Re: [vdr] 20 Years of VDR / Announcing "GeoTagger"

2020-03-31 Thread Dr. Patrick Maier
Hey Klaus,
I have to say many thanks to you and the contributors for this really great 
I'm using VDR since so long (more than 18 years) and all over the house.
I hope that you will have still time to work on this and keep it running 
because I don't want to think of any other solution at all :)
It just works so perfect for me.

Thanks again and keep going! :)
Best wishes and stay healthy!

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: vdr  Im Auftrag von Klaus Schmidinger
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2020 16:37
An: VDR mailing list 
Betreff: [vdr] 20 Years of VDR / Announcing "GeoTagger"

Twenty years ago today, I released the first version of the VDR source. A 
pretty long time, in which much has happened.
Back then a VDR was something special, while today it's just an ordinary device.
But still it feels good to be able to tweak things yourself.

Lately it's been rather quiet from my side, regarding the VDR development.
For one this was because it just works fine in every day life.
But I was also busy working on a totally different project.
I wanted to add/adjust the GPS coordinates in the many photos that piled up 
over the years (partly scanned from negatives).
Unfortunately there was no application available under Linux that really fit my 
needs (maybe I just missed that one great program ;-).
So I decided to do some development of my own, and today, for the 20th 
"birthday" of VDR, I'd like to present the result:

This is the very first version to go "out in the wild", so chances are there 
will still be some quirks.
So far I have tested it on Linux (openSUSE Leap 15.0) and Mac OS 10.13.
I can't test on Windows, because I don't have such a system.

Maybe it can be of some use to some of you out there, too.
Please send problem reports directly to me, so we don't clog this mailing list.


vdr mailing list
vdr mailing list

[vdr] Create repeated remote key-press events until the remote key is released

2017-01-08 Thread Patrick Maier

I'm using the Sony PS3 Bluetooth remote for controlling VDR.
Everything works except for the repeating of key presses while holding 
down the key on the remote.

I'm using the --lirc option for VDR to get the events from eventlircd.

I managed to generate an event for the key-down. e.g.:
and also for the key-up event:
Here only a suffix is appended to the key name (_rel).

Is there a way to generate repeated key presses until the key-up 
appears? That would be great.

If there is no way available yet, I could try to implement such a 
functionality in the lirc.c of the VDR core.

Thanks a lot

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] Use FF Card only as output device

2009-02-21 Thread Patrick Maier
Hi Christian,
 In Germany, you can get it from Segor:
 So it might be a good
 idea to ask/search on vdr-portal or offer the spare ones there.
Ah ok :-) so I'll see what i can do :-)

 If VDR is tuned to a transponder with vertical polarization, you should
 see 13V supply on the connector. With horizontal polarization, it should
 be 18V.
Ok my Voltage was 0V when it should be 13V and a sawtooth like voltage aroud 


vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] Use FF Card only as output device

2009-02-08 Thread Patrick Maier
Hi Klaus,
 my DVB-S FF card broke down those days. I think it's the tuner of the 
 So is it possible to use the Tuner of the buget card and use the broken 
 card only as display device and tell the system not to use the broken 

 You could insert the lines
 at the beginning of cDvbDevice::ProvidesSource().

Cool. Works great (except for some distortions for the first two seconds 
when switching the channels, but this is ok for me :-) [I still use VDR 

Thanks a lot

vdr mailing list

[vdr] Use FF Card only as output device

2009-02-07 Thread Patrick Maier

my DVB-S FF card broke down those days. I think it's the tuner of the card, 
because it can't lock to a frequency:
- Output of femon -
using '/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0'
FE: Philips TDA8083 DVB-S (SAT)
status 01 | signal 6363 | snr 1919 | ber 080484c0 | unc bfc2d9f8 |
- End of output -

Additional I've a DVB-S budget card in the system.
So is it possible to use the Tuner of the buget card and use the broken FF 
card only as display device and tell the system not to use the broken tuner?

Thanks and greets

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] Which DVB-S Card to buy in Germany

2008-07-16 Thread Patrick Maier
Hi Matthias :-)
 Maybe it's better to install a cooling on them?
That could be one solution. The 1.3 cards are known to have heat problems.

 Would it be an option to buy a budget card?
 If I understood it correctly the budget card has no TV output but that
 isn't necessary if I have one FF card or?
Thats an option. You only need one FF card to do the video-output and so on.
I've also One FF and one budget card and that works really fine.

 Or are there any other drawbacks?
I don't know any drawbacks, but maybe others know some?


vdr mailing list

[vdr] Problem with locales and gettext

2007-12-15 Thread Patrick Maier
I've a problem with the locales.
Everytime I start my server with VDR, the locales are not recognized.

I've done a bit of debugging output to see where the problem is located.
The entries (*.mo) in the locales directory are found.
The environment is set correctly,
but the LanguageName is not translated with the gettext function.

When I restart the vdr-process, the locales are found.

Where is the problem?

 i18n.c =
  bindtextdomain(vdr, I18nLocaleDir);
  cFileNameList Locales(I18nLocaleDir, true);
  if (Locales.Size()  0) {
 char *OldLocale = strdup(setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, NULL));
 for (int i = 0; i  Locales.Size(); i++) {
 cString FileName = cString::sprintf(%s/%s/LC_MESSAGES/, 
I18nLocaleDir, Locales[i]);
 if (access(FileName, F_OK) == 0) { // found a locale with VDR texts
dsyslog(%s/%s/LC_MESSAGES/, I18nLocaleDir, Locales[i]);
if (NumLocales  I18N_MAX_LANGUAGES - 1) {
   dsyslog(%s/%s, Locales[i], getenv(LANGUAGE));
   const char *TranslatedLanguageName = gettext(LanguageName);
   if (TranslatedLanguageName != LanguageName) {
  if (strstr(OldLocale, Locales[i]) == OldLocale)
 CurrentLanguage = LanguageLocales.Size();
  const char *Code = gettext(LanguageCode);
  for (const char **lc = LanguageCodeList; *lc; lc++) {
  if (ContainsCode(*lc, Code)) {
 Code = *lc;
else {
   esyslog(ERROR: too many locales - increase 
 dsyslog(found %d locales in %s, NumLocales - 1, I18nLocaleDir);
== no locales are found ===
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] VDR version 1.5.12 started
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] codeset is 'ISO-8859-15' - known
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] 
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] ca_ES/ca_ES
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] LanguageName$English/LanguageName$English
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] 
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] cs_CZ/cs_CZ
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] LanguageName$English/LanguageName$English
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] 
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] da_DK/da_DK
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] LanguageName$English/LanguageName$English
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] 
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] de_DE/de_DE
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] LanguageName$English/LanguageName$English
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] 
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] el_GR/el_GR
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] LanguageName$English/LanguageName$English
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] 
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] es_ES/es_ES
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] LanguageName$English/LanguageName$English
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] 
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] et_EE/et_EE
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] LanguageName$English/LanguageName$English
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] 
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] fi_FI/fi_FI
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] LanguageName$English/LanguageName$English
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] 
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] fr_FR/fr_FR
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] LanguageName$English/LanguageName$English
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] 
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] hr_HR/hr_HR
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] LanguageName$English/LanguageName$English
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] 
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] hu_HU/hu_HU
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] LanguageName$English/LanguageName$English
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] 
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] it_IT/it_IT
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] LanguageName$English/LanguageName$English
Dec 16 02:30:21 vdr vdr: [2292] 
Dec 16