
Could you please check the following:

- VMWARE host is added with following properties: 
  State: vmhostinuse, 
  Type: blade, 
  Provisioning Engine: xCAT 2.x. 

You can check/change it under Manage Computers.

- the VM you are trying to image (lets call it baseImage01) is added with 
following properties: 
  State: available, 
  Type: virtualmachine, 
  Provisioning Engine: VMWare.

- make sure that baseImage01 VM is assigned to VMWare host under Virtual Hosts, 
select your VM Host from the list and add baseImage01 to 'VMs assigned to host';

- from Linux server where you have VCLD make sure you can ssh to VMWare host 
using vcl.key: run 'ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key vmwarehost' (I think name of the 
host in your case is u804vmsrv). You should login without a need to enter 
password. This implies that 'End Node SSH Identity Key Files:' is to 
/etc/vcl/vcl.key in management node configuration.

- from Linux server where you have VCLD make sure you can ssh to baseImage01 VM 
using vcl.key: run 'ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key baseImage01'. 

Once you checked/set all these, try to create image again. 


On Nov 23, 2011, at 6:52 , Juanjo wrote:

> Many Thanks Josh and Juan Jose and others for your help, but I continue with 
> problems to create image. I explain in below lines a little my problems.
> Josh Thompson wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Juanjo,
>> To have your system ready to capture your first base image, you need to have 
>> your vmhost and VMs added to VCL using the VCL website.  The following page 
>> explains how to do that:
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/VCL/VCL+2.2.1+-+Further+Steps+if+Using+VMware
> I already have done all of this page, but I continue with problems to create 
> the image.
>> Since you only have one vmhost server right now, you'll need to follow the 
>> sections titled "Adding Individual VMware Servers", "Adding Virtual 
>> Machines", 
>> and "Assing a VM to a Virtual Host".
> Done.
>> When creating your first base image, you don't use the VCL website; you use 
>> 'vcld -setup'.  These are the instructions you should be using to create 
>> your 
>> initial base image:
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/VCL/Create+a+Windows+Base+Image
>> Until you have captured your first base image, you'll always receive the 
>> message "You don't have access to any environments and, therefore, cannot 
>> make
>> any reservations." on the New Reservations page because you don't have any 
>> images to have access to.
> I can launch the capture process with "vlcd -setup", but when I have 
> introduced all parameters and start the capture process I received some error 
> messages that I show below:
> ....
> 2011-11-22 
> 18:24:26|29632|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(200)|VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::VMware
>  object created for computer VMXP1, address: 3484f58
> 2011-11-22 18:24:26|29632|1:1|image|VMware.pm:initialize(230)|initializing 
> VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::VMware object
> |29632|1:1|image| ---- WARNING ---- 
> |29632|1:1|image| 2011-11-22 
> 18:24:26|29632|1:1|image|utils.pm:get_management_node_info(5966)|zero rows 
> were returned from database select, image library functions will be disabled
> ...
> 2011-11-22 
> 18:24:26|29632|1:1|image|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_datastructure(1190)|created 
> DataStructure object for VM host: u804vmsrv
> 2011-11-22 18:24:26|29632|1:1|image|VMware.pm:initialize(249)|attempting to 
> create OS object for the image currently loaded on the VM host: u804vmsrv
> |29632|1:1|image| image name: noimage
> |29632|1:1|image| OS module: VCL::Module::OS::Linux::UnixLab
> |29632|1:1|image| ---- WARNING ---- 
> |29632|1:1|image| 2011-11-22 
> 18:24:26|29632|1:1|image|utils.pm:get_management_node_info(5966)|zero rows 
> were returned from database select, image library functions will be disabled
> ...
> 2011-11-22 18:24:27|29632|1:1|image|OS.pm:is_ssh_responding(401)|u804vmsrv is 
> responding to SSH, port 22: open, port 24: closed
> 2011-11-22 18:24:27|29632|1:1|image|VMware.pm:initialize(254)|OS on VM host 
> u804vmsrv will be controlled using a VCL::Module::OS::Linux::UnixLab OS object
> |29632|1:1|image| ---- WARNING ---- 
