POP Authentication Problem

2001-04-10 Thread Rob Round

Good afternoon,

I know this question has been posted may times before but I've I haven't
been able to resolve my problem.  I am unable to authenticate POP sessions
using vchkpw.  My installation was totally standard and my qmail server is
working.  I've read every mailing list and FAQ I could get my hands on over
the last week or so and I still can't seem to solve it.  I'm running RH6.2.
Just for info, I have the main domain nhwebsolutions.com and 2 virtual
domains (nhlansolutions.com  chadburyhomes.com)

When I try and authenticate on command line I get -ERR authorization failed
(doesn't matter which domain I use, I get the same result):

[root@felicity bin]# telnet
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
[root@felicity bin]# telnet 110
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
pass bob
-ERR authorization failed
Connection closed by foreign host.

Now, it seems to me that the POP service is running although I don't know if
I have the correct syntax in the inetd.conf:

pop3stream  tcp nowait  root/var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup
qmail-popup nhwebsolutions.com /home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw /sbin/smtp-setauth
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir

The name of the machine is felicity.nhwebsolutions.com but I have just
nhwebsolutions.com, could this also cause an issue?

I have tried setting this up using tcpserver, but I can't even seem to get
that even close to working.  I can't even connect on port 110, I just get
connection refused.

Another area I think may be causing the trouble is with user and group
permissions.  This is what I have:

[root@felicity Rob]# cd /home/vpopmail
[root@felicity vpopmail]# ls -l
total 32
drwxr-xr-x5 vpopmail vchkpw   4096 Apr  8 11:49 Desktop
drwxr-xr-x2 vpopmail vchkpw   4096 Apr  9 11:23 bin
drwxr-xr-x4 vpopmail vchkpw   4096 Apr  8 12:00 doc
drwx--x--x4 vpopmail vchkpw   4096 Apr  9 11:42 domains
drwxr-xr-x2 vpopmail vchkpw   4096 Apr 10 14:09 etc
drwxr-xr-x2 vpopmail vchkpw   4096 Apr  8 12:00 include
drwxr-xr-x2 vpopmail vchkpw   4096 Apr  8 12:00 lib
drwx--2 vpopmail vchkpw   4096 Apr  8 12:00 users
[root@felicity vpopmail]# cd domains
[root@felicity domains]# ls -l
total 8
drwx--5 aliasvchkpw   4096 Apr 10 07:02 chadburyhomes.com
drwx--4 aliasvchkpw   4096 Apr  9 11:27 nhlanbsolutions.com
[root@felicity domains]# cd nhlansolutions.com
[root@felicity nhwebsolutions.com]# ls -l
total 16
drwx--3 aliasvchkpw   4096 Apr  9 11:25 postmaster
drwx--3 aliasvchkpw   4096 Apr  9 11:27 rob
-rw---1 aliasvchkpw181 Apr  9 11:27 vpasswd
-rw---1 aliasvchkpw   2273 Apr  9 11:27 vpasswd.cdb
[root@felicity nhwebsolutions.com]# cd rob
[root@felicity rob]# ls -l
total 4
drwx--5 aliasvchkpw   4096 Apr  9 11:27 Maildir
[root@felicity rob]# cd Maildir
[root@felicity Maildir]# ls -l
total 16
drwx--2 aliasvchkpw   4096 Apr  9 11:27 cur
drwx--2 aliasvchkpw   4096 Apr  9 17:44 new
-rw---1 aliasvchkpw 15 Apr  9 11:27 sqwebmail-pass
drwx--2 aliasvchkpw   4096 Apr  9 17:44 tmp
[root@felicity Maildir]

Contents of /etc/passwd

It seems like there aren't enough rights, but the virtual domains were
created by the vpopmail utilities. Just on a site note, the qmail
installation installed /vhome/nhwebsolutions/home, but there is nothing in
those directories.

The docs aren't all that clear and any help in fixing this would be great.


Re: POP authentication problem

2000-07-31 Thread Ken Jones

 Warren Brundage wrote:
 I have installed qmail/vpopmail/sqwebmail/qmailadmin to my system.  I
 can add and delete users with qmailadmin and I can check and send mail
 with sqwebmail but I have had no luck in getting mail remotely via
 POP3.  When I try a test by telneting in to port 110 I get the
 # telnet mydomain.com 110
 Trying ...
 Connected to server.mydomain.com
 Escape character is '^]'.
 +OK 1002.694735678@/home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw
 pass password
 --ERR this user has no $HOME /Maildir
 Connection closed by foreign host.
 I notice that "home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw" is showing up where the
 server name should appear.  I also see that the line
 "CHKPASS="checkpassword"" is in my qmail-pop3d.init file.
 Anyone have any advice?

Your startup line for pop3 is wrong. hence you are seeing the
entry for the authentication program as your hostname. 
Maybe it's as simple as adding your hostname before the

Ken Jones

POP authentication problem

2000-07-27 Thread Warren Brundage


I have installed qmail/vpopmail/sqwebmail/qmailadmin to my 
system. I can add and delete users with qmailadmin and I can check and 
send mail with sqwebmail but I have had no luck in getting mail remotely via 
POP3. When I try a test by telneting in to port 110 I get the 

# telnet mydomain.com 110
Trying ...
Connected to server.mydomain.com
Escape character is '^]'.
pass password
--ERR this user has no $HOME /Maildir
Connection closed by foreign host.

I notice that "home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw" is showing up where 
the server name should appear. I also see that the line 
"CHKPASS="checkpassword"" is in myqmail-pop3d.init file.
Anyone have any advice?
