I agree, this is a hard problem for folks wanting to use win 7.

I retract my +1.

The RC2 should be out later today.


On 9/20/10 4:52 PM, Andy Kurth wrote:

I found a bug in 2.2 RC1 which affects Windows 7/2008 which is preventing KMS and MAK activation from working correctly. The output from the "reg.exe QUERY" command is not being parsed correctly. Windows 5.x (XP, 2003...) uses tabs between the fields in the output. Windows 6.x (7, 2008) uses multiple spaces. As a result, the registry output for 6.x isn't parsed correctly. The activation subroutines depend on this working correctly.

The fix was very small and has been committed to trunk. I would like to test things thoroughly tomorrow and propose cutting RC2 on Wednesday and voting again.


Josh Thompson wrote:
Hash: SHA1

I created a release artifact based off of trunk. I copied trunk to a tag
under the tags area of the repo that is named release-2.2-RC1:


The artifact is an export from that tag with the addition of Dojo Toolkit version 1.5.0 bundled in the web code. The artifact, MD5 and SHA1 sums, and
my GPG signature of it are available from my space on people.a.o:


The list of resolved JIRA issues associated with this release can be found on
the VCL 2.2 release page:


Installation instructions are on the Confluence site and in the INSTALLATION
file included in the artifact.

Aaron, Andy, and I have completed a test install of all parts and were able to
successfully create and capture a base image.

The directory created by extracting the RC1 artifact is "apache-VCL-2.2-RC1- incubating". Licensing information about perl and its required modules, php and its required modules, and mysql are stated as "system requirements" according to the information under "System Requirements" on http://www.apache.org/legal/3party.html.

Please vote by the end of the day on Wednesday, Sept. 22th to publish this release (this allows for 3 business days to vote). Please note that anyone in the VCL community is allowed to vote.

[ ] +1 yes, release VCL 2.2
[ ] 0 dunno
[ ] -1 no, don't release VCL 2.2 (provide reasons if this is your vote)

- -- - -------------------------------
Josh Thompson
Systems Programmer
Advanced Computing | VCL Developer
North Carolina State University


my GPG/PGP key can be found at pgp.mit.edu
Version: GnuPG v2.0.16 (GNU/Linux)



Aaron Peeler
Program Manager
Virtual Computing Lab
NC State University

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