice to put the mount command into your startup script in case 
you reboot.
This should effectively limit the domain to 200 MB. No need to keep doing 
quotacheck which takes a while (Especially when you have lots of directorys 
and sub directories). This method assumes that your kernel was compiled with 
"loop" filesystem support (usually true for most distributions because it is 
often used to create ramdisks and such). 

Good Luck 

P.S. I still want to fix that bug in vdelivermail that doesn't check quotas 

vchkpw lacking authentication security

2001-01-18 Thread Tamer Hassan

To everyone on the vchkpw mailing list:

If anyone knows of a way to force vpopmail to use MD5, please let me know. 

HardQuota Bug in all Vpopmail versions

2001-01-17 Thread Tamer Hassan

On the vpopmail FAQ (, it mentioned:6.

6.  How do hard quota's for users work? 

   When mail is delivered to a virtual domain, vdelivermail
   will deliver it to the pop users directory. vdelivermail
   will enter the users Maildir and add up the sizes of all
   the files in these directories. If the size is greater
   than the HARD_QUOTA limit. The email is bounced back to
   the sender. 

However, attachments are not added up and thus do not calculate towards the 
total Hard Quota.
I have tested this on several vpopmail installation up to version 4.9.6-1 
most with a default quota of 5 megs and I was able to send the test user 
emails with more than 10 megs of attachments. (sqwebmail 1.0 through 1.2.0 
were used on the vpopmail installations I tested). 

Best Regards,
Tamer Hassan 

Re: HardQuota Bug in all Vpopmail versions

2001-01-17 Thread Tamer Hassan


Getting even weirded, I tried resetting a test user to 5000 bytes and he 
would seccessfully get any messages "with attachments" less than 5k. Then I 
set the quota to 500 (about 5 megs) and I am able to send him more than 
10 megs of attachments in several messages. I am really confused. 

Well, is running vpopmail and sqwebmail with a 2 Meg Hardquota 
(Stated in their FAQ). However, I was able to send many attachments which 
all sums up way more than 2 megs. 

Check it out: 


(Apologies to molions, no intention to abuse their server/bandwidth) 