> |29632|1:1|image| 2011-11-22 
> 18:24:27|29632|1:1|image|utils.pm:get_management_node_info(5966)|zero rows 
> were returned from database select, image library functions will be disabled
> ...
> 2011-11-22 
> 18:24:27|29632|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(200)|VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::vSphere_SDK
>  object created for computer VMXP1, address: 3c6e820
> 2011-11-22 18:24:27|29632|1:1|image|vSphere_SDK.pm:initialize(1826)|vSphere 
> SDK for Perl does not appear to be installed on this managment node, unable 
> to load VMware vSphere SDK Perl modules
> 2011-11-22 18:24:27|29632|1:1|image|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_api_object(1313)|API 
> object could not be created: VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::vSphere_SDK
> |29632|1:1|image| ---- WARNING ---- 
> |29632|1:1|image| 2011-11-22 
> 18:24:27|29632|1:1|image|utils.pm:get_management_node_info(5966)|zero rows 
> were returned from database select, image library functions will be disabled
> ...
> 2011-11-22 
> 18:24:27|29632|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(200)|VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::VIM_SSH
>  object created for computer VMXP1, address: 32a4bd8
> 2011-11-22 18:24:27|29632|1:1|image|VIM_SSH.pm:initialize(126)|VIM executable 
> is not available on the VM host, output:
> |29632|1:1|image| bash: vim-cmd: command not found
> |29632|1:1|image| bash: vmware-vim-cmd: command not found
> 2011-11-22 18:24:27|29632|1:1|image|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_api_object(1313)|API 
> object could not be created: VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::VIM_SSH
> |29632|1:1|image| ---- WARNING ---- 
> |29632|1:1|image| 2011-11-22 
> 18:24:27|29632|1:1|image|utils.pm:get_management_node_info(5966)|zero rows 
> were returned from database select, image library functions will be disabled
> ...
> 2011-11-22 
> 18:24:27|29632|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(200)|VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::vmware_cmd
>  object created for computer VMXP1, address: 3c6e8f8
> 2011-11-22 18:24:27|29632|1:1|image|vmware_cmd.pm:initialize(107)|vmware-cmd 
> is not available on the VM host, output:
> |29632|1:1|image| bash: vmware-cmd: command not found
> 2011-11-22 18:24:27|29632|1:1|image|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_api_object(1313)|API 
> object could not be created: VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::vmware_cmd
> |29632|1:1|image| ---- WARNING ---- 
> |29632|1:1|image| 2011-11-22 
> 18:24:27|29632|1:1|image|VMware.pm:initialize(285)|failed to create an object 
> to control VMware on VM host: u804vmsrv
> ...
> |29632|1:1|image| ---- WARNING ---- 
> |29632|1:1|image| 2011-11-22 
> 18:24:27|29632|1:1|image|Module.pm:create_provisioning_object(431)|provisioning
>  object could not be created, returning 0
> ...
> |29632|1:1|image| ---- CRITICAL ---- 
> |29632|1:1|image| 2011-11-22 
> 18:24:27|29632|1:1|image|vcld:make_new_child(571)|VCL::image object could not 
> be created and initialized
> |29632|1:1|image| ( 0) vcld, make_new_child (line: 571)
> |29632|1:1|image| (-1) vcld, main (line: 346)
> I think that here system is complaint about doesn't have "vim-cmd" and 
> "vmware-vim-cmd" command. Is it necessary to install it?, I have installed 
> two servers, one VLC node server, and another VMware Server 2.0. I think that 
> the VCL node need this commands.
> Many thanks in avanced,
>> Josh
>> On Friday November 11, 2011, Juanjo wrote:
>>> Many Thanks James,
>>> I have been able to change the state machines to available. After change
>>> the machine state if I try to make a reservation I continue receiving
>>> bellow error message:
>>> "You don't have access to any environments and, therefore, cannot make
>>> any reservations."
>>> I am trying to create a image, many thanks
>>> Juanjo.
>>> James O'Dell wrote:
>>>> It's not necessary to create an image from a physical machine
>>>> (probably won't work for a vmguest anyway).
>>>> But, the vcl manager must think the vcl computer is 'available'
>>>> Here's how to change a computer's state to 'available'
>>>> Manage Computers =>
>>>>     [X] Computer Utilities
>>>>     Submit =>
>>>>         [X] vmhostname1
>>>>         Change state of or delete selected computers[available]
>>>>         Confirm Change =>
>>>> __Jim
>>>> On 11/10/2011 7:14 AM, Juanjo wrote:
>>>>> First at all, many thanks Josh,
>>>>> As I said in my first mail, I have two machines or servers. One is a VCL
>>>>> node with all configuration as I have followed from VCL documentation.
>>>>> The other server i a Ubuntu 8.04 LTS with VMware Server 2.0. In this
>>>>> last server I have two virtual machines that I have added to VCL as
>>>>> documentation said.
>>>>> After that I have tried to add image from one of this virtual machines
>>>>> to VCL node with vcld -setup but I faced one message that it is
>>>>> impossible to create image because the machines are in "maintanance"
>>>>> mode, as documentation said. Thus I can not to advance in the
>>>>> configuration. Is it necessary to create image with vcld -setup from a
>>>>> physical machine?
>>>>> Many thank again in advance,
>>>>> Josh Thompson wrote:
>>>>>> Hash: SHA1
>>>>>> Juanjo,
>>>>>> Welcome to the VCL community!  This is definitely the correct list
>>>>>> to use for
>>>>>> VCL (non-development) related questions.
>>>>>> After you have imported the image using 'vcld -setup', you'll need
>>>>>> to add the
>>>>>> image to an image group.
>>>>>> On the Privileges page, make sure there is a node with either your
>>>>>> userid or a
>>>>>> user group you are a member of granted the"imageCheckOut"
>>>>>> permissions.  Also,
>>>>>> at the same node, make sure the image group you added the image to
>>>>>> is granted
>>>>>> the"available"  attribute.
>>>>>> Those two things should get you passed the"You don't have access to any
>>>>>> environments and, therefore, cannot make any reservations."  error
>>>>>> message.
>>>>>> We also have a chat room on freenode (IRC) that you can join to get
>>>>>> more real-
>>>>>> time support - #asfvcl.
>>>>>> Josh
>>>>>> On Tuesday November 08, 2011, Juanjo wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello everybody,
>>>>>>> We are writing from Universitat Autònama de Barcelona Engineering
>>>>>>> School
>>>>>>> computer support department. We are trying to install one VCL node
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> a VMware Server Host as provisioning machine. I have followed the
>>>>>>> installation process specified in next URL:
>>>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/VCL/VCL+2.2.1+Installation
>>>>>>> I have two servers, one with Debian 6 with MySQL and the VCL package
>>>>>>> installed, apache-VCL-2.2.1-incubating.tar.bz2. Also I have another
>>>>>>> server with Ubuntu Server 8.04 LTS with VMware Server installed
>>>>>>> with two
>>>>>>> virtual machines. These virtual machines have Windows XP.
>>>>>>> I have followed all configuration process specified in the above
>>>>>>> URL but
>>>>>>> when I try to make a reservation, I viewed the message"You don't have
>>>>>>> access to any environments and, therefore, cannot make any
>>>>>>> reservations.".
>>>>>>> I don't know if I am writing to the correct mail, but if it is not the
>>>>>>> correct place, please can you inform me about how I get support about
>>>>>>> this, I will be to much grateful about information.
>>>>>>> Many thanks in advance,
>>>>>> - --
>>>>>> - -------------------------------
>>>>>> Josh Thompson
>>>>>> VCL Developer
>>>>>> North Carolina State University
>>>>>> my GPG/PGP key can be found at pgp.mit.edu
>>>>>> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
>>>>>> Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (GNU/Linux)
>>>>>> iEYEARECAAYFAk666sEACgkQV/LQcNdtPQNVoQCeLm8ItbIepHUMls9uQQ427rwE
>>>>>> q1wAnR5b25K8l8iUQ1t2gWh/qX3N8Sd/
>>>>>> =XZSh
>>>>>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
>> - -- 
>> - -------------------------------
>> Josh Thompson
>> VCL Developer
>> North Carolina State University
>> my GPG/PGP key can be found at pgp.mit.edu
>> Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (GNU/Linux)
>> 7L4AnjEBnzwlEiCA/XNVmrm2Dbqgegfn
>> =064e
>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> -- 
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Juanjo Rodríguez Guerra
> SIEE - Escola d'Enginyeria - Edifici Q
> Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
> 08193 Bellaterra
> Cerdanyola del Vallès
> E-Mail: 
> juanjose.rodrigu...@uab.cat
> Telèfons: 93 581 34 89
> ------------------------------------------------------- 

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